The Peculiar Predicament of the Pilfering Pink Pussy – Chapter 24 – Part 2


Chapter 24 – Assault on the Dollhouse – Part 2

Black Cat watched as Mecha Musume dropped from the sky, then crashed through the roof of the warehouse.  She was still uncertain about their hasty plan, but when Cyber Seer touched her shoulder, flashed her a thumbs up, then vanished, she knew she had no more time to mull things over.  She had to get moving.  

Triggering the spell she had been holding, Black Cat stepped from the rooftop they had been using as a spying spot.  She appeared just above the roof of Dollface’s lair, and immediately dispelled one of the large alarm wards that had been placed there before her feet touched the roof.  It was a safe assumption that their presence was known now that there was a massive hole in the roof, and Musume had called out something to the assembly inside, but there was no sense in taking chances.  The way Musume’s booming robotic voice had come up through the hole sounded unnaturally muffled, though, and made Black Cat pause.

Scanning the rooftop with her arcane sight from close up, from beneath the wall of divination blocking wards that had impeded her vision from afar, she spotted dozens of other better hidden wards along the expanse of the rooftop, not all of them meant to alert the caster.  There were multiple transmutation and conjuration wards mixed in with them:  traps.  It was a literal minefield.

“Damn, someone’s paranoid…” Black Cat muttered, beginning to chant the power words of her flight spell.  If she couldn’t go across the roof, she’d go over it and through the same hole Musume had made.

Then Black Cat’s stomach lurched, a sickening miasma roiling up from the rooftop, filling her magic-seeing eyes, making her shudder.  She closed her eyes immediately, cutting off her arcane sight, and when she opened them, Kitsune crouched on all fours no more than thirty feet away, all nine of her tails fanned out behind her, wavering in an unfelt breeze.  In her belt was the ritual dagger, now sheathed, but that did little to hide the overwhelming, disgusting aura that radiated from the artifact.  So, it seemed she knew about the effect it had on Black Cat…

“Hey, just the girl I was looking for!  Come to surrender?” Black Cat asked, dropping the flight spell for the moment, and instead turning her magical energies to her arcane barrier.

“Congratulations on finding me so fast, such a skilled hunter surely cannot be surpassed!” Kitsune said in that strange mixed arrangement of words clipped from different voices as if from a radio or television, but the tone sounded decidedly mocking.  “Surrender I will, of that you have my guarantee, but best me you must, in a test most robust, lest you find yourself in a state you could not foresee!”  Kitsune’s head cocked to one side, her tails going still as they stood straight out.  The air rippled around her, and the distortion spread in the blink of an eye, bringing a new darkness with it, rushing over and past Black Cat with a burst of magical wind.  

For a moment, Black Cat wasn’t certain if her eyes were open or closed, but then light returned, and she found herself under a full moon, the ethereal light revealing forests and mountains in the distance.  She was atop a mountain, at some kind of shrine, the courtyard spreading out around her with its rock garden and neatly tended lawn.  The nearby structure of the shrine itself resembled a Japanese-style building, but mixed with other influences she couldn’t immediately identify.  Wooden archways, painted white, seemed to glow in the moonlight and lined the stone path leading from the shrine doors to the exit at the edge of the property, which would seem to lead down the mountain.  

Kitsune crouched atop one of these arches, her tails once again wavering in the breeze.  She raised a hand, waving it across the new scene, then cocked her head back and forth as she peered down at Black Cat from behind her mask. Black Cat noted that the jewels in the hilt of the dagger were glowing in the moonlight, though whether that meant Kitsune was using the dagger somehow or it was just reacting to the magic in the air, she couldn’t be certain, and wasn’t going to risk analyzing it with her arcane sight to find out just yet.

“Gnarly,” Black Cat replied slowly, taking in the scene.  It was an impressively powerful illusion without a doubt; she still sensed she was in Sentinel City; there had been none of the telltale signs of teleportation or plane-shifting just then.  But it all felt so real; she could feel the mountain breeze, could smell the new scents of the forest around her, completely blocking out the sharp, unnatural odors of the city, her boots scraped against the stone of the walkway, the wooden roof of the shrine creaked lightly in the wind.  

She swallowed despite the dryness of her mouth, and tried to focus on the magic around her as she looked back to Kitsune.  She had to find a weak spot in the illusion; she couldn’t risk letting herself linger within it.  An illusion like this was meant to overwhelm her mind and hide what really lay around her.  She was still standing atop Dollface’s warehouse, and that meant those trap wards were lurking on all sides, ready for her to blunder into them.  It was as much a mental game as it was a physical one now; she may or may not actually be facing Kitsune, but even if the latex-clad trickster wasn’t there, her illusionary double would be just as effective.  

Unless Black Cat could manage to pierce through the magic, using her own willpower to overcome that of the caster.  Just how strong was Kitsune’s magic?

“What kind of game are we playing here?” she asked at last. Her ears flicked anxiously as she began mentally preparing a spell through her familiar bond without making any outward moves.  She had a bad feeling about what was coming.

Kitsune’s form rippled and vanished, reappearing in front of the shrine, a couple dozen feet from Black Cat.  Her tails raised, straightening again as she spread her arms.

Black Cat held her hands up defensively, focusing her arcane barrier and took a step back, but instead of an attack directed at her, Kitsune’s form wavered and multiplied, several more versions of herself forming around her, some atop the roof, all standing or crouching in different poses.  There were nine Kitsunes then, one for each tail she possessed, though each retained only one of those tails.

“The hunter must simply trap its prey, lest she find her own dismay!” Kitsune answered in her strange way, each word spoken by a different version of herself, though she sounded excited.  “Hunter or hunted, which are you?  Traps abound of all method and manner to ensnare and entice, some of clamor and some of glamour, all to bind neat and nice.  Find the real me you must, as I run to and fro, but on the hunt I too shall be, for the witch of such feline delicacy!”

“Bogus…” Black Cat muttered through clenched teeth, eyes darting to the massive gathering of potential enemies before her.  “Seems pretty lame to me, not fair at all!”

All of the Kitsunes began laughing, each at a different pace and in a varied way, the cacophony filling the still night air.  “These are my rules which you must abide, unless you admit defeat and wish to concede!  Simply say-“

Black Cat snapped her hand toward the middle of the Kitsune pack, releasing the spell she had inwardly prepped, a ball of fire streaking through the air, covering the distance between them in the space of a heartbeat.  A brilliant explosion filled the night air, sending pieces of the shrine flying in all directions, along with the Kitsunes, who rolled and leapt away from the inferno, vanishing.

“How’d that taste, dipstick?”  Black Cat shouted, leaping into the air, letting her flight spell propel her upward.  If there was one thing that she had learned during her early years, when her friends had been playing Dungeons and Dragons and the dungeon master had gone through the ‘villainous monologuing’ phase with the bad guys, it was that a fireball did wonders to break up their plans.

Before Black Cat could even get above the arches, something snagged her ankle, stopping her forward momentum in its tracks, wrapping tighter as she was jerked to a halt.  Whipping her gaze down and behind her, Black Cat saw one of the Kitsunes on the ground near where she had taken flight, holding a rope in its hands leading back to Black Cat’s ankle.  

The moment Kitsune pulled the rope to haul Black Cat down, the witch hurled another spell, sending another, albeit smaller, ball of fire at the latex-clad villainess.  Kitsune disappeared in a  wave of fire and chunks of the walkway beneath her.  

Black Cat had started moving upward the moment the line had gone slack, but had the breath knocked out of her when another Kitsune leaped from atop one of the arches and landed a kick to Black Cat’s side.  Crying out, Black Cat lost concentration on her flight spell and went down, landing on her back in the rock garden with Kitsune straddling her, reaching her arms toward the downed witch.

Black Cat noticed a couple things as she gasped for air, one a little more worrisome than the other.  First, and maybe it was just her vision being a little wonky from the kick and rough landing, but it looked like Kitsune’s mask now had a smug grin upon the fox-like face.  Secondly, she felt magic discharging beneath them.  They’d landed on one of the traps!

Without thought, Black Cat triggered a quick teleport, vanishing from beneath Kitsune, reappearing back at the still-smoking crater she had made with her last fireball.  She materialized just as the magical energies of the trap consumed Kitsune in a whirl of sparkling lights, leaving a very tightly wrapped mummy in her place, though instead of gauze or  linen, the wrappings looked like latex.

Out of the corner of her eye, Black Cat saw another Kitsune dancing across the lawn, scampering wildly as she barreled toward the heroine, apparently trying to avoid another fireball…and the other traps hidden beneath the deceptively pleasant illusion.

Black Cat glanced around, fearing an ambush, but saw no other Kitsunes immediately.  She uttered a quick incantation and threw her hand out, sending a dozen magical missiles streaking through the air toward Kitsune.

Before she could even see whether the missiles had struck their target, hands grasped Black Cat’s shoulders and pulled her backward.  A foot pushed against her back, and suddenly Black Cat was tumbling through the air end over end.  Almost as soon as she had registered that thought, another Kitsune, or maybe the same one that had thrown her, was on top of her, pulling Black Cat’s arms behind her.  Something metallic clicked around Black Cat’s wrists at the moment they hit the ground, which were now unable to separate, and another trap went off beneath them.

Kitsune was throwing her at the traps, regardless of her own safety!

In the split second it took the trap to trigger, Black Cat managed another emergency teleportation, such spells taxing her reserves much more than she would have liked.  As she reappeared atop one of the arches Kitusne had previously used, she saw that there was now a big ball of shiny black latex where they had landed.  Tugging her wrists, Black Cat twisted around, holding her arms out so that she could see what now adorned them.

A pair of silvery cuffs were locked around them, only no chain ran between them, leaving her very little in the way of mobility.  She didn’t need her arcane sight to tell her they were enchanted; the lack of visible locking devices and the faintly glowing runes of a reddish hue upon them told her that much.  “Oh, fuck you, lady!  This is bogus!” she spat, recognizing the runes:  it was a mana sapping enchantment; these cuffs were meant to drain spellcasters of their mystical energies!

Perhaps worse, Black Cat also noticed a particular glossy shine on her back and shoulders, and felt a warmth that hadn’t been there before the last trap had triggered.  It was some of that black latex that had exploded over the Kitsune that had triggered the trap, and as she watched, it slowly spread a little wider over her flesh and clothes.  “Gag me with a spoon…” she muttered, wracking her brain on exactly how she’d get out of this situation.

Three Kitsunes suddenly appeared around Black Cat, falling from thin air toward her.  

Catching the sight of more metal in their hands, Black Cat quickly jerked her fingers in specific motions and spat out a few power words.  Just as the Kitsunes were on her, she dropped to her knees atop the arch, planting her palms on the wood behind her.  

A wave of force exploded outward from Black Cat in all directions, sending the Kitsunes flying while tearing through the arch beneath her, crashing out into the arches to either side of her.  The power of the impact was enough to topple the arches to either side, which fell into the next arch, which then fell into the next…

Though she would have liked to have watched the domino-styled destruction, Black Cat struggled to keep her balance as the arch wobbled and fell beneath her.  The horizontal cross beam cracked and tilted sharply, causing her to roll forward.  As she rolled down the cracked wood, Black Cat brought her knees to her chest and slipped her cuffed hands over her legs, bringing them back to the front, then immediately leaped out of the way of the falling vertical column from the arch.

Black Cat landed on the lawn, hearing the crash of more wood behind her as the arches continued to topple, but also felt magic explode beneath her feet.  She didn’t linger, letting her momentum carry her as she kicked off, trying to jump out of the range of the spell.  It was only thanks to her familiar bond that she could even react that quickly; a normal person would’ve been caught in the trap as soon as it triggered. 

Black Cat hit the ground on her knees a few feet away, heard the rattle of chains behind her, and felt something on her ankles, pulling her backward.  Panting, feeling the drain of the cuffs on her wrists, she looked back, and saw a mass of writhing chains growing from the ground, standing tall like twenty-foot tall metal tentacles, wavering toward her, looking as if they were ready to strike.  Two of them were already wrapped around her ankles, and were pulling her toward the others.  

Worse, she saw that the latex from the first trap had spread further, over her shoulders and starting down her arms; it mostly covered her back already and was starting around her torso.  

Feeling panic welling up in her, Black Cat shook her head.  “Don’t wig out!  You can do this!” she said to herself, rolling over to face the chain tentacles and planting her heels into the ground as the chains pulled at her, working her fingers and chanting more power words.  She could feel her reserves dwindling, but she had to keep fighting!

The chain trap proved quite strong as the lengths that wrapped Black Cat’s ankles grew more insistent, the pull becoming harder to resist.  Though her heels were dug into the ground, she was slowly being drawn closer, and the other chains sensed it, rattling as they writhed and bent in her direction, like snakes ready to strike.  Her fingers worked furiously as she chanted the spell, and she relied on her familiar to ghost the arm movements she required and couldn’t thanks to Kitsune’s cuffs.

Speaking of the crafty vixen, Black Cat sensed movement behind her.  Reacting on instinct, she dove to her right, rolling over the ground, twisting the two chains together.  She felt the chains jerk as they hauled her several feet closer before she managed to plant her feet again, but when her eyes fell upon the writhing mass, she saw that most of the remaining chains were now wrapped around one of the Kitsunes, and that there were still plenty more waiting for Black Cat.

Though her sudden evasion had very nearly cost her the spell, Black Cat’s concentration remained unbroken long enough for her to complete it.  Very nearly shouting the final words of power, she thrust her cuffed hands forward.  Frost grew instantly over her hands and a large shard of ice was conjured into existence, hurtling into the ground at the base of the chain trap. The ice spike ripped through the chains that held her ankles, severing them with a metallic snap.  The hold on her limbs immediately went limp, and Black Cat kicked the chains off, rolling over before she scampered awkwardly away as fast as she could.  She panted for air, feeling the extra drain the damned cuffs had put upon her like a crushing weight upon her mind.

Behind her the ice spell she had set loose grew rapidly, growing into a field of icy, thorn-covered spikes.  The chains, and the Kitsune inside them, were struck and frozen in place, and as the spiky field grew wider, more magical traps were set off, the effects of their triggering freezing in place even as the ground beneath them was torn up and frozen.  

Black Cat spat out a quick word of power, and jumped, barely evading the fast-moving edge of her own spell as she sailed over the open lawn and landed on the walkway in front of the burning shrine, where Kitsune had stood earlier, and was relieved when no trap exploded beneath her.  She looked at the effect of the ice spell as it finally stopped spreading, leaving a good fifty-foot circle of spiky, frozen terrain.

Still continuing to gasp for breath, Black Cat wiped sweat from her forehead, a combination of the exertion and heat from the fire, and looked at her arms, brow furrowing with worry.  The latex had spread much faster than it had previously, nearly down to her cuffed wrists.  Looking lower, she saw with more immediate concern that it now covered her torso almost completely, the leather of her costume consumed by the spreading blackness, which now resembled a much tighter version of said outfit, the corset having grown much tighter and more rigid, though her cleavage and the outfit were the same shiny shade of black.  Wait…were her boobs…bigger now?  Strands of latex were spreading down her thighs now as well, and were already consuming her skirt.

Something tickled at her brain as she stared at the shiny black rubber that now covered her skin, something about the way it had grown and transmuted her costume into latex.  What was it?  It wasn’t alive, it wasn’t still receiving power from the trap ward…

Then it clicked.  

“It’s…feeding off my magic!”  Kitsune had set up her trap to drain Black Cat’s energy even more rapidly than just the cuffs would have, while simultaneously restraining her!  

As Black Cat’s mind began searching through decades of magical study for a way to counter a spell that consumed magic in such a way, especially when said spell was growing over your own flesh, Kitsune chose that moment to strike.

Black Cat heard a faint whistling sound as something whipped through the air around her, and cried out in surprise as something slapped against her body, wrapping around her forearms, waist, and legs.  She had barely identified that she was now wrapped in some kind of wire when she spotted the trio of Kitsunes surrounding her.  As she registered this, the Kitsunes hauled on the wire, which grew much tighter, forcing Black Cat’s legs together, crushing her in the tight coils and further restricting her movements.

“Damn it!” Black Cat spat through clenched teeth, wincing as the wire bit into her skin.  She wiggled and squirmed, but the wires weren’t loosening.  

Worse, two other Kitsunes appeared beside her, one looking to have been melted from some kind of fire, maybe the explosion of the shrine, the other resembling some kind of latex-wrapped mummy.  Each had some kind of silvery metal in their hands, telltale red glowing runes upon them.

“NO!”  Black Cat cried, twisting her fingers in a quick, desperate spell again calling on her familiar bond to handle the parts of the incantation she couldn’t.  

Metal snapped around her ankles, then her neck, at the same time the spell completed.  A nimbus of electricity snapped and popped into existence around Black Cat’s body, and discharged dozens of small magical lighting bolts.  

Kitsune’s latex costume wasn’t insulated from magical electrical discharge, apparently.  The two that had stood beside her were flung back and writhed under the powerful barrage, and the ones holding the wires were similarly zapped as the electrical energy traveled down the metal strands, causing them to writhe and jerk.  

The electrical energy going through the wires caused them to heat, then snap under the tension, and then the pressure crushing Black Cat was gone, though she very nearly blacked out as she staggered to regain her balance.  A pair of silver shackles now adorned her ankles, maybe a foot of chain between them to allow her very short steps, and a similarly crafted collar rested around her neck, the metal cool, and pushing against the bottom of her jaw as she looked down, the wide metal band making it difficult to do anything but keep looking forward.  

“I think we’ve officially hit ‘deep shit’ levels of trouble now,” Black Cat muttered, watching through wavering vision as the latex grew again, covering her hands.  She felt it covering her thighs as well, and spreading lower down her calves and to her feet, her thigh boots transforming into tightly fitting latex versions of themselves, though with more severe heels.  Worse, the latex spread further upward, covering her neck before seeming to merge with her new collar, growing thick around the edges of the metal and forming a wide, rounded padding, which further restricted the movement of her head.

Black Cat reached for the bell of the collar Sassy had made for her, and it was still there, though now it was attached to the ring on the front of the metal collar. She had just formed the question in her mind of how Kitsune had managed such a feat when she tried to grasp it and found that the latex covering her hands had grown further and had suddenly forced her hands into fists.  She now had two rounded rubber balls instead of hands at the ends of the cuffs.  “Yeah, hellaciously bad vibes here,” she said, eyes wide as she stared at her ball-covered hands.  

What else could she do?

Sudden movement around Black Cat drew her attention away from her latex-encased hands.  She was surrounded by the Kitsunes, all nine of them standing around her, one covered in chains, the mummified one, a melted one, one still radiating cold from the ice spell, others with shards of wood and dirt stuck to their costumes.  Then, all of them wavered as if form a heat distortion, and snapped to the left or right, slamming into one another and merging until only one, nine-tailed Kitsune remained, looking entirely unblemished, the lips of the fox mask hiding her face curled into a smug grin.  In her hands, she held a deceptively simple leash.

Black Cat took a step back toward the burning shrine, the chain between her ankles going taut, nearly causing her to fall on her extreme stiletto heels.  She glared back into the dark eyes of Kitsune’s mask, reflexively tugging at the cuffs on her wrists.  Shifting, she heard the creak of the rubber that now adorned her body, and felt that it was growing tighter as it adjusted to her curves.  “If you think you’re putting that on me, you’ve got another thing comin’, lady.”  She had very little left to offer in the ways of resistance.  It would take her a few seconds to try to activate the bell, maybe more with her hands as they were; if she couldn’t activate it, she couldn’t call in the cavalry.

A chorus of mocking laughs filled the air around them, from dozens of different voices.  Kitsune’s smirk seemed to grow wider, and the latex-clad vixen took a step toward Black Cat, leash raised toward the collar at the heroine’s neck.

“I hope Mecha Musume and Cyber Seer kick your ass; eat shit and die!”  Black Cat did the only thing she could think of as she glared at Kitsune.  She stamped her foot on the ground defiantly.  

Then she flew through the air as a torrent of explosive energy ripped through the stones beneath her heels.  Kitsune had vanished in the blast, but then the whole area was rumbling, and the world around Black Cat shook and shuddered as reality seemed to collapse, and Sentinel City’s dark skyline reappeared.

The illusion was broken!

But, Black Cat’s move had cost her much.  She had discharged every last ounce of magical energy she could muster into raw, unrefined power, sparking the explosion at her feet.  It was one of the big no-nos she had learned early in her life as an arcanist.  Sassy had compared letting loose uncontrolled magical power to playing with sweaty dynamite, and in this case, it had worked exactly that way.  

As Black Cat’s ascent slowed, her stamina was gone.  Her vision blurred and she very nearly blacked out from the effect the silver restraints had upon her as all of her magical reserves were gone.  She was aware of the shredded latex on her legs and body, though the cuffs seemed unaffected by the blast.  The fact that her body only felt like it had been trampled by a stampede of horses and she hadn’t lost limbs was a small comfort.  

As she reached an apex and started falling toward the warehouse, Black Cat was aware of the latex regrowing around her, pressing even more tightly upon her body.  It spread down her tail, then upward, covering her face and head, consuming her hat, which had somehow stayed atop her head throughout her wild evasion and the explosion.  Darkness consumed her, and latex filled her ears, muting the world around her.  She couldn’t breathe, her nostrils filling with the thick rubber, the latex growing so tight around her lower face that she couldn’t open her mouth.

Black Cat fell, waiting for the crash into the floor of the warehouse far below.  

Something, or rather, someone grabbed her, and she felt a sudden rush and momentary disorientation as she was magically teleported, and then she was on her knees.  She immediately fell forward, lungs aching to take a breath through her latex prison.  Nothing was coming through!  The latex was going to kill her!  The rubber balls she had for hands went to her collared throat, desperate to dislodge something, indicating to whoever had grabbed her that she was choking.

She felt a hand on her chin, lifting her head.  Well, at least the slight amount it could be with the rubber-padded metal collar.  The hand grasped her jaw and squeezed as Black Cat’s lungs burned and she saw stars in her inky darkness.  Black Cat felt something pressing to her lips, and the latex separated.

Her immediate response was to gasp for air, opening her mouth wide to greedily gulp it in.  That’s when Black Cat’s mouth filled with more rubber, a wide plug of some kind being shoved past her teeth.  She gasped and choked as it hit the back of her throat, and she felt something pressing over her face, growing more tightly around it as it reformed itself to match the contours of her face.

No!  It was one of Dollface’s masks!

But it was too late.  She felt the plug expand to fill her mouth and throat, felt the tubes going up her nose.  On the one hand, she could once again breathe, but on the other, she felt a mental assault the likes of which she had never before experienced. 

Black Cat let out a gagged scream as powerful magic pounded into her mind.  Her balled hands went to the mask, batting at it ineffectually in a vain attempt to pull it off or somehow dislodge it.

The mask held firm, completely unyielding.

Black Cat bit down on the mouth-stuffing gag, trying to focus her mind, forcing it into a strict line of thought that would resist the mental domination that pounded at her mind.  She had to obey her Queen!  She had to love her Queen!

“Ngggh!” she choked.  Jerking and shaking, slamming her padded fists at the mask, Black Cat just couldn’t find the strength to focus.  She was completely drained of her magical essence until she rested and recovered, and her body was weak, in pain from the explosion she had caused.  There was simply nothing left to give.

Don’t resist my pet.  It’s okay to rest now.  You have done well, such a good girl.  Come and comfort your Queen.

The voice in her head was everywhere, piercing through the black void, a melodic, nigh-angelic sound with a distinctly British accent, regal, that made Black Cat shudder.

A final, choked cry escaped her as her cuffed hands dropped from her face, and she rested back on her legs.  Yes.  She had to listen to her Queen.  She could rest now!  She had been a good girl!  Her Queen needed her!

The eyes of her mask opened, and she saw her Queen for the first time, sitting only a half dozen feet away with a glowing radiance surrounding her as she sat upon her throne.  Her Queen was the most beautiful woman Black Cat had witnessed, and she wanted, no, needed Black Cat!

Making a low, inquisitive meow, Black Cat waited for the motion of her Queen’s finger, and obediently crawled forward, however awkwardly in the cuffs, tail raised with curiosity.  Once by her Queen’s side, Black Cat rubbed her face affectionately against the fabulous dress her Queen wore, then put her paws upon her Queen’s lap, earning a chin rub, then a scratch behind her ears.  Her Queen then clipped a leash to her collar, which made Black Cat’s heart race with excitement.  She closed her eyes, purring happily now that she could properly serve her Queen!

Black Cat’s head was soon upon her Queen’s lap, and her witch’s hat was laid aside as her tail slapped lazily from one side to the other while the wonderful petting continued.  She saw a tall, armored figure standing beside the throne then, not having registered them before, waiting with arms crossed, their red-glowing visor and helmet hiding their face.  The Queen had finally chosen a knight to champion her!

“Now, Kitsune, while we wait for the third new addition to my court to arrive this evening,” said the Queen, still affectionately stroking Black Cat’s chin and ears, “perhaps you would care to explain why the upper level and roof of my castle are in such disarray?”

Kitsune, who seemed to appear from nowhere, spread her arms and offered a slight shrugging bow.

Black Cat heard something come from Kitsune, or maybe it was from Kitsune’s general direction, but the scratching at her ears was too distracting.  Not that she needed to hear it.  That wasn’t her place.  Her place was on her Queen’s lap.  She closed her eyes, purring as she focused on the pleasure she gained from her Queen’s attention on her ears, and kneaded her paws upon the Queen’s lap.

She was exactly where she needed to be, where she had always belonged. 

I will admit, I enjoyed writing this particular scene quite a bit.  I didn’t have much of a plan when the fight started, but once the fireball was thrown, I really got into it.

Much to Black Cat’s dismay, no doubt.  But…isn’t she just so cute there at the end?

Well, only one heroine left to deal with!  Stay tuned next week for the conclusion of the Assault on the Dollhouse and to see if Cyber Seer can come through in a pinch, or if she winds up in Dollface’s clutches!

Would love to hear any feedback you might have!  Hit me up here or over on DeviantArt, or on my Discord server!

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper