The Peculiar Predicament of the Pilfering Pink Pussy – Chapter 26


Chapter 26 – One Last Pussy Snatched

Shadow Lynx appeared on the precarious edge of the damaged warehouse rooftop, crouched and balanced perfectly atop the jagged brickwork of the unstable wall.  Below her, she could easily see the half dozen or so maids and butlers working to clean up the mess, and watched as the latex, multi-tailed fox woman paced back and forth beside the girl strapped to the table.  The really fancy-looking doll with the elegant dress was busy typing away on the laptop attached to the tower of computers next to her, a very plush-looking chair sitting atop said tower.  Behind her stood that armored robot thing, and a woman with cat ears and tail, covered in latex, lay stretched out beside the computer tower.  The fact that the interior of the warehouse looked more like a rich manor house still made no sense.

A muffled moan escaped from the woman on the exam table, her body writhing as the machine that fucked her drove her to orgasm.

What a messed up situation this is… Bunch of freaks!” Shadow Lynx thought sourly, her eyes glancing across the distance toward the crane she had just left.  And who was that?  Four new so-called heroines in the course of a couple days?  She couldn’t be anyone special, not if she were relying on guns.  She might be able to put up a fight against those gun-toting maids Shadow Lynx had beaten previously, but anyone with any real powers would prove too much for her; they would simply shrug off the bullets or evade them.

Still quite sore that she hadn’t been the one to bag Pink Pussy, a fact the wannabe-heroine bunny girl had thrown in her face, Shadow Lynx balled her hands into fists as another sliver of anger shot through her mind.  Well, whoever she was, she was about to learn what real heroics were!

Shifting slightly as she crouched, Shadow Lynx frowned at the fit of her new costume.  Pink Pussy had done something with the one she’d stripped off of after that ambush, and Marceline’s replacement seemed tighter than normal.  Maybe it was something to do with that crazy training regime her manager had started her on; she’d gone to sleep absolutely exhausted after the first sessions, but could already feel stronger, and her ability to teleport under stress had certainly improved.  As fucked up as Marceline’s methods were, they seemed to be working.

“This makes no sense!  Absolutely none!” said someone from below, their accent sounding English or something like it, from somewhere in Europe.  Turning her attention back to the scene beneath her, Shadow Lynx saw that the fancy-looking doll had moved back to the girl on the table, the laptop screen flashing all kinds of charts and readouts.  “It’s almost as if she…she isn’t human!  Her brainwave activity is completely different from the norm!  The mask’s programming cannot identify any recognizable patterns to isolate and control!  It’s more like a data stream, and nothing in my programs has been developed for machine control.”

The fox lady paused in her pacing, cocked her head aside, and shrugged.

The fancy doll stared back at her, the mask’s expression blank.  “Is that it?  You have nothing to offer?”

“This tech is your genius design, oh queen not of mine.  Our present deal is now through, perhaps our agreement you should review?  Yonder portal will soon be renewed and I will not be pursued, though perhaps you could consult your new mech which you have subdued?”

The fancy doll stood straighter, coiling back not unlike a snake ready to strike, but only for a moment.  “Of course, I suppose our deal is coming to an end, isn’t it.  My, how time flies!”  said the fancy doll, her tone betraying her annoyance.  The doll turned back to the tower of computers with the chair on top of it, going to another screen and keyboard.  The latex catgirl near her feet shuffled toward her on hands and knees, pawed at her dress with hands that seemed to be rubber balls, and got a head pat in return, along with a chin rub, before the fancy one returned its attention to the screen.  Shadow Lynxed noticed the brilliant silver cuffs and collar the latex feline wore, and how there were faintly glowing red symbols on the metal.

The armored robot or whatever it was hadn’t moved.  Not even a twitch.

Shadow Lynx wasn’t entirely sure what the riddle spoken by the fox meant, but it kind of sounded like she’d said something about leaving, and whatever deal the two of them had being through.  Maybe Shadow Lynx should wait a few more minutes, even the odds a little more?  “I can’t do that, though.  I have to show these newbies how it’s done and bring all the baddies to justice and save their stupid little behinds.  Can’t have them showing me up again, can I?

With that thought in mind, Shadow Lynx took in the positions of the cleanup crew, confirmed that the fancy doll and the fox were paying more attention to the woman on the table than their surroundings, and stepped into the shadows.  She slipped out into the larger open space of the warehouse, directly behind one of the helpers dressed as a maid, the one that had been lugging a trash can full of debris out of the room, and was now emptying it into a larger receptacle.  Shadow Lynx struck quickly, slamming the doll-faced minion’s face into the edge of the trash bin, then pulled her back and flipped her, sending her onto the floor with a dull thump, giving her one more good knock of the head against the concrete to make sure she was out.  With the platinum-blond haired figure limp beneath her, Shadow Lynx vanished, knowing exactly where her next target lay.

She appeared back in the main room, at the far end, and came out of the shadows with a diving kick, striking one of the butlers in the back of the head, then quickly spun and lashed out with her legs, bringing him off his feet as he staggered, watching as he face-planted against the wall and slid down it.  Then she was gone again in a wispy swirl of shadows, moving from one minion to the next, quickly and silently knocking them cold before she finished with the last pair, cracking their heads together and shoving them into a closet, baring the door with a length of rebar from the damaged ceiling.

Taking out the minions hadn’t taken more than a minute, and by then Shadow Lynx was already moving into the shadows again.  WIth no alarms being raised, the fox and the fancy doll had to be completely unaware that she was there.  Though she had watched a few videos of that armored thing in action, it seemed slow and rather clumsy, at least when compared to her.  She wouldn’t have to worry about that big gun it was packing either; it had missed a maid and blew away a truck from less than a hundred feet.  Though Shadow Lynx wasn’t entirely sure she could damage the walking tank, she could at least stay out of its way or get it off balance, and stay out of it’s grasp long enough to save the day.

But, if she struck at the head of the operation first, the rest would be easy without a leader to boss them around.  At least that’s what it sounded like the fancy doll was doing with those creepy masks and those computer systems. The fox seemed like she didn’t want to be there anyway, and something about the conversation she’d had with the fancy doll made it sound like she wasn’t interested in helping, either.

So, with a plan of action in mind, Shadow Lynx fell through the shadows and came down at the fancy doll from above, intending to hit her with both heels and bring her down in one quick strike.

The sound of a jet engine filled the warehouse, and just before Shadow Lynx’s attack landed, the walking tank slammed into her, taking both of them off the dais and toward the floor below.  Surprised by the speed at which the robot had reacted, Shadow Lynx vanished before it could slam her into the floor, coming out with her whip already in hand.

“What is going on!  Who-?!” the fancy doll shouted, head whipping toward the robot.

Shadow Lynx struck with the whip, angling toward the fancy doll’s neck, hoping for a quick grapple and a takedown.

The latex pet who had been at the doll’s feet was suddenly standing, her balled hands pawing at the air in front of her, only a couple inches apart due to the linked cuffs at her wrists, ears raised and tail dancing angrily.  “Mew!” she said, sounding almost like a real cat letting out an angry meow.  The whip crashed against some kind of invisible barrier, which crackled as if it were electrified.

“Mierda!” Shadow Lynx spat.  This wasn’t going how she’d planned at all!  She sensed movement behind her, and so she teleported again, appearing a good thirty feet behind, seeing that the fox now stood where she had been half a breath before, what looked like some kind of wire in her hands.

Shadow Lynx leaped into the air as a high-pitched whine filled the warehouse, narrowly evading the spray of purplish energy pulsing from the cannon the robot held, electricity bursting against the walls and support columns where she’d just been standing.  The robot’s aim tracked fast, and Shadow Lynx disappeared again just before the rapid-fire shots could strike her.

Coming out of the darkness again, she landed a kick with everything she could muster against the back of the robot’s head, causing it to stagger forward.  Ignoring the new ache in her foot, Shadow Lynx snapped the whip around the barrel of that big cannon, landing next to a support column.  She used the column for leverage and hauled at the big gun.  Though she couldn’t dislodge it from the robot’s grasp, it still fired, and she managed to sweep its purplish energy spray across the room, right through the area at the top of the dais.

The shield that the latex catgirl had erected around the fancy doll covered the computers as well, Shadow Lynx noted with a grimace, as it faintly glowed under the barrage of energy from the bot’s big gun.

The robot quickly corrected its balance and turned toward Shadow Lynx, but she was already gone, diving through the shadows.  She came through behind a pillar on the second floor, near the cracked edge of the flooring that remained from the damage that had been caused before Shadow Lynx had arrived.  She breathed slowly and steadily, taking a moment to consider her options.  She hadn’t expected that robot to be so quick to react, thought it had just been designed to absorb damage.  The barrier the latex catgirl had erected was a problem, though when the shield had been pelted by the blasts from the cannon, it looked to have had defined edges, like a dome, so maybe she could make her way through from below?  Or maybe she could just pass through it, though if it was anything like what was at the museum, it would stop her and she’d be vulnerable when she reappeared on the outside of it.

Something that looked like the tip of a sparkler arced up from below and landed near Shadow Lynx’s feet, trailing a rainbow of sparks behind it.  Reflexively, Shadow Lynx dove aside, and a brilliant flash of light bloomed behind her with a loud boom.  She could almost feel the intense white light from the explosion, and until she got out of the burst, couldn’t trigger a teleport.

Luckily, she had rolled toward another pillar, which had a nice, large patch of shadows behind it, and quickly came to her feet and sprinted toward it.  Another of those sparklers sailed up right into her path.  “Carajo!” she spat, altering her course at the last moment, leaping off the ragged edge of the floor and into open air as the second sparkler detonated, bathing the area in light and creating a whole new pattern of shadows, none of them near her.

Just before Shadow Lynx landed on the floor below, the robot’s jets fired again.  She turned her head as she touched down gracefully on both feet and saw the tankish thing rushing at her.  Again, her quick reflexes saved her.  She bent backwards at the last second, back arched her hands hitting the floor, narrowly avoiding the grabbing hand of the bot.  She kicked up just as the bot sailed by her, and ran for the nearby shadows.

Another sparkler landed ahead of her.  Who was throwing those?!

Snarling angrily, Shadow Lynx altered course, hearing the robot’s feet thump to the ground a few yards behind her, and ran for an open door.  The explosion thumped behind her, brilliant light filling the room.

At only about ten feet from the door, Shadow Lynx saw the fox woman appear in a flutter of multi-colored flower petals to block her path, arms held wide to either side of her, four sparklers held between the fingers of each hand.  The fox tossed a sparkler directly at Shadow Lynx.

With no time to even shout a curse at the fox woman, Shadow Lynx dove aside.  The sparkler exploded closer than the others this time, and she felt the heat and concussive wave off the blast, which got her off balance, and she stumbled forward, ears ringing.  These things were like flashbangs, but with a longer lasting light burst!

Coming to a stop against a wall, bathed in bright light, Shadow Lynx looked up through slitted eyes, hearing the robot’s jet’s roaring, and saw a bulky shape rushing toward her.  With two big hands trying to crush her, Shadow Lynx hopped over the surging robot, slipping through its grasp with only millimeters to spare, and jumped off its bulky backpack, angling herself in the direction of the dais; there were still shadows on the other side of the room, if she could just get close enough!

Pumping her legs for all they were worth, Shadow Lynx heard the excited meowing of the latex catgirl standing by the fancy doll, and saw her pawing at the air again, hopping back and forth between one foot and the other with excitement as she made more meowing sounds.  What was she doing?

At the same time, she saw the fox woman appear nearby, tossing a pair of sparklers in Shadow Lynx’s direction.

Snatching the whip from her belt, Shadow Lynx snapped it overhead, grabbing onto a steel crossbeam and let her momentum carry her forward as she jumped, feeling the concussive blasts beneath her as she swung upward, flipping about and landing on the beam with perfect balance.  Flipping her whip to free it from the beam, she ran along it, hopped to another, then another.  The darkness grew around her as she neared the edges of the upper level.  Another sparkler shot up from below, and Shadow Lynx altered course, jumping through wide-open air a good twenty feet, landing on the cracked and broken remains of a wall, hopping off just as quickly as more light bloomed behind her.

With the dais still visible at the edge of her vision, Shadow Lynx saw her opening.  Though the sparklers had created a lot fewer places for her to use for her shadow jumps, they had also, through some trick of the geometry of the building, created a bubble of shadow around the dais.  She had to take the chance that the catgirl’s barrier didn’t extend beneath her and the fancy doll.

The robot appeared suddenly between Shadow Lynx and the view of the dais below, hovering on its jets as it aimed its cannon at her.  The big gun whined as power surged through it and the purplish energy bulged at the end of the barrel.

Shadow Lynx lashed out with her whip, wrapping it around the robot’s big forearm and jumped just as it fired, twisting her body.  She felt the painful heat from the blast, felt her skin tingle as the electrically charged shot narrowly missed her.  Numbness then spread over her backside and upper legs, but she couldn’t dwell on that just yet.  Swinging on the whip as the bot tried to track her, Shadow Lynx dipped low and swung away from it, her whip dislodging a half second later.

She saw another sparkler heading her way, but the fox was too slow this time.  Instead of angling toward the ground, Shadow Lynx had twisted her body and slipped through a hole at the intersection of two walls on the lower level, bathing herself in shadow.  The numbness in her body faded immediately, and she disappeared into the darkness.

Shadow Lynx heard the robot crash through the walls where she had just been as she rose from the dais floor, silent as death, behind the fancy doll and her catgirl plaything.  She was in the perfect position!  She had already planned her strikes, first to disable the catgirl and stop her from doing any other kinds of tricks, then to grab the fancy doll, slam her face into the computers, and disable whatever it was she had been trying to work on.  It would only take a couple of seconds, surely not enough for the robot to reach her, and the fox wouldn’t dare to toss any of those flashbangs at her boss.

As Shadow Lynx stepped out of the darkness behind the pair, the room was flooded with harsh, bright lights from multiple angles, a mixture of construction lights that had littered the area earlier, and the remaining ceiling fixtures in the fancier sections of the warehouse.

With the darkness gone, and Shadow Lynx only partially through her shadow jump, pain assaulted her, her body feeling as though it was being torn apart as the teleportation was interrupted in the moments before she could complete it. She cried out from the agonizing pain, blinded in the light, stumbling and falling to her hands and knees as she was shunted out of the shadows and back into the physical world.  She knew this pain, it had happened before when she had jumped and found herself suddenly bathed in floodlights during her early days on the prowl, and though the agonizing pain didn’t last that long, it would be long enough.  She couldn’t run now, she couldn’t recover fast enough to move again, not without darkness; it would take at least a few seconds before the pain subsided enough for her to escape.

“Ah, at last!  I simply must admonish the dolls for taking so long to repair the power in here,” the fancy doll said, turning to face Shadow Lynx, chin raised in a smugly superior manner to match the tone of her voice.

The latex catgirl stepped in front of the fancy doll and motioned her to step back with her arms, away from Shadow Lynx, but she kept pawing at the air.  Then the symbols on the cuffs flared, now a bright blue instead of the red they had been before, and she let out a loud, excited sounding meow as she raised one foot and managed to get one paw slightly higher than the other, her tail standing straight up. “BWWNSS AWF AWWWRRRR!” she cried, her voice strangely muffled.

Midnight-black tendrils swirled into existence around Shadow Lynx, snapping like whips as they latched onto her limbs.  “The hell is this?!” she shouted, jerking her limbs; the strange energy held tight to her, and more swirled and spun around her.  She could feel it growing, feel the…hunger of whatever the catgirl had just done.

The robot approached from the demolished wall, again taking up its position near the fancy doll’s side.  In the background, the fox woman threw her hands up, the motion revealing her frustration as she tossed her remaining sparklers away, but they only fizzled out instead of exploding.

Shadow Lynx tried to stand, but the tendrils held her in place on her knees as the sudden whirlwind whipped around her, and she heard leather ripping.  Looking down, she saw that her costume was being torn away in the torrent of wind that surrounded her, even her boots.  Eyes widening fearfully, she watched as the tendrils on her limbs transformed themselves into thick, black chains, connected to oversized shackles upon her wrists and ankles.

Before Shadow Lynx could think of anything else she could possibly do, the chains pulled her limbs outward while jerking her up to her feet.  She couldn’t see the ends of the chains, only some kind of strange glowing circles at the ends of them, intense heat and a foul, sulfuric smell spilling out of them.  Then the chains hauled her higher, above the dais, pulling at her limbs without mercy, leaving her spread wide and completely vulnerable.  Then, as the last shreds of her costume were torn away,  the other dark energies that filled the air around her began to coalesce upon her body.

A strange mix of emotions poured through Shadow Lynx, fear, but a growing sense of humiliation…arousal…and…submission?  She squealed as leather suddenly slapped painfully against her flesh, though whether the squeal was of pain, pleasure, or both, she couldn’t say for sure.  Crisscrossing bands of leather had appeared on her limbs, growing tighter, creaking as they seemed to shrink into a painfully perfect fit, from ankles to thighs, from wrists to elbows.  Leather appeared around her hands, smaller strands that wound around each finger and thumb, forcing her hand into a fist before changing into perfectly formed mittens that seemed almost a second skin.  Something similar happened on her feet, her toes wrapped, pulled downward, and then each foot covered in a leather sheath that forced her feet to remain in an en pointe position.

Shadow Lynx screamed as leather cracked against her back and ass, then against her breasts and stomach, even between her legs.  Long, thin tendrils of leather, looking very much like her own whip, maybe a dozen of them, assaulted her all at once, never striking the same place twice.  Then more appeared, snapping against her limbs, upon the soles of her feet, the leather that covered her no protection from the painful lashes.

After several pain-filled seconds, the whips struck one final time, all at once, and Shadow Lynx arced backward, screaming in agony, though her pussy dripped as she felt an intense wave of pleasure explode within.

An orgasm!  She’d actually came!

Upon their final strike, the whip-like tendrils latched onto Shadow Lynx’s body, forming a kind of harness that squeezed her flesh, and pinched between her legs on either side of her pussy.  The tendrils that had assaulted her breasts wrapped around the base of them, growing tight, causing her tits to balloon and swell; even smaller strands of leather snapped at her nipples, feeling like bee stings, then wound themselves around the base of them.

But whatever this power was, it wasn’t finished with Shadow Lynx.  More midnight black energy swirled and flew at her restrained body.  This energy formed a heavily-ribbed corset about her midsection, the laces pulling themselves tight, crushing any air that she may have had left out of her.  Had she not already been panting, she had no choice in the matter now.  A leather hood formed around her head, leaving her eyes, nose, and mouth uncovered.

By this point, Shadow Lynx was too stunned, shocked, humiliated, and overwhelmed to think of what that meant; all she knew was that it wasn’t going to be good for her.

In the next moments, a leather harness formed around her head, straps going beneath her chin and to either side of her nose, coming together as they met at her forehead and went over the top of her head.  A double ended hook of some kind grabbed Shadow Lynx’s nostrils, pulling them upward, attached to the central strap, and a metal ring snapped into place behind her teeth.  Leather formed around her neck, forcing her head straight, her gaze forward as her breathing was restricted further.

The chains holding Shadow Lynx’s limbs vanished in a flash of fire, replaced with more leather strips, which swirled and formed together into larger pieces.  As she began to lower, a distinct, fiery glow emanated from beneath her, and she felt the intense heat shooting upward, that sulfuric smell overwhelming the smell of the leather.  The newly formed leather upon her arms pulled them behind her, bending them at the elbows and forcing her wrists toward her neck.  Her arms were suddenly crushed by more leather, and she couldn’t lower them from the strictly enforced reverse prayer position.

Her legs were likewise bent at the knees, forcing her ankles to her thighs as the leather formed into tight limb-binding sacks.  In the next moment, feeling the heat growing ever more intense beneath her, Shadow Lynx screamed around the ring, a pair of thick, knobbed dildos forcing their way inside her pussy and ass.  As she slid down their length, and they filled her holes, her legs fell to either side of a hot, metal triangle shape, more straps forming around her legs, and something heavy tugged at her knees, pulling her downward, forcing the intruders more deeply inside.

Then the fiery heat was gone, as was the swirl of energy around her, and Shadow Lynx blinked and whined in pain and confusion, squirming and writhing atop the dildos and whatever they were attached to.  Her pussy was hot, and not from the now-gone heat, rather, from the sensations of the dildos working inside her as she squirmed, at the absolute unrelenting tightness of the leather that bound her, of the tingling pain in her tits.  She came again as she struggled, eyes rolling in her leather-wrapped head, a long, low moan escaping her open mouth.

For a moment, the warehouse was silent but for Shadow Lynx’s moaning and cries of pleasure and pain, and then the fancy doll finally spoke.  “My…what an absolutely wonderful spell you have, my pet!” she said, her hand going to the latex catgirl’s head, rubbing it affectionately, scratching behind her ears.  “And you’ve even left me an opening to bring this one into my court!”

The catgirl responded by meowing happily, leaning into the touch, even seeming to quiver with delight at the petting.

Then the woman strapped to the nearby table squirmed and let out a muffled moan as she too came, the dildos pounding both of her holes relentlessly.

As Shadow Lynx writhed in a strange mix of ecstasy and agony, the fancy doll reached into the folds of her long, flared dress, removing another of those strange porcelain masks, and for the first time Shadow Lynx saw the phallic plug against the black interior as the fancy doll walked toward the bound heroine.

Near the fox woman, who had been watching with arms crossed, her tail flicking anxiously, a blue, glowing portal suddenly appeared, the energy within swirling in a maddening mix of white, blue, and black as it formed form a tunnel into…somewhere else.  The fox looked from the swirling portal to the fancy doll, tilting her head to one side, hands on her hips.

“No, Kitsune, you have fulfilled everything we have agreed upon, and more” said the fancy doll in her posh British accent, not even looking back at the fox.  “Take your prizes back to your mistress, and we shall meet again at the appointed time, as agreed.  Now that we have such talented members within my court, we surely will have more than enough aid in your mistress’s endeavour.”

The fox, Kitsune, nodded, and swept her hands outward and dipped into a rather mocking bow.  A pair of butlers appeared from another doorway, bringing with them the regal staff from the museum, and a mid-sized plastic case, which probably contained the dagger, though it seemed awfully big for just a knife.  Kitsune took the staff first, situating it upon her back, then took the case in hand.  She took one last look around the warehouse, and turned toward the portal.

In front of Shadow Lynx, the fancy doll stood, looking up to Shadow Lynx as the heroine squirmed atop the torture device.  “Welcome to my court; I shall quite enjoy having another pet, though you will have to work hard to become as dear as my little Black Cat,” said the fancy doll, raising the mask toward Shadow Lynx’s face, phallic plug angling toward the heroine’s mouth, which was still held wide by the ring gag.

Knowing she was fucked in more ways than one, Shadow Lynx quivered atop the dildos, desperately trying to free herself to no avail as the mask neared her face.  Her heart raced.  She couldn’t escape!

And she was excited by her helplessness, her unwilling submission!  She needed it, wanted it!

The mask neared, blotting out the light behind it.  She could smell the rubber that lined the interior, watched with wide eyes as the phallic plug approached her mouth.

Then the fancy doll’s head snapped back violently and she staggered backward, the mask pulling away from Shadow Lynx.  Shadow Lynx caught a glimpse of blood and a circular hole with cracks radiating from it that had appeared on the left temple of the fancy doll’s mask.  As the fancy doll fell to the floor, the mask that had been meant for Shadow Lynx fell from her grasp clattering to the floor, the boom of a distant gunshot echoing through the warehouse.

Though Shadow Lynx couldn’t react more than an orgasmic squeal and a wide-eyed stare as she struggled atop the torture device she was bound to, all hell broke loose around her.

Oh my, Shadow Lynx is in a rough spot!  But what’s this?!  Gun Bunny for the save!

We’re coming up on the final chapter, everyone!  Hope you’ve enjoyed the ride!

Would love to hear any feedback you might have!  Hit me up here or over on DeviantArt, or on my Discord server!

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper