Time Flies, and Life’s Struggles Continue


I swear, I just don’t know where the time goes these days.  It’s already over halfway through November, Thanksgiving is next week, and I am feeling like I’m floundering to get a grip on things. I’ve had some health issues relating to diabetes, but at least for the time being it seems that this issue is being dealt with in a good way.  The doctor changed my medication during the last visit, and I’ve started an intermittent fasting diet, which has been keeping my sugar around 100 or lower, so I’m feeling hopeful for the first time in ages.

With that, I’ve been trying to make changes in my lifestyle outside of work so that I can have more time dedicated to what I want to do, specifically writing and RPG development.  I think I’ve been dealing with an honest Youtube addiction, and have taken steps to lessen its hold on me.  I’ve blocked it on my desktop and generally have limited myself to viewing on my tablet when I’m riding the exercise bike. I’ve seen a little productivity on my various settings, both in terms of worldbuilding and working with the tabletop RPG system.  It’s the most I’ve managed to do in ages, so hopefully, I’m on the right track and can continue to make improvements on my writing habits so that I can actually see some results. I’ve also tried replacing Youtube with reading, which has led me to finish at least one novel and a couple of shorter ebooks, so little progress there (better than no progress!).

As to work, I find myself growing ever more disillusioned with my job.  I’ve been there for a long time (going on 13 years now), but despite the great benefits and decent pay for this area, my satisfaction at being there has been on a steady decline during the bottom half of this year. I can’t say with certainty how long I’ll likely remain there, but I’m honestly considering other options once the holidays have passed.  I need something new and different, something where I can focus on one job and not the half dozen different roles I fill in that office. It’s a daunting thing, looking for something new after so long, but as I try to better myself and do more of what I want with my life, I think it’s going to be a necessity.  It’s a desk job, so it’s not doing my health any favors, and the oppressive nature of my immediate boss is just becoming too much of a strain on my mind.

A lot to think about, and certainly plenty of opportunities if I go looking.  I want to actually make something of this site that I’ve had floundering here for months without doing more than logging in to update the plugins.  I want to do more writing.  My mind is going that direction all year, and I’ve been distracted by too many things that aren’t bringing me fulfillment anymore.

It’s time for some changes, time for me to exercise my creativity and actually try to get some money out of my ideas.  It’s going to be a struggle to be sure, but it’s one I want to succeed at.  It begins now…

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper