The Big, Glaring Flaw with the Resident Evil 2 Remake


I couldn’t remain strong…I broke my rule of not paying over $20 for a game and got the Resident Evil 2 Remake. I just couldn’t resist the temptation. Loved the original so much, just had to give this one a try.

That being said, I have only played like 10 minutes of the game, which looks amazing and seems like an incredible experience. Probably won’t get to play too much this weekend due to a water leak, but I can always hope for the best on that front.

However, there is a glaring flaw with the game, and I encountered it almost from start of Claire’s story mode.

Well, glaring if you’re a gun nut like me.

To most everybody else, probably not a big issue at all.

In fact, I suppose you could say I’m obsessing over this a bit too much.  That’d be fair.

But, you have to understand, I’m a gun nut.  I like guns.  I know how they work, and I know what doesn’t work.

The problem is with Claire’s SLS 60 revolver. It’s a 9mm revolver, cause it uses the same handgun ammo as the other pistols in the game. Not a problem initially, as there ARE real 9mm revolvers.

My problem is with the reloading of the gun, though. When she reloads it, it’s just like a normal revolver, one cartridge at a time, straight into the cylinder.

Doesn’t sound like a problem, right?

You can’t do that with 9mm round, though. See, regular revolver ammo has a rim on the cartridge that keeps it from sliding on through the cylinder. Automatic handgun rounds, like the 9mm, don’t have that rim. So they’d slide right through the cylinder. That’s why real-world 9mm revolvers have moon clips that you slip the cartridges into. They act kind of as a speed loader in that regard, so they’re more useful than just keeping bullets in the gun.

But yeah, that’s my big glaring flaw with the game’s first 10 minutes or so.

Immersion totally broken.

Not really. I’m still really digging the look of the game so far, and the controls aren’t terrible, and I really wish I didn’t have to work today…yeah, I really just want to play it, so bad.  Damn water leak saw me coming…

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper