The Peculiar Predicament of the Pilfering Pink Pussy – Chapter 19


Chapter 19 – Cleaning Up with Clean Sweep

“I think we need to get in on that Pink Pussy action,” Becky said in Emi’s ear, a hint of lustfulness in her voice.

“You mean to stop her from committing more crimes, and not into her fur and whatever might be beneath it, right?” Emi asked, grinning knowingly as she flew through the skies of Sentinel City. As soon as she’d gotten home from her classes, she had reassembled her modified armor and suited up. Becky had arrived just before she had launched, and was watching the monitors back at the house.

“Sure, yeah, that’s what I meant,” Becky replied, not hiding her lie very well. “But if she happened to grab me up and crush me into those tits, well…I wouldn’t mind is all I’m sayin’.”

“You might think differently if she was trying to do to you what she did to Shadow Lynx.”

Becky had just gotten through the front door when the news had hit about what had happened to Shadow Lynx. The news reports, and even a lot of the online sites that tracked the actions of the heroes in the city, were not showing much of the incident. A few videos showed the end of the fight, but when it came to the aftermath, footage was limited to some blurred stills for the most part. At least that was the case on anything that wasn’t a porn site. By the time Emi was down the tunnel, Becky had already sent her a dozen different angles of the full scene with Shadow Lynx dangling from the street light, from all sides, most ending as soon as the cops showed up and started shooing people away, a few lingering a bit longer to watch the police cut down the bound heroine.

“I bet Shadow Lynx is pissed as all hell,” Becky said, giving a low, lusty growl. “I can just imagine what she’d do if she could get a hold of Pink Pussy…it’s making me all hot and bothered. Do you think it would be wrong if I tracked Shadow Lynx down and made myself look like Pink Pussy, just to see what she’d do with that whip?”

“Uh…just a little?” Emi replied, eyebrow raised. “Do I need to get a chastity belt for you?”

“A leather outfit and a whip would do just fine right now…”

Emi rolled her eyes, then rolled her armor, spiralling lower towards the city streets. Even with the modifications to the cooling system, she was already warm, but the changes she had made to the outer shell and backpack didn’t seem to have negatively affected performance. “I don’t think I can fit that into the design, unfortunately.” An image flashed through Emi’s head as she shot through the lowest clouds, the towering skyscrapers coming up fast, myriad lights moving along the roadways below. It was of a more streamlined armor, something akin to a hardsuit, but form-fitting, in red and black, with an energy whip and actual ballet-style heels, of Becky’s Cyber Seer persona begging for punishment in front of her ‘Mecha Mistress’ as one of those heels ground into the willing slave’s back…

She shook her head quickly. Better keep that one under wraps; if Becky got wind of it now, there’d be porn of it by the time Emi got back home. Instead, she focused on the task at hand. “All systems normal, no new stresses during high altitude flight. New backpack modifications performing as expected.”

“How’s yer coolin’ systems?” Becky asked, her Texas drawl more pronounced now. She must have been watching something that was getting her aroused. “Cause you’re a lookin’ pretty hot’n’sweaty ta me.”

“Still leaves a lot to be desired,” Emi replied with a sigh. Why couldn’t she figure this out? It seemed simple enough. Though it was a few degrees cooler, she still felt like she was in an oven. “Is there anything going on out there right now that I can get a combat test tonight?” She banked toward the freeway outside the city, dipping low over the river, close enough to cause a wake behind her, then weaved through the support structures and turned sharply down one street, and started weaving from one block to the next in a series of ninety degree turns.

“Well..we’ve got plenty of gang activity reports outside of downtown,” Becky said. “Drug deals, drive-bys, muggings, the usual. Plenty of reports of stolen vehicles, break-ins. Just some fender-benders right now, no major accidents on the expressway…Maybe all the crooks are wondering just what to make of Pink Pussy’s antics tonight? Not sure if she’s friend or foe?”

“Maybe…” Emi replied slowly, turning up her sensors to scan for gunshots or screams, or anything else nearby that she could assist with.

“Oh! Shadow Lynx just announced she’s having a live stream in an hour!” Becky said. “I can track her feed, and we could introduce ourselves.”

“Don’t think that’d be a good idea; I would wager she’s going to be pissed enough without a couple of strangers showing up offering to help.” Emi could just imagine what that reaction would be like, and she certainly didn’t want to get into a fight with a heroine who excelled in shadows and darkness this late. “She’s a bit…prideful, I think.”

“Well, we gotta get in on this Pink Pussy thing somehow. I mean, we have an idea of what she’s going after. That one thing is due to arrive in town in a couple days. So far no move on the artifact at the museum; I’ve been keeping an eye on that since we listed it as a possible target. She’s probably planning on snatching both at the same time.”

“It would make sense. Has there been no Pink Pussy sightings since she beat up Shadow Lynx?”

“Not a peep,” Becky replied. “It’s like she showed up just to kick Shadow Lynx around then vanished again. There wasn’t much footage of the fight before Pink Pussy hurled Shadow Lynx into that office. I got a couple of webcams that were aimed toward the window when it happened, one street cam that barely caught it, but that’s it. I don’t even know how she got Shadow Lynx out of the building or to the light post, honestly. She’s one sneaky pussy, that’s for sure.”

“Maybe she can teleport now too,” Emi mused, turning down another street, barrelling toward a highrise at the end. She was about thirty feet above the roadway, had plenty of people pointing and snapping pictures as she zoomed by. Moments from impact with the building, she banked upward, following the building’s contours back into the sky. “I’m heading toward the suburbs; where was the nearest report of those gangs?”

“I’ve got one over near Oak Lawn that- Wait! I just got an alert. Alarms just started blarin’ at the America Bank building on Main Street! It’s-”

“On my way!” Emi said without hesitation, knowing exactly where the bank was. She was only seconds from it.

“Lemme finish, hon,” Becky replied quickly. “It’s the maids again! I’ve got two truckloads of them. They blew the front of the building with…something; cameras didn’t catch what it was, but it weren’t no explosive. Same kit as before; you should be fine to clean’em up.”

“Roger that!” Emi replied, eager to get some action. She did a quick systems check as she cut thrust a hundred feet over the highrise she had topped, spun herself toward the ground as her upward momentum died off, and kicked the jets back on at full power, shooting her toward Main Street. She took her sensors down from their wide scans and focused on the street ahead. Traffic had already come to a stop, leaving a sizable gap in front of the bank, and a cloud of dust flew into the air out of the front of the building. She saw the big panel trucks, and a half dozen maids standing near them, automatic rifles at the ready. “Any updates on what blew the building?”

“No…something’s different…” Becky replied, her voice revealing a tenseness that hadn’t been there before. “I’m watching the street and the internal cams, but…it’s kinda like what we saw on the Pink Pussy footage. There’s a blur, like an afterimage that I can’t get in focus. All the cameras are high res models, so I’ve got everything else, just this ghost here. It shoots out the back of one of the trucks, then turns straight toward the building like a rocket, and then boom.”

“Keep at it; I’m going in!” Emi set her jaw as she cut htrust and flipped, the maids having already spotted her by the whine of her jets. Her suit registered multiple impacts as they unloaded their high velocity rounds into the armor. Emi ignored them as she landed on the street, her impact creating a small shock wave that shook the trucks and left an impact crater in the asphalt. Her targeting systems locked onto the maids out front, and her sensors had already marked the maids inside the building by their heat signatures. She flipped on her microphone and made her announcement. “Drop your weapons and surrender now! Don’t make this harder than it has to be!”

“Huh…all the cams inside just went down…its…they went down in sequence, but in like half a second…nothing…” Becky said. “They’re definitely more organized now. I don’t like this; I’m on my way.”

The maids formed up as they shifted toward the bank entrance, calling inside to the others. The one in front dropped her magazine from her AK and shouted over the others. “Switch to AP rounds! AP!” At once the rest of the maids dropped their mags and slapped in new ones from pouches on their harnesses, opening fire.

“No! Stay there!” Warning alarms lit up Emi’s HUD, registering a few dozen more impacts. She felt the impacts jar her this time, and saw that they were actually making small dents in the armor plating. They still hadn’t got through the outer layer by any stretch of the imagination, but the fact that they had armor piercing rounds ready was a quick escalation of things. Having seen that the first burst hadn’t caused major damage, Emi stepped forward, drawing out her cannon, the charge already built up and ready to fire.

“Clear the way!” shouted someone inside, the maids out front splitting off into two groups, one to either side of the doors.

“Holy shit!” Becky exclaimed.

Emi’s sensors had picked up on a targeting lock; something had painted her with a laser from inside the bank. A flash lit up the darkness of the bank, and just as Emi tried to engage her thrusters, a trail of fire flew from the bank. “RPG!” she shouted just as the impact sent her rolling. Her world turned red, angry alarms blaring on her flickering HUD.

“Emi?! EMI!?!” Becky shouted, her voice filled with static over the comm.

Emi groaned, her vision blurry for a few moments, ears ringing. It took her a few seconds to register which way was up. She checked the HUD once she could see straight. The RPG had impacted right in the chest plate. Multiple ablative layers had peeled away, the suit showed that the main armored layer had been breached, but the second and tertiary layers still held. Surrounding plates had some damage, but nothing crippling. At least it hadn’t been a HEAT round…that might’ve been a lot more dangerous. She panted, turning her eyes toward the maids; the group outside were flanking her, moving slowly with rifles focused on her.

“EMI? Are you there?!”

“Uh, yeah, sorry,” Emi replied, shaking away the last of her disorientation as she rose back to her feet. “I’m fine, nothing that I can’t deal with. Systems still above 90% function. Just my first RPG to the face, you know?”

“It’s still moving!” shouted one of the maids, a half second before they opened fire, focusing on the area of where the RPG had impacted. More alarms, but still no penetration.

Becky blew out her breath. “Be careful! They probably got more of those damn things. Take them out first; I’m coming in to give ya’ a boost. No arguin’ with me now!”

“Yes, ma’am!” Emi replied, grinning. Guess Bekcy hadn’t gone full subby yet. Emi still held onto her rifle, she realized, and aside from some burns and scrapes on the outer casing, it still reported full functionality; it had been constructed of the same alloys as her armor after all. “Let’s see if this works as well on live targets as it did on dummies…”

Emi adjusted her targets, locked onto the six maids outside but kept her eyes on the bank’s doorway, waiting for that targeting laser. They should be almost ready for a follow-up shot from the RPG… Trusting her targeting systems, she pulled the trigger. The big cannon whined as it spat small, bright purple bursts at speeds comparable to a minigun, and Emi swept her arm across the line of maids. Though they had already started to dive for cover, the stun blasts hit them full on, the energy crackling over their bodies. They screamed at the initial impacts, but were out cold on the ground before they could really do much more, the purple energy arcing over their unconscious forms a couple seconds more. The cannon spun down, steam rising from the barrel.

That’s when the targeting laser painted her again, the beam clear on her HUD now that she was looking for it. A heartbeat later the flash of the round firing its rocket lit up the interior of the bank. With her enhanced vision, Emi saw a two-maid team manning the RPG, one with several more rounds hanging from a harness over her uniform, the other aiming the weapon; the rest of the maids must have been in the back working on the safe.

The rocket hurtled toward Emi, but with her armor enhancing her reactions, she targeted the RPG round itself. She couldn’t blow it this close, or dodge it and let it fly down the street behind her, nor did she want to risk another direct hit on her armor. Instead, at the last possible moment, she kicked out with her left foot, catching the bottom side of the round, and sent it skyward. It flew into the night sky away from the city, angled toward an industrial area with lots of old warehouses, a slowly shrinking mark on her targeting HUD. Without turning to look, she aimed her cannon at it, switched modes, and fired. An intense, purple beam lanced outward from the barrel, and a moment later, an explosion lit up the night sky, and hopefully the falling shrapnel wouldn’t cause much damage when it landed amidst all that industrial machinery and old buildings.

The jaw-dropped looks of surprise on the maids’ faces were priceless. They were so shocked by Emi’s handling of the RPG that they didn’t even register her aiming at them until the stun blasts slammed into them, dropping them to the floor.

“Like, wow, man! That was totally awesome! Total no-scope!” Becky said from behind Emi, affecting her valley girl accent. “The vid tubes are like, gonna totally freak over that!”

Emi turned to regard Becky, now in her Cyber Seer disguise, goggles pulled down over her eyes. Becky’s respirator-style half mask hissed as she breathed, perfectly clear with Emi’s enhanced aural sensors. “I still can’t get used to that voice.”

“Like, says the emotionless robot,” Becky replied with a shrug. “As if!” She raised her arm toward Emi as if for a high five. Emi reached for her to match the movement, expecting a quick repair job when their hands touched.

Emi’s HUD flashed a warning, registering a missile approaching at speed higher than the RPG rounds. As her head snapped toward the bank, something slammed into the armor, but it didn’t explode. It did send her flying, though, sensors registering incredible impact force on the side of her torso just like a missile or tank round, and she crashed into the building across the street, ripping through the concrete wall as if it were a wet paper bag.

“What the- hey!” Emi heard Becky’s voice over the comm, clearly surprised by whatever was going on. There was a crackle of static, then silence.

Emi pushed through the rubble that had fallen on top of her. “Becky?!” There was a major dent in the plates on her side, but so far she could still function. She scanned the street where they had been standing, but there was no sign of Becky, or whatever had hit her armor. She did see the maids loading bags of cash into their trucks, though, along with their unconscious sisters. Focusing on what was in front of her, Emi pulled her cannon up from the rubble, targeting the truck engines. Just before she could squeeze the trigger, something slammed into her from behind, more warning alarms blaring, though all she heard was ringing in her ears. Whatever it was had hit her in the head hard enough to jolt her about inside the armor, dazing her as she slid across the roadway, her cannon flying from her hand.

Before Emi could even start to get up, whatever it was slammed into her again, causing her to roll and skid and tumble along the asphalt down the intersecting street, only stopping when she landed atop a car, now much more compact than it had originally been.

What was it?! Blinking away sweat and blood, Emi grimaced at the blurry readouts, showing that each successive impact had hit her harder. She quickly worked through her data, checking the tracking systems. All of the strikes had registered as missile impacts, but there had been no projectiles, nothing had registered on her tracking systems for a launch point. The vector data said the shots had been straight on, but…from where?

“Hey, robot!” called a woman’s voice from down the street, in the direction of the bank. “You just stay down there, yeah? You give us the money, and I give this back, how’s that sound?”

Turning her head toward the voice, Emi grimaced, noticing that her visor was cracked. There was another maid standing in the street, a gleaming metal pole with several dents along the shaft in one hand, and Becky in the other. Becky was either unconscious or not fighting back, not that she could, really, since she was wrapped neck to toe in duct tape, almost a complete mummification. A black cord of some kind was around her neck, tight and pressing into her skin, which was what the maid held to.

The maid stood out from the others; for one, she wasn’t packing guns. Her uniform was less covering, too, her sizeable breasts and cleavage plainly visible, and somehow hadn’t popped free of the tight top. Her apron, complete with a wide bow at her back that trailed a pair of wide tails behind her, and the pleated, flared skirt, barely reached halfway down her thighs, which themselves had a pair of lacy garters tied around them, with fishnet stockings continuing down her shapely, toned legs into a pair of red high heels. Her skin was darker, perhaps Latino or Italian origin, while her eyes gleamed, almost as if they were radiating a golden light. Her dark hair was tied back in a ponytail, a lacey maid’s headband atop her head, matching lace at her wrists.

Emi didn’t move, locating the signal coming off her cannon; it was too far away for her to reach, especially since she didn’t quite track how the maid was hitting her. “Who are you?” she demanded, trying to come up with some kind of plan.

The maid’s lips curled into a smile, her lips glistening from the glossy red lipstick she wore. “Call me Clean Sweep. Do we have a deal?” she asked, tugging at the cord around Becky’s neck. Her voice had a faint accent, and Emi leaned more toward Italian ancestry, her accent putting her in mind of ones she’d heard from certain areas of New York and New Jersey. Becky grunted and wavered, trying to maintain her balance, but didn’t speak. “Would be a real shame if I had to kill this one, wouldn’t it?”

Emi checked her thrust status. Some of the nozzles on her suit registered damage, but they would still function, they moved. She locked her targeting on Clean Sweep. Maybe she could- Something struck her hard from the side of the store to her right, and Emi tumbled through the air, crashing into a pickup that had been parked there. Dazed again, her head foggy, she blinked several times, seeing that her readouts showed missing plates now, and one dented in so much that it had damaged the inner frame. She could actually feel it pressing into her side.

“I saw those jets twitching! That was your only warning! Try it again, and I’m taking this head for a trophy!” Clean Sweep shouted. She tugged at the cord around Becky’s neck. Becky gasped and choked as the line dug into her neck, and she was forced to stand on her toes.

“Damn it…” Emi spat. She had been staring right at Clean Sweep, but there had been nothing! No hint of movement, no sign that she had tried to swipe at her with the metal pole. The only difference now was a fresh dent and a slight bend to the metal pole she held. Had she somehow hit Emi from all the way over there? How? Had she teleported in the blink of an eye?

Emi’s HUD flickered, and a data feed started streaming in; Becky’s voice filled her helmet, distorted and digitized. “Hey, just play along for now. We need to come up with another plan for her; she’s got super-speed. She had me wrapped up and on the rooftop in half a blink, then back on the street so fast I couldn’t even process it. She’s been running at you and hitting you with her stick this whole damn time.”

“So that’s it…I can’t even track her…are you okay?”

“For now…can’t breathe, getting kinda excited by that, though; my nipples are…”

“Not now, Becky!”

“Sorry, just, you know…I’ve already got the camera feeds streaming; we can track them and go after them once we recover.”

“Can’t you just teleport away like you did when you got here?” Emi asked. “Sure would clear up a lot of options.”

“Well, that takes me a second when I transition from here to cyberspace, and I don’t want to chance her cutting my head off with this cord if she catches me. You might’ve noticed, she’s like a jackrabbit on crack.”

“What’s it going to be, bot? You going to play nice or do you want me so bad you’ll sacrifice this one?” Clean Sweep shouted, tugging the cord again, Becky choking, dancing on the thick soled toes of her platform boots. Now that Becky had mentioned getting aroused by the situation, Emi spotted the way her nipples stood out even under the layer of tape.

Emi gritted her teeth. Losing like this rankled her, but Becky was right. They needed a counter to Clean Sweep’s speed. If she could just track her movements somehow, the armor could compensate somewhat, decrease the impacts at least, and then maybe… She was about to speak when everything went crazy.

As the maids piled out of the bank with what could have been the last of the money, a cloud of glowing blue-white energy balls shot from a nearby rooftop. Emi’s armor registered nothing on the tracking system, though she plainly saw the balls streaking toward the maids, striking them a breath later. They cried out as the energy exploded all over them, flailing backward from where they had impacted, money flying into the air as they went down.

Clean Sweep herself was holding Becky one moment, then was suddenly on the ground a dozen feet away, her hand clutching at her suddenly bloodied nose.

What was going on?!

Emi got to her feet, pulling herself from the truck, then Clean Sweep was on the ground a half dozen feet from where she had been, pointing in the opposite direction, shaking her head, eyes wide in shock as more blood streamed down her face onto her cleavage.

“Better not try that again!” called a voice from the rooftop. There was a sudden whirlwind, and someone floated downward upon it. She wore a black leather jacket, a t-shirt with some kind of band logo upon it and blue jeans, black hair and black fur on her feline ears and tail, her glowing eyes slitted like a cat’s eyes; she even had a cat bell collar about her neck. She couldn’t have been older than Becky, but at the same time she might’ve been younger than Emi. It was hard to tell for sure.

Clean Sweep seemed to go blurry, and to Emi it looked almost as if her body was moving in all directions at once. She solidified a moment later, panting and sweating, looking as though she was having trouble breathing.

“Did I not tell you? Are you dense or something? You just used up most of the air in that force cage!” said the mystery girl, shaking her head. She turned her eyes to Emi, then to Becky, who was just standing there, seemingly in just as much shock as everyone else aside from the newcomer. She raised a hand in greeting, then turned it toward Becky. She said something, in a language that sounded like Latin to Emi’s ears, made some peculiar motions with her fingers and then snapped them. The duct tape holding Becky tore itself apart, shredding into a thousand small pieces that drifted away in the wind.

Becky tugged the cord around her neck free, rubbing at her bruised flesh as she stared at the newcomer. “Like, holy crap, dude! That was so fuckin’ awesome!”

Emi approached slowly, head cocked to the side. She regarded the maids, still out cold or on the ground, groaning and barely moving, and Clean Sweep, who leaned against…an invisible wall? She looked flushed, sucking in labored breaths. “Who…are you? And what did you just do?”

The mystery girl’s smile faltered, turned into a frown as she put her hands on her hips. “Geez…I’m getting real tired of everyone not having a clue in the Nine Hells what they’re playing around with out here.” She brought a hand up, squeezing the bridge of her nose with her fingers. “Tell ya what, dudes. I’ve got some stuff I need to tell you about. You two were at the jewelry store a few days back, right? Your magical essences look the same to me, so don’t try to deny it.”

Becky and Emi looked at one another, their expressions unreadable behind their masks and helmets, but they still shrugged at the same moment. Emi had heard of magic certainly, but from fantasy stories and RPGs, the kind played around the table, not the kind that exploded on impact. “Yeah, that was totally us,” Becky said at last.

“What did you want to tell us?” Emi asked, studying the cat girl closely.

As police sirens neared, and Clean Sweep dropped to her knees, hand pressed to the invisible wall, a look of desperation on her face as she gasped for air, the newcomer looked around, then considered the sirens, her feline ear twitching. “Not here. I’ve got…uh…some issues with the Five-O I’d rather not get into just now. Do you have a place where we could discuss the Pink Pussy thing? You know about that, right?” Becky and Emi nodded. “I’d volunteer my place, but my mentor doesn’t like unannounced company.”

“, I guess I could take you there,” Becky said. The way she held herself made Emi think she had a grin on her face behind the mask, and something kinky in mind. “Of course, I’d like, need to take some precautions, ya know? Like for our protection?” She held out her hands and un-digitized a few items, or 3D printed them…Emi wasn’t sure exactly what term Becky had decided on for that particular power. In her hands were a pair of bondage mittens, a cat-eared discipline hood, and handcuffs.

“Man, you superhero types are a lot kinkier than in the comics I grew up with,” replied the cat girl. She stared at the gear in Becky’s hands, looking a bit worried, her tail swishing back and forth several times. Finally, she shrugged, offering her hands, a mischievous grin forming on her lips. “Okay, I’ll play along, dudes. What should I call you, or is ‘dudes’ fine?”

“Cyber Seer,” Becky said, quickly slipping the mittens into place over the cat girl’s hands.

“Mecha Musume,” Emi said, looking back to Clean Sweep, who had slipped to the ground, reaching up desperately as she suffocated. “What about her? We can’t just let her-”

“Chill out,” said the newcomer, shrugging. “As soon as she’s been unconscious for half a minute, that cage’ll disappear and she’ll have all the air she wants. Call me…uh…Black Cat, I guess.”

“You sure about taking her home?” Emi asked, glancing toward Becky. “I’m staying here until the police have arrived regardless.”

“Like, it’ll be fine,” Becky replied, bringing Black Cat’s hands and arms behind her back, clicking the handcuffs into place around the base of the mittens.

Black Cat grunted and tugged at the cuffs. “You did that like a cop; have a lot of practice at that?”

“You asked that like someone who has a problem with cops,” Becky replied. “You have a lot of practice with that?” The two stared at one another for a moment, then started snickering, then laughed. Becky grinned back at Emi. “I’ll have our guest all cozy when you get there, and we’ll have a nice conversation about a certain pink feline.”

“Okay then,” Emi said with a shrug, turning to retrieve her cannon. “Just don’t make a habit of bringing in strays.”

“Oh, hah-hah,” Black Cat said, rolling her eyes as Becky brought the hood down over her head, tugging the laces to tighten it up before tying them off, leaving Black Cat blinded and probably with reduced hearing if the ears were as padded as they appeared.

Becky laughed, and shot Emi a thumbs up. “See ya back at HQ soon!” The air shimmered around the pair, and they faded into the ether.

By the time Emi had picked up her cannon and stowed it on the storage mount, she saw that Clean Sweep had gone still, but the wind was now blowing at her uniform; her vitals were okay, and she was breathing. Emi checked the location of the police, and calculated they were about sixty seconds out. She didn’t want to risk Clean Sweep waking up and escaping, so she ran over to the building she had been thrown through and pulled some rebar from the rubble. By now people were starting to show up and move closer to the scene, phones at the ready. Emi quickly wrapped the rebar around Clean Sweep’s ankles and thighs, then brought her arms behind her and did the same with her wrists and elbows, the unconscious maid grunting as Emi tightened the steel down and used the last piece to secure her wrists to her ankles, leaving her in a nice hogtie.

As the flashing lights came into view down the street, Emi turned to the crowd, flashed the victory ‘V’ with her fingers, and launched skyward, heading home to see what Becky had come up with for their surprise guest.

Things are getting interesting now that our heroines are finally teaming up.  And just how close will they get?  Stay tuned for the next chapter to find out!

Would love to hear any feedback you might have!  Hit me up here or over on DeviantArt, or on my Discord server!

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper