The Peculiar Predicament of the Pilfering Pink Pussy – Chapter 18


Chapter 18 – Pussywhipped

Shadow Lynx smiled broadly for the cameras, waving and striking a few poses as the police cleaned up the gang of gun-toting maids behind her.  Though they’d numbered a dozen, the maids were untrained and just relying on numbers and an overabundance of firepower for their robberies; in this case they’d tried to hit a bank, and not even a big one, just a branch office.  They hadn’t counted on Shadow Lynx showing up, and with her superior reflexes, deft use of her whip to take out the lights, and her ability to teleport in darkness; they hadn’t been much more than an inconvenience at best.  

Hasta luego, mi amigos!”  Shadow Lynx said, standing for another round of photos.  “There is more crime to fight out there, and there’s no time to waste!”  A slew of questions came from the reporters and civilians alike, but she had already slipped beneath the awning over the bank’s front entrance and seemed to fade into the block wall.  She stepped out a good two hundred feet away, in the shadow of another building.  It was late afternoon now, but her teleportation powers wouldn’t allow her to move further until it was a lot darker, at least on the outside; were she inside in darkness, it wouldn’t be a problem to go for a mile or more.

Still feeling quite pleased at her performance, Shadow Lynx quickly teleported a few more times, finally coming out atop a building, in the lengthening shadows thrown by its rooftop utility buildings.  She pulled her phone from the padded pouch on her belt and pulled up her social media feeds, a wide grin splitting her lips as she saw her name already trending.  She checked a few more sites, made sure she was rising on theirs as well, checked a few of the videos that had been uploaded of her heroics, and finally checked her merch sales, again pleased that she had a slew of new purchases.  

“Another great outing,” she said to herself with a smug chuckle.  Her manager shouldn’t have anything to complain about after that little performance.  Shadow Lynx considered for a moment, thinking that perhaps there could be a few more little groups like the maids, since they were so easy to make a profit off of.  Well, the evening was young, yet, so there could still be plenty of other criminals out there just waiting for her to pounce upon.

She stowed her phone and ran forward, leaping off the edge of the roof.  She snatched her whip, sending it flying toward a gargoyle at the corner of the building across the way, swinging on its length and flying into the shadows between it and another building, dropping and disappearing just before she would have hit the pavement, coming out another half mile deeper into Sentinel City, dropping from nowhere to land atop another rooftop overhang.  She surveyed the street for a moment, saw no signs of crimes that she needed to address, turned, waved and winked at the startled office worker who stared at her through the glass, then vanished again.

She continued popping into and out of the shadows throughout downtown and uptown for several minutes, finally coming to a stop on a smaller skyscraper’s roof, covered with the shadow of a much taller building.  She sauntered to the edge of the rooftop, crouching to look at the street a couple dozen stories below, catching her breath.  She still had a lot more in her to be sure, but teleporting so much did wear her out faster than she liked.  It had been her manager’s suggestion that she try to travel with it more, to build up a higher reserve or stamina or whatever it was that she tapped when she did it.  So far, the suggestion was bearing fruit; she could already make a half dozen more jumps than she could a month ago before she had to stop and recover.

Her ears picked up the sound of gravel crunching on the rooftop behind her, and Shadow Lynx turned as a low growl came toward her.  Her eyes widened, then narrowed as she went into a defensive crouch, the claws in her suit’s gloves sliding out.  “Well well well, if it’s not the elusive Pink Pussy!  Finally decided to show your face again, you dirty thief?!”  Where had she come from?  

Pink Pussy stalked toward Shadow Lynx on all fours, her big paws making hardly a sound on the gravel.  Her tail was raised behind her, fur raised, her demeanor very much putting Shadow Lynx in mind of a predator on the hunt.  There was a difference, though.  Now Pink Pussy hid her face behind some kind of mask.  It looked like porcelain, shaped in an almost perfect approximation of its wearer’s face, and reminded Shadow Lynx of the fox masks she was always seeing on pictures and art from Japan.

“What’s the matter, chica?  Too ashamed to show your face now?” Shadow Lynx spat with distaste, circling herself away from the edge of the rooftop.  “What’s with the sudden career change, huh?  Jealous of all the money I’m getting off your former fans?”

That should have provoked a response, but Pink Pussy made no reply, just continued slowly stalking toward Shadow Lynx, her muscles tight, tense, beneath her pink fur.  Shadow Lynx frowned.  “Nothing to say in your defense?  No excuses?  No smart-ass comebacks?”

Almost before she realized it, Pink Pussy had pounced at her, claws extended on all of her appendages.  Just before they could find purchase in Shadow Lynx’s flesh, she teleported behind the big pink feline, who landed in a crouch, whipping around in the blink of an eye to face Shadow Lynx, a snarl coming from behind the mask.  That was fast!

Something was wrong here.  Pink Pussy had always started their spats with a shouting match, had never gone for the throat first like that, and never literally.  Shadow Lynx snatched her whip from her belt and cracked it toward the wild beast in front of her.  “Did I strike a nerve, Pussy?  Can’t handle the facts, so you’re trying to cheap shot me?”

There was no response, just another pouncing leap from Pink Pussy, again moving so fast that Shadow Lynx could barely react in time to avoid the razor-sharp claws that came toward her face.  She teleported further away this time, coming out of the shadows as Pink Pussy’s claws ripped into the rooftop, scattering gravel to both sides.  Pink Pussy turned her masked face toward Shadow Lynx, another growl escaping from behind the mask as the vicious animal charged at the whip-wielding heroine.  

Something was very wrong with Pink Pussy.  Shadow Lynx set her jaw as she twirled the whip and sidestepped the next lunge, snapping the end of the whip toward the big cat’s legs.  She snagged one, hauling back with all her strength.  Pink Pussy was jerked off her feet, landing face-first on the gravel, and Shadow Lynx leapt at her, intending to knock the wind out of her with a knee to the back, then try to get her in a choke hold.

But Pink Pussy twisted and rolled, facing Shadow Lynx in the split second it took her to clear the distance between them.  Before Shadow Lynx could even think of altering her course, Pink Pussy’s clawed hand grabbed her by the throat.  In the next moment Shadow Lynx was slammed to the gravel rooftop, knocking the wind out of her as Pink Pussy crouched atop her, squeezing Shadow Lynx’s neck.

Shadow Lynx’s eyes bulged, a choked cry coming from her as Pink Pussy tried to crush her windpipe.  What was wrong with Pink Pussy?!  They’d never tried to kill one another before!  She clawed at Pink Pussy’s arms, leaving deep cuts, but the bigger feline didn’t seem to notice, only squeezed harder.  Shadow Lynx’s vision blurred, and she tried to punch her attacker, landing a solid hit against the mask, but it didn’t phase Pink Pussy at all.  The mask definitely wasn’t porcelain, either; it felt more like steel!

Clawing at Pink Pussy’s forearm again, Shadow Lynx dug her claws in deeper, finally managing a response, just not the one she had wanted.  Pink Pussy snarled angrily, picked Shadow Lynx up from the rooftop, then flung Shadow Lynx aside as if she weighed nothing.  Shadow Lynx gasped for air, twisting her body at the last moment, clipping the edge of a massive air conditioner unit with her hip, rolling on top of it instead of crashing full on into it.  Her hip flared with pain, but she was sure she had at least avoided a serious injury.

In the moment she had to regain her senses, still trying to recover her breath, Shadow Lynx saw Pink Pussy in the air, claws again extended and hungry for blood.  “This bitch is relentless!”  Shadow Lynx kicked off with her legs from a boxy protrusion attached to the air conditioner, scooting herself away as she twisted and rolled off the unit, hitting the gravel a second later.  

She heard the metal of the AC rend and squeal behind her, and as she hopped away, saw the unit spray sparks and coolant as the big claws shredded through the metal as if it were tissue paper.  Through the cloud of escaping gas, Shadow Lynx heard an angry growl, saw Pink Pussy throw a large chunk of the AC, maybe the motor assembly,  off the building with one arm while the other finished ripping through the last of the metal as if it were paper.

Mierda!” Shadow Lynx spat, eyes wide.  She had witnessed Pink Pussy tearing through cars to get at escaping criminals, even slicing through gun barrels with those claws, but seeing the ease at which she tore through an industrial air conditioner up close was something else.  Had she been holding back all this time?!

There wasn’t time to think on the matter further.  Shadow Lynx was already on the move, leaping into the deeper shadows beneath the other AC units, picking her way toward the other side.  The deeper darkness here allowed her to recover from the blow somewhat, her shadow-based powers returning some stamina to her, dulling the pain in her hip.  

More metal crunched and squealed behind her, and Shadow Lynx was just about ready to trigger another shadow jump when her vision was suddenly filled with the smooth, uncaring visage of Pink Pussy’s mask, almost touching her face.  Reflexively, Shadow Lynx swiped at the former heroine with both claws as she tried to slide between Pink Pussy’s legs, not remembering exactly where she had dropped her whip.  

The big feline snatched both of Shadow Lynx’s wrists in one big, clawed hand and twisted, sending Shadow Lynx over her shoulder and into the rooftop gravel once again.  Shadow Lynx cried out at the force of the blow, but that cry was choked off as Pink Pussy’s other hand was again around Shadow Lynx’s neck, trying to crush the life from her.  

Shadow Lynx’s eyes bulged as the vice threatened to crush her throat, her hands locked in the big cat’s grasp, her claws barely scraping Pink Pussy’s flesh around the hand holding them.  It was enough to provoke a reaction, though, because Pink Pussy hauled up on Shadow Lynx by the neck and slammed her down again, her grip about the leather-clad heroine’s neck unwavering as gravel flew in all directions. 

Vision blacking for a moment, her lungs crying out for air, Shadow Lynx focused everything she could muster on her teleportation.  With stars playing over dimming vision, she triggered her teleport, and was suddenly in freefall, gasping for much-needed air now that the wildcat wasn’t trying to choke the life out of her.  

What was going on?  Pink Pussy had really tried to kill her!  She’d actually tried to kill her!  That wasn’t like Pink Pussy at all!  They’d had fights, they’d gotten roughed up by one another, but there had always been some kind of line there, where they broke off and admitted they didn’t like one another, and went back to fighting crime.  

This…the way Pink Pussy had tried to strangle her with her big fingers and had tried to tear at her with her claws, the speed and strength she possessed…it was so much greater than the last time they’d fought.  What had happened?  Why had she changed so much?

Had she been holding back this whole time when they had previously fought?  That thought came back to Shadow Lynx’s mind in a flash.  Has she always been so strong?  Was their strength really that far apart?

Nearing the ground, Shadow Lynx prepared to teleport again, her vision finally clearing, though her throat still ached.  Then she was knocked sideways, what little air she had recovered gone as she registered the hard kick to her ribs, might have even felt some breaking just before she impacted the window, bursting through it in a rain of glass shards.  She felt the cuts upon her skin as she crashed through a cubicle divider, landing atop a desk.  She heard several startled cries and screams around her, blinked, saw a man in a button-up shirt and khakis scrambling away from her as he tried to pick himself up off the floor.

There was a thump nearby, and a growl.  Pink Pussy was coming!

Gritting her teeth in the harsh light of the office, Shadow Lynx rolled to the side, landing with a cry as she grabbed at her ribs.  She could recover from something like that, but she needed more shade than what the harsh, fluorescent office lighting was giving her.  She had no hope of teleporting now, either.

Pink Pussy was on the desk half a painful breath later, her claws rending the metal.  

Shadow Lynx blinked, aware that there was blood on her face now.  “What’s wrong with you?!” she gasped, scooting backward.  “You were never like this!”

Pink Pussy growled, low and threatening as she crouched low, prepared to pounce.  

Their eyes met, or at least, Shadow Lynx’s eyes met the dark glass of the mask that hid Pink Pussy’s eyes.

Then Pink Pussy leapt at her.  

Shadow Lynx dove to the side, and Pink Pussy crashed through another divider, her claws ripping the material apart effortlessly.  “Madre de dios!” she choked, scrambling across the floor, trying to find an exit besides the window they’d come through, or some place it was dark enough that she could recover and escape.  People shouted and ran from the room, a few lingered at the edges of the office, phones pointed at the pair.

A vice-like pressure seized Shadow Lynx’s ankle, and then she was crashing through another cubicle, crying out in pain as she slammed into a copy machine, her back and shoulders flaring in agony from the impact.  Sparks flew from the machine, but before Shadow Lynx could even think about moving, Pink Pussy was atop her, snatching her up by the neck.

With a choking gasp, Shadow Lynx again clawed at Pink Pussy’s arm, the previous wounds she had inflicted already healed.  Though Pink Pussy healed slower than Shadow Lynx could, she had the advantage that her healing didn’t require shadows or darkness to function.  

Shadow Lynx cried out as she was slammed into the copier, then the floor, felt something snap, more pain, felt Pink Pussy’s claws in the flesh around her neck this time.  She looked at Pink Pussy, felt the hot tears streaming down her cheeks as she started to black out.

She was going to die.  Pink pussy was going to kill her!

But Pink Pussy hesitated.  Shadow Lynx felt the arm attached to the hand at her throat shaking.  Though Pink Pussy’s other hand had her razor-sharp claws out, ready to strike, it too hesitated, shaking.  There was another growl from Pink Pussy, her tail thrashing angrily behind her.  Her free hand reached for the mask, shook more violently as her claws touched it, then balled into a fist before it shot toward Shadow Lynx’s gut.

There was a moment of pain, the sensation of the air rushing from Shadow Lynx’s lungs, and then everything went black.

* * *

The first thing Shadow Lynx became aware of was the gentle swaying sensation, that she was rocking back and forth, and felt like she was slowly rotating.  She felt stiff and sore, tried to move, thought better of it, groaning in pain.  Maybe a few more minutes of rest and she would try again…

“Holy shit is that Shadow Lynx up there?!” asked a young man, his voice nearly squeaking.

“Better question, dude, is that Shadow Lynx, and is she naked?!” asked a second man, a distinct surfer sound to his voice.

“Look at those tits!” a third person, a woman, exclaimed.

That woke Shadow Lynx up in a flash.  Her eyes snapped open, momentarily dazzled by several bright lights, then the more localized flashes from several cell phones…below her.  As her adrenaline surged, she jerked her limbs, squealing in surprise as she discovered that she was tightly bound.  Squirming and twisting to look around, she took in her situation, and a fit of newfound anger at Pink Pussy welled up inside her.

That pink bitch!” Shadow Lynx thought as she tugged at the ropes that held her tightly in their grasp.  She was hogtied, multiple ropes tied around her elbows, wrists, chest, ankles, knees, and thighs, her wrists nearly touching said ankles, her body arched backward.  The ropes around her chest bit at the skin around her breasts; she could feel them tighten as she squirmed around.  Worse, she could feel more rope around her waist, and even more pulled tightly between her legs, cutting deep between the folds of her pussy; a constant pressure there told her that the rope running between was secured above her along with the additional support ropes at her chest, waist, and ankles…to the arm of a street lamp, its bright white glow more than enough to keep her from teleporting away as its conical light spilled over her.

Shadow Lynx screamed in outrage, shaking her head, barely registering that Pink Pussy hadn’t left her completely naked, had left her hood and mask in place at least.  Her teeth bit down, and she felt cloth stuffing her mouth full, got a peculiar flavor, and squealed again into the tape that sealed the cloth inside.  The bitch had used her own panties to gag her!

“Looks like someone got Pussy-whipped!” said another woman in the crowd growing below, and a plethora of laughs followed.  

How did they know?  Shadow Lynx squirmed and tugged at her binds, trying to find the knots, wishing she still had her claws.  A breeze came in from the direction of the highway, and she could hear sirens approaching.  With the rope between her legs jerking and rubbing in ways that made Shadow Lynx heat from more than embarrassment, she groaned and sagged against the ropes, having found not a single knot.

As her head dipped low, she caught sight of something dangling from the ropes at her waist via a short string and metal clip.  It twisted about and fluttered in the breeze, but the image she could only partially see, that of Pink Pussy’s grinning face, flashing the peace symbol toward the camera as she lay upon her back, one arm cupping her breasts, flared the flames within Shadow Lynx again.  

Pink Pussy just had to leave one of those damn calling cards of hers!  Just like she did when she had used to bag criminals!  She screamed in outrage once more, fighting at the ropes, bucking and squirming and jerking her body in any way she could manage to free herself.  

“Ohhhh, baby, keep it up!” shouted some guy, his buddies cheering her on.

“This is going straight to Porn-chute!” said another woman.  “Guess Pink Pussy hasn’t gone all bad.”

As a string of muffled and distorted curses filtered through the gag, Shadow Lynx began plotting her revenge.  Pink Pussy was gonna pay for this humiliation!  Tenfold!  She’d only wish she had it so easy!

And what was taking the police so damn long?!

Well, after the last chapter, I suppose I couldn’t resist having a bit of kinky fun at the end of this one, even if it was at Shadow Lynx’s expense.  Fuel for future fires and all that 😉

Events are heading toward a climax now, perhaps more than one, eh?  Hope you enjoyed this chapter and will continue to check out the next ones!

Would love to hear any feedback you might have!  Hit me up here or over on DeviantArt, or on my Discord server!

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper