The Peculiar Predicament of the Pilfering Pink Pussy – Chapter 24 – Part 3


Chapter 24 – Assault on the Dollhouse – Part 3

Cyber Seer dove through the wall between the real world and cyberspace, and straight through the torrent of data swirling around Dollface’s warehouse. There were a lot of strange distortions around the place, things she hadn’t encountered before, almost like firewalls, but…not.  She couldn’t exactly describe what it was she maneuvered around.  Maybe odd distortions were those wards Black Cat had mentioned?  Could they show up within cyberspace?  Maybe they could…

Still, she could clearly see the path she had to take, following the hardline data feed through the mess and straight toward Dollface’s server. Once she dipped into the datastream, she could see her destination, and it was on fire.  Hurtling toward the system, she’d never seen a firewall quite so intense; it looked white hot, flaring and pulsing in countless waves, interlacing and crashing through one another in a violent, deadly torrent.

“Holy shit!”  It was more than a firewall, it had to be.  No standard system could create a barrier like that!  She’d cracked encryption the FBI had struggled with on her break the other day, but she didn’t dare touch this without further study.

She would have to handle things a different way.

At the last moment before she would have collided with the blazing barrier, Cyber Seer dove out of cyberspace and reappeared in the real world, reconstructing her physical form in the blink of an eye.  She had come out in a crouch, but all she could see was darkness.  She flicked her goggles on, and with a low electric hum, the darkness became clear, or at least as clear as a bright green night-vision image would allow.  Her breath caught in her throat.

The room she found herself in had plenty of technology inside, more than just a server and a wireless control system.  Multiple exam tables lined either side of the room, though with the restraint straps that were attached to them plainly visible, she couldn’t help but wonder if they were torture racks instead.  Cautiously, Cyber Seer stepped forward, keeping her footsteps as light as she could manage.  Beeping filled the room at odd intervals, she could hear the hiss of what sounded like respirators, and the infrequent, faint squeak of rubber.  Her breathing came through her own respirator, so as she approached the tables and saw that those laying upon them were covered from head to foot in latex, she couldn’t smell the rubbery scent coming off of them.

All of the figures, a mix of males and females, wore those masks Dollface seemed to like, though all looked like they were asleep.  Or at least, not moving significantly, aside from the very slight, almost imperceptible shifting that had caused the squeak of rubber she’d heard earlier.

“Like, holy shit, dudes, this is fucked up,” Cyber Seer said as she examined the nearest form, a rather large male, muscular, broad, definitely would make a good bruiser, but he seemed completely unresponsive.  Static came through the  radio, and neither Musume nor Black Cat responded.  She did a quick frequency cycle, but heard nothing.  She could still sense Musume’s armor, though there were now some disturbingly high magnetic readings, not to mention rising levels of stress throughout the frame.

Shaking her head, Cyber Seer pushed forward, moving by the forms that slumbered upon the tables, toward the large bank of computers, server racks, and monitors.  If Musume’s armor was showing those kinds of readings, she could worry about the people down here after she shut down Dollface’s control systems.  No need to hack a firewall if you could bypass it completely!

It only took her a half second to crack Dollface’s password and log into the system, and she quickly started looking through the various programs that were running, reading through the layers of code and all the stored data files.  There was a lot of hack-job code at first glance, and there wasn’t immediately anything obvious as far as what was controlling the dolls.  In fact, everything looked to be handling basic computer functions.

When her attention turned to the stored data files, Cyber Seer saw multiple videos, over two terabytes worth in fact, on one of the storage disks.  As she continued working her way through the code and the network routing to worm her way to the controller, she dove into the video data and started processing it.  These were records of Dollface’s experiments!

The earliest of the video files were dated back to several months prior, even before Pink Pussy had gone rogue.  The cameras that had made these recordings were still mounted and connected above the dozen stations behind her, and had recorded in high definition everything Dollface had done.

The first of these showed a young woman with platinum blond hair struggling between two of the latex-covered figures, a pair of big males wearing gas masks, perhaps one of them was even the figure Cyber Seer had taken a closer look at.  The woman screamed and pleaded for them to let her go, tears streaming down her face as they callously threw her atop the table, strapping her into place before ripping her clothes away.  She had no less than three straps on each limb, plus a wide belt across her stomach, and more crossing her shoulders and over her forehead when they were done, leaving her tugging at them uselessly and shaking with fear.

Skipping ahead, Cyber Seer saw that the two goons had been joined by Dollface, or at least, the woman Cyber Seer assumed was Dollface, based on the mask she wore, and the way the two goons seemed to be listening to her.  She was a little over-dressed for the lab work, though, dressed more like she should be at some kind of Renaissance fair.  Still, she examined the helpless woman intently, and spent a lot of time focusing on her face, seemingly getting a feel for it.  Perhaps she was working on refining her mask technology?

Moving a bit further down the video data’s timeline while she continued working through the maze of network bottlenecks and deadends on the code, certain that the control system wasn’t running immediately on the computers or first half dozen servers she’d gone through, Cyber Seer watched as the poor girl was fitted with a thick latex hood, only her mouth left visible, though that was soon filled with a massive dildo gag that could only have gone partially down her throat, several tubes being plugged into said gag.  Some kind of device with various electrical wires and tiny circuit boards was strapped around her head then.  She screamed and pleaded around the gag the whole time, but Dollface and her minions continued without pause, fitting the poor woman with what looked like a chastity bra, though with various spike-like extensions visible on the outside, many already with wires running off camera.  A matching belt was then fitted around her waist and the shield of the chastity belt was secured only once a pair of massive, knobbed plugs were shoved inside of her pussy and ass, each with their own tubes.

Where is the damn controller?!” Cyber Seer thought, on her ninth server on the rack now, her attempts to find the device on the network hampered by more of those strange barrier things she had seen on her way into the building’s network; they were like mini-firewalls, but had their own odd aura to them, like there was more there than just the code that had built them.  She wasn’t certain without trying to dive directly into one, but her instincts told her that they were some kind of cyber-equivalent to a landmine, but she had no way of knowing what they would do when they were triggered.

Back on the videos, Cyber Seer watched as the woman was subjected to an array of tests, the devices connected to her alternately pleasuring her and torturing her.  One moment the woman was moaning in pleasure, the next sparks shot out of various places on the device she had been strapped into, and she screamed in agony.  And through it all Dollface appeared only to make an adjustment or add some other kind of torment, ranging from tickling the woman’s feet to cutting off her air supply for several increasingly long intervals at a time, to sticking needles into her exposed flesh, to flogging her with a nasty-looking cat o’nine tails.

Then at last, after more than a month of torture, according to the timestamps on the videos, Kitsune had appeared on the camera, though her image was strangely distorted, seemingly studying what Dollface had done.  Only a few days later the poor woman had been fitted with a doll mask, and after a few more checks from Dollface, had been released, following her commands without hesitation as she was guided through various humiliating poses and made to prostrate herself before Dollface.

Cyber Seer felt a strange mix of revulsion and arousal as the files for Test Subject 1 were finished off, and noted that several others were within the Test Subject folder.  A quick look through these revealed more of the same, even a file on Pink Pussy dated about two weeks after Subject 1 had been ‘completed’.

The entire building shook faintly, drawing Cyber Seer out of her data dive.  Since she’d started, only about thirty seconds had passed in the real world.  “What’s going on up there?  Musume?  Black Cat?”  More static came through the radio, even though she’d sent it out on all of the encrypted channels she had programmed into their comm system; even a diagnostic on the radio revealed no issues.  Was it being jammed?  But there was nothing in the building that she could see that could jam her radios.

Musume’s armor was starting to red-line, and the thrusters were reporting malfunctions, something was blocking them from firing, and the magnetic field readings were off the charts.

“Shitshitshit!”  With no more time to waste, Cyber Seer made mental copies of the incriminating data and renewed her efforts to find the controller for the masks.  It had to be here!  There was only one more server, and all of the computers set up around the room had been checked.  Still no proper coding that she could locate that would indicate a functional program, a lot of incoherent garbage, though.  She could have assumed it was encryption of some kind, but that didn’t seem to be the case; there were no patterns or any of the usual indicators of encryption at work.  Why was there so much garbage floating around in there?  Just random nonsense, a poorly managed network that had so many poorly configured connections and settings, some that were complete deadends, almost like it had been cobbled together without a plan, or…almost like the network had been composed of different pieces from entirely different networks.

Recalling the servers that had been connected prior to the last one in line, Cyber Seer looked more closely at the architecture and the system registrations.  Various IP subnets were in use, only a handful of them that could properly communicate with one another in any way, completely different operating systems for the servers, and worst of all, seven different licensees, all for different companies across Sentinel City, and all of which showing expired as of last year, if not before that.  Her mind flashed back to some of the police reports from Pink Pussy’s crime spree; they had mentioned some old computers having gone missing with the electronics gear that was stolen, but the details had been lacking because it was old hardware that had been slated for disposal anyway, the sensitive hard drives with company data already stored or properly destroyed.

As she hit the final network route on the last of the servers after another fifteen seconds and viewing another half dozen video recordings, she discovered another pathway that led away from the array of computers in front of her, Cyber Seer caught a glimpse of that intense glow from that strange firewall she had avoided on the way into the room, on the far end of the route, just before the connection dropped hard and fast, like it had been physically cut.

Immediately realizing that she had made a grievous error, and with images of Admiral Akbar flashing through her brain, Cyber Seer tried to dive back into cyberspace, but when that connection had been severed, all network connectivity had gone with it; there wasn’t a wireless connection she could detect anymore, not even a dial up modem with a POTS line.  She lost her feeds with Musume’s armor, and all sense of her constant link to the internet.  The only reason she couldn’t pick up any wireless network activity could only mean there was something blocking the signals, just like when she made use of her special hood back home.  And the lack of any other wired connections outside the room meant…

Whipping around from the computers, sweat on her brow and breath coming in short gasps, Cyber Seer felt another vibration throughout the building, but her eyes were looking along the walls for a door she could use.  There was one, on the far side of the room, passed all of the sleeping figures.

Only…the latex-clad, doll-faced people didn’t seem to be sleeping anymore.  As one, with the rubber of their catsuits creaking, they sat up, turning their doll-like faces right at Cyber Seer.

“I am like, totally boned,” Cyber Seer muttered, her brain feeling a distracting ‘ringing’ sensation that reminded her of the sound of a completely silent room and how it caused one’s ears to ring.  The complete lack of internet access was deafening in ways that she had trouble processing at the moment.

With the latex-clad dolls hopping off their tables as one and stepping toward her, Cyber Seer broke into a run.  Without a network connection, she couldn’t un-digitize her gear, and had come in with only her goggles, mask, and costume.  She dove forward as two of the dolls reached for her, rolling on the concrete floor, and came up to her feet quickly.

There was already a trio of them waiting for her, rubber-covered arms reaching as they tried to pin her in on all sides.  Realizing that they could see her just fine in the darkness, Cyber Seer jumped aside, hitting one of the torture tables, rolling across it.  The table jerked as one of the dolls crashed into it, but by then Cyber Seer was already on the floor, dropping low to avoid another wide-armed grab as she scampered on all fours beneath the next table in line.

Luckily enough for her, the mass of dolls didn’t seem to be entirely as coordinated as they had been when they had first woken up, and were having trouble following her.  Maybe without a direct command signal, they were not as tightly guided, or were more reliant upon their own abilities?  Maybe that was why Pink Pussy kept resisting when she was out in the field?  Cyber Seer kept to the floor, slipping amongst the tubes and wires, and came back to her feet after a half dozen exam tables, making a dash for the doors.  She slid into the push bars with her hip, but the doors didn’t budge.  She tried the other one, but it didn’t move either.  She stepped back and kicked the bars, but the doors didn’t even wiggle in the frame.  Were they welded shut?!  They should have moved at least a little!

Cyber Seer whipped around at the suddenly very loud sound of latex squeaking behind her.  A wall of male and female dolls loomed before her, their pale white masks glowing more brilliantly in the nightvision of her goggles than the surrounding darkness, broken only by the occasional flicker of light from one of the computers or servers behind them.  She felt like they were staring at her with a predatory hunger, even though the masks were completely blank and emotionless.

“Uh, we can totally talk this out, ya know?  I know you totally didn’t mean to do anything bad you did and all that, and I can like, totally help you get free from Dollface!”  Cyber Seer said quickly.  She could sense the computer hardware inside the masks, could almost see them in her mind’s eye in fact, but she just couldn’t reach out to interface with them without a surrounding network connection.

A thought occurred to her then.  If she couldn’t escape, she could at least attempt to hide.  She couldn’t do a wireless jump from one spot to another, or into cyberspace, but if she could reach the computers on the other side of the room, then she could physically touch them, and could perhaps hide inside the hardware and-

The building shook more violently than it had before, actually causing the dolls to sway as they stared at Cyber Seer, and some dust and plaster fell from the ceiling.  The monitors on the other side of the room flickered and died, along with the servers on the rack.  Her vision went totally green as her goggles tried to compensate for the complete lack of ambient light to draw from to enhance what she could see; she was completely blind.  Even her hair, which normally glowed like fiber optics, was dark without her connection to the net.

“Well, this is gonna suck big donkey dick!” Cyber Seer muttered, reverting to her native Texas drawl just before a dozen hands grabbed hold of her.  She squealed in a combination of surprise and pain as one of them squeezed her tit just a bit too hard, throwing her elbows and kicking with her legs.  In the pitch darkness, she only succeeded in making it easier for them to grab hold of her.

“Put me down, dang it!  Ahm a tryin’ to help y’all!” she shouted over the squeak of rubber and her own heartbeat.  Her plea did nothing to dissuade the dolls from their task, the lot of them holding her firmly between them, and in another moment had her lifted up off the floor, and started carrying her back toward the exam tables.  The crowd of dolls brought her down hard atop one of the tables, and worked quickly, in a very practiced manner in fact, to tear her clothes off while simultaneously restraining her with the conveniently placed straps upon the exam table.  “That ain’t whut ah meant!”

With more than enough hands to hold her down, the dolls made short work of getting Cyber Seer strapped down, tightening up the straps over her wrists, elbows, and biceps, then more on her thighs, knees, and ankles.  Like in the video, she soon had more straps over her waist, chest, neck and forehead, leaving her very little in the way of movement.  Though the dolls had stopped short of completely stripping her, leaving her with just her stockings and boots, she couldn’t move.  “Now, y’all listen here, Ah enjoy a good tie-up game just as much as the next gal, but-”

The dolls finally pulled Cyber Seer’s mask from her face, stretching the elastic bands.  A strong, latex-clad hand shoved something moist into Cyber Seer’s mouth, and then they pushed the mask back into place.  “Mmmrrrggphh!” Cyber Seer spat around the wad of cloth.  She still couldn’t see anything but a bright green glow; the dolls were apparently smart enough to know her goggles were more of a hindrance now than a benefit, and she tried to push the wad out of her mouth with her tongue, but just couldn’t find a good purchase on it.  What she did get was a peculiar flavor she wasn’t exactly unfamiliar with thanks to the various times she’d played around with bondage in her life, that of her own moist panties.  Judging by how wet they were, she had either been sweating a lot more than she’d thought that night, or she’d gotten a lot more aroused by the video of Dollface’s experiments than she should have.

Maybe I am too kinky for my own good…” Cyber Seer thought, recalling what Musume had told her more than once.  She might’ve proven her armored friend right, moaning with pleasure when she felt hands exploring her tits, pinching and squeezing at her nipples while other hands probed her pussy, sliding in and out almost effortlessly.  “Damn, did I really get that wet already?!

Something clanked into place between her legs toward the bottom of the table, then Cyber Seer felt a pair of large dildos getting shoved inside her, the one in her ass making her wince and groan as it lacked the same lubrication the one in her pussy had benefited from.  Still, it was a good thing she’d been practicing with various plugs and anal play over the years… A cold liquid was poured over the plugs, and fingers worked it inside her holes, and the next thing she knew, a machine had started up, working the plugs in and out.  “I love fuck machines!  No, bad thoughts!  You don’t want to be a sex doll right now!  You want to see what happened to the others and save Dollface’s victims, damn it!

Cyber Seer’s heated moans and groans said otherwise as the dildos went to work, growing faster, then slower, and faster still, even vibrating.  Her eyes rolled, and she found herself working her hips against the tight straps, trying for maximum pleasure.  The hands on her tits hadn’t let up either, and were actively massaging her nipples.  They did vanish after a few more seconds, though, and then Cyber Seer felt something being positioned around the base of her tits, something cold and metallic.  Then those somethings clamped down, growing tighter with several ratcheting clicks like a pair of handcuffs.  She jerked at the restraining straps, crying out into her panties at the sudden pain, but that was only the start.  Tiny, powerful teeth snapped into place upon her nipples, and were immediately pulled back, almost as if drawn by a contracting spring.

Cyber Seer screamed into the panty gag, her body going rigid within the straps as she came from the intensity of the pain on her nipples and the powerful, vibrating pounding of the dildo machine fucking her.  The intruders between her legs revved up, pounding her hard and fast, and the powerful bite of the clamps on her nipples only grew more painful, burning like fire as her flesh was pulled.  Thanks to the cuffs at the base of her tits, they were growing ever more sensitive.  Mind reeling, and with the thought “Definitely too kinky!” echoing in her brain, Cyber Seer came again, eyes rolling back as the maddening pleasure overwhelmed her.

This operation was not going well…

Having counted at least a dozen orgasms in perhaps thirty minutes, hell, it could’ve been only ten minutes for all she knew, Cyber Seer panted and felt the stuffiness of the confined room keenly as she writhed upon the table, the fucking machine relentless in its pounding of her lower holes.  She was still unable to see anything but green, and could barely make out movement around her, but the sound of heels clicking on concrete immediately drew her attention; none of the dolls that had captured her had been wearing anything but latex bodysuits and those masks.

“This simply will not do!  Power needs to be restored to the lab at once, and those garbage computers removed!” said a haughty woman’s voice, in a distinctly British accent.  A rush of movement filled the room, along with the creak of latex, as the dolls rushed to obey the command.  “I simply cannot abide the level of damage you allowed my kitten to do to my castle, Kitsune!  I thought you said you were proficient with the handling of pets?!  Though I will admit that your suggestion to move the controller proved quite prudent.”

The heels moved closer to Cyber Seer, and she could hear the swish of cloth beside her, along with another source of the rubbery squeak of latex.  “A treasure of such great wealth protected must be, so where better than beneath a position of such import as thee?” said a mix of voices again culled from the airwaves, no doubt from Kitsune.

Hands were upon Cyber Seer’s face, the fuck machine having slowed to a steady pace, building her back toward another climax slowly this time, and her goggles were removed, the bright green glow leaving after-images in her vision that quickly faded into the darkness.  Though she could guess it was Dollface next to her, she couldn’t see anything.  Then her respirator mask was removed, and she breathed in the overwhelmingly powerful odor of rubber and her own juices that now covered her inner thighs and the exam table.  Strong fingers forced her mouth open, and her panties were extracted.

“I ain’t got no idea what you did with Musume and Black Cat, but you listen here!  Ah’mma gonna get outta this contraption you’ve got me strapped in and Ah’m gonna kick both yer asses!  Then, Ah’m a gonna let-” Cyber Seer started, forgetting her valley girl accent, but a hand quickly clamped tightly over her mouth, leaving her brave protests muffled and incoherent.

“Oh, good heavens, what is that abominable speech?!” Dollface said, obviously disgusted.  “So base and vulgar!  This simply will not do!  Bring one of the new heavy-duty masks at once!”

Cyber Seer snarled against Dollface’s hand, thinking she might have heard a snicker from the other side of the table…Kitsune?  At any rate, the posh sound of that British accent left Cyber Seer feeling her own brand of disgust, at the thought that some Brit was trying to take over the city with her crazy-ass doll fetish.  The devices on her tits shifted, pulling her nipples more painfully, and made her gasp.  Then the fucking machine revved higher again, and Cyber Seer’s eyes crossed, and she moaned loudly into the hand covering her mouth.

“Caught in the spider’s web you were, yet marvel at how wet you still get, when you have spent so much time upon the internet,” said Kitsune, her broken speech sounding more amused this time.

Dollface didn’t respond to Kitsune’s comment, though there now seemed to be a pair of dolls near Cyber Seer’s head.  “Undo the straps on her head and neck, but hold her still.”

As Dollface’s hand pulled back, Cyber Seer yelled wordless anger, tugging at the straps and shaking her head back and forth the moment the straps on her forehead and neck were undone, though the pair of dolls soon had her head held moderately still.  “You’re gonna pay for this, you doll-faced bitch!  And you too, foxy!  Just you wait till Ah get outta this damn contraption!”

“Oh, must you continue speaking?  I shall have to reduce you to a kitchen maid at this rate; is barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen not where your kind are most often found anyway?”

Cyber Seer snarled at the insult, and if she could have seen Dollface at that moment, she would have spat in her face, masked or not.  Someone pulled at Cyber Seer’s hair, jerking it roughly into two long bunches, and something was laid under her head, which was then forced downward into said device.  It felt vaguely like a helmet, or half of one, padded with rubber, and seemed to mould itself to the shape of her head, with a pair of channels they guided her long hair into.  A part of it extended down to the neck, acting something like a neck brace.

“Self-control you must learn if for heroics you wish to strive, for blunders such as this will surely not leave you alive,” said Kitsune, though her cobbled-together speech was much lower than it had been before, like a whisper in Cyber Seer’s ear. There was no response from Dollface, and Cyber Seer wasn’t entirely certain she had just heard that.  Was Kitsune…giving her advice?  “Endure this predicament you must, but only for a short time; strike quickly when the moment is right to break the chains that bind, and soon the doll-faced one shall pay for her crime.”

Holy shit!  Kitsune was talking to her, and she sounded encouraging!  What did that even mean?!  What was going on?!

Before she could think too deeply on it, guessing what was about to happen, Cyber Seer kept her mouth clamped tightly shut before she could blurt out a stupid question that might ruin whatever it was Kitsune had in mind, glaring definitely for anyone who could actually see it.  Of course, her body chose that moment to betray her, another orgasm touching off from the incessant pounding of the fuck machine combined with the ever more painful bite on her nipples.  Eyes rolling, Cyber Seer let out a loud moan, her mouth opening to do so. At that moment, a large phallic gag was pushed inside, and the other half of the helmet was lowered into place.  The dildo gag quickly filled her mouth and went down her throat, though she had little in the way of a gag reflex these days.  For a moment, all sound was gone, and Cyber Seer couldn’t breathe.  This only made her come again as her lungs ached for air, tubes sliding into her nostrils.  Something clicked into place around her neck, locking devices in the collar, and around the mask at the seam where it split.

As air started flowing through the mask, Cyber Seer’s mind was filled with a grating interference, like a mix of TV static and the screech of a dial-up modem.  Something seemed to be trying to access her brain, but all it did was annoy the shit out of her.  She squirmed atop the table, fighting at the straps, rolling her head from side to side.  The collar of the mask made that difficult, forcing her to remain staring mostly straight ahead.  Was she supposed to see out of this thing?

“Do not fight it.  You will listen and obey your Queen,” said Dollface, filling Cyber Seer’s ears.  Her voice sounded somewhat digitized, maybe a little enhanced to sound more commanding.  “I have great need for you, and you will serve well in the coming days.”

Wincing at a sudden upscaling in the noise scraping against her brain, Cyber Seer lifted both hands as best she could against the straps, and flipped a double bird at whoever might’ve been watching.  “Fwwk yww!” she spat around the massive gag, noticing that the fuck machine had slowed down again.

The grating against her brain grew more insistent, actually becoming quite annoying as Dollface spoke again.  “Your Queen demands obedience!  And she will have it!  You will bow before me as a loyal subject!”

Cyber Seer lowered her middle fingers for a moment, then lifted them again, and uttered another string of curses around the gag.

“This…is quite abnormal…” Dollface said.

It’s my pleasure to fuck with your world, you stuck up, limey bitch,” Cyber Seer thought, quite pleased with herself.

“Take her up to the gallery at once!” Dollface commanded.  “I must examine the signals from the mask to see why this is not working as normal.  You are certain this one cannot escape now, Kitsune?  Very well.”  The exam table shifted beneath Cyber Seer and started rolling, but the dildos in her lower holes kept pumping.  Though she still couldn’t see or hear anything that wasn’t Dollface’s voice, Cyber Seer felt the shift in the air, the cooler breeze upon her skin.  She still had no network connection to speak of, apparently the mask was blocking it even outside the room she had been trapped within.  Exactly how was she going to get out of this one?

And where were Mecha Musume and Black Cat?  What had Dollface done to them?

Oh no, it looks like all three of our heroines have been captured!  Who could have saw this coming?

Well, besides all of us, I guess, lol.  Hope you enjoyed this over-sized capture-filled chapter, and are excited to see how they’re going to get out of this situation!  Stay tuned for the next exciting chapter, coming next weekend!

Would love to hear any feedback you might have!  Hit me up here or over on DeviantArt, or on my Discord server!

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper