The Peculiar Predicament of the Pilfering Pink Pussy – Chapter 7


Chapter 7 – Celebrations

As Emi rocketed toward the clouds, she laughed hard, her gut actually aching from it. “Oh my god, Becky, where did you come up with that voice?”

“I did spend an unhealthy amount of time in Cali when I was in college if you’ll recall,” Becky replied, her native southern accent back in full force, laughing as well. “I couldn’t just let her know I’m from Texas, now could I? I might have to work with her officially someday, and that might just not be safe for either of us.”

“Good point.”

“How about that name you picked, though? Mecha Musume? Bit generic, don’t you think?”

Emi frowned. “She caught me off guard, okay? It was the first thing that came to mind!”

Becky snickered. “I’m sure you’ll come up with something better. Your systems holdin’ in there?”

“Yeah, everything’s stable for now,” she replied. “I’m coming back and getting out of this thing. So many changes to make before I take it out again! I should be there in about five minutes.”


“See ya in a bit, then,” Becky replied, tugging off her headset before rolling away from her monitoring station and heading to the bathroom, doffing her t-shirt to look at her naked body in the mirror.

“Well, that ain’t too bad…” Becky said to herself, looking at the knife wound on her back. Thankfully the corset she’d worn had taken most of the damage, having been composed of a kevlar weave, and there was only a thin cut near her left kidney. It burned like a paper cut, and had that knife managed to get deeper, it could have done some serious damage, but for now, some alcohol and a bandage would do the trick. She’d probably have a few bruises as well, but those were easy enough to hide if she ‘shopped her appearance again.

As she finished up with the bandage, there was a distinct rumble from somewhere below the house, followed by a mechanical grinding, which repeated a few seconds later. Stashing the medical supplies, Becky couldn’t stop grinning as she snatched up a big bottle of water from the counter and ran down the steps to the basement. There she quickly keyed in her code to the heavy steel door that was set into the far wall, and headed down another set of steps to the bunker.

Normally, one would question why there was a sealed bunker with an independent power supply in a house located in the suburbs that they’d moved into only a few months ago, but in this case, Becky’s father owned the house, and had agreed to let her use it while she was in Sentinel City, and he had the same thing in their ranch house in Texas. He was just a little paranoid was all; came with all his years working for the government and maybe watching too many prepper shows during his retirement.

Becky hurried through the room they used as a workshop and parts storage and to the larger ‘garage’, where they had set up a maintenance bay for Emi’s armor. The mechanical grinding she’d heard was the outer bunker door opening and closing, which led to a well-concealed tunnel that connected with a stretch of abandoned subway lines closer to the city proper.

She entered the room just as Emi finished locking her armor into the storage rack and popped the seals, the armor rearranging its outer plates as it opened so that the back and front halves of the inner layer folded downward while a robotic arm lifted the helmet from Emi’s head. She sighed immediately once her head was free, wiping sweat from her brow.

“Welcome back, fly girl,” Becky said as she came up beside her friend, offering the bottle of water, which was eagerly accepted. Becky watched with amusement as Emi displayed an unusual lack of restraint, upending the bottle and gulping down a good quarter of the contents. “Any problems with the suit after that hasty repair job?”

Emi shook her head, still gulping a few more times before breathing out a sigh. “No, no, it was just fine. Were it not for that massive impact at just the right spot, I could’ve kept going without issue. I’ll fix it before I take it out again, though.” Emi blinked, squinting at Becky before she reached for the nearby workbench for her glasses, fumbling them open before she slipped them on. “You’re uh…naked.”

“Guess I am, huh?” Becky replied, taking a seat on a rolling stool, flashing Emi a wide grin. “Got a little excited headin’ down ta meet ya after all that. We did pretty good I think.”

Emi shrugged, taking another drink. “Definitely could have performed better, but considering we weren’t planning on a combat test tonight… Ugh, I feel like I’m boiling here, but the wetsuit did the trick for padding, and its namesake I suppose. First thing that gets an overhaul is the cooling systems! Give me a hand?”

“Sure, darlin’,” Becky said, rolling up to Emi’s side. Her Japanese friend put the bottle down and braced her hands on the armored plates at her sides, lifting her legs from within those of the armor. Becky steadied her as she pulled her feet free, and guided her down, a wide grin on her lips. To account for the significant height difference between Emi and her armor, and to allow for some significant shock absorbers in the lower legs while keeping the shape of the armor more streamlined, they’d come up with the idea of adapting a pair of ballet boots to help get her feet at the proper angle inside the armor’s lower legs. She still wasn’t used to them, though, and wavered on her pointed toes as she settled onto the concrete floor. “Mmmm…wish we could’ve used latex for that bodysuit; just somethin’ about a brainy Japanese girl in a skin-tight suit and heels like that what gets me all tingly inside.”

“Oh?” Emi asked, leaning over to retrieve her water, taking a slow drink as she plucked the pins from her hair, then gave a shake of her head to let it fall about her shoulders. She looked down to Becky with a playful grin, which turned into a more commanding smirk as she hopped atop the workbench and sat down. She crossed her legs, then extended one of her booted feet toward Becky as she unzipped the top of her wetsuit, revealing her sweaty cleavage beneath.

Taking the wordless invitation, Becky rolled over and grasped the offered boot, breathing in the scent of leather and neoprene mixed with metal and oil, and just a hint of sweat. Her lips pressed against the pointed toe as she looked up Emi’s leg and took in the way the bodysuit enhanced her figure. She kissed the boot again, running her hands along either side of the dark leather before sliding her tongue along the long, thin heel.

“Don’t keep me waiting; you want what’s inside on the outside, just as much as I do,” Emi said, the boot shifting ever so slightly as she managed a slight wiggle of her toes. Her feet were probably in agony; she’d only worn the ballet boots a few times before, and certainly not for that long or in combat. Plus, Emi wasn’t particularly masochistic; that was more Becky’s scene.

“Yes ma’am,’ Becky replied immediately, kissing the boot once more before she leaned forward, taking the zipper at Emi’s knee in her teeth, pulling it downward toward the ankle. The scent of the warm neoprene assailed her, and as she neared Emi’s foot, so too did the smell of sweat. She could see that the sock her friend wore inside was soaked as the zipper reached its end, and she tugged the boot off of Emi’s foot. She watched with rapt attention as Emi wiggled her socked toes and sighed with relief. The scent of the sweaty sock combined with the heated leather for a heady aroma, which Becky breathed in as she brought her face toward Emi’s foot.

“I saw that bandage, Becky,” Emi said a few moments later, her toes still moving enticingly in front of Becky’s face as she froze.

Gulping, Becky looked up Emi’s leg to her face, cheeks blushing. “It’s nothin’ really. Just a scratch; I’ve had a lot worse growin’ up.” Of course she had noticed; Emi rarely missed anything. Arguably it could have been a very dangerous injury, but it hadn’t been. No reason to dwell on it now.

Emi looked down her nose at Becky, taking a slow sip of her bottle, probably considering if they were going to continue their little game or not. Finally she pulled the bottle away from her lips and shook her foot. “I didn’t say stop, did I?”

“Nope, sure didn’t,” Becky replied, burying her nose between Emi’s moist. sock-covered toes and taking a deep breath. She’d never been particularly into feet during her formative teenage years, but then college happened, and now it seemed like she could get into just about anything ever since she’d developed her ‘always online’ nature, probably something to do with all the porn floating around the net subtly influencing her mind, if she had to guess.

Or maybe she was just really kinky. Either way, she wasn’t going to deny herself or her friend a little fun.

Becky’s lips pressed against the bottom of Emi’s foot as she breathed in the sweaty aroma, then she pulled back, only to adjust slightly to take the toes into her mouth, sucking them in and tasting the strong mix of sweat and leather that had gathered in them. Her hands grasped Emi’s foot then, her thumbs kneading her friend’s sole along both sides. She knew she was hitting the right spots from the pleased sigh that came from Emi.

As she massaged the foot, Becky finally brought her mouth away from the toes, then began kissing along the sole. After a bit more attention, she slid the sock down and off Emi’s foot, revealing the naked toes and sole beneath. Her fingers went to Emi’s toes, rubbing each one a few moments before she kissed them and suckled upon them, her tongue playing between them, all the while her hands continued their massage. All the while the sweaty aroma filled her nose, fueling her own body’s growing need for attention.

But she wasn’t done. After another few minutes of attention, Emi shifted, recrossing her legs, and brought her other foot to Becky. “You’re doing so good at that, why not try it on this one, hmm?”

“Yes, ma’am!” Becky said immediately, kissing and licking at the offered boot as she squeezed her own thighs together. It had taken some work in college to get Emi to open up and experiment when it came to kinky stuff, but since then, she’d become quite the dominant, at least with Becky. She still tended to be more reserved and shy around others, but at least when they were together, she could play around.

It wasn’t long before Becky had the boot off, and the fresh, pungent scent hit her nose as those delicious toes wiggled in front of her, covered by the sweaty sock, the impression of them just slightly discoloring the white cloth. She breathed in deeply as her nose went between the toes again, and her hands went to work massaging the foot.

“You’re doing a really good job with the foot worship tonight,” Emi said, the toes of her free foot brushing along Becky’s knee and lower thigh. “With all that tongue action, you must be wanting a little of the special kind of attention.”

After kissing the ball of Emi’s foot again, Becky pulled back just a bit, sliding the sock down and off. She looked up to Emi, giving a quick nod in return. “Yes, ma’am. I just thought, ya know, maybe a little special celebration for our first successful crime stoppin’ and all.”

Emi smirked and wiggled the toes of her raised foot. “Well of course we’re celebrating tonight; it’s just that one of us is going to be a lot more sore than the other, even if she wasn’t already injured. My foot is starting to feel neglected, though.”

With a big grin, Becky eagerly brought Emi’s foot back to her face and kissed it, breathing in the sweet scent before her mouth went to work on Emi’s toes, her tongue slipping between the digits as she sucked on them. She felt Emi’s other foot continue along her thigh, dipping between her legs. Her big toe brushed against Becky’s pussy, then ran up and down her heated, moist lower lips. Becky gave a heated moan around Emi’s toes as her friend’s big toe touched her clit, making her shiver. Knowing that she’d found the sweet spot, Emi’s toe continued it’s own massage. In moments Becky was squirming, her thighs squeezing around the teasing foot. Her nipples had already been hard, but now they were aching for attention.

“My, you’re almost as wet down there as I am inside this suit,” Emi said after a bit more teasing. “If fighting crime gets you this excited, we’ll have this city cleaned up in no time. Assuming you’re not too tied up of course.”

“Is that a promise?” Becky finally let go of Emi’s toes, kissing the sole of the foot, licking along the edge.

“Maybe,” Emi replied after perhaps another minute, letting out a soft moan as Becky’s massaging thumbs pressed against a particularly sensitive spot. “Okay, enough foreplay; you’re doing things to me that I can’t deal with here. Socks.” Emi extended her hand and motioned quickly with her fingers.

Finally pulling away from the lovely foot, Becky snatched up the damp socks and handed them over, squirming eagerly atop the stool. She could tell by Emi’s tone that they were going to be getting serious now.

Emi hopped off the workbench and raised her other hand, motioning with her finger for Becky to spin around. Ever the obedient submissive, Becky did just that, turning to face the bank of status monitors next to the armor’s docking area. Though she really wanted to dig into the data that had downloaded from the suit’s systems, especially the details of the vault door impact and damage, and probably could do so even with their sexy antics, she was already making an effort to pay attention only to Emi at the moment. Which was why she opened her mouth and accepted the wadded up socks with a satisfied moan, Emi’s fingers pressing the white cloth deep into Becky’s mouth. With her cheeks stuffed full, Becky felt a shiver of anticipation go through her when she heard duct tape pull from a roll, and held still as the cool material was pressed against her lips and wound around her head a couple times before it was torn free.

“Hands behind you, in fists,” Emi commanded.

Liking very much what her friend had in mind, Becky followed the order, and soon felt more of the tape wrapping around her hands, making sure that they were quite useless besides delivering fairly ineffective punches. Emi wasted no time in crossing her wrists and winding some tape around them before tossing the roll back onto the workbench.

As Becky tested the limit of movement of her taped wrists, she squealed into the flavorful gag as Emi’s hand snatched a handful of her hair and hauled her upward off the stool. Becky’s nipples immediately got harder, painfully so, and her pussy ached for attention as pain flared over her scalp.

“Get moving, slave! Bad girls get punished!” Emi said, her free hand slapping Becky’s ass with a sharp smack and a lingering sting, eliciting another squeal. For such a small woman, she could muster a pretty forceful dominant presence when she wanted to! With Emi’s hand holding tight to her hair, and a new swat delivered to her captive’s ass every few steps, Becky had little choice but to go where she was pointed, which turned out to be away from the hangar area, and back to the stairs, then to Becky’s bedroom.

The array of monitors showing dozens of different feeds, most of which revolved around stories and videos about their antics earlier in the night, provided plenty of light as Emi guided Becky to her bed. By the time Becky was at the foot of the bed, her behind was no doubt a lovely shade of red and had a pleasing stinging sensation all over. With a little push from Emi, Becky mounted the bed, settling on her knees with her feet dangling over the edge. It was only then that Emi released her hair.

Becky bit down on the socks that filled her mouth but kept her head staring toward the headboard, pressing her thighs together as she heard Emi digging around in her closet. She heard the clanking of metal, handcuffs from the sound of it, and what could have been the faint squeak of leather. Having a sneaking suspicion, Becky turned her eyes to the closet, eyes widening.

“What? You thought I’d chose something else? You’re not getting off that easily tonight! I want to make sure I’m the only thing on your mind!” Emi said, holding up Becky’s special discipline hood with a smirk on her face. The way the light from the monitor bank reflected on her glasses, Becky couldn’t see her eyes, but she could imagine a sinister look in them. She barely even paid attention to the load of chains and cuffs held in the crook of Emi’s other other arm.

Becky had modified a design for a more normal kind of discipline hood and had this one custom-made by a leatherworker in Texas. Though from the outside it just seemed like a normal kind of hood that would leave the eyes and mouth open for whatever the dom wanted to use those particular areas for, it had a special surprise between the layers of leather, namely a tightly woven Faraday cage, two layers of the signal-blocking material in fact. It was the only way Becky had found to dampen her own ‘always-on’ connection to cyberspace. All the input and signal scanning she could do with a thought were severely reduced inside that hood, the constant flow of data reduced to something she could only compare to dial-up speeds, and even then only as fast as if the line were filled with static. In other words, agonizingly slow and tedious.

Early on, when she was just coming to terms with her new abilities, Becky had thought it a great thing, to be able to tune out the net and get some quiet time while exploring her kinks. The first couple of weeks had been scary to be honest, never sleeping, data flowing into her brain whenever a random thought occurred. Now, though, after months of getting used to her abilities, of always having that flow of information from anywhere on the planet…the hood was definitely more of a punishment.

Emi wasn’t messing around tonight!

Dropping the cuffs on the bed beside Becky, Emi quickly undid the straps on the hood and then gathered up Becky’s hair. Realizing that she would be enjoying the sweaty socks in her mouth for some time yet, Becky quivered with anticipation. Once her hair was situated, Emi brought the hood down over her head. Immediately her data feeds started dropping, and a muted static came into her brain as the hood slipped over her scalp. Becky let out a surprised squeal as the hood fell in place, no sign of the eye holes or open mouth she had expected, only solid leather and thick, muffling padding.

She had a second version of the hood that was designed for full isolation, and which would cut her off completely from the ‘net. Emi must have switched the two at the last moment, after she had Becky pointed away from her! This hood was definitely for punishment, though. Becky didn’t care for it these days, but her helplessness sent a shiver of anticipation through her, and she felt her pussy getting wetter nonetheless. Emi really wasn’t pulling any punches tonight!

Emi tugged and adjusted the hood for proper fit, making sure the nose holes were aligned perfectly. Emi then quickly started tightening the hood’s straps around Becky’s eyes and ears, then beneath her chin, over her mouth, and over the top of her head, and a final one at the attached collar that was buckled around Becky’s neck. Becky could barely feel the click of the lock at the collar’s buckle, but it was there, and she was in the hood for the duration, however long Emi decided that to be.

Emi’s hands went from Becky’s neck to her shoulders, then slid downward over Becky’s sides and then her hips, coming to cup Becky’s ass, her nails digging into the already tender flesh. Becky moaned inside her dark hood as the additional pain fueled her desire. She felt fingers between her legs a moment later, teasing over her hot, moist lower lips, slipping between them ever so slightly, barely brushing the hood of her clit.

As Becky moaned loudly, letting her desires be fully known, Emi’s fingers vanished, returned at Becky’s left ankle, where she secured one of the metal cuffs, guiding Becky’s legs wide, toward the lower corners of the bed. A few moments later, feeling a few faint bumps through the mattress, Becky found her ankle quite secure. Emi followed up with a cuff on Becky’s right ankle, securing it to the other corner of the bed, before swatting her ass again, urging Becky forward on her knees until the chains had no slack in them.

Emi was gone for a moment, then Becky sensed her at the head of the bed, feeling the mattress shift as she moved pillows and sheets, and put her weight upon it. Then Emi was back, her hands guiding Becky forward. Becky’s stomach pressed against some pillows as she bent forward and laid face down. Then Emi tugged the tape at her wrists free, leaving Becky’s hands balled into tape-wrapped fists, before guiding them toward the upper corners of the bed. Becky felt the bite of handcuffs at her wrists, and wiggled herself a bit, coming to a more or less comfortable position with her limbs spread, laying face down with her rear raised thanks to the pillows.

An anticipatory moan came from Becky then, wondering if Emi was going to use her hands to spank her again, or if she was going for a paddle…or maybe the crop? Or would she try out the flogger? Or maybe even that cat-o’nine tails she had picked up a few weeks ago? Or would she brave the whip this time? Becky’s mind ran wild with the possibilities of her vulnerable position, making her squirm and tug at the cuffs, squealing as her excitement grew.

Becky felt Emi move around on bed, the warmth of her bodysuit brushing Becky’s bare flesh as she repositioned herself between Becky’s legs. She thought she heard Emi say something, but the padding around her ears muffled it too much to make out. Whatever it was, Becky squealed in the next moments as Emi’s hands delivered several fast, sharp slaps against her raised ass, leaving a renewed stinging sensation and pained warmth radiating throughout.

Panting in the hot isolation hood, Becky’s heated body quivered when she felt Emi’s breath between her legs, over her moist pussy. Fingers again teased the swollen lips, slipping inside just an inch or so, pulled out, then pushed a little deeper. Emi’s fingers shifted, changing angle slightly, and began rubbing Becky’s engorged clit as Emi’s lips touched Becky’s labia, her tongue pushing inside. Becky’s back arched as she moaned again, her toes curling, limbs pulling at the cuffs.

Emi knew just the right spots!

As her friend continued stoking the flames within her, Becky continued panting and moaning around the gag, her isolation hood quickly growing stifling, as it tended to do, but that only added more fuel to the fire. The bite of the cuffs on her wrists and ankles, the tightness of the tape around her fists, the fullness of her mouth and the sweaty taste of Emi’s socks…Becky’s mind raced in its disconnected state, focusing on the blissful pleasure between her legs to fill the void of being disconnected from the ‘net.

“Close! So close!” Becky wiggled her hips, so eager for Emi’s probing tongue and teasing fingers to touch off that explosion of pleasure that was just around the corner.

Suddenly Emi’s fingers pulled away, as did her tongue, and she shifted on the bed between Becky’s legs. Beck felt hands on her hips, felt Emi’s knees and thighs against her own legs. Becky let out an anticipatory squeal. Emi was going to pound her with a strap on! “I hope she uses the big one with the ridges! Oh, oh, or maybe the knobby one, that one hurts so good! And maybe she’ll spank me while she’s doing it!”

Then Emi’s body pressed against Becky’s, but there was no penetration, no sudden fullness she would have expected. Rather, Emi leaned over Becky’s elevated rear, snatched the ring at the top of the hood, and jerked Becky’s head backward. She spoke close to Becky’s ear, and loud enough that she could hear clearly: “You were very reckless tonight, Becky. That girl with the knives could have done a lot worse, and I think you need to reflect on that. You weren’t wearing armor like I was; you have to be more careful! I’m going for a shower and a snack; I’ll come back in an hour or two, and maybe you’ll be feeling properly chastised, hmm?”

“MMNNGPH!” Becky cried around Emi’s socks. She tugged maddly at the cuffs, making incoherent protests as Emi climbed off the bed. “No! So close! Don’t leave me like this!” Shaking her head from side to side, knowing that there was no way she could dislodge the hood, Becky hoped Emi was just teasing her, making her wait just a little longer before the big payoff.

But as the seconds turned into minutes, and there was no further attention, Becky groaned and ceased her struggles for the moment with a final tug at the cuffs on her wrists.

Emi was probably right about her being reckless, but they could have talked about it afterward! She could be so mean sometimes!

* * *

Feeling rather pleased with herself, Emi watched Becky struggle atop the bed from the doorway to her room until her friend finally seemed to realize that she wasn’t coming back immediately. While she wasn’t ungrateful for the help Becky had given her earlier, she could have wound up with a much more serious wound than she’d received, or much worse. Becky might be a little pouty later, but it was a proper punishment.

Though she wanted to return to the hangar and review all the data from the test run, Emi instead moved over to her room across the hall, keeping the lights off as she slipped atop her own bed. With a grin on her face, she ran her hands over her bodysuit, enjoying the feel of the neoprene on her skin. Though the heat had been too much earlier, and she was still sweaty, she couldn’t deny the experience had gotten her super excited.

Tugging the zipper all the way down, sighing as the cool air rushed over her skin, Emi’s hands went to her breasts, squeezing them as her fingers rolled over her hard nipples. With glasses fogging up in moments, Emi panted and moved one hand down the front of the bodysuit, slipping between her legs to her own heated pussy, every bit as wet as Becky’s had been, and not just from all the sweating. She let out a louder cry of pleasure as her fingers slipped inside her pussy and began rubbing her clit, her other hand maintaining its attention on her nipples.

A rush of thoughts came to her, from the exhilaration of her flight, the adrenaline rush of the battle, the incredible power of the rifle when she’d fired it, of Becky helpless and at her mercy, chained to the bed with her reddened ass raised for more punishment. She panted and moaned faster and louder, raising her hips, arching her back.

It wasn’t long before Emi came, squeezing her thighs around her hand and rolling onto her side, crying out so loud that the thought flashed through her mind wondering if Becky had heard it even with that hood she had been secured inside of. “So what if she heard…bad girl is getting punished anyway…” she muttered, giggling as she enjoyed the warm, post-climax sensations coursing through her body.

With several minutes having gone by, Emi finally recovered, and with her little indulgence taken care of, rolled out of the bed and headed toward the shower. She’d clean up, get into something more comfortable, then grab that snack and go over some of the data from Becky’s room so that she could keep an eye on her. She’d probably be fine, but with the kind of games they played, it was always a good idea to be careful.

A smirk found its way to her lips as she headed down the hall toward the shower. “Maybe I’ll tease Becky some more while I’m reviewing everything…her feet are just so vulnerable like that!”

What’s this?  Finally some kinky play?  Why yes, yes it is!

I know it’s been a bit long coming, but now that it’s here, expect it to crop up more frequently.

I hope it’s been worth the wait!  Would love to hear what you think about the scene!  Come by and say hello on my Discord server and let me know what you think!

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper