The Honey Trap – Part 2


Chapter One of the Misha Kyle Trilogy

The Honey Trap – Part 2

With her memory returning from whatever Honey had used to knock her out, Misha found herself furious, angrily tugging at the chains that held her limbs.  The vibrators kicked on again, immediately going wide open.  She squealed, biting into the ball gag and thrashed about, her anger at being kidnapped overwhelming the intensely pleasurable feelings of the toys, at least momentarily.  It wasn’t long before even her outrage was being subsumed by her body’s natural response to the intense stimulation, and she found herself panting and moaning.

Just as she was nearing climax again, the vibrations stopped dead, and she screamed in frustration, jerking at the bindings again.  She could barely see thanks to the fog covering her lenses, but in the next moment, another feature of the suit activated, defogging said lenses, a little cool air circulating over Misha’s face.  Well, that was another system successfully tested at least…

“Now, now, love, nobody’s getting off around here unless I’m included.”

Misha went still and whipped her gaze toward the voice of her kidnapper, who had appeared in the darkened doorway, probably the bathroom. She stepped out of the room and to a nearby switch on the wall, and warm lighting came up, revealing that she was still dressed as she had been before, though holding a familiar control pad in one hand.  “That’s a really neat outfit you have there, Misha.  Where’d you buy something like it, anyway?  Controls are really complex, though.  It kept asking for this security code to unlock everything, but I guess I entered the wrong one too many times, and now it says it needs some kind of override?  All I can really do is play with the vibrators.  That’s pretty cool, though, huh?”

“Whhash?!” Misha exclaimed around the ball in her mouth, eyes going wide as she glared daggers at Honey.  She’d locked the controls?!  The only way to unlock the internal locks of the suit now was to get to the interface at her office on her personal workstation!

Honey sauntered over to the bed, one hand on her hip while she fiddled with the control.  “Hey, don’t get mad at me!  You should’ve come up with something simple like 1234 or all zeros or something!  Is it like a time lock?  Or do you have like a master or mistress or someone who can unlock it?  Kinky girl!”

Misha screamed wordlessly into the gag as the vibrators started up again, on a lower setting than before, in fact, probably their lowest setting possible, just enough to tease her.

Honey crawled up the bed and atop Misha, settling herself over Misha’s crotch and waist, grabbing up handfuls of Misha’s latex-covered breasts, working them in a circular motion while pinching Misha’s nipples between her fingers.  “You’ve got really nice tits, Misha.  A shame I can’t suck on them, though.  Those zippers must be jammed up or something, and I evenI tried ripping that suit open, but it’s like the strongest latex I’ve ever seen!  Still, we can find some ways to entertain ourselves, huh?”

As Honey leaned forward, puckering her lips to try and kiss Misha’s through the latex, Misha snarled and threw her head forward, it being the most unrestrained (relatively speaking) part of her body at the moment.  She narrowly missed crashing her forehead into Honey’s face, the other woman jerking back at the last possible moment.

“Hey now, I like it rough, but not that kind of rough!  Bad girl!”  Honey’s hands shifted, and then Misha squealed as her nipples were pinched through the suit.  “I swear, what kind of ungrateful bitch acts like that when I’m nice enough to plan this pleasant little getaway for us this weekend?  Sure, you might’ve paid for the room with your credit card and all, but I did all the hard work planning it!”

She’d used Misha’s credit card?!  Was nothing sacred to this woman?!  Misha howled into the gag, thrashing beneath Honey and let loose with a string of angry curses and garbled threats.

Honey had an amused grin on her lips at Misha’s response, and tweaked her captive’s nipples again, eliciting another howl.  “Oh, it’s not like it was that expensive!  I could’ve gone for the really fancy place uptown, you know!  Completely ungrateful!  Well, I know how to deal with the likes of you!”  Honey slipped backward and fell back on the bed between Misha’s spread legs, raising her own legs.  She deftly plucked her high-heeled shoes from her feet, wiggling her sock-covered toes.  The socks looked just as dirty as the ones Misha remembered having been used when she was kidnapped.  Honey lowered her feet quickly, pressing them over Misha’s face and nose.  “Breathe deep, love!  You’ll never smell anything so sweet as these!”

If the stench coming off those socks is sweet, I’m a damn superhero!” Misha thought, holding her breath as Honey’s feet pressed over her face.  She was glad for the goggles on the hood, but with only two tiny nose holes for air, she didn’t have any way else to breathe.  Maybe an integrated gas mask should be an option on the next version…

“You can’t resist me forever, Misha!  Gonna have to breathe sometime!” Honey said in a mocking tone, the toes of her left foot squeezing down over Misha’s nose.  “Go on now, you’ll really enjoy this, trust me!”

Knowing that she wouldn’t, Misha stubbornly tried to roll her head side to side, tried to buck her body to dislodge her captor, but Honey was remarkably agile, easily keeping herself atop Misha and holding her feet firmly planted upon Misha’s face.  With her lungs quickly losing what air she’d manage to trap, and her struggles burning it much faster, Misha’s mind fought to come up with some way to wiggle out of the situation she found herself in, but realized she basically had no options to work with.

“Lungs must be burning by now…” Honey mused, her toes pinching Misha’s nose again.  She began humming, and Misha could just barely hear a faint beeping.

The controller!

As the realization struck, Misha felt the plugs and pads inside the suit thrum powerfully, raging onto their full powered output.  Her teeth sunk into the ball that filled her mouth and she fought to resist her body’s need for air, but with the intense stimulation, she couldn’t resist the burning in her chest any longer.

Fearing the worst, Misha gasped for air, sucking it in greedily through her nose.

Though difficult, she did pull in air between Honey’s sock-covered toes, and Misha’s stomach churned at the strong aroma that filled her nose.  Her mind was at a loss to describe the power of the stench, though she imagined an entire team of football players having worn the same socks all season, for practices and actual games, having tossed them in a pile atop her head being somewhere close, maybe a step or two below what she experienced now.

“Simply divine, hmmm?  That’s a Honey special you’re getting right there, love.  The food of the gods, even!”  Honey let out a haughty laugh, wiggling her toes over Misha’s face.  “Not to your liking?  Give it a minute, you’ll change your mind.  You know, I usually charge for this kind of thing; you wouldn’t believe how many people out there would give up their life savings for something like what you’re getting for free.”

Misha couldn’t be bothered to dwell on what Honey had told her, never being one to kink-shame, but it definitely wasn’t for her!  She felt lightheaded as the continued odor filled her nostrils, though she managed to breathe easily enough as Honey’s toes continued to wiggle.  As she lay helplessly beneath Honey’s fragrant feet, the lenses on her hood fully fogged up again, and she noticed a peculiar shift in the scent.

“Just keep taking me in, love.  You’ll find your situation a lot more bearable if you just go with the flow.”

Sure enough, the essence of the powerfully pungent pungency began to change as it flowed through Misha’s nose, becoming noticeably less stomach-churning.  In fact, it seemed to be taking on a sharp, sweet scent, like some kind of fruity, honeyed drink.  Eyes rolling, her body felt warmer than it was a moment ago, and the buzzing vibrators in her nethers and upon her chest felt suddenly more intense as her arousal again spiked upward.

That certainly wasn’t normal!  What was going on?!

“Yeah, that’s the ticket…feeling all high on Honey’s special love funk, aren’t you?  Bet you’d be begging for me to let you come if you didn’t have that big ball in your mouth.  Come on, Misha, let me know how you’re feeling, and just maybe I’ll give you what you want.”

Writhing beneath Honey, Misha again tried to pull her face away from Honey’s feet, but again failed.  The aroma made her body tingle and feel warm, and she felt the heat growing fast between her legs.  With an angry squeal, she shook her head violently, forcing her mind to overcome the aroused state her body had found itself in.  Through misted lenses, she glared down toward Honey and proceeded to give the ganguro her true feelings.

Misha flipped Honey the bird with both of her bound hands.

Gasping in surprise, Honey pulled her feet away gaping at Misha between her legs and sock-covered feet.  “You ungrateful little bitch!  What is it with you, anyway?!  I’m trying to help you relax and you keep throwing it in my face!  Fine!  You know what, I don’t care anymore.  I’m going to take what I want, and you’re just going to have to do without!”

As Honey finally removed her stinky, sock-covered feet from the vicinity of Misha’s face and slipped off of the bed, allowing her a deep breath of fairly clear air, Misha could only wonder what was going through the woman’s head for her to get it in her mind that kidnapping someone to help them relax was a normal kind of thing, or that she just expected Misha to go along with it.

Then another thought sent a chill through Misha.  Honey had said that she was trying to help her relax!  How could she have known about that unless she’d been listening in on her conversation with Kyou?!  How long had she been spying on them?  Did personal space mean nothing to her?!  Obviously not…

Over at a nearby table, heart-shaped like everything else because of course it was, Honey had unzipped a gym bag and was digging around inside with an angry, pouty look on her face.  “Some bitches just won’t get the clue…” she muttered, picking up what looked like a panel gag harness with a thick penis-plug on the inside for the mouth, looking it over, then back to Misha, before she shook her head and dropped it back into the bag.  “Nah…not big enough…” she said, licking her lips.  “Now this one I think will work just fine.”

Misha caught only a glimpse of the object Honey had removed next before the rainbow-highlighted blond had put it down on the far side of the bag, but it looked like a double-ended dildo with a harness.  Not liking where this was going, Misha tugged at the chains again, thinking that if she could just get one hand free she could quickly uncouple the other chains on her limbs and try to effect an escape, but they were holding on just as stubbornly as she had resisted Honey.

Honey had pulled a coil of thin black tubing from the bag, along with another larger dildo with straps dangling from it, followed by a couple of smaller black leather belts and a vibrating wand with a rounded, bulbous head.  She flipped the switch, and a powerful hum filled the air for a moment before she flipped it off again.  She finally looked back to Misha with a smug smirk.  “You might think you’re going to enjoy this, but if you think you’re going to be allowed to come, then you’re going to be sorely disappointed.  Nobody’s coming in here besides me!”

Getting the feeling that sex was about all Honey cared about, Misha set her jaw defiantly around the ball in her mouth and flipped her middle fingers at Honey again.

“We’ve got all weekend, love.  You’ll be begging me properly before long,” said the ganguro as she brought her armful of toys and to the bed, dropping them between Misha’s spread legs.  She snatched up the control for the prototype again and slid her fingers over it.  “Limited options and all, but this ‘teaser’ mode sounds just right.”  As she tapped it again, the intensity of the vibrations inside the suit dropped dramatically, going down to a low, barely perceptible hum.

Knowing exactly what the setting was for, Misha couldn’t help but groan, though she also narrowed her eyes defiantly.  The built-in sensors of the prototype should be able to determine just how close the wearer was to orgasm and stop all stimulation, keeping them on edge.  They should even be able to detect an outside stimulus and compensate for it to some extent, though the whole sub-system hadn’t been tested yet.  This was not what she had planned for a beta test at all!

Honey tossed the controller aside, pausing to lick her lips and look over Misha.  “Guess what?”  After a moment of silence, Honey raised her skirt, revealing her white panties, with a sizable wet spot in the crotch.  “I’m feelin’ it, love, and when Honey gets hungry, she eats.”

Feeling it was a rather strange phrase, Misha nonetheless was helpless as Honey climbed back onto the bed and put her hands upon Misha’s hips, sliding her nails down the smooth latex just hard enough for Misha to feel them.  Looking very much like a hungry jungle cat on the prowl, she picked up the large dildo and harness and started fitting them over Misha’s crotch and hips.

Misha bucked and shook her hips back and forth, but this only amused her captor as she positioned the dildo just so, and then snugged up the harness over Misha’s hips, tightened up a third strap over her crotch.  Seething at what Honey was doing, Misha’s whole body was tense, her hands curled into fists as Honey finally finished her task and flopped back on the bed, raising her dirty socks into view again, wiggling her toes.

“If you were a guy, you’d be getting a taste of these down here,” Honey said, rubbing her feet along the girth of the dildo rising at least a foot from Misha’s crotch, wiggling her toes along the shaft, working them up and down its length in what seemed to be a very practiced manner.  Given what Misha had already learned about Honey, it was no surprise that the slutty schoolgirl had a tried and true method to her footjobs.

“But you’re not a guy; I know, I looked,” Honey said after a few more teasing motions with her feet, laughing as she got to her knees and scooted herself up to the dildo, pressing her wet panties against it and rubbing herself up and down along the shaft, a heated moan coming from her.  “So…this is all for me since you’re so selfish.”

Who was the selfish one?!” Misha wondered angrily.  The last she had checked, ‘honey’ wasn’t a synonym for ‘hypocrite’, but maybe there had been a meeting about it she hadn’t been privy to.  Regardless, the fact that the dark-skinned, rainbow-haired schoolgirl was getting herself off on top of Misha left her livid, and she rocked back and forth trying to dislodge the clingy, horny woman.

Misha’s withering glare had apparently gone unnoticed, thanks partially to those mirrored lenses, but also because Honey was far too fixated on the dildo, rubbing her panties vigorously along its length, the wet spot spreading to encompass most of the front panel of the skimpy material.  She had taken one hand to her chest, popping open her blouse to grope at her breasts, and had let out another loud, heated moan.

Through her anger, Misha had a curious thought.  Exactly how old was Honey?  She was certainly acting like a super-horny teenager and looked the part, but the fact that she had a bag full of toys and had apparently practiced the art of kidnapping victims for her sexual escapades enough to be disappointed when one actually resisted her spoke of someone with quite a few more years behind them.

That train of thought got diverted when the prototype started humming again, making Misha quiver beneath Honey.  The powerful vibrations immediately did what they were intended to do, driving the bound redhead quickly to another peak of pleasure, just on the edge of release, and, as predicted, cut off moments before Misha could come.  As she groaned with frustration, Misha narrowed her eyes at Honey, who had laughed, smirking down at her while still rubbing herself against the dildo.

“Looks like you’re ready, love!  That’s just the kind of frustrated sound I wanted to hear.  I don’t suppose you’ve changed your mind and want to play along?”

Misha spat a quick ‘Screw you!’ at Honey before she could think of the implications of how the woman might take it, and quickly gave an angry shake of her fists and bucked her hips, rolling from side to side to try to dislodge her captor.

“Didn’t think so;  redheads are always the hottest when they’re angry, though.”  Honey licked her lips hungrily as she repositioned herself, rising up so that she was balanced with her feet on either side of Misha, her crotch positioned over the head of the dildo.  She quickly pulled her bra down, revealing that her nipples were pierced with a pair of silver rings, a stark contrast to her dark tan.  Then she pulled her panties aside, revealing her glistening pussy, and showing that her clit and labia were pierced with a trio of similar rings.  She practically dropped herself atop the large dildo, crying out in near-orgasmic pleasure as she took it fully inside of her.

Misha was at first surprised that Honey could take such a large dildo inside all at once, and then thought better of it, realizing that she must have had quite a lot of practice at such things.  She looked on helplessly, her eyes wide as Honey began pumping herself up and down atop the dildo, her juices splattering over the latex of the suit and Honey’s thighs.

Honey panted heatedly, both hands pinching and twisting at her nipple rings, her eyes toward the mirrored ceiling.  “Try to enjoy yourself, love!  I know I’m enjoying you!” she said between gasping breaths.

For her part, Misha could only try to move away but continued to fail as the chains held her fast.  She was thankful for the prototype’s full covering of latex but was quite irked that Honey’s love juices were splattering all over it.  She’d have to give it a full clean up and sterilization just as soon as she could.  She was further angered when the vibrators started up again, teasing her own nipples and pussy, getting them hotter and wetter, and making her squirm.

“Ohhh…I can feel you getting into it.  Just go with the flow, Misha love!  Don’t be so resistant!” Honey cried, pumping herself faster and faster up and down the dildo.

Because Honey wanted it so badly, Misha felt obliged to keep resisting her, and did just that, biting down on her ball gag as she glared up at her captor, forcing her mind to think of anything besides sex and her situation.  Mostly she thought about what she’d do to Honey if she could just get her hands on her, making sure she was just as miserable as Misha before the cops were called in.  The suit’s vibrations stopped again, but the woman atop her continued her rapid pumping, her pleasure-filled cries becoming faster and louder.

Misha grimaced as Honey came, the woman crying out in what could only have been an overly-exaggerated manner meant to make Misha feel jealous.  Her sex juices splashed and splattered as rapid pumping slowed into more deliberate, strong slams of her thighs against Misha.  Misha could smell the strong musk of Honey’s come filling the air, jerking her fists and feet against the chains angrily as some of it splattered against the lenses of her prototype.

“Ohhhh my god!  Misha, you’re so good!” Honey cried in a breathy voice, falling forward so that she was upon her knees and elbows, her exposed breasts pressing against Misha’s as she looked down at her captive with that smug grin she wore so well.  “Don’t you just wish you could come like that?”  She rocked forward and back slightly, revealing that the dildo secured to Misha was still inside her, and no doubt she was still dripping all over the suit.

As the suit’s teasing vibrations started again, Misha gave Honey an angry shake of her head and offered her a garbled piece of her mind around the ball in her mouth.

Honey rolled her eyes.  “You’re no fun at all!  Should I have chained you to a desk in front of a laptop or something so you could check your TPS reports or whatever it is that you do for a living?  Maybe that would get you into the mood?  No?  Geeze, what does it take to please you, anyway?”

Letting me go so I can slap you a few times would be great for starters,” Misha thought as Honey continued to rankle her.

Honey picked herself up so that she stood on her knees, and leered down at Misha, her hips moving forward and back as she continued working the dildo inside her.  Her hands went to Misha’s breasts, taking firm hold of them and squeezing.  “You know, I think I’ve got you figured out, Misha love.  You’re one of those types who just can’t be happy unless you’re making others suffer.  That’s got to be it!  Why else would you not be getting into our little date night, hmm?”

Misha rolled her eyes.  Honey couldn’t have been more wrong, but nothing she’d done so far had been right, anyway.  Why start now?

“I’ve got just the thing for you then!  It’s one of those commands I still have access to on that suit of yours that seems just perfect for you!”  Honey looked around the bed, finally found the controller again, and licked her lips as she made a show of picking it up and looking down at Misha.  “Punishment mode sounds amazing, doesn’t it?”

Misha tensed beneath Honey, sucking in a sharp breath as she steeled herself.  She hadn’t actually tested out the punishment mode yet, at least not for herself.  She knew what it could do in theory, sure, but as to exactly what it would feel like when the suit decided to go full power, she couldn’t say.  She’d never been particularly masochistic, at least not more than a spanking or a nipple tweak anyway, so this was new territory.

Honey tapped at the screen, a warning beeped, and she tapped again to authorize the mode.  “Ohhh, that’s so neat!  I can’t shut it off since the whole suit is in lockdown!  Isn’t that neat, Misha?”

Having almost no time to think up a response, or about how she had overlooked that particular aspect of the mode settings during the programming phase, or maybe it was just something Honey had ruined with all of her fiddling, Misha squealed as a sharp electrical jolt went through her nipples.  Honey even squealed, though in a more delighted tone, as Misha bucked beneath her and pushed the dildo further inside her.  “That hurt!  Oh, crap, I need to turn that down, or make a masochist special mode for that kind of pain!” she thought as the pain subsided, though the relief was short-lived as pinpricks of electrical discharge started playing over her feet, like little needles dancing along her soles.

As Misha squirmed, Honey laughed, tossing the controller aside again, bouncing herself up and down atop the dildo, letting out a breathy moan.  “Maybe I should have started with this?  Oh, oh, oh!  I have a better idea!  You’re going to love this…well, maybe not, but I’m going to love this, and since you’re being such a stick in the mud, I guess I’m only out to please myself right now, huh?”

How is that any different than normal?” Misha thought, jerking her legs as the pinprick jolts started randomly stabbing at her, moving slowly up her spread limbs.  It was obvious to her that Honey couldn’t care two licks about Misha right now, other than how she could use her captive for her own pleasures.

Honey leaned to one side, picking up the gag harness from before.  As she worked the straps to straighten and align them, Misha caught sight of the gag itself and grimaced.  The inner part, the part she’d have to suffer with, was a thick pink penis gag, with a ball-like bulge at the base where it changed over to the much larger pink dildo, maybe bigger than the one she had strapped to her crotch.  The worst part of the design, though, was the fact that there were many small holes throughout both ends of the gag, obviously designed to make sure the wearer got the full flavor experience from the one using the dildo.

“Be a good girl for once and let me get this on without a fight, huh?” Honey leaned forward, and Misha immediately turned her head away as the slutty schoolgirl reached for the zipper that held the mask’s mouth shut.  Honey grunted with annoyance.  “Always so difficult!”

Almost as if it were aware that she was being unruly, Misha yelped as another sharp electrical jolt fired, this time in a line across her ass, then on the underside of her breasts.  The intensity put her in mind of being physically slapped, and she at once was happy that the effect was what she had intended, but not so much that it was currently being used against its creator!

Honey’s hand shot out quickly as Misha tried to recover from the latest jolt, snatching her nose and holding tight.  Still with that smug smile looking down upon her, Honey seemed content to wait.  “How long will you last, hmmm?  Can’t breathe through your mouth, so…”

Head jerking side to side, Misha was helpless against Honey’s intentions.  She couldn’t dislodge Honey’s surprisingly powerful grip on her nose, almost as if she were stuck there like her namesake.  Two more electrical jolts fired in succession against her ass, making her jerk.  She hadn’t managed a good full breath before Honey had closed off her air, so she already felt the burning in her lungs starting as she growled into the ball in her mouth.  The stinging pinpricks continued over her torso, right into the most sensitive parts of her underarms and breasts, causing her to jerk involuntarily.  Tears rimmed her eyes behind the fogged up lenses, and she let out a pleading moan as her lungs soon ached for more air.

“What’s that?  Is that a different tone I’m hearing?  Are you saying you’re going to be a good little playmate for once and not fight me so that I can get this in place?  What’s that?  I can’t hear you, love.”

Whimpering, Misha nodded as best she could.  “Ysh!  Ysh, awl bwe gssh! (Yes!  Yes, I’ll be good!)” she managed to say, her lungs burning.  Another jolt hit her right across her lower back, making her buck and squeal weakly.  She saw stars in her vision now.

“You’re gonna get it if you’re lying to me,” Honey replied at last, still holding to Misha’s nose as her other hand sat the gag down on Misha’s chest before undoing the zipper over her mouth; unlike the zippers further down, the mouth zipper wasn’t magnetically sealed, in the name of safety.

Misha felt the coolness of the outside air upon her lips, and opened her mouth wide, trying to suck in as much air as she could manage around the ball as Honey’s fingers pushed in on either side.  As much as she wanted to fight back, even to the point of biting, she needed to breathe!  After what seemed to be forever, Honey managed to get her fingers on the saliva-drenched ball and pulled it from between Misha’s teeth, allowing her at least a few cool, deep breaths before she released her nose and brought the other gag to bear.

Still sorely tempted to bite at Honey’s fingers, Misha managed to resist her baser urges, resigning herself to her fate for now, and let the penis-shaped end of the gag between her lips.  She winced, not only from the size of the gag but from the near-constant pin-pricks that assailed her body, making her jerk against her chains.  Honey pushed the gag deeper, and Misha gagged as it hit the back of her throat.  With just a bit more effort, Honey popped the ball end between Misha’s teeth and set to securing the straps around the captive Misha’s head.

“That’s not so bad, is it?  You don’t do a lot of cocksucking, do you?  That’s really not that big,” Honey said, tugging the straps tight.

Groaning, Misha’s eyes stared at the massive dildo now protruding from her face, feeling dizzy at just the thought of something like that going inside her.  Though grateful for the increased air coming through the holes in the device, she knew what she was in for, and wasn’t looking forward to it.  She cried out again as a strong discharge attached her right nipple, leaving it with a throbbing sting.

“Ooof, that looked like it hurt,” Honey said, snickering as she finished securing the dildo gag harness, patting the top of Misha’s head.  “Guess you should’ve gone along with me, huh?  Oh well, too late for that now!  Do try to enjoy yourself, love; this is as much for you as it is for me.”

Knowing that was a lie, Misha’s eyes watched through the fogged lenses as Honey finally rose up on the bed and pulled herself from the dildo at Misha’s crotch.  She could just barely feel the patter of juices dripping from Honey’s pussy as the slutty schoolgirl moved over Misha’s head, turning herself around so that she faced Misha’s feet.  Though it hadn’t touched her yet, Misha winced as more of the juices dripped from Honey’s glistening, hairless pussy and splattered against the mask’s lenses.  She could make out a rather pungent odor that mingled with the lingering powerful aroma of Honey’s dirty socks, knowing it was the scent of Honey’s lust.

“Mmmm, I’ve been waiting for this, love!” Honey said, lowering herself quickly upon the dildo, barely even having to guide it with her hand.  She practically dropped her full weight upon it in one quick movement, screaming with what Misha assumed was pain, but could have just as easily been an intense pleasure, more of her juices splattering as she pressed herself down over Misha’s head.

Whimpering, Misha was overwhelmed by the powerful scent of Honey’s pussy, and resisted breathing in.  She couldn’t see now, at least anything that wasn’t Honey’s most intimate parts, and the way the blond-haired slut was grinding against Misha’s face, she had her doubts that she could breathe anyway.

Misha screamed and pulled her limbs against the chains, a series of quick, painful jolts from the suit landing all over her body, from shoulders down, far faster than even a well-trained man or woman with a whip could land blows.  To her disgust, Honey writhed atop her, moaning and panting as Misha’s struggles moved the dildo inside her.

“Yes! Yes, that’s it Misha, love!  More like that!”  Honey screamed, bouncing herself up and down quickly, like a hyper child begging for candy.

Having little choice in the matter, Misha let out a dejected groan, feeling Honey’s juices over her lips, and worse, sliding down through the holes in the dildo.  What felt like a booming explosion against her ass caused her to buck her hips upward, and she involuntarily gasped for air, getting little but the heated scent of Honey mixing with the powerful taste of her sexual fluids.  “This is so gross!” Misha thought, squealing angrily as she tried to wiggle out from beneath her captor, jerking her body, tugging at the chains holding her arms and legs, trying to sink deeper into the bed just to get away.

Misha’s head spun as she panted for air through her nose, which Honey’s ass seemed to be blocking, getting nothing but the scent of Honey’s arousal mixed with perfume and rubber.  But, as the juices started into her mouth, she became aware that they weren’t what she had expected.

Strangely, the flavor was…sweet, again like the slutty schoolgirl’s namesake.  As it trickled through the gag and over her tongue, Misha felt a distinct tingling sensation, similar to a really hot pepper, but it quickly became more intense and spread from her mouth down her throat, and then through her body, the more Honey rocked herself around the dildo.  Her body felt warmer, and a haze started to fill her mind, and Misha began to feel the intensity of the lust inside Honey, only in herself.

And she wanted more!

Then she snapped out of the strange pleasure haze as her tits were grabbed by two very strong hands, squeezing them and pinching at her nipples, and at the same time an electrical discharge landed atop her pussy, making her squeal.  “What is going on?!  Why does that keep happening?  I’m not enjoying this!  Why does it taste sweet?!” Misha thought furiously, grateful to the punishment setting for at least snapping her out of that strange feeling that had come upon her all of a sudden.  Whatever was up with her slutty, overly horny captor, it wasn’t normal!

Though Misha resisted any attempts at pleasure for herself or her captor, Honey didn’t seem to notice, finally picking herself up from Misha’s face and allowing her to breathe, but only so that Honey could begin pumping herself up and down over the dildo.  Her sweet juices splattered all over the mask each time her pussy crashed down atop Misha’s face, and Honey squealed and moaned in a way that seemed to be over-exaggerated, but given how she’d behaved so far, maybe she really was enjoying herself that much at Misha’s expense.

“Oh, Misha love, you’re just too good!” Honey cried, her fingers locking onto Misha’s nipples through the latex and tugging at them with each upward movement, eliciting pained squeals from Misha.  “Deeper, love, deeper!”

Not intending to play along in the slightest, Misha nonetheless had little choice when another barrage of painful, quick discharges assailed her flesh, making her jerk forward, only to be met by the falling crotch atop her, pushing her back to the bed.  Honey’s full weight was upon her, and again she couldn’t breathe as Honey squeezed her thighs around Misha’s head, rocking herself around the dildo and making her lewd noises as her juices continued spilling into Misha’s mouth and down her throat.

“I’m so close, Misha!  A little more!  Just a little more!’ Honey panted, still pressing herself down over Misha’s face while playing with her helpless captive’s nipples.

Crying out with what little breath she had, Misha’s nipples got zapped beneath Honey’s fingers.  Her head spun as she fought to free herself, to breathe, to be free of the constant flow of the sweet-tasting fluids dripping through her gag.  “Just hurry up and get it over with, you slut!  Let me go!”  All she could smell and taste was Honey now, that strangely enticing mixture of sweet and pungent that seemed to fill her with a heated passion that wasn’t her own.

It had to be like a drug!  It was some kind of drug Honey was using, like an aphrodisiac!  That had to be it!  That was the only thing that made any kind of sense as to why Misha’s body was all hot and bothered, and why she was starting to get a rush of pleasure for herself when the suit zapped her.  What else could it be?

“Yessss…yesss…almoooost….” Honey panted, her crotch slamming against Misha’s face several times in rapid succession as she pushed herself toward climax.

For Misha, she still struggled to breathe even with Honey’s ass out of her face.  The slut was positively pouring!  She had to clear her nose of Honey’s juices before she could even try to breathe in, but by then Honey had already slammed her pussy back down around the dildo, making Misha tremble with anger and annoyance.  “You’re going to regret this!  As soon as I’m out of here I’m calling the cops!” she thought, mentally screaming as her lungs begged for proper airflow.

“Miiiiissssshaaaaaa!” Honey cried, slamming down upon Misha’s face once more before her thighs again squeezed around the trapped Misha’s head, even more of the hot, sticky fluids exploding and spilling over Misha’s masked face and through the dildo, even into her nose.  Honey still had a firm hold of Misha’s breasts, her nails digging into the suit enough to hurt as she seemed to hold on for dear life.  Misha’s body shuddered and shook as the punishment setting again fired, zapping her at random places.

Misha could only whine helplessly, her lungs burning for air as her vision went starry and blurred, head spinning in a chaotic mix of disbelief, confusion, air deprivation, and whatever Honey’s drug-like secretions were doing to her.  The fact that she had no choice but to swallow so much of it made her even angrier.

“Ohhhhhh my god…that was amazing, love!” Honey said, at last, leaning forward so that she was again on hands and knees, finally allowing Misha to breathe, though her dripping pussy was still firmly wrapped around the upper part of the dildo.  Misha felt fingers poking at her own latex-covered pussy.  “A pity really that you didn’t enjoy it, but hey, you’re being a little bitch right now, so you get what you deserve.”  And she laughed!

Misha grunted angrily, too worried about breathing for the moment to try to manage a more fiery reply.  She bit down on the gag as her ass was zapped again, her jerking making Honey squirm and giggle.  “Oh, I hate her so much!

“Mmmm…I think I could do that again…” Honey said, swaying her hips back and forth, then rocking forward and back, causing more of her juices to run down the length of the dildo.  “But, maybe I should just give you some time to think over our little getaway?  That sounds good, doesn’t it, love?  Maybe after a few hours getting zapped by that suit, you’ll be in a more receptive mood and willing to enjoy what I’m doing for you?”

Not likely…” Misha thought, growling around the nasty gag that filled her mouth, and flinching as another painful jolt bit her inner thigh, making her wince.

Honey let out a long, slow moan as she made a show of pulling the dildo out of herself, then plopped her crotch down on Misha’s chest, stretching her arms as if she’d just woken up.  Could the woman be more obnoxious?  At last, she climbed off the bed, taking a moment to adjust her panties before leaving Misha to be zapped by the punishment setting on the prototype before sauntering over to the nearby table.

Humming to herself, Honey made sure to turn herself toward Misha as she rifled through the captive clothing designer’s purse, plucking out Misha’s keyring, and then her cell phone.  Honey shot her the most sickly sweet smile as she swiped at the screen, then started tapping at it rapidly.  “You really should put a password on these things, you know?  Or like, the fingerprint ID or whatever?  Anyway, I’ve decided I’m gonna go out for a snack and to find someone who’s willing to have a little fun with me and not be such a little bitch.  I’ll be back sometime in the morning and we can have a chat about how you’re sorry and willing to play along and be a good girl, and it’ll be awesome, I’m sure.”

Not likely…you’re freaking nuts if you think I’m going to come begging to you!” Misha thought, narrowing her eyes at Honey as she approached the bed again.  She winced, getting a pair of quick zaps to her soles.  And to the fact that Honey had typed on her phone, Misha had a fingerprint ID setup on it; she must have unlocked it while she had been unconscious earlier.  Had she done anything else to the phone?  Anything to her business information on there?

A whole new level of worry began to form in Misha’s mind.

Honey held up Misha’s phone, showing her the text messaging screen, with a phone number already entered, along with a message.  “See that? It says ‘Honey-chan, I’m so sorry I was such a bitch.  I’ve changed my mind and want to beg you to let me go so that we can enjoy the rest of our weekend together.  I’ll eat your pussy and lick your feet or whatever you want.  I’ll be waiting for you at the motel.  Love, Misha.’  Sounds about right to me.”  Honey hit the button to darken the display, then leaned over with a sly grin and placed the phone in Misha’s hand.  “I’d be really careful with that phone, Misha love; it’s only got like five percent battery or something, so if you don’t want to wait till morning, don’t get too careless with it.”

Misha wanted to strangle Honey at that moment but her anger was diminished and she yelped, the suit sending a particularly painful jolt right into her clit.

Honey tittered, patting Misha’s head before she sauntered toward the far end of the room.  She snatched up Misha’s purse and her own, waving at Misha and jingled her car keys.  “I’ll just throw these in the car for you, so they’ll be safe while I’m out.  Can’t trust these love hotels sometimes; all kinds of weird perverts come here.  Though I’m friends with the receptionist, so maybe I’ll have them check on you later?  Just to be neighborly and all that.  See ya soon, Misha!”

No kidding about the perverts,” Misha thought wryly, responding with an angry grunt as Honey quickly opened the door, locked it, and closed it firmly behind her, turning the deadbolt with her key.  Misha sighed heavily, tugging at the chains again, turning her head to eye her phone.  She hit the button to light up the screen, and sure enough, it was only showing about five percent charge.  She quickly dimmed it again and took a moment to reconsider her position, getting a series of low, pin-prick like zaps along her stomach and sides for her trouble.

In the mostly silent room, silent but for the squeak of latex, groaning of bed springs, and her own breathing and grunts of pain, Misha worked her mind furiously to try and come up with an escape method.  The chains holding her limbs wide were not budging, and she couldn’t exactly scream loud enough to get anyone’s attention.  That kind of thing was probably normal in a hotel like this.  With the worry of her compromised phone already in her mind, the thought of her car keys and purse just being tossed in her front seat made her wonder if her vehicle would even be there if she managed to get out.

As the minutes passed with the prototype shocking her every few seconds, never letting her get anywhere close to comfort, Misha grew extremely tired of the lingering taste of Honey’s juices that filtered down around the gag, to say nothing of the scent that turned less pleasing by the minute.

At least the slutty schoolgirl hadn’t left her dirty socks behind…she could be thankful for that much, at least.

Looking at the clock again, just after she’d received a massive ‘slap’ from the suit across her ass, Misha saw that nearly an hour had passed, and she was no closer to coming up with a brilliant escape plan.  Getting to the point that her body was getting stiff and sore, she looked at her phone, wondering if maybe she would have to suffer the indignity of texting Honey to get free.

Absolute last resort…”  she thought, frowning around the dildo gag.  Her head jerked toward the door as she heard laughter outside, and some bumping along the wall and even the door itself a moment later.  Freezing, her heart beat increasing, Misha at once wanted to cry out for help, but was paralyzed by the idea of drawing attention and having a bunch of random people barge in, or even to have the cops called.  Imagine if that story hit the news…

Her moment passed by quickly, though, as the voices hurried down the hall, somewhere out of earshot.  For a wonder the suit hadn’t zapped her at the worst possible moment.

With her heart rate slowing, Misha again tried to consider her options.  How could she dislodge the chains?  It felt as though they were secured around the bed frame itself.  Checking her wrists again, she saw that the ends were secured to the rings on the built-in cuffs, which were not exactly heavy-duty, but were more than enough to keep her in place due to a lack of super-strength or enough leverage to possibly pop the ring out of its locking channel.

Raising up, Misha looked toward the table, saw the controller still sitting there, but knew that even with it, she couldn’t free herself without the unlock sequence stored on the server at the office.  The idea had been to have the users set up their own security code for such things, with a master unlock code available should something happen, but that was still a ways out.

A series of low-powered, rapid shocks hit her lower regions, alternating between pussy and ass, making her jerk and tense up, scattering her train of thought again.  Snarling angrily, Misha again fought at the chains, kicking and pulling and grunting, but falling short of screaming.  She just couldn’t bear the thought of drawing some stranger’s attention just yet.

Not quite that desperate…but close…

A few more minutes and a few more shocks later, Misha felt another sensation from the suit, a pair of quick pulses from the dildo inside her.  Blinking at the sudden change of stimulus, about a minute passed when it happened again.  Her eyes widened as her mind finally realized what it was the suit was telling her.

The failsafe!  With all of the insanity that had been happening, she’d forgotten all about the failsafe she’d programmed into the system!  The pulses came again after another minute, and then started coming faster, recycling after forty-five seconds a couple times, then thirty, and so on.

Please, please tell me that bimbo hasn’t screwed that up somehow…” Misha thought as the second thirty-second buzz came and went.  Thinking quickly on the matter, there shouldn’t have been a way through the remote to change the hard-coded safety features Misha had built in.  The idea was for self-bondage enthusiasts who may have gotten in over their heads to have a way out once the suit’s power was drained.  And apparently, the punishment mode ate the stored power a lot faster than just the teasing mode.  It was just a prototype, after all; once the base functions were tested, she could deal with finding a more efficient battery design.

The second fifteen-second notice came and went, and Misha found herself holding her breath.  The charge should be almost gone, and when it was fully drained, the cuffs’ locking rings should disengage from the channel, like unlocking handcuffs…

Almost in perfect unison, the rings at Misha’s wrists and ankles popped open with soft metallic clicks.  Squealing, this time with excitement, Misha shook her wrists, dislodging the chains.  She sat up and shook her ankles, the chains slipping out of the rings.  Dropping her phone atop the bed for the moment, Misha’s hands went straight to the back of her head, fumbling for the straps that held the gag in place.  Thankfully the slut had been far too interested in her own pleasure and Misha’s displeasure to have locked the harness, and a few seconds later she had the straps pulled from and quickly jerked the dildo out of her mouth, heaving a relieved sigh as she tossed it across the room at the wall.  The dildo harness around her waist soon followed.

Knowing she should have gone for the phone immediately, Misha instead made the decision to get off the bed, staggering on stiff legs toward the bathroom.  Ignoring the garish ‘love’ theme that continued into the bathroom, she went straight for the sink, turning on the faucet, gathering water in her hands, and proceeded to wash her mouth out.  After spitting out her second mouthful, she snatched the bottle of mouthwash from the counter, seeing that the seal was still in place, and popped it, and wound up using the whole bottle, leaving her mouth minty fresh and slightly stinging from the cleansing alcohol.

She reached for the towel hanging by the sink, intending to wash off the lingering stickiness that Honey had left all over her, but hesitated.  The cops would probably need that and her prototype as evidence… “I could strangle that woman!” Misha spat, just starting to get an idea of how much Honey had complicated her life, and would probably continue to do so for months to come.

Returning to the main room, Misha went to the love-themed desk phone, picking up the handset, but getting nothing of a dial tone.  Grimacing, she checked the cord, and sure enough, it was cut part way down.  She went back to the bed and picked up her cell phone, seeing that it had dropped to three percent, but the signal was only a single bar here.  Plenty for a text message, sure, but likely not good enough to sustain a phone call, for any length of time.

Misha turned her attention to the suit itself, finding that the main zippers were locked, as she had feared, but with nothing that was tied to the failsafe system; Honey had used the separate electronic locks to secure the main suit.  She hadn’t yet worked out how to tie the external locks to the cuffs yet, nor had she finished the design of the built-in locking devices she wanted to use.  A quick search told her that there were no keys to be had, no doubt Honey either had them on her or had put them in the car with the rest of Misha’s things.

Cursing Honey yet again, Misha grabbed her nearly dead phone as well as the discarded controller and went to the door to the room, turning the deadbolt, but hesitated before exiting.  She’d never exactly been the kind of person to do her kinky stuff in public, but she didn’t see much choice.  She could try for a random room, to see if someone would let her use the phone, but she’d much rather just get out of the hotel and hope she could get to her car and get out of there.  With Honey being friends with people working there, it was untelling just how they’d react to her coming to the front desk.

“At least they can’t see my face…” Misha muttered, turning the doorknob and hurrying out of the room.  The light in the hall was dim, as one could expect from a place like this, and she looked side to side, finding the glowing exit sign she’d hoped for about a dozen rooms down.  There was no way she was taking the elevator!

Several minutes later, and feeling as though she were playing some kind of twisted take on a stealth game, Misha had slipped out of a side door and found her way to the parking lot, thankfully around the back of the hotel in a fenced in lot.  Noticing that the lot was on the full side, it took her several more precious minutes before she managed to locate her car, finally spotting her particular license plate.

She hurried to it, and though expected, she was still dismayed that the doors were locked.  Worse, when she peered inside, she couldn’t see her purse or keys.  “Did she…take them with her?”  Thinking that a keyless entry system may be in order on her next vehicle, Misha went to the sealed trunk, biting her lip.  She had a way to find out, but…

She dared to look at her phone again.  Two percent.  After a few more moments of consideration, Misha made the choice and opened the phone, took another look at Honey’s number and quickly committed it to memory, before she went to the main screen and opened a particular app.  She tapped the button she wanted as the phone dropped to one percent, and sure enough, she heard a few musical notes come from inside the trunk from the fob attached to her keyring.  “That bitch!” Misha spat, her phone flashing a red power warning before it shut itself off.

Taking a long breath as she leaned against her car, Misha tried to think.  She should just call the cops from the nearest open store, but that could lead to a lot of questions she didn’t feel that she could handle at the moment.  She needed to get out of the suit first, but where was she?  How far was she from the office and the server she needed?  Frowning, she knew she’d need to hit the street.  She wasn’t worried about the durability of the latex of her feet, she’d made it thicker down there anyway, but the thought of roaming the streets dressed like she was didn’t make her happy.

Although…with all the heroes and villains that had shown up the last few months, what was one more masked face wearing a skin-tight costume, right?

With that thought in mind, giving her enough courage to continue, Misha headed around the building toward the street.  Traffic was light, but steady, and there were still people out and about.  Finally spotting the nearest street signs, she sighed.  She recognized the names, but if she was right about it, she was a good half hour drive from the office in the best of traffic conditions, to say nothing of trying to get there on foot; it’d take hours.

But then a thought came to her.  “Kyou!” she said.  Taking another moment to gather her thoughts, recalling what she knew of the streets, she was fairly sure his studio apartment was much closer.  “Let’s see…two streets over there should be a shopping plaza…and then…about three blocks on down should be his place…” she whispered, forming the image of the map in her mind, or at least her memories of the last time she’d visited his studio a few months back.  Hoping she was right, and hoping that she wouldn’t garner much attention, Misha took firmer hold on her phone and the controller, and started down the sidewalk.

It didn’t take long for her to start getting lingering looks from the people on the street, and it was only about two minutes before someone drove by and honked, yelling out ‘Nice ass, baby!’ as they drove by.  Feeling mortified at that, Misha very nearly darted down a dark alleyway to get all the eyes off of her, but somehow she held it together and pressed onward, praying that she wasn’t wrong about her location.

Another few minutes found her at a busy intersection, the traffic from a more heavily traveled street causing her to have to wait at the crosswalk.  She felt over a dozen sets of eyes on her from just the people gathered around her, but not too closely, and saw multiple more eying her as they drove by.  If she hadn’t been hot within the latex outfit before, she was positively melting with embarrassment now.  As soon as she crossed the street, she would be able to reach the shopping plaza, and then it should be a straight shot to Kyou’s place.

“Ohhh, you’re one a them super hero types, ain’t ya?”

It took Misha a moment to realize that comment had been directed at her.  She gulped, not taking her eyes off the traffic lights.  “Come on…change already!

“Yeah, that’s what you are!  Whatcha call yourself then?  Ain’t never seen you round before.”

Misha bit her lip nervously, realizing that the voice had gotten closer, and from the way his speech was slurred, he had to be drunk.  She dared a glance back, and sure enough a man probably about her age and wearing a sweat and beer stained business shirt with an undone tie draped around his neck, weaving unsteadily on his feet, had come up to her, and she caught the scent of booze spilling off of him.

“I said, what’s your name, hot stuff?  You off the clock too?  We could go somewhere’n have a drink…”

The lights went yellow, the traffic slowing, then stopping as they turned red.  Misha felt very much like the drunkard was going to try and grope her, so she blurted out the first thing that came to mind.  “I’m the Latex Leopard,”, and then she took off at a run the moment the crosswalk sign went green, dashing as fast as she could across the street and weaving through the wave of people that had come from the other side.  The looks she received no longer concerned her; the only thing that she could focus on right now was getting to Kyou’s place and getting his help to get out of the suit.

Thankfully before anyone else tried to engage her in conversation, Misha saw the shopping plaza she remembered, and finally slowed down to a quick walk, panting for a while as she caught her breath, the corset making it quite difficult to get full lungs, before she turned down toward Kyou’s place.  Thankfully the traffic, both on the sidewalk and the blacktop, was lighter beyond the plaza, and almost nonexistent by the time she turned down Kyou’s block.  There was his studio apartment, one light still on upstairs.  “Oh, thank god!” Misha breathed, hurrying that way.

Though she scampered quickly up the steps to the front doors, Misha didn’t fail to notice the sports car that was parked out front, a bright red, expensive looking little two seat convertible, the roof up of course.  She wasn’t the best with cars, but she recognized the emblem on the hood as being one of the expensive ones, like a coat of arms with a horse in front of it.  Gloria must still have been there.

Knowing that Kyou’s girlfriend was still with him made her finger hesitate before she touched the buzzer on the intercom.  Surely she wouldn’t be mad at her given the situation…right?  Misha didn’t really know anything about Gloria; was she the jealous type?  She didn’t think Kyou would have gone out with someone like that, but you never knew.

An engine revved up and blew down the street behind her, passing by quickly before slowing and turning down a side street further on, but it was enough to get Misha moving again.  She didn’t want to be out in the open any longer than she had to.  Her finger mashed the buzzer, heard it sound, then mashed it several more times.  “Please, please hurry…” she muttered, stepping anxiously from one foot to the other.

There was no answer, so she hit it again, and thought about trying to knock on the door when Kyou’s sleepy voice finally answered.  “Uhhh, yeah, hello?”

“Kyou!  Oh, thank goodness you’re there!  It’s Misha!  I need help!”

“Misha?  Wait, what’s going on?”  he asked, sounding much more awake.

“I’ll explain everything, but please, can I come in?  I’m in a bit of a spot right now and really don’t want to be on the street anymore…”

There was a brief pause, but then Kyou replied.  “Yeah, yeah, sure.  Just a minute, I’ll come down.”

“Thank you, so much!” Misha said, blowing out her breath, feeling a bit lightheaded as a big weight seemed to lift from her.  A minute later she heard the door locks disengaging, and then it swung open, dim light spilling from somewhere inside.

Kyou stood wearing a very short, dark blue bathrobe, more like a mid-thigh length kimono, really, his hair on the wild side, with sleep lingering in his big brown eyes.  He blinked, looking Misha up and down, his mouth opening and closing silently.  “M-Misha…come in, come in,” he finally managed, stepping aside and motioning with his hand.

“Thanks again,” she said, hurrying inside and waiting for him to close up behind her.

Kyou turned back to her, his nose twitching, no doubt picking up on the various scents hanging on to her.  “What happened?  I didn’t think you were the exhibitionist type…Uh, hey, come on upstairs, let’s get you something to drink and somewhere to sit, you look a little worn down.”

Misha explained quickly what had happened after he’d left that evening as they took the elevator up.  By the time she had finished her recount of the story, Kyou had his coffee maker warmed up and had brewed her a cup, adding some cream.

“Wow…that’s…that’s absolutely nuts,” Kyou said at last, leaning against the counter, running a hand through his hair.  “I just can’t believe something like that- Oh, hey, Gloria.  Sorry, things are a bit complicated.”

Misha turned to look in the direction Kyou’s head had turned, in the direction of the bedroom she guessed.  Standing in the doorway was the stunningly beautiful, tall blond he had shown her a picture of earlier, wearing a flimsy little red nightie that really didn’t cover anything.  Her silky blond hair covered her left eye, and spilled about her shoulders in a somewhat more neatly disarrayed manner than Kyou’s.  Her full red lips were curled into a grin that sent a shiver down MIsha’s spine, but made her suck in her breath at the same time as she blushed.  “You didn’t tell me you had a rubber slave, sweetheart.”

“I don’t…at least I’m pretty sure I don’t,” Kyou replied with a grin, holding out his arms to take Gloria up in a hug, kissing her cheek as she snuggled up beside him.  She was several inches taller than him, and her tits looked like they could swallow his head.  “This is Misha, the client I was working with yesterday.  She’s uh, had a bit of a wild night.”

“Mmm, so I heard,” Gloria replied, turning her visible pale blue eye back toward Misha.  She seemed to be appraising Misha with her gaze.

Misha squirmed in the seat, gulping as Gloria looked at her.  She felt herself flushing, and felt a tingle of excitement shoot through her as the blond scrutinized her.  But it passed quickly, and she managed to return her gaze to Gloria, managing a smile.  “Nice to meet you at last, Gloria.”

“Oh, nice to meet you as well, sweetheart,” Gloria replied easily, her voice smooth and silky as she smiled at Misha.  “I’ve seen some of your work from Kyou’s pictures, and I’m very impressed.  I just feel bad that we had to meet with you in a situation like this.”  Gloria’s visible eye narrowed slightly.  “Can you tell me about the girl that did this to you?  She seems like a terrible nuisance at the very least.”

“I definitely got that impression,” Misha replied with a sigh, taking a sip of the coffee.  “She said her name was Honey…” Misha started, and gave Gloria the full description, and how she acted.  More strangely, Misha found herself relating the more disgusting details of her encounter with the slutty schoolgirl.  She wasn’t quite sure why she did it, and she should have been completely mortified and embarrassed by the lewd descriptions of what she’d been through, but something about Gloria and Kyou put her at ease.

Once she had finished, Gloria and Kyou shared a look.  Misha didn’t know what it meant, but they seemed to know something about Honey.  “Is there…something about her?  Do you know her?”

Gloria shook her head quickly, offering a disarming smile to Misha.  “Oh, no, sweetheart, not her personally, just her type,” she said smoothly.  “I guess you should be getting out of that outfit, hmm?”

Misha nodded.  “Yeah, and then to the police.  Can…can I get a ride back to my office?”

“Sure, I can drive you; let me throw some clothes on,” Kyou said, kissing Gloria’s cheek again before heading toward the bedroom.  “Be right back!”

“Mmm…hate to see him go, but can’t stop watching him walk away…” Gloria said softly, crossing her arms under her sizable chest, her lips curled into a hungry grin as she watched Kyou.  Once he was out of sight, she turned her eye back toward Misha, still smiling.  “I could…make a few calls for you.  See if some friends can find that girl.”

“You know some people in the police force?”

“More than I care to admit,” Gloria replied with a chuckle.  “The police aren’t the smartest cookies out there; I’d just hate to think someone like that is roaming around doing that kind of thing and that they couldn’t find her.  The people I know are a lot better at that kind of thing.”

Misha considered what Gloria had said, wondering if she had meant a private investigator or something similar, but shook her head.  “I’m sure they can find her; she doesn’t seem like the type to try to hide.  She’s too full of herself for that.”

Gloria nodded slowly, considering Misha for a moment before she walked over and behind her.  Misha followed her with her eyes, turning her head, but then Gloria had her hands on Misha’s shoulders, squeezing them lightly, breathing in deeply, as if savoring the scent.  Misha was suddenly nervous, wondering if she would smell Honey’s lingering scents, or her own sweat, over the smell of the latex.  “I couldn’t help but notice your outfit, sweetheart.  The craftsmanship is remarkable; I don’t think I’ve seen latex so finely made before.  It feels very sturdy, too, and am I right in that there’s been no real damage on your feet, even after walking all that way barefoot?”

“Oh, I…”  Caught off guard, not expecting Gloria to have taken in so much of the fine details of the prototype, Misha quickly nodded.  “T-thank you for noticing that.  Yeah, as you can see, there’s barely any marks at all.”  Misha turned in the seat and crossed her left leg over her right knee, wiggling her toes as she knocked some lingering dirt off her foot.  The latex had held up perfectly on the trip.  “This is just a prototype, though, so I might’ve overbuilt it a little.”

“Nonsense!” Gloria replied, leaning to the side so that she could look over the foot Misha had offered on display.  “I can recognize true talent when I see it.  From what Kyou’s shown me, you’re head and shoulders above the nearest competition.  How is it that I’ve not seen your work more often?”

“Well…I guess it’s just that we’ve not got our name out there enough yet,” Misha said, her mind going back to business, her plight momentarily forgotten.  The fact that Gloria still held her shoulders, and that her large breasts were just inches above her head were only momentary thoughts, quickly forgotten.  “I’ve been trying to work with the marketing people, but I think we’ve come to the conclusion that the name of the business is just too forgettable; we need something else, like a mascot or something, plus a more sexy name.  But once this prototype’s ready, we’ll hit it big for sure!  It’s got so many features, you won’t believe it!  Full body pleasure induction, inescapable locking devices controlled by encrypted wireless controls, punishment settings, the works!”

“Oh my, that does sound delightful!” Gloria replied, her voice a throaty purr.  “You do take custom commissions?”

“Oh yes, absolutely! Anything from clothing to restraints to toys!  In fact-”

“I’m ready!” Kyou said, stepping back into the kitchen, his hair tied back in a slightly more brushed ponytail, wearing a light jacket over his shirt and paints.  He paused, taking in the two of them, and grinned.  “Well, glad to see the two of you hitting it off so well.”

“Of course, sweetheart,” Gloria said, patting Misha’s shoulder.  “I just have to hear more about this suit of her’s.  It sounds absolutely orgasmic!  I can call you later, right, Misha?”

“Absolutely!” Misha replied, “Kyou can give you my contact; my phone’s dead right now.”

“Perfect!”  Gloria patted her shoulder again and went to Kyou, taking him in her arms, planting a deep, tongue-filled kiss upon his lips, not the least bit shy.  Kyou was a bit breathless when their lips finally parted, but she kept her hands on his ass.  “Call me when you get back.  I’ve got an early meeting this morning, so I’ll slip on out after I clean up.”

“Sure thing,” Kyou said, kissing her lips again, a quicker, less forceful kiss, but his hands found Gloria’s ass as well, and the two lingered a bit longer before parting.  Gloria waved at Misha, smiling as she slinked into the bedroom.  “Well, let’s get going, then!”

* * *

The next couple of hours were a blur for Misha.  She barely recalled the early morning drive back to her office with Kyou, only vaguely recalled starting up the server and the wireless charging platform to recharge the suit enough for it to recognize the encrypted unlocking signal.  As soon as she was out of it, she hastily threw it in a box and took a long, hot shower, brushing her teeth and gargling half a bottle of mouthwash to get the taste and scent of the horrible little slut off of her.  She didn’t really remember dressing again, but could recall arriving at the police station with Kyou, shaking, her anger having boiled up once more as she had started remembering all the details for what she’d have to tell them.

She remembered being highly embarrassed and ashamed retelling the events to the police woman who had taken her statement, had collected the prototype as evidence, for DNA mostly, though the looks Misha had received from the woman hadn’t made her feel any better about the situation.  She gave them the phone number Honey had entered into her phone, now mostly recharged.  Misha had been assured that they would get the patrols looking for Honey immediately, and would send an investigation team to the love hotel to collect more evidence.

That was about all Misha could handle, though.  By the time she had left the station, it was after sunrise.  Kyou had stayed with her the whole time, and had driven her back to her apartment.  She didn’t remember coming inside her apartment, only that she had collapsed in exhaustion onto her bed as soon as she had reached it.

The ring of Misha’s phone dragged her out of her slumber, and for a moment, she couldn’t recall where she was, and fearfully thought she was still within the hotel room she had awoken in before.  But as Misha groped for her phone, finding her limbs free, and not feeling the pressure of latex over her body, she realized she wasn’t at the hotel.  As she opened her bleary eyes, blinking in the afternoon light filtering through the curtains on her windows, Misha remembered that she was in her bedroom, in her apartment.

Hand slapping at her sheets, Misha felt the phone beneath, and tugged it away, snatching up the phone right before the voicemail picked up.  “Um, hello?” she said groggily.

“Miss Kyle?”

“Yes,” she said, rubbing her eyes.  “Who is this?”

“This is Detective Cordell with the Sentinel City Police,” the man on the other end said.  “I’ve been assigned your case, and have some good news.  We have the suspect in custody; we just need you to come down and identify her in a lineup.”

“What? Already?” Misha asked, surprised that they would have caught Honey so soon.

“That’s right; she wasn’t making any attempt to hide herself, and was picked up on an unrelated charge.  How soon can you come down to the station?”

Misha sat up on the bed, looking at her clock.  “Um…I can probably be there within an hour if traffic allows…well, it might take a little longer since I don’t have my car back.”

“That’s fine, miss.  We should be able to get that back to you soon.  Just ask for me when you get here and the desk officer will get you back to me.”

“Okay, great!  I’ll see you in about an hour then!”  Misha let the detective end the call and hurried out of bed, feeling excited.  It looked like the police had done a great job so far!  She scurried off the bed and headed to the bathroom, cleaning up a bit and straightening up her hair before grabbing a quick bite from the kitchen.  She hadn’t eaten since dinner the night before and felt it would be better if her stomach wasn’t trying to talk over her at the station.

Misha grabbed up her phone and purse, then headed out of the apartment, catching one of the buses to get her to the station.  Thankfully the lunchtime traffic was already thinning out, so there weren’t any major traffic jams along the route, but it still took a little over an hour for her to reach the stop closest to the station.

The sidewalk in front of the police station was pretty busy as Misha approached, the parking lot filled with cruisers and other cars, and at least two of the big SWAT-style vans were parked near the entrance.  Wondering what all the excitement was about, Misha barely registered that someone had come out of the public entry doors until she heard her name and a familiar voice.

“Misha!  So nice to see you again!”

Skidding to a halt, Misha’s head snapped away from the SWAT vans and her eyes fell upon Honey, who wore a sickeningly sweet, smug smile as she waved at Misha.  “Y-you!” Misha stammered, feeling as though her world had just imploded upon itself.

“Yep, it’s me alright!” Honey said, giggling.  She still wore the same slutty schoolgirl outfit, though her makeup had changed to a different pattern and tones.  She flipped her hair back and licked her lips as she continued to stare at Misha in a hungry, unsettling way.  “I have to say, I’m pretty impressed you slipped out of our little love nest like that.  Just full of surprises, aren’t you?”


“Oh, once I’d given my side of the story, they didn’t really have any reason to keep me here,” Honey said, a note of annoyance plain in her voice.  She even raised a hand, waving it at the station behind her dismissively.  “The police really can be reasonable if you just cooperate and tell the truth.  Of course, the poor, innocent schoolgirl act helps.”

Misha’s anger flared suddenly, and she felt her nails digging into her palms as her hands balled into tight fists.  “I don’t know what you did, Honey, but you’re going to go to jail for this!  I’m going to make sure of that!  There’s evidence of what you did!”

Honey returned a confident smile.  “Oh, Misha, aren’t you just the cutest thing ever?  Must be nice to live in a world where it’s all so black and white.  Go talk to the officer overseeing the case; he’ll tell you everything you need to know about why I’m off the hook.”  The insufferable smugness only grew as Honey blew Misha a kiss.

Misha flinched as if she’d been touched by the horrible woman.

“See you around, Misha.  Don’t work too hard, now!  Keep that stress level low!”  Honey said, sauntering off in her overly exaggerated hip-swaying manner, not a care in the world it seemed.

Standing and staring after Honey in a mixture of anger and disbelief, eyebrow twitching, Misha’s brain just couldn’t fully process what had just happened.  How could the police just let her go like that?  Why wasn’t Honey locked up at least until she could be properly identified and sent before a judge to set bail?

Finally snapping out of her fuming anger, Misha stalked up the walkway and up the steps, entering the station.  Madhouse seemed to be an apt word to describe the scene out front, as there were a couple of dozen people standing about in the waiting area, a mix of officers and civilians.  A lot of loud voices seemed to be shouting from the rear, a cacophony of women’s voices protesting their innocence or cursing out the cops.  As Misha approached the front desk, having to wait in line, she spotted at least two women dressed in French maid outfits, hands cuffed behind them, being led from one door down a hallway.  Between the strange surrealness of the scene and her situation, Misha barely registered her request to speak with Detective Cordell.

She had to wait about fifteen minutes, but Misha was finally approached by an officer and escorted toward Cordell’s office.  On the way back she saw more of the women dressed as maids, sitting on several benches lined up down one hallway, all of them handcuffed, and all looking roughed up to some degree.  Wondering what had happened that resulted in more than a dozen maids getting arrested, Misha’s eyes swept over an interview room, and she had to do a double-take.

There were three people inside the room, and over the din of the hallway, there was no way she could have possibly heard what was being said, but one of the people was a little girl, probably not even thirteen by the look of her, dressed as a maid with her blonde hair up in a pair of long tails, and bawling her eyes out to the woman sitting next to her in the business suit.  The man, probably a detective, in the cheaper-looking suit across the table wore an exasperated expression on his face as he looked back to the file folder on the table in front of him.  What was going on?  As Misha continued past the room, she caught sight of the crying girl’s face as she shook her head to some question and held her hands clasped in front of her, almost like she was praying.  Something about her eyes didn’t quite seem to fit how she was acting, something that unsettled Misha.

“Miss?  This way,” said her escort, motioning into a room on the opposite side of the hallway.

All thoughts about the little girl in the maid’s uniform vanished as she stepped into the office, about a dozen desks covered in papers and folders crammed into the main part of the room, with several smaller offices attached around the perimeter.  It was to one of the satellite offices she was led to, and an older man rose behind the desk.  His face had a haggard appearance like he hadn’t gotten much sleep, his graying brown hair oily, his goatee showing flecks of powdered sugar from the half-eaten donut on the side of his desk.  He offered his hand.  “Miss Kyle, I’m Detective Cordell.”

Misha took his hand for only a moment, eyes narrowing as her anger flared again.  “So why was she walking out of here just now?  Why isn’t she behind bars?”

Cordell sighed, motioning to the seat opposite him as he sat.  “I’m really sorry about that, Miss Kyle, but there’s just not enough evidence to hold her.”

Misha felt her jaw drop, and she stopped halfway to the chair.  She stood again and slammed her hands down on the edge of his desk.  “What do you mean, not enough evidence?!  You have my prototype, my car, there has to be security camera footage, the hotel room… How can there be no evidence of her on me?!”

The older man frowned, opening the folder on his desk, glancing up to Misha before he started going over the documents inside.  “The crime lab hasn’t completed their analysis, but preliminaries found only one DNA donor on the outfit you brought in, on the inside of the suit.  There was no trace of drugs or intoxicants in your system at the time you gave us the sample.  Camera footage we’ve been able to pull so far only shows your walk through the streets starting a couple of blocks from the hotel; that part of town is notorious for having almost no working cameras.  They found some hairs that matched her’s in your car but based on her statements, the two of you had a few drinks after dinner and decided to fool around.  Before you could do anything, she stated that you had gotten cold feet and ran out of the hotel in a panic.  The hotel room had already been partially cleaned by the time the CSIs got there, but there’s so much DNA in a place like that it’s going to be almost impossible to determine who is who.”

Misha felt light-headed as the detective spoke, wavering on her feet and finally slipping into the chair.

“The lawyer who spoke to her when she was brought in thinks there just isn’t enough to go on to build a case at this point, and the rep from the DA’s office was in agreement,” Cordell said.  “Without more evidence, it looks like a bad decision after some drinks and a case of she-said, she-said, your word against hers.  I’m sorry, Miss Kyle, but without more to go on, we had little choice but to let her go for now.  Things may change once the crime-scene people process all the evidence, but for now, there’s nothing else we can do.”

Feeling numb, Misha couldn’t really recall what they had discussed after that, and barely remembered leaving the station and heading to the bus stop.  Things were still in a blur once she arrived back at her apartment, though as evening approached, her brain snapped out of its state of shock and went through an angry phase.  She wasn’t proud to admit that she’d been pretty hard on some of her pillows, and had thrown some things.  If nothing else had come of the visit, her confidence in the police department had taken a severe hit.  It had been almost casual the way he had told her about the situation.  The fact that they could find no evidence of Honey being on her screamed incompetence.  Or had Honey paid them off somehow?  A bribe to let her go?  Maybe she should get a lawyer involved…No, maybe not…could she or the business really afford that right now?  Could she even trust a lawyer, given how Honey had apparently talked her way out of the whole situation so easily?

Misha sulked about her apartment the rest of the day, cleaning up after her outburst, and doing some exercises to clear her head.  By the next morning, she was thinking more clearly, and though she was still in a fragile state, she decided that focusing on her work was the best option for now.  She went back to the office and started back where she’d last left off, checking new emails and setting up new orders for her people to get started on.  She didn’t mention anything that had happened to her employees, though she did give Kyou a call during her lunch break to let him know.  He’d offered to come by if she needed someone to be with her, but she had declined, though the offer had certainly been appreciated.


And that does it for part 2!  Certainly a trying experience for poor Misha, but adversity must be overcome to reach new heights, right?  Or something like that.

What it basically boils down to is:  Honey’s a bitch.  And probably a pretty terrible person.  One can only hope she’ll have some proper justice in the future (hint hint).

The conclusion of this story is on the way, featuring a much more agreeable night for Misha, and some more fun with latex!  Hope you’ll be coming back to see what happens!

Till next time, Urban out!

Hit me over on DeviantArt, or on my Discord server!  I’m usually always around, and would love to hear what you have to say!

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper