The Golden Bunny


Valefar System, Valefar V, Paradise City

Inside The Devil’s Watering Hole, 7:30PM local


I should never have come back here,” Felicity thought sourly, biting down on the rubber ball wedged behind her teeth, gagging as it forced the attached phallic plug deeper into her throat.  “Damn that devil!

It wasn’t the first time she’d had those thoughts, and it surely wouldn’t be the last.  She snatched up the serving tray just as the bartender placed the final drink, her gagged grumbling lost to the din of the music and the crowds as she carefully adjusted her cuffed hands on the tray and started taking her measured steps back to the target table, careful not only of her very high heels but of the cuffs and hobble chain connecting her ankles.  

Felicity’s eye twitched a few steps later as a fresh line of drool slipped from beneath the muzzle-like mask that covered her lower face, the warm spittle once again wettening the tops of her breasts.  She tried to ignore it, and by now she thought she would have been used to it, but that wasn’t the case.  It was annoying.  So very annoying.  Like the whole situation.  “Damn that devil!

The expected whooping and catcalls started again as Felicity made her way deftly into the crowd, tray balanced in her hands.  For a wonder the crowd generally seemed to give her space, the patrons perhaps wary of doing something that might earn them some time as the Watering Hole’s newest indentured servant.  She ignored those trying to get her attention easily enough, unless they were waving an empty glass in her section, anyway.  She had only so much her brain could handle at the moment, and her ridiculously revealing and restrictive outfit and having to carry the tray while wearing it took most of her cognitive faculties.

It had been a good eight months since Felicity had been in Paradise City, and it had expanded rapidly since her last visit, being the self-proclaimed ‘Gateway to the Demon Sector’, even though officially that was supposed to be Aphelion Station, near the edge of the Barrier.  The Devil’s Watering Hole had done well for itself, it seemed, and was still the top-rated place for thirsty spacers to take a load off and throw away their money on the rigged casino games.  And apparently their ‘Bouncing Bunnies’ had garnered quite the following too, even if their employment was dubious at best, at least compared to how things were outside the Demon Sector.

Felicity hadn’t exactly intended to return to Hellion’s business, not after that humiliating stint as a tightly-roped porch decoration, but her latest crew had been on a tear through town, and after quite a few drinks, had found themselves at the Hole.  She honestly didn’t even remember most of that night, though she did remember making her way into the casino, trying a few of the slot machines, then heading toward one of the roulette tables…and then things got a little fuzzy, well, a lot fuzzy.  She’d woken up the following morning in one of Hellion’s ‘employee’ dorms, little more than a fancied up prison cell, really, with a fresh debt and a very excited Vanessa Hellion to greet her, more than a little eager to tell Felicity all about the new debt-relief program she herself had inspired.

The fact that Hellion had a custom outfit ready to go, just for Felicity, left the down-on-her-luck gambler with more than a few questions, but with her temporary crew having abandoned her again, she didn’t exactly have much choice.  At least this debt wasn’t as big as the last one…

Still, the outfit was ridiculous, gaudy and horribly impractical, but at least it left her with some small dignity.  Sort of.  Not really.  Felicity sighed around the gag as she approached her destination table, wishing she could adjust the outfit just a little as it pinched between her legs, but that was exactly what it had been intended to do.  

The offending outfit was a gold bunny costume, the outer layer of material possessing a brilliant metallic sheen, almost like polished golden chrome.  The ears attached to the ridiculous gag harness, and the strappy, five-inch heels, had the same metallic brilliance, causing her to reflect pretty much any light and draw attention from all sides.  And of course, they were all locked in place with electronic padlocks keyed to a central control device.  The bodysuit itself hugged her curves, even enhanced them thanks to the built-in, self-tightening corset, and was cut in such a way that her breasts were barely contained, yet somehow her nipples managed to remain enticingly hidden just below the edge of the cups supporting her tits.  The suit cut downward in a narrow ‘V’ shape between her legs, tight enough to leave little to the imagination while remaining a constant annoyance, a narrow strip running between her ass cheeks.  A puffy bunny tail rested just above her barely covered ass, which might as well have been completely exposed between the skimpy suit and fishnet stockings beneath.  

The other accessories consisted of a bow-tie collar, which, though outwardly looking like just cloth, actually concealed a narrow metallic band complete with an electronic lock and a tracker, controlling her access in the building and making sure that she couldn’t slip too far away from Hellion’s grip, as well as a pair of similarly styled cuffs at her wrists that did little to hide the cuffs secured around them.  A chain ran from her cuffed wrists to ring on the locked belt around her narrowed waist, continuing down between her legs to connect to the hobble chain between her ankles.  

At long last, Felicity made it to the table, surrounded by a laughing spacer crew, fresh off their latest jaunt into the Demon Sector.  She sat the tray on the table and carefully distributed the drinks, noting that none of them made a move to help her even though she obviously struggled to do so with her cuffed hands.  

Before she could remove the tray, a cred chip was tossed atop it.  Noticing the value on the chip, Felicity groaned.  She didn’t resist, though, not wanting to get in deeper than she already was, as the big orc stood and reached around her, grabbing handfuls of her tits, giving each a firm squeeze, pinching her nipples with his thick fingers.  After a few moments, his hands moved to her ass, grabbing up her flesh easily, squeezing her cheeks together in a few circular motions.  After he released her, she braced, then grunted as his hand slapped across both cheeks, leaving her ass hot and tingling, and the rest of his crew laughing as they started into their drinks.  

Biting her gag, since she couldn’t bite her tongue, Felicity managed what could have been a smile or a grimace, picked up the tray, and bowed to the table.  A passerby tossed a cred chip on the tray, and she squealed as another smack landed across her ass, and more laughter erupted around her.  

I’m going to strangle Hellion!  I’ll choke the life right out of her!” Felicity thought as she turned and started looking for other customers needing refills.  She caught the wave from the bartender, signaling her over.  By the time she had reached the bar, she had racked up another four smacks across her backside, several more quick gropes, and a neat little pile of credits on her tray.

The bartender took the credits as she sat the tray down, depositing them into the bucket behind the bar designated for her, then quickly deposited two drinks onto her tray, one a particular reddish bourbon with added chilis for even more heat, and the other some fruity cocktail that seemed rather randomly mixed, as was typical.  Felicity groaned again, her shoulders sagging.  She knew immediately where she was headed, even before the bartender specified her destination.

He thumbed toward the rear of the bar.  “Take these to Vanessa’s office.  You’re on break after that.”

Sighing, more drool spilling onto her chest, Felicity’s head dropped, but only for a moment before she recovered and picked up the tray.  She carefully made her way toward the elevator the bartender had indicated, the doors sliding open with a beep from her collar.  After a short ride upward, the elevator stopped, doors sliding open, and Felicity stepped into the hall, which always made her think of walking into Hell itself.  The decor was mostly red and black, the lights dim and flickering orange, like the flames they were meant to emulate.  

She approached the door at the far end, the door’s locking mechanism beeping in sync with her collar before it slid open.  Her nose wrinkled behind the muzzling mask as she caught the sharp odor of cigar smoke, some local blend that Vanessa had taken to since Felicity’s first visit to the Hole.  The smoke made her nostrils tingle, almost like she’d inhaled chili powder.  Vanessa was really going all in for the whole ‘devil’ thing.

The two Hellion siblings lounged on the couches in the corner of the office, the windows open and overlooking Paradise City’s spacelanes, a near-constant stream of transports and smaller craft darting here and there.

“About time you got here with those drinks,” Vanessa spat, her yellow eyes narrowing as they turned to Felicity, her lips parting to reveal her sharp teeth as her devilish grin formed.  “Does my favorite bun-bun need some corrective discipline?”

Felicity shook her head quickly, picking up her pace, short quick steps, to cover the distance.  She positioned herself between the pair, bowing and offering the tray to Vanessa first, then to Savory once she had taken her drink.  Felicity tried not to look at Savory too long; he could get her hot and bothered without even trying.  Damn him for being so sexy!

“Set the tray down, Felicity, take a load off,” Vanessa said, motioning to the carpeted floor between her and Savory.  The cruelly playful look on Vanessa’s face made Felicity shiver.  The devilish woman had something planned, and Felicity was certain she wasn’t going to enjoy it.

Doing as she was told, Felicity sat the tray on the nearby coffee table and eased herself onto her knees, somewhat awkwardly thanks to her restraints, but she had almost perfected the technique.  She lowered her head, grateful for the chance to give her feet a rest, but vainly hoping that Vanessa would forget about her if she could only make herself less obvious.  Not that that was really an option in a sparkling golden bunny suit, but one could hope.

Felicity felt Vanessa’s hand upon her head and tensed, the woman’s fingernails lightly massaging Felicity’s scalp through her hair, almost like one would scritch a pet.  She hated when the devil did this kind of thing, but what could she do about it?  Staring at the floor, Felicity tensed, felt her wrists jerking at the cuffs, and again bit into the rubber ball, sending a line of drool into her lap.  Her unease was somewhat offset when Savory extended his perfectly curvy leg toward her, his high-heeled boot lightly brushing Felicity’s thigh, then dipping in between her legs, the tip pressing against her crotch.  She let out a soft whimper, not sure if it was distress or desire.

Damn these devils!

“You know, we received some juicy information from beyond the Barrier earlier,” Vanessa said, her fingers pressing a bit more firmly into Felicity’s scalp.  “Very, very juicy in fact.”

Gulping at the way Vanessa had said that, Felicity tilted her head toward the red-skinned devil, though her eyes lingered on the bluish-purple flesh of Savory’s exposed thigh, and made an inquisitive grunt in lieu of actually trying to speak.  Why was Hellion telling her this?  Felicity sucked in a sharp breath through her nose as Savory’s foot found a delightful spot, sending an electric tingle through her loins. 

“I’ve been quite taken with you, my dear bun-bun, and I just had to know more about you after our initial time together was cut so surprisingly short.  Did you ever properly thank your benefactor?  No?  Somehow I’m not surprised.  Anyway…imagine my surprise when I simply could not find any proper information about one Felicity McClanahan from the Ruria Four colony.  Why, it’s almost like your whole identity had been created mere weeks before you showed up in Paradise City!”

Her dread had grown steadily as Vanessa spoke, and by the end of it, Felicity had grown rigidly still, her widening eyes moving to Vanessa despite Savory’s continued attempts to get her hot and wet.  She shifted the ball in her mouth, but couldn’t make a sound.  The wide grin upon the red devil’s face, yellow eyes glowing with perverse delight told Felicity everything she needed to know.

She was doomed.

“Luckily for us,” Vanessa said, rolling her drink around in her hand, “we have a close relationship with a very talented information broker on Sentinel who worked a most delightful bit of magic with the data we sent them a few months back.  Savory?”

The other devil’s foot finally slid away from Felicity’s crotch as he leaned over and tapped the controls on the table.  Felicity looked on in horror as the holo-projector built into the surface activated and started displaying multiple information windows, showing at least two different ID cards, a corporate dossier, police reports, and no less than three bounties from agencies beyond the Barrier.  All of them were for and about an Aurora Roche…who just so happened to look exactly like Felicity and even had the exact same genetic profile.

“Such a busy little bun-bun you’ve been,” Vanessa said, her nails once again scritching.  “I never would have pegged your real name as Aurora, though; seems a bit more girly than you present yourself, but whatever.  You managed to scam three corps over the last decade and made off with over five million credits, that’s very impressive.  A shame it all came crashing down when you got a bit too greedy with that DSM subsidiary, hmm?  And let me guess…all that money is gone?  Gambled away in some seedy den or another?”

Felicity, or rather Aurora, sighed around the ball gag, nodding slowly and numbly.  She’d lost it all, had used the last of it to get her new identity and a ticket into the Demon Sector, in fact.  If she hadn’t been screwed before, she was properly fucked now.

“A shame, that,” Vanessa said, though she didn’t sound too unhappy about it.  “Fortunately for you, my dear brother and I are here for you, bun-bun.”  Savory’s foot returned, rubbing teasingly along the helpless human’s thigh.  “We had a long discussion about what we should do with you.  Those bounties aren’t insignificant; hell, all of them together would easily cover our costs here for a year or two.  But turning you over to the law wouldn’t be any fun, would it?”

“No fun at all,” Savory said softly.  “Would be a tragic waste, really.”

“Quite tragic, especially after you’ve become our favorite bun-bun.  But I think we have the most perfect solution to your problem, my dear.  You have talents beyond just looking good in a tight costume and tighter restraints, and we can definitely make use of them on this side of the Barrier.  So you’ll be working for us on an extended term, what we’ll call an indefinite contract.  We’ll make sure all those unfortunate details about your past are kept nice and hidden, and you can continue being our golden bun-bun, Felicity.”

Indefinite?!  No, there had to be another way, something else she could do to get out of this!

“Oh, don’t scare the poor bun,” Savory said, leaning forward to cup Felicity’s chin in his hand.  Felicity’s wide eyes turned to him as she sucked in her breath, his touch enough to send a surge of arousal through her despite the fear and uncertainty of the situation she was now facing; she could feel her nipples straining against the golden bunny suit, felt the warmth between her legs.  She met his red eyes, their faint inner glow promising so much.  She practically melted beneath his ungodly beautiful gaze.  “Indefinite is too strong a word, you see.  You’ll be working off the sum total of all those bounties in our stead…with a periodic compounding interest, of course.  But I assure you, my dear, sweet, bunny, you’ll have your chances to get out of our employee.  But…while you’re here, you’ll have some perks as our favorite pet, perks many have only dreamt of…”

Lost in Savory’s eyes, Felicity mumbled into the gag.  Her arousal grew by the second, and she could feel the moisture building between her thighs.  Then there was a painful tug on her hair as Vanessa jerked her gaze away from her brother, forcing Felicity to look up at her, Savory’s spell broken for the moment as fear once again filled her.  “Don’t get the wrong idea, bun-bun.  You’re our bitch now, and if you step out of line, you’ll regret it.  If you thought our punishments were severe before, you’ve not seen anything yet, and if you piss us off enough, you’ll find yourself on the other side of the Barrier in a corpo prison, and we’ll be enjoying those bounties.  Now, you’re going to be a nice, loyal bun-bun just for us, right?”

Vanessa’s hold on her hair hadn’t slackened, but Felicity managed a slight nod, her eyes still wide and fearful.  Drool spilled down her chin.  “N’mm…N’mm nn mmhnphmfmr mnn mmnnph.  N’mm hm mnnr mnmnm hnn-hnn (I’ll…I’ll do whatever you want.  I’ll be your loyal bun-bun),” Felicity said, sagging in Vanessa’s grip. 

Vanessa’s devilish smile widened, revealing her sharp teeth.  “We’ll see about that, won’t we?  Don’t think I trust you just yet, given your past with other employers, but that’ll take time and effort, won’t it?”  She finally released Felicity’s hair, then leaned forward and reached around her head, unlocking and unbuckling the phallic ball gag.  She removed it, then tossed it on the table.  As Felicity worked her jaw, glad to have the terrible gag removed after several hours wearing it, Vanessa raised one leg, resting the sharp heel of her black leather thigh-high boot against the edge of the table.  “Since you’re on break, how about we get started with some loyalty building exercises?  My boots could use some attention, bun-bun, and you’ve got just the tongue for the job.”

A follow up to the last story, written while I was going through a bit of a bunny suit phase.  More worldbuilding (or galaxy building in this case), stemming from a little online TTRPG I ran for a friend, whose character was responsible for paying off Felicity’s initial debt when she was moonlighting as a porch decoration.  I’d wager we’ll be seeing these characters again; Paradise City will likely be something of a hub world for most of the stories taking place in the Demon Sector, at least during this time period.

Fun Fact:  There’s another unrelated story involving bunnysuits that got started around the time I wrote these, but it’s not finished yet, and it’s for a different setting, but I think once it’s ready, you all will enjoy it.  That one involves gunplay and heavy chastity gear 😉

Anyway, we’ll be moving to something a bit different next time, so stay tuned for more!

Until then, Urban out!

Hit me over on DeviantArt, or on my Discord server!  I’m usually always around, and would love to hear what you have to say!

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper