The Honey Trap – Part 1


Chapter One of the Misha Kyle Trilogy

The Honey Trap – Part 1

Misha awoke with a groan, her eyes slowly cracking open to reveal a sliver of light, then a brighter glow that made her wince.  She reached to rub her eyes, but her hand jerked against something and didn’t move any closer.  She tried again, recognizing the distinct sensation of a cuff pulling at her wrist, and the somewhat muffled sound of a chain rattling. ^

Suddenly very awake, Misha squealed in surprise, feeling a thick ball between her teeth, her eyes darting down her body as she tried to sit up.  She was spread wide, her limbs secured with cuffs and chains going off the edges of the bed she lay upon.  Looking down at herself, she immediately recognized the outfit she wore: it was the prototype latex catsuit she had taken out of the office for private testing over the weekend.  The cuffs on her limbs were built into the suit, made of thick, heavy-duty rubber and set with stout metal eye holes and buckles.  The suit’s built-in corset had been secured about her midsection as well, squeezing at her torso as her breathing became more rapid as awareness returned.  She was fully hooded and collared from the feel of it, and the look of it as the built-in perspex lenses were starting to fog, and she was pretty sure there was something contained within the suit’s built-in condoms, which were likewise inside of her.

She knew it for a fact a moment later as she became aware of something moving above her, and as she focused her attention toward the ceiling, she realized it was herself she saw through the mirror mounted there.  There she was, Misha Kyle, spreadeagle atop a large, heart-shaped bed, contained fully within her latest and greatest prototype bondage catsuit.  In the scant few seconds she allowed herself to look at her reflection, her mind automatically ticked off the various details, as if reaffirming she was really wearing it.  Glistening charcoal gray latex for the base layer, a slightly lighter shade of gray on the layer above, forming what resembled a pair of thigh-high stockings and garters with oval-shaped openings revealing her latex-covered thighs beneath them, the edges lines with a silvery-gray latex fringe.  Her arms were similarly clad, the highlight layer forming shoulder-length gloves, with similar openings for her shoulders.

Atop these were the corset and chest harness, each made of stout black latex, their straps buckled tight and locked with the electronic padlocks keyed to the suit’s controller, complete with a crotch strap that held any insertables firmly in place.  Misha’s breasts protruded through the chest harness, covered in the charcoal gray of the base layer, marked only by the zippers over her nipples, providing easy access, though these were currently closed.  The suit’s tall collar was in place, thick and rigid rubber with a silver-gray latex fringe at her collar bone and beneath her chin, the cuffs on her wrists and ankles styled in the same fashion.  Her head was covered in charcoal gray latex, all of her features smoothed out by the shiny rubber, the mouth zipper currently closed, the built-in lenses mirrored, creating something of an endless loop between them and the ceiling mirror.

Squealing again, more in outrage than surprise, Misha quickly looked around the room, seeing a lot of red, and more than a few heart shapes.  Most notably, the bed atop which she was secured was shaped like a giant heart, complete with red sheets.  The base of the lamps atop the nearby nightstands were heart-shaped, as was the jacuzzi across the room, and even the wallpaper was a god-awful shade of pink with thousands of red hearts flowing over it in a wavy pattern.

How in the hell had she gotten into a cheap love motel?  Bigger question, how had she gotten locked into her own prototype?!

* * *

“Don’t you think the light is glaring off the latex too much?”

“I’m using a polarizer on the lens, it’s not a problem.”

The camera snapped several more times in quick succession.

“Crap, the lube has smeared, it looks terrible there on her thigh!”

“It’s barely noticeable; I can fix it in post.”

More snaps as the latex-clad models moved into another series of poses on the makeshift stage.

“Do you think the background looks too…cheap?  I mean, it’s just the warehouse…”

The camera clicked a few more times, and Kyou finally turned to regard Misha, waving at the models to take a breather.  He held the camera to his side, cocking his head and shooting her a tired grin.  “Misha, honey, relax.  The background’s going to be blurry anyway with how I’m shooting the girls.  Have I ever disappointed you with my work before?”

“No, of course not!  I just-”

“-need to chill a little.  Look, you let me handle the photos, and you handle managing the rest of the business, alright?  Besides, we’re almost done, another twenty minutes tops; a little late to be worrying about things now, right?”

Misha sighed, looking down, but finally nodded.  “You’re right, Kyou, as usual.  Sorry if I sounded like I was nagging you.”

“Hey, it’s fine,” Kyou replied, patting Misha’s shoulder.  “All I ask is that you take a little time for yourself, huh?  You’ve been working like crazy just since I’ve been here, and you seem a little stressed out.  A few hours off won’t hurt you.  Maybe go out with your boyfriend for a while.”

Misha giggled.  “I don’t have one.”

“Girlfriend then.”

“Don’t have one of those either.  Been too busy with keeping the business running to have time for something like that.”

“Seriously?”  Kyou genuinely seemed surprised by that, his feline ears raising.  “I figured for sure you’d have someone in your life, being such a successful woman into all the latex and such.”

Misha shrugged.  “Just never made it a priority, I guess.  Or I just never met the right person.”  She’d been on plenty of dates of course, but most of the people she’d met balked at her profession once they found out, or were just way too into it, just thinking about the sex that could have gone along with the clothing.  She had her work, though; it’s not like she could really spare the time to get involved with someone anyway.  There was just too much to do to keep the business growing!

“Mind if I share a little advice?”  Misha nodded and Kyou looked down at his camera, fiddling with the lens and buttons before finally looking at Misha.  “You need to step back from work for a while.  Sooner, rather than later. You’re going to burn out hard if you keep at it like you are right now.  You’ll think you’re doing okay until one day you just suddenly realize that you can’t do it anymore.”

Misha nodded slowly.  “You sound like you’re talking from experience.”

“I am, hon, I am.  See, a few months back, I was going through a rough time and poured myself into the work.  I had a few days where I worked better than sixteen hours, even.  Probably would have ended up in a pretty dark place if I’d lost my love of photography from burnout.”

“What did you do to deal with that?”

“Made myself step away from work, for starters.  But I got lucky.”  Kyou smiled.  “It was about that time I met Gloria, and we started dating.  My whole outlook turned around once we started seeing each other.  Until you’ve experienced it, Misha, you just don’t know what it’s like having someone special in your life.  Even if you’re just in it to have a quickie every now and then, it’ll keep you sane, and keep you on the right path with your work.”

Misha nodded again, blowing out a sigh.  “That’s good advice, Kyou.  Any advice on finding someone like you did?”

“Put the job away for a while, take a few evenings or even the whole weekend off.  Get out and meet people.  Heck, do it online, even.  Just make it a priority.”  Kyou hefted the camera again, glancing at the clock on the wall.  “Hey, how about this?  You go finish up what work you can do before five, and we’ll go out for a drink afterward.  Nothing special, just a little dinner between friends to relax.”

Rubbing her chin, Misha’s mind raced with all the work she had to do; she’d planned on staying until at least eight or nine that evening.  There were the new invoices to work on, the budget for next month, several new orders that had to be processed, more work on the prototype catsuit/pleasure system she had been building…

“Hey, Misha, are you still there?”

“Oh, sorry,” she replied, chuckling nervously as she ran a hand through her hair.  “I guess I really do need to take a bit of a break.  Okay, you’ve got a deal then.  I’ll run back to my office and finish up some invoices, and we’ll be out of here at five then.”

Kyou gave her a thumbs up as he grinned and winked at her.  “Thatagirl!  I’ll take care of things here; I think I’ve left these girls hanging long enough.”

Misha laughed as Kyou turned his attention back to the models, her gaze lingering on the scene of the three latex-clad women in various states of bondage.  They were all in different colored catuits, red, green, and yellow, with different outer designs imprinted upon them, each with a different type of heels of varying heights.  One was fully suspended between the other two with chains secured to a harness and cuffs, while the other two were on either side, one standing rigidly against a pole, strapped securely to it by nearly two dozen smaller straps, while the third was partially suspended, with Japanese-style ropework criss-crossing her body, one leg raised into a full vertical split.  All were likewise wearing hoods that fully covered their heads but for their eyes and mouths, but these were covered with darkened lenses, and their mouths were filled with ball gags that matched their catsuit colors.

“Okay girls, another couple dozen shots and we’ll call it a day!” Kyou said as Misha hurried off, mentally telling herself repeatedly not to worry about the little details in the photoshoot, and that she had to focus on the invoices.

“Nothing else but the invoices…no more work for today,” she muttered as she willed herself to pass the assembly room.  Her employees were hard at work filling custom orders in there, and she wanted to stop and help, but no, that’s not what she had agreed to with Kyou!  Shaking her head, she continued to her office, ignoring the piles of paperwork on one desk, and the scattering of plans and notes on her design workbench.  “Just the invoices…just the invoices…” she said to herself, sitting down at her computer and pulling them up to get to work.

Before she knew it, Misha was putting the last invoice in its envelope, her attention drawn to the door as Kyou knocked on it, one big equipment bag over his shoulder, another in his hand.  “Oh, Kyou…time flies, doesn’t it?  Okay, just finishing up…” she said, sealing the document inside, affixing the postage and address labels, and adding it to the stack she had on the corner of her desk  “Let me just grab my things and we’ll get going.”

“Sure.  Remember…no work tonight!” he said, grinning in that catlike way he was so good at.

“Right, no work.  Just a…a little something for me to relax with over the weekend,” she said quickly.  She gathered her purse and business jacket, along with the paperwork she’d drop in the outbox on the way out.  Her eyes lingered on her briefcase, filled with various other documents and jump drives she could use for work at home…but she pushed away the urge to grab it, instead picking up a much larger, more solidly built case, the kind sensitive equipment was usually stored in for travel.

“New outfit?”

“Yeah…with some extra bells and whistles.  Could be a big seller for the holiday season if I can get it completed.  No, I’m not working on it this weekend; I’m relaxing with it.  It uh…needs a test run to look for any bugs,” Misha explained quickly, her cheeks heating a little.

“Gotcha,” Kyou replied with a knowing grin, motioning to the hall.  “Come on, let’s get outta here.  We’ll head to that place over on 24th street we went to before, if that’s alright.”

“Oh, Derringer’s Tavern?  Sure, that’s fine with me.”  How long had it been since she’d been there with Kyou?  A few months?  Nearly a year?  Misha stopped in front of the mirror before she turned off the lights, running a hand through her red hair to straighten a few stray strands, though her current hairstyle tended to flare out a bit wildly on the sides and back.  At least her longer forelocks had remained straight, framing her face and eyes.  She looked down, gave a quick once-over of her white blouse, making sure there weren’t any spots of dropped food from lunch, wondered briefly if she should button up the next button to hide some of her exposed cleavage, then thought better of it.  She plucked a bit of fuzz from her knee-length skirt, noting that her stockings still appeared straight through the thigh slits and down her legs to her red pumps.  Satisfied, she switched the lights off and stepped out of her office and hurriedly locked up, and followed Kyou out to the parking lot. She opened the trunk of her car, placed the prototype inside, and waved at Kyou as he got into his SUV.  She started up her car and waited for him to get moving, then took the lead toward the tavern.

* * *

Misha’s eyes crossed as there was suddenly an intense vibration between her legs.  She squealed into the ball filling her mouth as she tugged angrily at the chains holding her limbs wide.  Whoever had locked her into the prototype had inserted the toys as well!  The vibrators must have been on full power the way they shook her nethers, making her moan as she tugged at the chains holding her limbs.  The vibration buds built into the suit itself, specifically those on her breasts and nipples, came on a few seconds later, a high-pitched whine as they too were on full power.

Moaning as she tried to close her legs, Misha began panting as she grew hot within the confines of the prototype.  The lenses of the hood were soon fogged up completely as her body reacted to the intense stimulation.  She rolled her head back and forth, spotting a heart-shaped clock on the nightstand next to the bed, showing 11:07 PM in big pink numbers.

Biting down on the ball filling her mouth, Misha’s mind reeled as she neared climax.  Though she was in no way pleased with her current situation, she could at least take solace in the fact that her designs seemed to be working exactly as intended, pushing the wearer to a rapid pleasure high.

Then the inserts and pads all died at once, and she could only hear the frustrated groan she made as her annoyance became immediately apparent.

As she fumed, Misha realized the time.  It was after eleven!  She was missing several hours!  She thought back, recalling that she’d left work with Kyou…then was at the tavern, Derringer’s with him for dinner… What had happened after that?

* * *

Derringer’s Tavern was unchanged from how Misha remembered it from her last trip there:  a more traditional pub-like setting with lots of wood paneling and brass fixtures, lighting just bright enough to be pleasant but not on the level of a lesser bar, some classic rock playing over the speakers, and a pretty large crowd already showing up for dinner.  She and Kyou sat at one of the small elevated tables by the windows overlooking the street, the sun already dipping below the horizon as fall came upon them in earnest, the neon signs and street lights beginning to flicker on.

The pair had been enjoying a light dinner and a few drinks, Misha having a bit of guilty pleasure by partaking of a burger and homemade potato chips along with some mozzarella sticks with a soda.  It was probably a recipe for disaster in the ‘keeping her figure’ department, but despite the constant nagging urge to pull out her phone and check her email, she resisted and was actually enjoying herself.  “So when are you going to show me a picture of Gloria?” she asked, at last, looking up from Kyou’s phone in which he had been showing her some of his off-the-clock photography.

“Ohhh…might be a while,” Kyou replied with a chuckle and a sly grin.  “Pretty much all the pictures we do are uh…of a private sort if you get my drift.”

Misha cocked her head and gave him a quizzical look.  “You’re being modest after all the latex fetish stuff you’ve done for me?  And your other kinky clients?”

“There’s a little more to it than that…but…” Kyou turned his phone toward him, swiped at it quickly several times, then turned it back to Misha.  “…here.  It’s not the best picture…”

The screen revealed a stunningly beautiful blonde woman, her silky hair falling over one of her baby blue eyes as she smiled seductively at the camera.  Just at the bottom of the frame, Misha could see a sizeable pair of breasts, or the top of them anyway, and the impressive line of cleavage in between.  “Oh, she’s gorgeous Kyou!  How haven’t I seen her before?  She has to be like a supermodel or something!”

“I’ve told her she’d be a natural at it, but she’s actually pretty private when you get down to it.”

Kyou’s phone buzzed, and another picture of Gloria popped up.  Misha grinned.  “And it looks like she’s calling.”

“Sorry, just a sec,” Kyou said, patting Misha’s hand as he hurried outside to a more quiet spot to take the call.

Misha sat back in her chair with a sigh, sipping at her soda.  Maybe she should find someone…the way Kyou’s face had lit up when he’d gotten the call made her a bit jealous for sure, but she couldn’t hold that against him.  She wasn’t exactly getting any younger, and with the way things were going in town and across the world with all those crazy superpowered people battling in the streets, who knew what was around the corner?  She picked up another chip, dipped it in the cheese sauce, and popped it into her mouth, chewing slowly as she tried to reason out just how to go about meeting someone without coming off completely awkward.

Delving into her work seemed so much simpler!

“No!” she said to herself, slapping her hand as it went for her purse and the phone inside.  She snatched up another chip and took another drink.  She quickly took another bite of her burger, glancing out the window toward Kyou.  He seemed a little surprised, but then got a much more playful look on his face as he turned and walked down the street a bit to get clear of the doorway area.

Kyou finally came back inside a few minutes later, looking a bit guilty, ears drooping.  “Hey, Misha, I uh…Gloria’s wanting to come over, like right now.  Well, she’s actually already at my apartment; I told her I was with a client and she said she’d wait, but…”

Misha shook her head, offering a supportive smile.  “Go on and get going, Kyou.  I wouldn’t dream of keeping you away from your girlfriend if she’s already waiting for you.”  She did raise her finger a moment later.  “I do have a condition, though.”

Kyou grinned.  “And that is?”

“You need to let me meet her sometime.  Just a little casual drink or something like this maybe, nothing fancy.”

“I don’t think she’d have a problem with that, once I tell her a little about you.  She might even be interested in some of your outfits.”


Kyou nodded, flagging down a waitress and asking for a to-go box before he pulled out his wallet and tossed some cash on the table.  “Definitely.  You sure you don’t want me to stick around a little longer?”

“It’s fine,’ Misha replied with a shake of her head.  “I’ll just hang around and finish up my dinner and head on home.  Try to get this work-free weekend thing started properly.”  Testing the prototype wouldn’t really be work if she was enjoying herself inside it, right?

“Thanks,” Kyou said, stepping up and giving Misha a quick kiss on her cheek before the waitress brought the box for the rest of his burger and hot wings.  “I’ll follow up with you on Monday, should have the preliminary work done on the shoot by then…if Gloria doesn’t keep me too busy that is.”

“Sounds like that’s happened before.”

“Well…she’s very energetic sometimes,” he said with a chuckle.  He picked up his food and gave Misha a quick wave as he walked toward the door.  “Remember, no work!  See you next week!”

“Bye, Kyou!  Be safe!” Misha replied, waving at him.  She blew out her breath once he was gone, leaning her elbow on the table and resting her chin in her hand.  She picked up a chip, dipping it into the cheese a few times, not really sure what it was she felt at the moment.  Was she a little jealous of Gloria and Kyou having that kind of relationship?  No, not jealous, maybe a little envious, but she had only herself to blame.  She’d always been a workaholic, and nothing had changed about that since she’d set up shop in Sentinel City.

Misha was just about to make a move on the last handful of her chips and the last few bites of her burger when someone slipped into the chair Kyou had vacated some minutes ago.  Misha blinked, confused as she didn’t recognize the dark-skinned woman sitting across from her.  “Uhhh…can I help you…?”

“I certainly hope so, love,” said the woman in a sultry tone and with a hungry grin, leaning against the table and cradling her chin in her hands.  This had the effect of greatly accentuating her sizable bust, clearly visible through the unbuttoned shirt she wore.  Though her skin was dark, her hair was golden blonde with rainbow-colored highlights throughout the long, curly twintails and bangs, a stark contrast to be certain.  Her makeup was on the garish side as well, a mix of bright pink upon her lips and brighter reds and purples lining her eyes and upon her cheeks, and a rainbow of colors on her fingernails.  She wore a plethora of bracelets of gold and brightly colored plastics upon her wrists.  “I’ve got a big hotel room and nobody to share it with tonight.  I’m certain you could help me with that.”

It took Misha a moment to realize exactly what style she was looking at:  ganguro.  It wasn’t a common look in the States to be sure, and was a bit fringe even in Japan, but the woman who had sidled up to her table was pulling it off well, though it certainly wasn’t a look that Misha cared for, especially with the naughty schoolgirl look she was apparently going for.  “Uhhh…no.  Unless you’re looking for some suggestions for a new outfit, I can’t help you,” Misha said quickly.  Something about the woman put Misha on edge, not just her very bold assumption that Misha was looking for a hookup.  Granted, she wasn’t entirely wrong…

“Oh, we’ll have so much fun together!  Why don’t we just slip on out and-” said the woman, her smile slipping as she only just seemed to realize that Misha had shot her down.  She recovered quickly, though, apparently undaunted as she turned up the seductive nature of her smile.  She reached across the table and plucked a chip from Misha’s plate, tossing it in her mouth and chewing quickly.  “I’m Honey, by the way.  Maybe I just wasn’t clear enough in what I was getting at?  Because I can get VERY clear, love.”  She licked her lips, taking another chip, adjusting herself so show off her cleavage even more.

Was it going to take a flat-out, clear statement of her disinterest before Honey got the clue?  She obviously wasn’t getting the message, and went after another chip.

Misha was about to get angry and speak up when she felt something soft brushing against her leg, quickly moving upward.  She looked down, spotting the woman’s sock-clad foot.  She wore those long slouch socks bunched up around her calves, a bit discolored from wear around the foot and lower layers.  Misha breathed sharply and stiffened as the woman’s foot slipped past her knee and between her legs.  She noticed a peculiar odor wafting up, saw the darker, sweat-dampened sole of the sock.  For a moment the scent rankled Misha’s nose, put her in the mind of what a long-worn gym sock might have smelled like, but then it changed, subtly, becoming sweet, like…honey.  Misha inhaled again, taking in the heady aroma, feeling herself quiver at Honey’s touch as her toes played along Misha’s thigh.  She became aware of herself blushing.

“What’s your name, love?”

“M-Misha…” she said, almost immediately.  Honey’s voice drew her eyes back toward the ganguro, just as she licked her lips.  Misha felt a sudden pressure against her nipples as they stood erect within her bra, and noticed a heat growing between her legs.

“Ohhh, cute name, Misha.  We should get to know each other, hmmm?  You look like you could use a little fun tonight, and I’m tons of fun.  I can do things with you that you’ve never felt before.”

Misha breathed in again, squeezing her legs together as the heat grew in her crotch, feeling Honey’s leg still there, breathing in that sweet, intoxicating smell coming from her sock.  Everything else seemed dimmer around Honey, even her voice drowned out the music and crowds around them.  There was just something so wonderful about her!  What could she show Misha that was so amazing?

“What say we slip outta here and go somewhere more private?  We could make a whole weekend out of it, even  Wouldn’t you just love to spend a weekend with me, Misha?  We could explore places that you’ve never imagined.”  Honey’s foot pressed a little further, her toes brushing the front of Misha’s moistened panties.

A tingle shot through Misha’s body, and she gasped, her mind aflutter with the possibilities of what Honey could do to her.  Very much about to agree with the ganguro woman, Misha heard her phone vibrate and ping loudly in her purse.

Blinking, suddenly back in the real world, the scent she’d noticed earlier was forgotten, and Misha’s heated face turned angry, and she slapped Honey’s leg down and away from her crotch.  “Get your leg away from there!”  Noting the surprised look on Honey’s face, Misha snatched up her jacket and purse, and then stood up, pointing her finger angrily at Honey.  “I’m not interested, okay?  And I don’t know what it was you just tried to pull on me, but let me repeat:  I AM NOT interested!  I’ve got too much work to do, and you’re not my type; I’m not at all into the slutty schoolgirl thing.  Try an anime convention or something, and stay away from me!”

Misha noted the continued surprise on Honey’s face as she turned and started toward the counter to pay the bill.  After a moment, she heard Honey calling out behind her.  “Okay, love, no sweat!  See ya around, Misha!”

Turning her head just enough to see Honey, Misha saw the woman stand, noting the shortness of her pleated skirt, not even halfway down her thighs, and that she wore a steep pair of black high-heels, along with the sweater tied off around her waist.  Honey waved sweetly, blowing her a kiss before sauntering toward the exit.

Shaking her head and blowing out her breath, still feeling the arousal on her nipples and between her legs, Misha quickly paid and headed to the bathroom.  Was she really so desperate that a touch from a stranger would get her all hot and bothered like that?  “No way,” she muttered as she slipped into a stall and took care of her business, taking a few extra moments for deep breaths and to calm herself down.  She plucked her phone from her purse, noted that it was a little after 6:30, and lingered as she noticed the email that had come in.  She had just about swiped to open it up, but willed herself to ignore it and stuffed the phone back into her purse.  “No work!  You promised Kyou!”

Once she had finished up in the bathroom, feeling less heated, Misha put Honey out of her mind and left the pub.  The early fall night was getting rather cool as she walked down the block toward the parking lot.  Her thoughts were already on trying out her prototype as she turned off the well-lit street and into the slightly less-well-lit parking area.  It was packed as it was a shared lot, but she didn’t think much about it as she dug her car keys out of her purse and clicked the button to unlock the doors.

She popped the door open and tossed her purse inside.  Just as she was about to get in herself, a strong arm wrapped around her torso and pulled her back.  She was just about to scream as a thick, slightly moist cloth was pressed over her nose and mouth.  In the light, she recognized it as a big, white sock with a dirty sole, and as she reflexively breathed in, the strong odor of a well-worn, unwashed sock filled her nose and mouth.  Though she thought she’d gag, instead she felt her body growing heavy and unresponsive, her vision growing dim.

Misha felt lips upon her neck, and heard a giggle.  “I always get my prey, Misha love.  I absolutely adore it when they play hard to get; it gives me an excuse to do this,” said a familiar voice, in a sweet, seductive tone Misha recognized:  Honey!  “We’re going to have so much fun together!”

Misha mumbled a protest, barely aware of the fact that Honey was groping her chest as the sickly-sweet aroma filled her lungs and she drifted into unconsciousness in Honey’s arms.

Another piece I wrote a while back, well, started a while back and took even longer to finish.  Think I had started writing this during the period I was working on the Peculiar Predicament of the Pilfering Pink Pussy, as there is some crossover in the events that familiar readers may notice.  This is the first part in a trilogy of stories featuring Misha Kyle, a friend’s OC whom I brought into my superhero setting (and you have also seen in another story, though she was going by a different name at the time).

There’s another OC whom I’ve brought into the fold as well, one Gloria Tempest.  Some may recall an appearance by her sister Jennifer Tempest during the events of the story Anything for a Scoop.  Though I’ve not gotten deeper into the involvement of the Tempests in my superhero setting yet, they do have a fairly major role eventually.  A thing to keep in mind, however, is that I’ve changed up their relationships slightly, specifically some of the women are no longer the daughters of Kyou and Gloria.  This is an alternate take on them to be sure, unique to this setting, but the Tempest’s creator has approved, so it should be all good.  More on that down the road.

For now, I hope you’ve enjoyed this first part of three for this particular story, and will come back for the follow up next week!

Until next time, Urban out!

Hit me over on DeviantArt, or on my Discord server!  I’m usually always around, and would love to hear what you have to say!

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper