Sealed Pleasures – Part 4


Sealed Pleasures – Part 4

Lila grunted as she pulled her arm away from Releana, her friend pulling in the opposite direction.  Once Lila had gotten Releana’s horniness in check with her tongue, at least for the moment, the two had busied themselves trying to get free of the strangely magnetic items they were adorned with.  Needless to say, it had been a struggle, as they couldn’t seem to find a way to actually remove the items they had been fitted with and had kept getting tangled in all the gauzy strips that had stuck to them.  Even though the various jewelry pieces were not incredibly tight upon their bodies, neither were they able to be removed, held in place by some magic, she assumed.  By the time they had managed to figure out that a combination of sliding the items against one another until the magnetic forces weakened, combined with good old fashioned brute force, seemed to work the best, they had both worked up a sweat and Lila was feeling particularly horny, her nipples aching, her pussy hot and wet.  At least they had managed to pull off most of the slime-covered gauze, though. 

“There!” Releana said, their last bracelet finally snapping free.

Lila staggered backward with a sigh, dropping into a crouch, carefully wiping strands of her sweaty blonde hair from her eyes, careful to avoid the magnetic pull of the bracelet against the headband.  “Thank the gods!  Are you sated now?  Can we get going?  That took a lot longer than it should have.”

Releana chuckled, smirking at Lila.  She made to put her hands on her hips but stopped short, careful to avoid the magnetic properties of the jewelry.  “For the moment, though your attitude could still use some adjustment.  I suppose I can hold off proper punishment until we’re out of here; you did impress with your tongue, I have to admit.  You’ve gotten better.”

Lila shrugged, turning back toward the thankfully still open doorway.  “Well, between you and Kanna, I’ve been getting plenty of practice, after all.”  That wasn’t all of it, though.  During her many sessions using her mouth for pleasure, Lila had had quite a few flashes of memory from her past lives and had recalled more than a few particular techniques that had earned her those praises. She stepped to the doorway, peering inside.  More of the magical torches lined the tunnel walls, leading to another torchlit chamber about twenty meters further on.  Inside she could make out stone workbenches, covered in gauzy sheets.  “Okay, I don’t think there’s going to be any traps down this way, but we’ll do it the same as before.  I- hey! What are you doing?!”

Releana had come up behind Lila and grabbed her arms by the elbows.  The stout woman’s hands easily brought Lila’s arms behind her back, snapping her bracelets together behind her back.  In the same motion, Releana raised Lila’s elbows, nudging her linked wrists against the back of the belt, which allowed the bracelets to lock onto the belt, effectively forcing Lila’s restrained arms upward and forcing her to lean forward.

“Rel?!  What the hell?” Lila grunted as she tried to pull her arms apart, finding no give, and no relief as she tried to at least free them from the belt.  She could even feel the tug of the magnetic pull between her bicep bands, but thankfully even she wasn’t quite that limber as to get her arms together at that point with their raised angle.  She whirled around, tail swishing behind her as she glared at Releana.  The position was uncomfortable, to say the least, but given her natural flexibility, she could manage it without too much pain, for a time anyway. 

Releana stood with a wide, lewd grin on her face, again moving to put her hands on her hips, but stopped short. “A little extra punishment for getting me stuck in these things.  You were reckless back there, Lila.  We could’ve been stuck in those pillars for all you knew!  Or worse!  You’re just going to have to do the next section of this place like that, and maybe, if you behave properly, I’ll free your arms once we’re in the next room.  

“Oh, come on, Rel!  This is ridiculous!  I just ate your pussy for crying out loud!”

Pointing her finger at Lila’s mouth, Releana’s smirk grew even more smug.  “Keep it up, kitty cat, and I’ll stuff that mouth of yours full of these slimy bandages for the walk.  You need to learn a little…restraint, and I think this is just the way to do it.”

Lila let out a low growl but kept her mouth shut as she stared hard at Releana.  Maybe she did have a point; that mechanism could have malfunctioned, yeah, and maybe it could have been a trap, but her instincts hadn’t felt that way.  Even though she trusted her instincts, and had her entire life, she couldn’t just assume the others would do the same.  Her tail slowly stopped its angry swishing, and Lila sighed.  “Okay, okay, you’re right, I probably should’ve been more careful.  I’m sorry I got you into this, Rel.”

Relena managed what could have been a nod, though was more like a dip of her upper body, thanks to the strict nature of the neckwear.  “Apology accepted.”

Lila turned back to the door, wiggling her arms what little she could manage.  “Can you pull my arms free, please?”

“No, the punishment still stands,” she replied, far too cheerfully.

Lila rolled her eyes, moving to the doorway. “Fine, whatever.  Any traps I set off because of this are on you, though.”  Releana just shot her one of her overly smug smiles.  Fairly certain there wouldn’t be any traps, Lila nonetheless stepped forward slowly, peering at the worked stone, placing her feet carefully along the smooth path.  She padded along at a slow pace, but none of her instincts were alerting her to any misaligned or loose stones, or any sudden changes in the air or nearly invisible tripwires.  Releana followed behind her a few meters back, making sure she stepped where Lila had.  

In short order, Lila reached the end of the passage, cautiously leaning forward to peer into the room beyond.  Though more dimly lit than the ‘dressing’ chamber they had just come from, this one had more items that drew her interest.  Directly in front of her were several work tables, each filled with dust-covered rolls of gauze, stacked neatly in meter-high piles.  Additionally, there were large box-like shapes covered by faded, rotting sheets on another table.  To her right was a sarcophagus, laid out atop wooden beams, its lid standing upright against the wall beside it, a vaguely human-looking face carved into the surface at the head, though fine details were lacking.  Even with the layers of dust, Lila could see the gold and precious stones glittering in the torchlight.

“This looks promising…” Lila said, taking another look around the entryway before making her way across to the large sarcophagus.  The inside was thankfully empty, but was very deep and large, and would have accommodated someone of Releana’s size quite easily with room for another person even, or lots of treasure.  She moved on after a few more seconds, moving amongst the work tables.  Grabbing one of the sheets with her restrained hands, she tugged at it, pulling it away from the boxes it hid.  These were rotting with age, but she could still see the fine craftsmanship that had gone into them.  Licking her lips, Lila glanced at the far side of the room, at the exit, and noted the downward slope of the passage.  There was a muted sound coming from the opening, the ominous quiet one heard from a large, isolated space, like a tomb.

“Well?  Is it safe for me to come in?” Releana asked, poking her head into the room curiously, very carefully not touching the walls.  Lila noticed that even though she had taken care of sating Releana’s lust a little while ago, her nipples were still hard, and her thighs still glistened with fresh moisture.  

“Yeah, but if you want me to check these chests properly, you’re going to have to free my arms,” Lila replied.  Her own nipples ached, as did her pussy, whatever gas that had filled those dressing chambers leaving her worse off than she had been after their rejection by the tentacle plant.  

Releana walked into the room, her eyes going to the sarcophagus immediately, a familiar twinkle of excitement shining in them as she took in the richly appointed vault.  “Ohhh, that’s fancy.  I suppose I could give you a small reprieve, in the interest of loot,” she said, coming up to Lila.

“Thank you, oh mistress of mine.”  Lila turned her back to Releana and let the bigger woman carefully pull the restraining bands apart.  She was free a moment later, working her wrists and arms, out to her sides, careful not to get them close together.  

“That almost sounded a little condescending,” Releana said, looking down her nose at Lila.

“Must be the acoustics in here,” Lila replied quickly, going to the chest she had uncovered a few moments ago.  Releana was getting to that point where she was starting to stay in her dominant state of mind more often, especially when she was horny.  Putting that out of her mind, Lila focused on the chest.  It was sealed with a simple clasp, not even a lock, at least that she could see.  She examined the edges of the lid, tracing the seam between it and the body of the chest with her fingernail, brushing away some lingering dust.  “Sensing anyone around?”

Releana didn’t reply for a few seconds but finally spoke in a more whispered tone.  “They’re keeping their distance.  Some behind us, and some others down that way.”  She pointed to the ramp leading to the tomb.

Having spotted no obvious traps, either under the table or on the chest itself, Lila nodded.  “Guess they’re curious as to what we’re going to do.  You might wanna step back, just in case I missed something.”  Once Releana was clear, Lila flipped up the clasp on the chest and pushed the lid open.  The hinges groaned, but there weren’t any sudden catches or clicks, and no poisonous gas or acid or anything, just a cloud of dust.  With a painful squeak, the hinges moved at her push, and the lid came all the way up and fell against the tabletop.  Inside more gold glittered, lined with brilliant silver and more gemstones.  “Ohhhh…I think this is some burial attire and quite valuable burial attire at that.”

Releana was beside her moment later, whistling.  “Do you think all these chests have this kind of stuff inside?”

“Probably.  Here, let’s set this stuff out first, then we’ll get to those.”  Lila carefully lifted the objects out, laying them out on the table, feeling for any tripwires or pressure plates as she did, but again, nothing.  Bracelets of varying sizes, a wide gorget-like collar, something similar to the headwear they wore, and even some sashes or belts were inside, these consisting purely of precious metals and stones, the fine silver holding the rings and plates together in lieu of cloth thread, attached to what looked like an oversized boot.  There was even a burial mask, a very smooth, humanoid face, that only seemed to have details for the eyes, which were painted on as if they were open, and a faint outline of a mouth and, curiously, a pair of holes in the raised nose.  

Still cautious, Lila checked the next chest for any unwelcome surprises, found another set of items like the first, practically identical, though her trained eye could see the minor imperfections and little details that were unique from when the items were first crafted.  The next two chests contained more finely made and impressively adorned items, but Lila groaned upon opening each one.

“Methinks these people were my kind of people,” Releana said, shooting a lustful leer at Lila.  

“You would say that…” Lila replied with a shake of her head.  “Maybe they were Yurisaya worshipers too.”

Inside the last two chests were some decidedly kinky items that looked very much like cruder versions of the chastity gear Lila had found herself in during their asylum trip a few months back, along with some very obvious sex toys in the form of large, gemmed phalluses, and more finely wrought cuffs for wrists and ankles, spherical items with openings at one end that were likely fitted over the hands, and even a smaller collar.

“Hmmm…I don’t know, seems like Yurisaya would have wanted them to experience this kind of thing while they were alive, not after they were dead,” Releana offered, taking out one of the dildos, which looked big even in her hands.  “These must have been some really big individuals, though.  I’d have trouble with this one.”  The glint in her eyes told Lila Rel was actually considering using the dildo.  

Looking back at the toys, Lila considered it too, feeling the large phallus between her hot, dripping lips, thrusting deeper and deeper, faster and faster.  She felt her nipples aching, and fresh juices sliding down her thighs.  She sucked in her breath and turned away from the box of toys, willing herself to keep her mind on task.  They didn’t need another incident like when they had first stepped out pillars, especially not when it involved sex toys.

Lila glanced back to the masks they had left laying on the previous table.  The nose holes…not that they would live long trapped in a sealed sarcophagus, but what if their last moments were meant to be blissful or euphoric as their air ran out, and perhaps was some kind of requirement to find their eternal rest that they be in some state of frustrated arousal?  “Well, these’ll sell well regardless; there’s certainly a market for this kind of thing, and I could see Alyssa keeping some of these for herself.  Come on, let’s check out the tunnel to the tombs; we won’t go too far, just enough to peek in and see if we have an exit down there.”

“Works for me,” Releana replied, reluctantly putting her dildo back into the case.  “Think we can get all this past our tentacly plant monster out there?”

“Not easily,” Lila replied, turning to the exit.  “If it dissolved anything that wasn’t organic, I’d say this stuff would be just as vulnerable, though it might take longer.  Then again, maybe not; it might not have a taste for stone and precious metals.  I guess we’ll have to give it a try if we can’t find the back door.”

“Heh, back door.”

“Mind out of the gutter please,” Lila replied, grinning despite herself, her thoughts drifting for a moment back to the toys, but she willed herself to continue.  She led the way to the passage, looking down the descending tunnel, then, finding no signs of traps, stepped into the doorway and started down.

She had barely passed the frame of the doorway when the magnetic force on her jewelry suddenly grew impossible to resist, freezing her in her tracks.  She felt her limbs quivering under the strain as the force pulled at her, directed backward into the workroom.  “Uhhh, Rel…”

“Lila!  I can’t move!” Releana said behind her.  “It’s like-” She finished in a startled yelp as the two of them were flung backward as the force suddenly increased many times over.  The doors to the room slammed shut in the next moment.  “What did you do?!”

Lila grunted and pulled at her spread limbs as she floated in the middle of the chamber, a couple of meters from Releana who was likewise suspended by invisible forces.  “Me?  What’d you do?  I didn’t trigger anything!” she replied jerking wildly to no avail, the only thing able to move freely being her ears and tail, hands and feet; her limbs were stuck, spread wide in mid air.  Below them the piles of gauze wrapping began to move, lifting into the air along with the burial objects from the chests…including the chastity gear. “Oh, by the gods, not again!”

Relena’s face was twisted in a grimace as she fought against the intense invisible tethers that held them aloft, her muscles bulging, looking to Lila with understanding a moment later; she had asked Lila to relate that story a few times, of how she had first donned Sella’s holy raiment at the asylum on Aclaysia.  She was about to say something when her eyes darted about the room, a look of confusion, then growing panic growing on her face.  “They’re laughing at us, Lila!  The ghosts are laughing at us!  All around us!”

Lila tried to respond but was caught off guard when she heard the tittering, gleeful laughter all around them, a chorus of sounds that seemed a mix of youthfulness, no laugh fully adult.  Child ghosts?  That didn’t make sense.  Her eyes darted around the chamber, looking beyond the floating items that hurtled toward them.  There, just on the edges of her vision were several faintly shifting forms, some a few centimeters tall, others perhaps the height of a child, blending into the stonework as if…invisible, not insubstantial.

Before she could relate this information to Releana, and ponder further on the nature of what she had spotted, Lila was assaulted by a swarm of angry gauze wrappings.  The gauze started at her hands and feet, sticking to her skin as they wound tightly around her exposed skin.  At the same time, the cuffs and collar from one of the chests snapped into place around the jewelry that already adorned her body, resting upon the items as if they were meant to go there.  Lila caught a glimpse of the jeweled dildo, anal plug, and a third phallic object flying toward her, followed closely by the chastity bra and belt, open like a pair of disembodied jaws ready to snap shut.

Then gauze fell over her eyes and wrapped several times around her head, stealing away her vision.  Releana let out a defiant cry that quickly turned into a rather lewd moan, a muffled moan.  Lila found out why a split second later when she felt a surprisingly warm yet slimy object pressing against her pussy, then another against her anus.  Try as she might to resist, the lubricated objects easily pressed themselves inside her and filled her.  Lila gasped at the sudden fullness between her legs, and as she did the third object found her mouth, easily pushing itself between her lips and teeth, pushing her jaw wide as the slimy thing entered.  Gagging slightly as it hit the back of her throat, her teeth falling into a perfectly sized groove at the base of the object, Lila recognized a familiar taste and smell coming from the objects.  The slime that now coated them was the same as the slime they had been covered with after their encounter with the plant!

Already feeling the arousal growing within her, Lila moaned loudly against the dildo that gagged her, the gauze wrapping more tightly around her head as the chastity belt closed firmly around her waist and between her legs, driving the intruders deeper.  The bra closed a moment later, settling into place beneath the wide collar about her neck and shoulders, compressing her breasts almost painfully.  

Then her gauze-wrapped hands, forced into fists by the layers of the cloth, moved toward her chest.  As they did, Lila felt the sphere-like objects she had seen earlier snap into place over her fists, making them even more useless.  Her wrists crossed over her chest, snapping into place thanks to the magnetic forces of the jewelry, her legs likewise snapping together as the gauze continued wrapping her body completely.  

Feeling the pressure growing, only seeing the faintest of light through the wrapped layers, Lila squirmed helplessly, moaning and grunting with futile effort to free herself.  With at least a centimeter or two of gauze wrapping her body, she thought for a moment the process had finished, but that was only hopeful thinking.  She felt something closing over her feet and around her already bound ankles, realizing it was the rest of the burial garb.  The gold and silver bands crisscrossed as they wrapped upward around her body, then grew tighter as they settled into place, adding another layer of restraint upon her.  At last, the burial mask settled over her wrapped face, taking away any remaining light and further restricting her already limited breathing.  Lila felt it click into place against the base of the object that filled her mouth, getting an ominous sense of finality at the sudden quiet.

The whole process had only taken a matter of seconds, leaving Lila too stunned to properly react immediately.  She blinked against the wrappings, wiggling about to find that her range of motion could barely be called anything of the sort.  Moaning quizzically, her ears barely picked up an answering moan from Releana as they were pressed down upon her head due to the tight wrapping.  She felt a low buzzing begin between her legs and in her ass and groaned.  “It’s already starting…” she thought, rolling her eyes.  The slime was doing its job well, because she already felt her body reactively squeezing against the intruders, her hips working on them to try and milk an orgasm from the stimulation.  Lila knew better than to hope for that, though perhaps this particular religion was much freer with its pleasures, however sealed they may have been.

As Lila began contemplating her fate, she felt herself being moved through the air.  She heard faint grunting from in front of her, then beneath her.  In the next moment, she landed rather roughly atop who she guessed was Releana.  She felt the pull of the magnetic items they wore, making her wiggling struggles all the more restricted, the metal of their ‘funeral’ garb clattering together.  The two moaned anxiously, and Lila felt her friend wiggling beneath her.  Then there was a grinding sound above them, and with horror, she realized they were in the sarcophagus, and the lid was closing atop it!

Releana seemed to realize it at the same time because she squealed and bucked wildly against Lila.  In the next moments, the laughter that had constantly surrounded them during their wrapping vanished with an ominous boom as the lid settled into place.  Lila whimpered, her mask bumping against Releana’s as the nature of their situation finally seemed to hit her.  They were trapped in a massive stone sarcophagus, and nobody knew where they were!  Even if they had found the chamber, could Kori and Kanna even figure out how to get inside?

The desperation of the situation was momentarily forgotten as the vibrations between Lila’s legs grew wildly, making her gasp and moan, her thoroughly wrapped form wiggling against the intense stimulation. Releana had made similar noises and squirmed just as energetically beneath Lila, the heat and stuffy air of their tomb growing with their pleasures, the strong scent of arousal overpowering that of the aphrodisiac slime and even the mustiness of the gauze.  

Well, if you have to go out, maybe this isn’t such a bad way to do it…” Lila thought, eyes rolling as an orgasm crashed into her, biting down on the thick gag to suppress a moan, though her companion seemed to have no qualms about voicing her on pleasure-filled release.  

* * *

As Kori approached the dining room, following the fae servant, he heard a melodic, if a bit raucous, laughter come from within.  It was shortly joined by others, but these trailed off quickly as they approached the doors.  

At least they seem to be in good spirits,” Kori thought.  Kori noted that the servant had stopped outside the doors until the laughter had subsided, then looked to him.  

At his nod, she opened the doors and stepped in, announcing him.  “My Queen, Lord Kori has arrived,” she said, bowing deeply and motioning toward Kori.

Wearing his best smile, Kori strode forward, making sure to exaggerate his hip sway as he did.  All eyes around the table were immediately upon him.  He took a moment to take in the scene, noting that nearly a dozen fae lined either side of the table and that the queen herself sat at the far end, towering at least a half meter above the others assembled at the table.  Before her, he caught sight of a wispy image floating in the air, looking like some kind of dank room containing a large sarcophagus, though this evaporated into nothingness a half-second later.  True to her namesake, she wore a bright red floral-patterned dress with a very low cut at her chest to reveal her sizeable assets, her hair a most striking shade of crimson mixed with streaks of orange and yellow, spilling about her shoulders in a mass of curls and rings.  Her skin was a mahogany color, giving her the appearance of a tall tree in fall colors.

Kori noticed at once that in addition to the gem-studded gold necklaces and bracelets she wore, she had a most curious decoration nestled between her cleavage, a very tiny form that seemed to be wound tightly in some kind of thread attached to one of the necklaces, its green skin a stark contrast to the queen’s appearance.  The tiny form wiggled and squirmed, and the queen’s finger absent-mindedly reached up to tickle the little figure’s feet, a faint squeal coming from its tightly wrapped mouth.  It was Kanna!

Having given them a chance to take in his appearance and hiding his own amusement at Kanna’s predicament, Kori swept into an elegant, formal bow.  “I am honored to be received by one such as yourself, Queen Gerbera. Your hospitality has been most welcome on this strange journey I find myself undertaking.”

“It is we who are honored to receive a guest of such remarkable repute,” the queen replied, her voice high and melodic.  Her deep brown eyes sparkled as they took in Kori, her dark skin turning a slight shade darker as her eyes lingered on his body.  “Please, Lord Kori, join us and partake of this feast; afterward we will discuss matters of business, yes?”

Kori noted the queen’s reaction to his appearance and nodded, flashing a flirty grin to the queen as he slipped into the lone empty chair at the far end of the table.  “That would be most acceptable, my lady.  It wouldn’t be proper to dismiss your guests so early, I think.”  She had also carefully avoided using the title they had originally called him upon his first meeting with the fae, and even seemed to be asking if it was okay with him to keep the coming discussion for later.  Well, given what they apparently knew about him, it was a natural reaction.  His past had been rather dark, to say the least.

It didn’t take long for Kori to be served, and soon he and the assembled fae nobility were laughing and sharing stories.  They were still very careful to avoid bringing up anything that might have angered him it seemed, and a few kept eying the silver hairpins if they thought a topic might be questionable.  Throughout the meal, Kori kept his attention mostly upon Queen Vermillia however, giving subtle inviting looks, or a more intense smile that told her he was very interested in what she was offering.  She responded in kind, not shy about showing the curves of her shapely breasts and making sure that her living necklace was quite clear between her bosoms. 

This had given him plenty of opportunities to take in Kanna’s predicament.  The orcress had somehow been shrunken so that she was only about ten or twelve centimeters tall, and though she appeared just as muscular as she usually did, apparently was nowhere near strong enough to break free of the binding strands.  This wasn’t entirely unexpected, given the nature of fae magic, but the fact that she seemed to be bound in tight silk thread, perhaps actual webbing, was interesting.  It was an intricate tie, the strands wrapping her tightly and crisscrossing her body in a very shibari-like nature.  Her mouth was covered almost completely by the silk, which formed something of a panel gag and head harness.  Her arms were bound behind her, her legs together, and she appeared to be naked but for a tiny golden collar about her neck, set with a tiny blue gem.  Though it was difficult to see, Kori’s keen eyesight didn’t miss the fact that there was a single strand of the thread cutting between Kanna’s lower lips, and she seemed to be rather aroused, given the moisture on her thighs and hardness of her nipples.  Despite her struggles and rather comically high-pitched squeals of protest when the queen tickled her feet, she seemed to be staying rather worked up over the attention.

The dinner lasted for quite a while, at least a couple of hours, though between the conversations and the musicians that had come in soon after Kori’s arrival, it was hardly boring.  Kori was quite full by the time it finally ended and had drunk a little more than he probably should have; that fae honey wine was something else!  At long last, the servants cleared the table, and the queen called for the assembled members of her court to depart, leaving Kori alone with her.  

Taking a bottle of wine along with their goblets, the two retreated to the nearby balcony, overlooking the clearing below, the perpetual twilight and warm evening pleasant as they settled down upon the plush chairs.  Kanna continued to voice her protests, grunting and squirming between the queen’s breasts, though this only earned her more tickles.  As her finger brushed the shrunken orc’s feet, the queen leaned toward Kori, her cleavage crushing in around Kanna, making her squeals even fainter.  “I suppose we must discuss your friends now before the hour grows too late.”

“I suppose we must,” Kori replied softly, maintaining his playful smile as he took another sip of the wine.  “It seems you’ve already acquainted yourself with Kanna.  Might you also know where Lila and Releana are?”

“I do,” the queen replied, her eyes meeting Kori’s, seemingly becoming lost within them for a moment.  “It has been many years since anyone had approached our lands around that temple, and many more since anyone had braved the interior.  Our claim to the land and treasures within has been undisputed for centuries, and then out of the blue, you and your friends come to try and take it from us.  I would never have imagined one such as yourself to be among them, Lord Kori.”

“Just Kori, please,” he said.  “This trip was Lila’s idea, and we certainly had no knowledge of your claim upon the area.  Are Lila and Releana safe?”

The queen nodded almost absently, lips curling into a sly grin.  “Oh yes, they’re quite safe, enjoying their hard-earned rewards as we speak.  You could say that the punishment fits their crimes.”

“Ah, of course,” Kori replied, nodding thoughtfully.  “I take it that you have laid claim upon them and Kanna as well?  I assume Kanna’s actions outside the temple were rather repugnant to your people?”

“That one is an uncivilized brute; at least now she serves some useful purpose,” Vermillia said, shifting so that her breasts pressed more firmly around Kanna, almost completely muffling her complaints, though her struggles added a rather amusing jiggle to the queen’s bosoms.  “The other two will be amusing decorations for my collection as well, as is the fate of those who dare to steal from me.”

Kori considered the queen’s words for a moment.  Did she actually collect those who would dare intrude upon her domain, or was she simply using such terms for keeping them imprisoned?  No, that wasn’t likely, given Kanna’s debatably enviable position now.  “It would seem that my friends find themselves in quite a predicament then, to have earned the ire of a great queen such as yourself.  Might I inquire as to their final fate?”  Kori shifted in the chair, crossing his legs slowly, leaning to favor one side slightly, giving her a more unobstructed view of this bare hip beneath the flowing silk.

“You might,” Vermillia replied, raising her chin, though her tone held a definite playfulness to it.  Her eyes did go where Kori had hoped they would, though.  “For the brute, she shall entertain me and my court for a time, and perhaps then we will tire of her and return her, perhaps in a century or two.  As for the others, their crimes are much greater I’m afraid.  Stealing from the royal treasury is inexcusable.  They will find little reprieve from their current punishment for some time, and only then will I consider showing any leniency on further service to make up for their thieving.”

“My lady’s justice is quite harsh, but fair I think,” Kori replied, taking another slow drink of the wine.  He then turned in the chair so that he was facing the queen more directly, leaning his elbow upon the arm of the chair, resting his chin upon his hand.  He smiled up to her, eyes pausing on her quivering breasts, then met her eyes.  “Would there perhaps be a way to convince my lady to consider mercy for these poor, dumb souls?  You know how mortals are; rash, impulsive, and horribly misguided at the best of times.  Poor dumb things.”  Of course, he didn’t believe that, but it was a rather common stereotype held by those who aged not at all or extremely slowly.  The fae were certainly amongst them, given their proclivity for messing with mortals and vastly different perceptions of time. 

Between the queen’s breasts, Kanna grunted and let out an angry series of what might have been curses.  As the queen shifted, finally uncovering the orcress, Kanna’s red eyes focused on Kori with a definite venomous look.  She would likely be making Kori pay for that comment later, but that was assuming he was able to even leave the planet with her.

The queen didn’t seem to let Kanna’s outburst get in the way of her amusement.  She idly reached up to Kanna’s feet and again started tickling them with the tip of her finger, making Kanna squeal and thrash against the silken threads, eyes going wide.  The queen’s lips curled slightly as she continued to take in Kori’s appearance.  “I am notoriously harsh when it comes to dealing with offenses against my people,” Vermillia said over Kanna’s protests.  “I certainly could not be seen as lenient now.  Though perhaps…” She raised the index finger of the hand not tickling Kanna to her lips thoughtfully.  “…perhaps I could be persuaded to dispose of this one.  It’s only an orc, and those are rather repugnant, and tend to grow more so the longer one is around them.”

“Oh, yes, I know,” Kori said, noting Kanna’s momentarily renewed flash of anger before the assault on her feet had her rolling her head about in another fit of laughter.  “This one has her uses about the ship certainly; heavy lifting mostly.  Though I would feel bad about leaving my other companions behind.”  Kori continued to look into the queen’s eyes, but let his own narrow slightly.  He sat the goblet of wine aside and ran his hand through his hair, seemingly to move a few stray strands back into place, though his fingers brushed the silver hairpins before he lowered the hand.  

The queen’s eyes noted the movement, and her finger faltered upon Kanna’s feet.  She recovered herself quickly, though, making the falter seem a pretense for taking up her own drink, taking another sip as if to consider his statement.  She turned to look out over the land below, leaving Kanna panting, and returned her gaze to Kori after a few seconds.  “I suppose, for one of your reputation, Kori, I may be able to make something of an exception.  However, I could not simply decree that these miscreants are free; service must be given in return, you understand.”

“You cannot be seen as lenient, after all,” Kori said, changing his position in the chair, uncrossing and recrossing his legs.  “Whatever might this service be?” he asked, knowingly, but with a sly innocence.  He could sense a certain hesitancy about the queen, yet could see the obvious signs of desire in her smoky stare.  She liked to live dangerously, it seemed, if she was considering finding some after-dinner entertainment with a Hand of Death.  Kori reached up slowly, plucking the hairpins from his head, shaking his long, purple hair free as he tossed the pins aside.

At this, Vermillia’s smile grew, and she stood, motioning for Kori to rise.  “Let us retire to more comfortable surroundings to…negotiate a proper price for their freedom.  The cost will be steep, I warn you, for I have a reputation to uphold.  The price for the kerryn alone may be insurmountable even for one such as yourself, given her unique nature.”

Kori rose easily, his own smile widening despite the queen’s declaration.  He wasn’t entirely sure what she meant about Lila, but it wasn’t important for the moment.  He simply had to get them out of the mess they were in and off-world.  “I can only hope my talents are able to live up to your royal standards, my queen.”  Kori followed Vermillia’s quick pace through the castle to her private chambers.  

The queen wasted no time in shooing her servants away before she plucked Kanna from the necklace and deposited the orcress into a small jar, pushing the hole-filled stopper in place before setting her atop a shelf overlooking the sitting area.  She let her own hair down, tossing the jeweled hairpins aside before bidding Kori follow her into the bed-chamber.  “Let us begin our…negotiations,” she said, a sly grin on her face as she disappeared into the chamber, hands already busy with undoing the ribbons of her dress.

Kori paused, looking at Kanna upon the shelf, meeting the angry stare with a harsh glare of his own.  He pointed at her and frowned, speaking in a firm whisper.  “You had better appreciate what I’m doing for you.  Just you wait until we’re out of here; things are changing on the trip back, I can guarantee you that.”  Surprised at the forcefulness of his tone, Kanna only stared after him as Kori entered the queen’s bed-chamber, his mind turning entirely to the task that lay before him.  Fae were notoriously difficult to please in the ways the queen wanted, especially for those who were not fae themselves, but he had a few tricks he’d learned over the centuries that might work in his favor…

* * *

Lila shuddered and moaned, another orgasm exploding between her legs.  She’d lost count of exactly how many she had experienced since they had wound up trapped inside the sarcophagus.  Time meant little in the sweaty heat and darkness.  Releana had experienced another one moments before, and she too writhed in the tight bandages and unrelenting pleasure.  The situation reminded Lila somewhat of the divinely sparked hours of orgasmic delights she had experienced when Sella had finally vanquished the spirit of that evil doctor in the asylum, but this wasn’t nearly as blissful.  This was fueled by the aphrodisiac slime that seemed to be coming from the plugs, and now, after the first half dozen orgasms, seemed to be coming from the gag filling her mouth, keeping her fueled with plenty of horny energy and without need for food or water.  The masks seemed to be providing air, though it was only enough to keep her lightheaded and on the edge of breathlessness, adding to the heights of the intense pleasure she experienced. 

What moments of lucidity she had between her near-constant state of orgasm focused on exactly how long one could last in such a state, and whether or not the people who had performed such an entombing viewed this as a way to reach heaven in a state of enlightenment or if this was just a punishment for rulers who couldn’t perform their duties properly. It was certainly a strange place for her mind to go, knowing that she may never again see freedom from such a state.

At a loss as to exactly how long she had already been within the sarcophagus, Lila was surprised when there was a sudden thump outside the heavy enclosure, almost like it had dropped slightly.  She shook and cried out into the gag as another orgasm ripped through her, but still maintained enough presence of mind to feel the slight sensation that they were moving…downward.  Over the panting, moaning, grunting, and squealing she and Releana were doing, Lila could just barely hear the sound of earth moving outside their tomb.  Were they starting to sink?!  

Her fear vanished in the face of another orgasm, and she writhed against Releana, the two of them now laying more on their sides in the tight confines, pressed face to face, unable to free themselves in the slightest.  Somewhere in the pleasure haze, Lila became aware of a sensation of motion, then in her next moments of lucidity, recognized a sudden jolt to the sarcophagus, her and Releana bumping against one another as the heavy enclosure slammed down somewhere.  Had they just been deposited into the tomb below the dressing chamber?  Were they now one with the ancients of that forgotten race?

More orgasms followed, more desperate moans and cries of overwhelming pleasure, and then Lila came back to her senses again, detecting a sudden unmistakable sensation:  the lurch of a ship entering hyperspace.  Had Kori and Kanna found them?!  Her hopefulness vanished in the pleasure haze of another climax.

As Lila came into her next moment of reprieve, she realized gravity was now pulling downward toward her feet.  They were upright!  She heard scraping on the outside of the sarcophagus, followed by a hiss of air being released.  Then there was a merciful cooling of the air around them before she and Releana flopped out of their tomb, landing with heavy thumps on the deck plates, crying out in unison with another intense orgasm.  

At that moment the buzzing intruders between her legs stopped, and she was left panting for air through the mask’s tiny nose holes.  She and Releana groaned and quivered against one another, suddenly too weak and exhausted to do much more.  

“Good to see you two are okay,” Kori said, at last, his voice muffled through the layers of gauze.  He sounded tired.

Lila squealed in delight, as did Releana, and soon felt a laser scalpel cutting through the wrapping, tracing a warm line over her skin wherever it went, but with it on a lower setting, there was no danger of it cutting through her flesh.  With refreshing cool air upon her skin, Lila let her body go limp as the wrappings and outer jewelry were removed, though it was still a struggle for Kori to separate them due to the magnetic nature of the items they wore.  Her mask was pulled free, as were the metal mittens over her hands, and at last, she was able to move in a meaningful way, her hands going to her head to pull away from the gauze and try to get the gag out of her mouth.

By this time Kori was working on freeing Releana from her wrappings, and soon enough Lila had managed to pull the wrappings from her eyes, wincing against the harsh light of the cargo bay.  She looked to Kori as he worked the scalpel over Releana’s wraps, and blinked several times.  What was he wearing?  “Mhrh rrm mrr mmrrnng?”

“What was that?” he asked, not looking away from Releana.

Grunting, Lila forced her jaw as wide as she could manage, and plucked at the firm gag with her fingers, finally finding purchase.  She groaned with relief when she finally managed to pop it free.  “What are you wearing?” she finally managed, though her words were still slurred from the ache in her jaw.

“It was a gift, as were the three of you,” Kori replied with a tired sigh, dropping the scalpel to the deck as he helped Releana free herself from her metal mittens and the mask.  He turned to Lila now that Releana could work on freeing herself.  His hair was a mess, makeup smeared, and he looked exhausted, with visible dark rings around his eyes.  And were those…bite marks on his chest?

As Lila opened her mouth to ask more details, her eyes fell to what hung around Kori’s neck.  As her eyes locked with Kanna’s, the orcress’s eyes narrowed.  “And just what are you looking at?!  You’re going to pay for that, Lila!  My feet are not going to be satisfied easily after this insult!”

Lila snorted, then burst out laughing at the squeaky, high-pitched voice that came out of the tightly bound, shrunken orc.

“Was that Kanna?” Releana asked, having elected to tug her own gag free before undoing the bandages covering her eyes.  Once she had managed to pull them free and saw Kanna, she too burst out laughing.  “Oh, that’s too good!”

“Kori, what’s going on?  What happened?  How long were we trapped in that thing?  What did-” Lila started, having so many questions.

Kori held up his hands to silence her, suddenly looking even more tired, but still managing to look proud of himself.  “I’ll tell you about it later; right now, I’m just glad this screwed-up fairy tale is over.”

“Fairy tale?” Releana asked, glancing at Lila, then back to Kori.  “What do-”

“No questions!  I’m worn out, and I’m feeling a little hungover,” Kori said, lifting the ornate necklace from around his neck, Kanna dangling from it, and then held it out to Releana.  “Needless to say, all of you owe me big time for this.  You wouldn’t believe what I had to do to ensure you got freed, and with something to show for all the trouble.  I’m taking a nap, and I had better not be disturbed until I’m good and ready!  The magic should wear out sooner or later on those things you’re wearing, and Kanna will return to normal in a while too, once the magic in that collar drains out, or if you take it off of her; whatever, I don’t care righ tnow.”

Lila opened her mouth to ask a question, but Kori shushed her.  “What did I say?  I’m going to bed.  You entertain yourselves or whatever, and we’ll discuss it more later.  Good night, girls.”  With that, Kori turned and sauntered off, the silks of his sexy outfit rustling softly as he did. 

Lila kept her mouth open, too surprised at Kori’s more forceful attitude, watching his backside until he had vanished around the corner.  When he was finally out of sight, the spell that had kept her eyes upon his rear finally broken, she turned to Releana, who likewise had a dumbfounded look on her face.  “Did…that wasn’t normal, was it?”

“Uh uh,” she replied slowly, a grin growing upon her lips.  “He was pretty hot like that though, right?  I didn’t know he had a dominant streak.”

Lila couldn’t deny it, and nodded.  Maybe it was just the lingering effects of their ordeal; she still felt horny as hell despite her growing fatigue.  She looked to Kanna, who looked quite grumpy as she dangled from the necklace, turning slowly side to side under no control of her own.  “So what happened to you?  Do you know what Kori did?  Come on, give.”

Kanna turned an indignant eye toward Lila.  “Untie me from this webbing and take this collar off and I’ll tell you all about it.”

Releana held the necklace up, holding Kanna at eye level.  “Tell us first, and then we’ll let you out.”

Kanna raised her chin defiantly.  “Don’t try to bargain with me.  If you want to know anything, you’ll free me first.  Only when I’m my normal size again will I say anything about it.”

“What do you think, Lila?”

Lila scooted closer, feeling a slight tugging of her magnetic attire against the deck, but not as strong as she had feared; perhaps now that they were away from the temple, there was nothing to sustain the magic.  Though she was quite fatigued, her still-wrapped tail raised as she stared at the dangling Kanna, licking her lips hungrily.  “I think we can’t miss this opportunity.  Miss foot queen here is in a perfect position to learn some humility, and I don’t know about you, but my feet are filthy and sweaty.  She’ll be busy for hours cleaning them up at that size.”

A squeak, or maybe a growl, came from Kanna, but Releana was now looking quite hungry herself.  “You know, that’s a great idea!  After all those hours we had to work to please this one to get her help, it’s time she returned the favor!”

“Just you try it!  If you thought my demands were bad before, wait until I’m out of this!  No mercy!” Kanna squeaked, squirming at the end of the necklace.

“Oh please, like that scares me coming from a little thing like you,” Lila replied, raising a leg and wiggling her toes as she pushed her foot toward Kanna.  “Licky licky!” she said, pressing her foot against the tiny orcress, she and Releana laughing over her squeals of protest.  Though her curiosity over what had actually happened was great, the need to get back at Kanna for the days of foot worship was even greater.  

It was going to be a fun trip back to Sentinel.


Happy Halloween, y’all!

And what an adventure that was, eh?  Lila just can’t help winding up in kinky situations…it’s almost as if there’s a greater power at work, lol.

I hope everyone has enjoyed the ride on this one.  It came out to be a lot longer than I had originally intended, but it was certainly a lot of fun to write once I started getting into it.  I wen tin with a loose idea of what I wanted to do for each POV shift, and just kinda went with what I liked the best once I got there.  Expect more of Lila and company’s adventures in the future; I have plenty of ideas for future stories, including more novel-length works!  I hinted at several things in this story that will definitely be coming back later on, so there’s a ton more stuff to explore in this setting.

I will also have some more Kinktober 2021 stories coming; I had a ton of ideas, but just didn’t have time to get through them due to work and some medical stuff I’ve been dealing with (having a lot of trouble with my right shoulder, including pain and reduced range of motion, plus recurring issues with my vision, so there’s been doctors visits, physical therapy, and eye exams that leaves me unable to stare at text on a screen for most of the day).  Expect a new story that will probably be a little shorter than Sealed Pleasures, and some shorter works.  Plus I have some new shorts in the works for the sci-fi and supers settings, and a few ideas for other settings that will be developed later.

I greatly appreciate everyone who has been reading my work, and even more so those who have taken time to offer comments or critiques.  Those are both encouraging and very helpful, and I am truly thankful for everyone who has done so.  And to those of you who haven’t, I still am very thankful that you’re taking time to read my work and I sincerely hope that you’re enjoying it!

Stay safe out there!

Until next time, Urban out!

Kinktober Keywords:
Fairy Tale/Shrunk

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper