The Peculiar Predicament of the Pilfering Pink Pussy – Chapter 27


Chapter 27 – The Finger of God

“Oh my god…oh my god…what the hell was that?!” Gun Bunny stammered, her jaw hanging open at what she had just witnessed happening to Shadow Lynx through her scope.  Had Black Cat really just done that?  Why did she know that kind of magic?!  What kind of magic was that?!  “Holy shit!” she said, still in utter shock at the nature of the spell she had just witnessed.  Shadow Lynx might have deserved being brought down a notch, but not like that!

She’d known that Shadow Lynx’s odds weren’t great, but with the way the heroine had been jumping through the darkness, then running and jumping around as she’d avoided Kitsune’s sparkler-like magic bombs and Mecha Musume’s attempts to stop her, Gun Bunny couldn’t have risked taking a shot.  She’d thought Shadow Lynx had pulled it off when she had come up behind Black Cat and Dollface, but then all the lights in the warehouse had come back up, and that had done something to her that left her on her hands and knees in front of perhaps the two most dangerous people in the room at the time.

Then Black Cat had performed whatever kind of magic spell she had used, and Gun Bunny was simply too stunned to have reacted faster.  She’d witnessed Black Cat’s magic do amazing things at the museum but had no clue that she could do something like that!

Knowing that time was not on her side, Gun Bunny shook off her shock and refocused her attention down the scope.  There was some kind of blue light down there now…Kitsune!  She had the staff on her back, and a case that probably had the ritual dagger and bracelets, and that glow was some kind of portal!  Its appearance reminded Gun Bunny of something from an old TV show, something about traveling to other worlds.  With her crosshairs centered on Kitsune, Gun Bunny’s finger brushed the trigger, but didn’t commit to the shot. The sly vixen had paused, looking back in the direction of Dollface.

Shifting her aim, Gun Bunny set her sights on Dollface, frowning. She had another one of those damn control masks in hand as she glided toward the tightly bound Shadow Lynx!  Black Cat was still beside the computers, her leash preventing her from following.  Dollface had moved beyond the edge of the magical barrier that had been there before, at least, Gun Bunny thought she had.

This is my chance…I can try to save the artifacts, or I can save the heroines and the civilians.  Is it really even a choice?”  Gun Bunny slowed her breathing, finger pressing lightly against the trigger.  Dollface had stopped, was looking at the tightly bound Shadow Lynx as the heroine writhed atop the metal torture horse and brought the mask upward toward the helplessly restrained woman’s face.

It was a long shot, but Gun Bunny had an unobstructed line of sight to Dollface from her position, and she had hit targets from further away before at the department’s long-distance shooting range outside Sentinel City.  Gun Bunny clicked the dial on the top of the scope, adjusting slightly to account for the near-constant wind at this altitude, blowing in from the nearby Great Lake.  There weren’t many indicators of wind speed between her and Dollface, but she trusted her instincts.

Her crosshairs were right on Dollface’s forehead.

Then the thought struck her:  She was about to kill someone.

She’d taken shots at criminals several times while working with the police, had wounded them, rather severely a couple times when they’d refused to cooperate, but had never actually killed anyone.  She wouldn’t have admitted it to Hansen, but that was why she had never taken him up on his offer to get her on the SWAT team.  Something about the nature of a sniper, of having that kind of power to end a life with the squeeze of a trigger, a single well-placed shot, and the fact that the target would never even know what had happened…and of the sniper seeing it all up close and personal through the scope.

Gun Bunny could understand the twisted logic and the rush some snipers had reported over the years, basically being the finger of god.  It was a huge amount of power to wield against an unsuspecting person.  Literally the power of life and death.

But in her case, Gun Bunny felt more like she’d been handed the Grim Reaper’s scythe and told to use it, to reap the soul of someone a few hundred yards away, someone she didn’t truly know.  She had no commanding officer now to make that call, just her own judgement, her own will to act.  She was in a position to make a difference, but to take a life?  Even if not taking the shot meant leaving so many hopelessly enslaved to a madwoman?  Could she honestly bear that burden either way?  Dollface was evil, no question, but even then, for Gun Bunny to snuff out that life…

But…I’m the only one left.  If I don’t do something, Dollface will have four super-powered women in her possession, one who can perform actual magic that we simply can’t deal with in the police department.  Those masks will enhance their abilities too, and with Pink Pussy out of action…could the other heroes and heroines out there even manage to resist?  There were a few names with growing prominence on the streets, sure, but they had only been on the scene a few weeks longer than any of the girls down there besides Shadow Lynx.

The mask was almost to Shadow Lynx’s face.  Just another couple of inches and it may well be too late.

There was no time left.

Gun Bunny sucked in her breath, held it.  “It’s the right thing to do; you have to stop this.  Lives are at stake, maybe the whole city.  One life versus hundreds, thousands, maybe more.

She squeezed the trigger.

She barely felt the kick of the rifle against her shoulder, didn’t register the boom as the bullet fired, and she watched unblinking as Dollface’s head jerked back, and saw the blood spurt out of the hole she’d just put in the villain’s mask.  Though a numbness had filled her, Gun Bunny didn’t miss the fact that there was no spray of blood and brains behind Dollface like there should have been.  Then she recalled watching Mecha Musume crushing the mask Pink Pussy had worn, and how much effort that had taken.  Had Dollface’s mask been that resilient too?

Gun Bunny worked the bolt, loaded her next round with Dollface laying unmoving on the warehouse floor, and swept the barrel back toward Kitsune.  The nine-tailed fox had stopped at the edge of the portal, hand extended in the direction of Dollface.  Her mask seemed to have a smirk upon its lips, and she snapped her fingers, then vanished into the portal with her stolen artifacts.  The portal itself flashed and winked out of existence, leaving behind a faint crackle of energy before it too faded and was gone.

Wondering exactly what that had been, Gun Bunny swept her scope back toward Dollface.  Black Cat and Musume were on their knees, clutching at their heads.

“What the?”  Gun Bunny said, as sparks flew from the stack of computer equipment.  She raised her head from the scope, snatched up her binoculars for a wider view.  Cyber Seer was gone, the mask she had worn open upon the exam table, all of the straps that had restrained her were undone.  Lights pulsed wildly all over the tower of computer equipment, smoke rolled from some of the boxes, and sparks shot from others.  Along the walls in the warehouse, several more boxes smoked and sparked, looking like some kind of wireless repeaters.

Had Kitsune freed Cyber Seer?  Was that what that snap of her fingers was about?

Maids and butlers staggered into view along the periphery, the ones Shadow Lynx had dealt with earlier, and clutched at their own masks.  Cyber Seer reappeared suddenly in a flash of green symbols that reminded Gun Bunny of computer code, right beside Mecha Musume.  She stepped between the armored woman and Gun Bunny, helping to remove her helmet, then pulled away the doll mask that had been concealed beneath it, a string of drool following the long phallic gag plug.  Cyber Seer tossed the mask aside and replaced Musume’s helmet without Gun Bunny seeing the woman’s face beneath.

Cyber Seer swept her arm around the room, and Musume nodded, her visor back to its original blue-green color.  The pair turned toward Black Cat, who was now on her knees, pawing ineffectively at the mask she wore, her balled up hands unable to find purchase on the smooth surface.

Finally remembering to breathe, Gun Bunny blew out the breath she had been holding, then sucked in more of the cool night air to sate her burning lungs as she lowered the binoculars.  “We did it…” she said, rolling onto her back and looking up to the night sky.  She laughed then, wondering if everything that had just happened had been a dream.

“Cat’s never going to believe this…” she said, still laughing into the night.  Tears began streaming from her eyes then, the stress and weight of her first kill crashing down upon her with suddenness of the bullet she had fired only moments earlier.

* * *

“The control system for these masks is totally FUBARed now,” Cyber Seer said, sweeping her arm around the room.  “I like, overloaded the shit out of everything and totally wrecked the program after I made all the copies of the evidence stuff for the police.”

Musume nodded, looking back toward the smoking server tower, then in Black Cat’s direction, her gaze pausing on the still bound Shadow Lynx.  “How about you tell me what happened while we help Black Cat?”

Cyber Seer turned to follow Musume’s gaze, and saw that Black Cat was on her knees by the server tower, her latex-encased fists trying ineffectually to remove the mask.  “Wow…totally just noticed the latex!  Did she like, magic that up?”

The two moved quickly to Black Cat.  Musume unclipped the leash while Cyber Seer tugged at the mask.  This one seemed more resistant than the one Musume had worn, so she grabbed it with both hands, pulling with a surprising amount of force, even leaning backward to add her weight to the effort before it popped free and the gag plug could be pulled from Black Cat’s mouth.  “How’re you doing?  Side note:  you look totally hot right now.”

Black Cat gulped in air, sighing with relief, though she frowned at her balled-up hands.  The frown grew deeper as the glowing symbols on the cuffs at her wrists went from blue to red.  “I uh…I guess I’ll manage.”

“Do you want me to try to break those cuffs?” Musume asked, reaching for them.

Black Cat shook her head quickly, awkwardly getting to her feet.  “Better not; there are some pretty powerful enchantments here, and I don’t think this is normal metal…I think this is actually mythril.  Anyway, what just happened?  And what about Dollface?”

Having heard of mythril plenty of times in fantasy books and at the gaming table, and a little surprised that it could be real, Cyber Seer put those questions aside and turned and looked at the base of the dais, her gaze lingering on Shadow Lynx’s tightly bound, writhing form, and she quickly sucked in some drool that had suddenly appeared at the corner of her mouth.  Damn, that was so hot!  “I’m like, totally more curious about Shadow Lynx.  Whoever tied her up did it good!  Like, you know?  I could totally go for some of that action.”  Shadow Lynx squealed, narrowing her eyes toward the trio, rocking back and forth and struggling against the bonds as she tried to free herself.

“Calm down,” Musume said, her voice at a lower volume.  “Focus on what’s important right now.”

Clearing her throat, Black Cat started toward Shadow Lynx, latex squeaking, and the chains of her silvery cuffs jingling, though her eyes were on Dollface.  “That was my bad.  I uh…used a forbidden spell…I’ll explain the details later.  Let me see if I can undo it…”

“And like, maybe give a demonstration?” Cyber Seer asked hopefully, getting a sharp smack on her behind from Musume’s armored hand, which left her rear tingling.  “Ouch!  That was totally unwarranted!”

Musume pointed in Dollface’s direction, and Cyber Seer’s eyes followed.  She hadn’t noticed the maid standing there.  She was young, maybe early twenties, pretty, with platinum blond hair.  She had a big bruise forming on her forehead, her expression seeming to be shifting rapidly between several emotions.  “Are you okay, miss?” Musume asked as she walked down the steps toward Dollface.

Cyber Seer followed a second later, and crouched beside Musume, who stood by Dollface’s body.  She looked over Dollface for a few seconds, wondering who had taken the shot.  Then she looked at the maid.

The young woman finally nodded, seeming to register the heroines’ presence at last.  “More or less,” she said, rubbing at the bruise on her head.  “I don’t think it’s serious.  But someone should probably read a medical book or two about what bashing a person’s head into a concrete wall can do to them.”  That had been aimed at Shadow Lynx; the young woman’s gaze had turned toward the still-bound heroine, eyes narrowing.

Shadow Lynx squealed, her eyes turning in the woman’s direction since the thick posture collar prevented her from turning her head that far.  She tried to say something, but it only came out as an incoherent mess, with drool spilling from the ring gag down to her tightly bound breasts.  On the other side of her, Black Cat concentrated on the base of the metal horse and seemed to be mouthing words as she waved her hands in front of her.

The maid slowly shook her head.  “Look, I understand that your powers are perfect for sneaking up on people and doing non-lethal takedowns, and yeah, I can attest that you’re really good at them, but you can’t just bash people on the head!”

Shadow Lynx moaned and tried to say something else that came out more like “MMMMNGH!”.

“Head injuries can have serious consequences!” said the maid.

On the floor, Dollface groaned softly.

Cyber Seer let out a surprised yelp, stumbling backward before landing on her butt on the lowest step of the dais.  Even Musume took a step back.  “Like, she’s alive?!?”

The platinum-blonde maid was on the floor beside Dollface in an instant, fingers going to the woman’s throat, lingering for a couple seconds.  “She’s got a pulse…it’s weak but steady.”  She leaned forward, listened for a few seconds over Dollface’s cracked mask.  “Breathing and airways sound clear, but I can’t be sure with this mask in place.”

Recovering herself, Cyber Seer moved back beside Dollface, reaching for the mask, but the maid’s hand stopped her.  “But you said-”

“I didn’t say anything about taking it off.”  She reached down to her skirt, ripped a few strips of it off, and wiped at the bloody hole in Dollface’s mask.  She moved closer, peering at the wound.  “I can’t tell for certain, but I don’t think the bullet actually penetrated her skull.  Probably cracked it at the very least, and the shock of the impact could very well have caused brain damage, but it’s way too early to tell.  The impact of the bullet might have broken her neck, too if her head snapped back sharply enough.  She’s not going to last without medical attention, though; she needs to get to an ER as soon as possible.”

“Like, I already called the cops and stuff,” Cyber Seer said.  “They should be here in-”

“Seven minutes,” Musume said, looking out of the roof of the warehouse.  “I’m tracking them on my sensors.  You seem to know a lot about medical treatment, miss…?”

“Ankara,” replied the maid, gingerly packing the strips torn from her skirt into the wound and wrapping them in place.  “I’m a med student at SCU.  Even though I hate everything this woman has done to me and the others, I’ll do everything in my power to save her life.  She needs to live with the consequences of her actions.”

Musume nodded.  “I can respect that, certainly.”

Cyber Seer was about to speak up when she heard several other voices around them.  The other maids and butlers Shadow Lynx had knocked out were finally getting their masks off, and then a pair of double doors opened at the far end of the room, the latex-clad dolls from downstairs, sans their masks, staggering out, looking very confused.  She looked to Shadow Lynx, and Black Cat, who was looking over the torture horse at Ankara, an eyebrow raised.  “Like, question!  Where is Kitsune?”

“She stepped into some kind of portal back there,” Musume said, gesturing to the opposite side of the dais.  “I wonder if she’s still even in Sentinel City.”

“Most definitely not,” Black Cat replied, her attention going back to Shadow Lynx.  “That wasn’t a teleportation kind of portal; that was a plane shifting one.”

“What?” Cyber Seer asked.  “Seriously?!”

“Totally,” Black Cat replied with a quick flash of a grin, mimicking Cyber Seer’s valley girl accent.  Her grin faded quickly, though. “I can’t trace the pathways as I am now, though.  And the longer it takes me to get back to try and examine it, the more the magic is going to fade and the less likely I am to actually find where she really went.  Better question…how’d you slip out of those straps and that helmet?  When Dollface took that bullet, all I got was a confusing mess of commands that had my brain hurting.”

“Same with me,” Musume said, her gaze still angled upward.  “I couldn’t concentrate.  My main thing was protecting Dollface with that mask on, but at that moment, it’s like everything she could possibly want just collided into an incoherent mess and I couldn’t act, felt like my brain was going to melt from the overload.”

Cyber Seer scratched at her head, looking back to the metal table she’d been strapped to a few minutes ago, the dildos still glistening with her juices.  “I’m…like…not sure?  Her mask mind control thing totally didn’t work on me, but I couldn’t like, use my powers and stuff either?  Kind of like that thing we have back at the hanger?” she said, looking at Musume.  “Anyway…I’m thinking it was Kitsune.”

That made Musume turn her gaze back to Cyber Seer.  “Kitsune?  Why would she do that?”

Cyber Seer shrugged.  “That’s totally what I’d like to know, ya know?  Before Dollface put that mask on me, Kitsune like, spoke to me, and just me, I think.”

“What did she say?” asked Black Cat, jerking her latex-covered hands with growing frustration, the silver, and maybe even mythril silver, cuffs clattering together.

Cyber Seer held out her hand, a glowing display appearing, showing an audio waveform, which she then played, repeating the words Kitsune had spoken to her earlier. “So yeah, she was totally the one who freed me I think.  I kinda like, think she wasn’t too happy working with Dollface.”

Shadow Lynx grunted and groaned, bouncing atop the horse, glaring at Black Cat, though the way she moaned afterward made Cyber Seer question if she was just wanting off the horse or just wanted to get off…

“Hey, calm down!  I’m trying to get you out of this!” Black Cat said.  “I think you’ve got a point about Kitsune.  She’s definitely working for someone else, but during Shadow Lynx’s attack, she kept missing with those sparkler bombs she was throwing.  I fought her and wound up like this, and I know there were plenty of other traps laid about, but none of them triggered.  Kitsune had ways of restraining Shadow Lynx, could have done the same kind of illusionary thing she did to me.  And if she’d used those bombs differently, there wouldn’t have been any shadows left for Lynx to jump through.  Instead, she made the perfect dark spot for her to get Dollface.  It was just bad timing that the power came back right then.”

Cyber Seer nodded, tapping at the side of her respirator.  “Soon as that mask popped open, I hit the controller hard.  But I’m pretty sure Kitsune wasn’t the one who took that shot though.”

“No, she wasn’t, but I think I might’ve just spotted who did.”

* * *

Mecha Musume had been scanning and running calculations since they had first approached Dollface, replaying the footage her systems had recorded from her angle when the shot had been fired.   She’d been following the conversation but was more interested in exactly who had taken out Dollface.  She hadn’t done ballistic calculations before, but could do rough geometry, at least.  As the police and emergency services neared, her calculations had given her two likely spots that the shot could’ve come from, though one was much more likely than the other based on distance alone; either a skyscraper rooftop almost two miles away at the edge of the northern industrial district, or the construction crane that was only a few hundred yards from the warehouse.

Her initial look at the crane hadn’t revealed anything odd, but as Cyber Seer came back around to the subject of the shooter, her sensors had picked up movement atop the crane.  “No, she wasn’t, but I think I might’ve just spotted who did,” she said, and pointed at the crane.

Musume zoomed in with her visor, focusing on a…bunny girl?  She held a pair of binoculars to her eyes and was looking their way.

“Is that…a woman in a Playboy bunny suit?” Cyber Seer asked a second later as the bunny-suited woman waved to them.  In addition to their night-vision qualities, Musume knew that Cyber Seer’s goggles possessed the same image magnification tech her helmet did.

Musume raised her arm, waving back.  “I didn’t expect something like that.  She’s packing quite an arsenal,” she said.  The bunny girl had a pair of pistols holstered on her thighs, an M4-style rifle and a sniper rifle, plus a magazine carrier harness, which conveniently came up just below her breasts, and seemed to bear the weight of the rifles easily as she slung them on her back.

“Mmmhmm,” Cyber Seer said.  Her tone of voice immediately had Musume rolling her eyes.  “Forget the rifles; I’d much prefer to be the pistols.  Like, do you see her legs?  Wowza!”

Musume had indeed noted the bunny girl’s legs; long and muscled, and accentuated in the way only high heels could manage.  Making a mental note that a certain someone needed another session on how not to keep letting her mind drift into the gutter, Musume watched as the bunny girl stowed her binoculars, noting the domino mask that covered her eyes.  She waved one more time, then jumped off the rear of the crane, vanishing out of sight, the long twin tails her hair had been tied into fluttering behind her as she fell.  “No records of a gun-toting bunny girl?”

“Not a one,” Cyber Seer replied.  “Plenty of gun carrying criminals out there, like maids especially, but not so many heroes.”

“Oh, speaking of gun-toting maids, we’d better let the police know these maids aren’t associated with the ones from before,” Musume said as the thought came to mind.  It wouldn’t do for the police to think they’d just stumbled into another cluster of those bank robbing cleaning ladies.

“On it!” Cyber Seer replied.

Musume took another look at Ankara and Dollface, watching for a moment as the med student checked the villain’s vital signs again, feeling gently along Dollface’s neck before she flashed her a grim smile and a thumbs up.  Musume took note of all the movement around her, and the rising number of onlookers gawking at Shadow Lynx.  “Everyone!  May I have your attention?” she said, ramping up her volume, stepping up the dais.  “The police will be here momentarily.  If anyone requires medical attention, several ambulances are with them.  Do not worry; this is all going to be over shortly!  Please listen to Cyber Seer before the police arrive so that they don’t mistake you for anyone who may be hostile!”

With that said, she stepped around Shadow Lynx, and beside Black Cat.  “How’s it looking?”

“Are you asking for Cyber Seer or just as a general progress report kind of thing?”  Black Cat blew out her breath, throwing her hands up.  “I can’t free her like this.  These cuffs are draining my energy reserves too fast when I try to cast a spell.  Before they were boosting me, like a supercharger, but now…”

“Can’t we just rip the bonds from her?” Musume asked, looking over Shadow Lynx’s bound form again, noting how the woman kept bucking her hips, her juices leaking from her pussy and spilling over the horse, her eyes rolled back with overwhelming pleasure.  “And is…that normal?”

“For Shadow Lynx?  I dunno, don’t really know her.  But with this particular spell, and with as much power as I put into it…yeah, that’s probably a normal reaction.”  Behind the latex mask that now covered her head, Black Cat winced, looking a little embarrassed.   “I um…we don’t want to risk interfering with it; it’s entirely possible that if we try to free her without properly dispelling the incantation that it could jump to the one trying to break it.  It could free Lynx and bind the one who tried it, or they both could wind up like this.  The uh…source of this magic isn’t exactly…from this plane of existence…”

“Don’t let Cyber Seer hear you say that,” Musume replied, half expecting her friend to come rushing back, more than willing to try freeing Shadow Lynx for heroic reasons, but her attention was on communicating with the police and organizing the former dolls.  That line about the power being extraplanar though, that was worrying all in its own way.  “How long is this going to last, then?”

“From personal experience, at least an hour,” Black Cat said, biting her lower lip.  “But..again, with as much power as I put into it, amplified by these cuffs…it could be days.  I just don’t know.”

Personal experience?  Putting that thought aside, Musume sighed, suddenly feeling the heat inside her armor, and noting that the air conditioning was maxed out and was still struggling to keep her cool.  “We can’t leave her like this.  She came in here and tried to help us, and after the debacle with Pink Pussy, we can’t let more people see her like this.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know.”  Black Cat turned to look up at Musume.  She still had a frown on her face, but then she looked past Musume, back toward the throne and the computer tower.  “I…have a theory on how I can get her out of this before the cops get here, but I don’t like it.”  They could hear the sirens growing louder in the distance.

Musume followed Black Cat’s gaze.  It didn’t take her long to figure out what she was staring at.  “The mask?”

“Yeah…I kinda think that’s the key to this lock,” she said, rattling the cuffs on her wrists.

“I can try to break the cuffs.”

“I’d rather you didn’t.  Trust me, I’d much prefer not to be wearing this stuff, but mythril is exceptionally resilient to damage, especially when it’s enchanted.  Second point, the particular enchantment here can drain my magic, or boost it; with just a few seconds of concentration I could gather up a ton of magical energy for that fight earlier.  Third…I might be able to use these to track down Kitsune.”

Musume turned back to Black Cat.  “You mean if those are from wherever she’s from, you could trace the…I guess you could call it a dimensional signature?”  Though she hadn’t had any actual experience with magical travel, Musume did have an understanding of quantum theory and the associated dimensional mechanics.  And her Dungeons and Dragons experiences, of course.

“Something like that, yeah,” Black cat replied, nodding.  “I’m willing to risk wearing that mask again if it lets me undo this spell.”

“The controller is destroyed,” Musume said, walking up the stairs, crouching to pick up the mask, holding it gingerly away from her like it was a viper, even with her armor fully intact.  “So you shouldn’t be receiving any commands from Dollface.”

“It’s not that part of it…I think that the mask had bonded with my outfit to some extent; Cyber Seer had a time getting it off me.  And when I analyzed the magic of this latex while looking over Shadow Lynx a minute ago, I didn’t like what I saw; I think my little roofing job might’ve backfired on me in a big way.”  Black Cat blew out her breath and shrugged.  “Oh well, I’ll deal with that when I get home, I guess.  Mask me up.”

Musume returned to Black Cat, holding the mask up.  “You sure?”  At Black Cat’s nod, Musume held the mask up, letting Black Cat guide the mouth plug into place on her own, and gently pushed the mask forward.  Black Cat gagged as the plug went down her throat when the mask jumped from Musume’s hand as it neared Black Cat’s face, like it had been pulled by a strong magnet.

Black Cat staggered back, letting out a groan, but when she held up her balled-up hands, the red runes on the cuffs shifted to blue.  She motioned Musume to step back, then turned back to Shadow Lynx.  Musume watched as Black Cat’s tail raised, and her ‘paws’ along with it.

Black Cat started making cute meowing sounds as she pawed at the air, almost sounding like a song to Musume’s ears, and the way she moved about made her look like she was indeed trying to dance.  The air stirred around her hands, which were glowing faintly, and sparkles of light began to swarm around Shadow Lynx.

At first Musume’s sensors detected no changes, but as the energy built and grew more obvious, she shifted through all of the scanning modes she had, and finally managed to register a very faint energy disturbance that couldn’t immediately be identified.  How exactly could she find a way to scan for magic?  A problem for another time, perhaps.

Atop the horse, Shadow Lynx let out a pained, yet aroused cry, arching backward as much as the corset would allow and squeezing her hips around the dildos that filled her.  Musume’s eyes widened as the leather that wrapped around her body creaked and grew tighter.  “Black Cat…” she started, but thought better of it, not wanting to risk breaking her concentration.  The sparkles grew more intense, circling Shadow Lynx as if driven by a tornado.

Black Cat hopped excitedly from one foot to the other, then let out a triumphant “Meow!” as she dropped to all fours, sitting very much like a cat with its tail raised.  She cocked her head to one side, then the other, watching Shadow Lynx.

With a flash of light, the tornado exploded outward from Shadow Lynx, and the bindings vanished along with the metal horse.  The heroine landed on her feet in a crouch but seemed too stunned to react at the suddenness of her freedom other than to hastily cover herself and try to hide her face, which glowed red from embarrassment.

Shadow Lynx’s shock didn’t last long, as she dropped her hands and glared with angry, hate-filled eyes at Black Cat.  “Why you little bitch!  Madre de dios, what did you do to me?!”  A flurry of angry Spanish spilled from Shadow Lynx’s mouth, far too fast for Musume to follow.

Black Cat mewled sadly, but raised her hands, pawing at the air.  A bubble of pure darkness surrounded Shadow Lynx then, the verbal assault ending after a few more sharp words.  Then the bubble vanished, and Shadow Lynx was gone.

Black Cat meowed, stretching out and padded awkwardly toward Musume, rubbing her masked face against the armor plating on Musume’s leg.  “Uhhh…Black Cat?  Are you okay?  What did you do to Shadow Lynx?”

Freezing in place as if she just then realized what she was doing, Black Cat jumped to her feet, holding her hands up in front of her, gesturing in a very similar way as she had before, though less controlled and without any of the strange energy signatures.  “N nnnn’h mmrn nh!  Nh’h hhnh hhrhnn mrhch!  Nh’h mrchnng mm nr rrr hhmhm crhm mrnhnrnh rnn mmrm rnchm hhrh!  Hhnh nh hrmrchnng hrgrh, mrn!  Hrh Hhrnrm Rmnch hmrmhrrhmn hmrhmrh rrh rh hmrm mhmn hhm hrn hhm chrncm.  Hhm’h hrrhrhrm hnnm!”

“Slow down, I can’t understand you!” Musume said, shaking her head.  She could understand gag-speak to a certain extent, but definitely not when it came that fast.  She couldn’t be sure, but it sounded like Black Cat had said something about the mask being responsible for the way she had just acted, and that Shadow Lynx had teleported herself away.

“Hey, hey, what’d I miss?” Cyber Seer said, running back over to them.  “The cops just got here!  Why are you wearing that mask again?  And like, where did Shadow Lynx go?”

Black Cat jerked her hands downward, making an angry sounding meow, her tail thrashing back and forth.  She growled, and repeated what she said more slowly, emphasizing each word with a jerk of her bound hands, like she was laying something out as plainly as possible.  The gist of what Musume had gotten earlier had been correct, mostly.

“Ohhh, that’s so cute!”  Cyber Seer said, reaching out to scratch at Black Cat’s ears before Musume could stop her.

Contented purring started from Black Cat, and she leaned into Cyber Seer’s hand, her thrashing tail calming down almost immediately.  Cyber Seer even scratched under her chin.  Then Black Cat snapped out of it, jerking herself away from Cyber Seer.  She pointed at Cyber Seer with both hands, though her expression was unreadable behind the mask.  “Hrhh mrr mrnh, Hrrrmm Gnrr!  Mrr’rm nrh grnnr rnchm nh mhmn N hrm mrr hrcch hrr hhnh!  Rgh, N’m hrrncnng!  N’rr hm nn hrrch!”  From atop the dais, Black Cat’s witch hat flew over Musume and Cyber Seer’s heads and landed atop Black Cat’s head and settled into place, and then she clutched the bell on her collar with both hands.  After another second, the bell started glowing and then she vanished in a flash of blue-white light.

At that moment the police burst into the warehouse, shouting for nobody to move; there must have been a couple dozen spilling in through the doors.

Musume shook her head, looking at Cyber Seer as she still tried to process what Black Cat had said before disappearing.  She had been angry for sure and might’ve said she was leaving and would be back later, probably once she figured out how to get herself out of that latex suit and the magical cuffs.  “I don’t think she liked that.”

Laughing, Cyber Seer turned to Musume.  “Oh, she was totally into it, she just isn’t ever going to admit she was totally into it, ya know?  Think she might’ve like, threatened me, too, but not in the bad kinda way?  I know she said Valley Girl, I just didn’t like, get the rest of it.  Oh, oh!  Think she might use that bondage spell on me?  That would be so totally amazing!”

Musume rolled her eyes, knowing that her friend was going to fixate on that spell for the foreseeable future; there would probably be porn of it before they got back home if Cyber Seer had already been posting online about what had been going on here, or just throwing ideas out to all the kinky artist sites.  “Come on, mind back in the present here; we’ve got a lot of explaining to do before we can call it a night.”

Cyber Seer nodded, turning to raise a hand toward the cops to get their attention, pointing toward Dollface, the medics changing course immediately.  “Yeah, but we totally just took down our first big mastermind villain!  How cool is that?”

Admittedly they could’ve done much better, and things weren’t looking so good there for a time, especially when they’d all been masked and under Dollface’s control, but Musume had to admit, she felt good about the future.  Even if they didn’t know what Kitsune or her mysterious boss had planned, she was confident they could find a way to stop it.  Between her and Cyber Seer, Black Cat, and their mysterious bunny girl, Pink Pussy and maybe even Shadow Lynx, she was pretty sure they could do just about anything.

Musume grinned within her helmet, turning her radio so that only Cyber Seer could hear.  “Tell you what…if you can make it through our interview with the cops without getting too excitable or going off course too much, I’ll cast a bondage spell of my own on you when we get home.”

Cyber Seer stopped waving, didn’t say anything for a moment, but cocked her head toward Musume, her voice coming in over the private channel.  “So…if I’m a good girl, will you use that one dildo?  You know, the one with the harness?  The really big one?”

Knowing exactly the one Cyber Seer meant, Musume nodded.  “After what you managed to do tonight for all of us, I’d use it even if you were a bad girl…but only under one condition.”

“What’s that?”

Musume licked her lips as thoughts of exactly how she’d be handling Cyber Seer started forming in her mind.  “You have to call me your Mecha Mistress.”

There was definitely going to be porn online before they got home tonight…

Whew, what an ending!  It was a long time coming for sure, but it’s been a hell of a ride!  I think future stories will be a little easier going because this was one big origin story for the most part, and those can be rather tricky.

I hope you all enjoyed the conclusion!  If you’re wanting more, stay tuned!  I’ve got FIVE, yes, FIVE epilogues coming up to set up for the next big story and give the characters some further closure. And yes, they do include more bondage and sexiness!

Thanks for reading!  Until next time!

Would love to hear any feedback you might have!  Hit me up here or over on DeviantArt, or on my Discord server!

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper