Urban Wants to Know!


Hey there, everyone!

Hope you’re enjoying your weekend! Now that P5 is wrapping up, I wanted to throw out a little survey to all of my watchers. I’m just curious about what you think of my recent works, characters, and even about my older stories. If there’s ever been a story of mine you wanted to see finished, or characters I’ve written about that you wanted to see more of, now’s the time to let me know!

While I’m in the process of getting that Create-A-Character idea worked out (and no, I haven’t forgotten about that! I’ve just been working out which character(s) I want to use; I think I have it narrowed down now, just need to get the stories outlined and started), I took a glimpse at my old Blogspot archive and realized I had quite a few stories posted up there, and have considered going back and doing some edits and revisions on some of them, and posting them up on the UrbanVerse, which was just another impetus for me to get this survey out (which I’ve had built for a few weeks now).

So, if you wouldn’t mind, I’d very much appreciate you taking a few minutes to fill out the following survey and letting me know what you like, don’t like, and what you may want to see coming up! I’ve got plenty of stories in the pipeline, its just a matter of me getting them written with that horrible 40+ hour, mind-breaking gap in my week.

You can find the survey here: https://forms.gle/XkacmBShAxi5U7Dz5

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper