Sealed Pleasures – Part 3


Sealed Pleasures – Part 3

Following the trail of fireflies through the dimly lit passages of the temple, Kori checked his comm.  Aside from it having no signal to speak of, he noted he’d been on the trail for a good twenty minutes now.  There had been several trap triggers that he’d passed, though whether they still worked or not, he didn’t know, having passed by them rather than engaging with them.  The air had become dryer and stale, but now the unmistakable scent of flowers began to filter into his nostrils.  As he continued, the scents became more distinct, and he could discern lilies, roses, and hyacinths.  There was a distinct bluish-white glow coming through the gloom as well, and the tunnel he traversed began to turn green, first with mosses, then with flowering vines and actual leaves.  

The air changed as well, growing more moist and fresh, not unlike what it had been outside the temple, but without the oppressive humidity of the jungle.  He paused when he saw the tunnel widen out before him, sensing the change in the air that signaled a larger chamber…no, it wasn’t a chamber, he was back outside.  Eyes narrowed, Kori scanned along the edges of the tunnel, which seemed much more natural going forward.  He glanced behind, saw that his firefly trail had vanished, but that the tunnel was still there, just completely dark, even with his eyes.  

There was something odd about the transition.  He should be in the middle of the temple’s surface structure, but he was nearing the outside.  Then his elven ears twitched as music began to filter through from whatever lay ahead, flutes and harps, some drums.  Setting his jaw, Kori continued forward; he was being invited, so it was unlikely they meant him harm, at least not for the moment.

After another dozen steps, a cool night breeze blew over Kori, whipping at his hair.  A pale moon hung high in the sky, though the stars that winked throughout the expanse of sky above weren’t the same as the ones he’d seen the previous night at their campsite.  An alien forest lay before him, a well-traveled trail snaked into the night-shrouded wood before him, framed by mushrooms and flowers of all varieties.  He turned, noted that the pathway he had taken here was now nothing more than an unremarkable opening into a foliage-covered hillside.  

The hum of rapidly beating wings drew Kori’s attention.  Turning back to the trail, Kori saw a pair of tiny, glowing figures dipping and weaving through the thick woods, approaching him, but with an obvious hesitation to their movements.  Though they glowed with their own light, Kori could still make out their delicate, nude bodies revealing greenish skin and dragonfly-like wings upon their backs, and he noted their features were very elvish.  

Fae. Fairies if he wasn’t mistaken, a male and a female. 

“Greetings to you,” Kori said, dusting off his fae speech once again.

The two forms stopped, looked at one another, then back to him.  “Greetings to you as well, traveler from afar,” said the male in their language, voice high pitched and musical.  

“The queen of this land hopes that you were not inconvenienced by the journey here, Hand of Death.  She wishes an audience with you…if it is pleasing to you of course,” said the female, obviously nervous.  Her eyes darted to her companion, the back to Kori, and she seemed ready to bolt at a moment’s notice.

Kori raised an eyebrow.  They obviously knew about his past, who he had been, and were afraid of him because of it.  He couldn’t really blame them.  “I would be honored to meet your queen,” he replied slowly.  “I intend no ill will to anyone here unless you mean me harm of course.”

“No harm shall come to you while within Queen Vermillia Gerbera’s domain, of that you have her most solemn vow,” said the male fairy.  

“If it pleases you, will you follow us to the queen’s glade?” asked the female, motioning down the path with her hand.

“Of course; please lead on,” Kori replied.  He didn’t recognize the queen’s name, but the fae were numerous and varied, just as the more earthly species of the galaxy.  Some of their realms likely linked together across vast distances, or may even have been unique parallel dimensions tied to individual planets.  Whatever the case, Kori walked easily behind his pair of guides as they bobbed and dipped down the wooded path.

He soon noted eyes watching him through the woods, catching glimpses of multiple fae of varying sizes as they peered at him curiously from a safe distance.  Though he was alert, Kori didn’t feel threatened, at least not immediately.  If anything, he felt relaxed, rather peaceful as he traversed the path.  Though it took some time, the music slowly grew louder, and he soon spotted more brilliant light piercing the woods, and before long his guides parted, motioning him forward at the edge of the clearing.  

Before him lay a scene out of a painting. The glade, as his guides had called it, was immense, probably covering two or three kilometers in a roughly circular depression, setting it somewhat lower than the trees that stood on all sides.  Many streams crisscrossed the area, which was dotted with many structures that varied from small homes to a massive castle-like building in the center, seemingly grown from the trees and gigantic mushrooms that covered the glade. There were dozens of fae within sight going about rather mundane tasks, but the closest to him paused in their tending of a garden, these taller than himself, but thinner, almost stick-like, with deep green skin and no visible wings.  They seemed wary, but after a few moments, they went back to their task.  

Having taken in the sight and finally remembering to breathe, Kori looked at his guides, who, seeing that he had stopped gawking, continued down one of the paths running along a stream, heading toward the castle.  

Though he had assumed the distance to be about a kilometer from where he had reached the edge of the clearing, Kori discovered that it took much longer to reach the castle than it should have.  It wasn’t long before he realized that the apparent distance as viewed from the edge of the clearing and the actual distance were much different, for it was nearly an hour before he and his guides reached the castle gate.

Guards were in place as expected, more of the green-skinned elf-like beings, though they seemed bored, rather than alert.  They were taller than Kori, wearing light, padded armor, and apparently unarmed, but Kori could sense their wariness about him.  He didn’t miss how the leaves of the wall of flowery vegetation lining the castle wall seemed to ripple down the length of the wall, not disturbed by the faint breeze, rather moving on their own despite the movement of the air.  More of those creatures like Kanna had fought in the clearing, perhaps.

As they passed through the gate, Kori was met by a smaller fae, about a meter tall, with paler green skin and what looked like leafy vines growing from its limbs and body, forming an intricate pattern that seemed to be akin to clothing, however revealing, clearly showing that the being was female.  Green hair spilled down around her shoulders, though Kori noted it was turning a yellow shade at the roots, like leaves in fall.  Large dragonfly wings were upon her back, though they were currently drooping toward the ground.  

The smaller fae bowed to him.  “Welcome, Hand of Death.  You honor us with your presence.  My Queen has offered you some refreshments and a chance to rest before your audience if you so wish.  She is quite eager to meet you.”  The fae paused, then raised slightly from her bow, looking up to Kori. “Also, my Queen wishes you to know that your large ally, the brute, is safe and currently in the Queen’s care.”

Though he was not pleased with the title he had just been addressed by, Kori felt a palpable sense of relief at the mention of Kanna, though, and couldn’t help but smile.  “She’s not been too much trouble, has she?”

The fae shook her head.  “No, Slayer, she has been quite bearable once she was properly put in her place.  The Queen is really quite amused with her.”

Kori raised an eyebrow but sensed that something was left unsaid.  He studied the fae’s expression, caught perhaps a hint of amusement there.  “Well, if she’s no trouble, then I suppose some refreshment and a little rest would be welcome.  I could probably use a chance to wash up a bit, too,” Kori said, looking over his stained clothing and noting with a wince the lingering smell of the pool upon him.  “Have…my other companions shown up here by chance?”

“Of course, Slayer, that would be most acceptable.  The Queen wishes you to be shown every courtesy.  Please, follow me,” said the fae, motioning with not only her hand but one of her wings.  “As to your other companions, no, they have not arrived.  They are currently indisposed with the challenges before them in the temple.  Worry not; we are watching over them, they will come to no real harm.”

Nodding slowly, feeling a little relief at what he had just been told, though still worrying about exactly what trouble Lila and Rel were in, Kori let the fae lead the way.  “One other thing though,” Kori said as he started forward.  “My name is Kori; ‘Slayer’ or the other one, those aren’t titles I wish to use anymore.  My companions don’t need to know about that right now.”

“Of course…Kori.  It shall be as you wish,” said the servant somewhat awkwardly, hurrying along in front of him.

“Thank you,” he replied, taking in the scenery as they passed into the castle.  What was going on with Lila and Releana, anyway?

* * *

Though she couldn’t see anything, Lila had the distinct impression that the interior of the pillar was shrinking around her.  She could sense movement in the stone as it shifted and moved aside.  She had found nothing that resembled a release that she could identify, and the mechanism continued unabated.  

Worse, there was something in the air within the pillar, a distinct scent that tickled her nose.  It was similar to the acidic smell of the plants they’d encountered earlier, and as the pillar’s internal structure shifted around her, it only grew stronger.  In a matter of moments, she was aware of its effects upon her still-slimy body, namely that she was getting hotter, and even more aroused.  She could feel the heat between her legs grow as she shuffled toward the center of the open space, and felt moisture sliding down her thighs.  Her nipples ached even more, and there was distinct cloudiness in her thoughts as that heightened arousal had her mind drifting in other directions they didn’t need to be at the moment. 

Just as she was about to consider the possibility of being crushed to death while she was in a highly aroused state and whether she would enjoy it or not, Lila gasped, feeling something heavy and cold to the touch snap into place around her left ankle, followed by her right a half-second later.  “What the-?” she muttered, reflexively looking down, but still seeing nothing.  Just as she lifted one of her feet to try and feel what it was, she felt another pair of heavy somethings snap around her thighs.  A moment later something wide and even heavier closed around her waist, trailing something downward between her legs in the front and back, and she felt more of the objects appear and click shut around her wrists and biceps.  “I’m starting to have flashbacks here…” she said, recalling her experience on Aclaysia when she had bonded with Sella’s spirit and in turn her holy raiment of Yurisaya, which was basically just a fancy way of saying a full set of strict chastity gear made out of mythril.  

She felt something cold sliding over her shoulders, and then her head was jerked upward, chin raised as whatever it was settled over her shoulders and above her breasts, encircled her neck, and pressed against the bottom of her chin, very much like a heavy-duty posture collar. Then there was another object closing around her forehead, putting her in the mind of a crown or circlet, just wide and heavy like everything else.

Lila was also keenly aware of just how sensitive her skin had become, the roughness of the items upon her making her skin tingle and her breath catch.  Even the coolness of the items against her hot skin made her shudder, squeezing her thighs together.

Just as Lila started to examine what she was now adorned with, and perhaps to indulge herself in exploring her horny body, the pillar slid open again, and something shoved her out of the tiny space, back into the main antechamber.  She whipped around to look back into the pillar, feeling weighed down by her new adornments, but it was already closing, and her brief glimpse inside revealed nothing but stone.  What had just happened?

“Lila?” came Releana’s voice, sounding a little shaky and breathless,  but also gave the distinct impression she was restraining her anger.  “Care to explain what I’m wearing and why I shouldn’t throw you over my knee and spank the shit out of you right now?”

Turning back to her overly aggressive friend, Lila took in Releana’s appearance, noting the way the big girl’s nipples were standing erect and how her thighs were glistening too, and glancing down at herself as best she could given what she too wore, and confirmed that they were dressed identically.  The items were composed of polished, precious stones and gems of various types cut into varying shapes, what she could guess were local varieties of jade, sapphires, turquoise, and rubies, all interwoven within an intricate pattern of golden wire, plates, and rings.  The bands around their limbs were at least two or three centimeters thick, the ones on their biceps and thighs perhaps eight centimeters tall, while the ones on their forearms and lower legs reached about halfway up their forearms and shins; curiously it seemed that Releana’s were sized for her.  The belts around their waists were wide, making Lila think of a waist-cincher style corset, with gold adorned off-white cloth sections hanging down on the front and back, reaching their knees.  The things around their necks and shoulders were styled like a gorget one would see attached to ancient armor, but mixed with a posture collar, and set with an arching rainbow pattern of gleaming gems resting above their breasts.  The bands around their foreheads were about as wide as the bicep and thigh bands, but with a large sapphire set in place in the center, above their noses.  She could make out intricately carved designs in the stones as she scrutinized them more closely.  

“This is the holy attire depicted in the carvings!” Lila exclaimed, her eyes no doubt sparkling like the gems she stared at above Releana’s breasts.  “Rel, this is some of the stuff we came for!  These will be worth a ton of money once-”

“Okay, come here!  Time for a spanking!” Releana declared, stepping forward from her spot in front of the pillar, moving with a deliberate stomping gait, flexing her hands in and out of fists as she approached.

Lila held her hands up defensively, giving a nervous laugh as she finally took in Releana’s face.  It was red, set into an angry scowl, and streaked with tears.  “Hey, Rel, I’m sorry, I didn’t know it would have been so intense like that, I-”  As Lila held her hands up to defend herself from the woman stomping toward her, she felt a distinct sensation that something was pulling at her wrists, drawing them together.  What was that?

“Spanking first!” said Releana in a huff, reaching for Lila.  If her outstretched arms were experiencing the same force Lila had just felt, the much more muscular human didn’t notice.

“Rel, wait a second!  I-” Lila started, taking a step back.  She felt the strange force on her ankles too, when she had extended her leg backward for the move, it was like something was trying to draw the anklets together again, resisting her efforts to make a proper step.  Then the force was suddenly irresistible; just before her foot touched down on the stone, her leg caught, unable to move any further.  Lila stumbled, catching herself before she fell, realizing that she was hobbled somehow.  As she stumbled, her hands came closer to one another and were suddenly drawn together, the cuffs snapping against one another with a clack as the stones impacted one another. Lila tugged at the cuffs, but they didn’t budge, leaving her wrists stuck together.

Not good!” Lila thought, tugging at the thick, heavy bracelets.  Was it magic?  Taking a more balanced stance after recovering from the near fall, Lila took another step away from Releana, more careful this time, and felt the tug on her ankles as her legs got too far apart.  She couldn’t get much more than a short step before the forces started, and couldn’t manage a full stride to run if she wanted to.  She tugged at her wrists again, this time shifting her wrists back and forth, trying a rolling motion.  The bands moved, still stuck together, but with a familiar kind of feel to how they could move.  The bands were magnetic, though perhaps with some unusual properties due to the nature of the stone upon this planet. 

Releana had nearly reached Lila, not noticing or not caring that her kerryn companion seemed to be having some trouble with her movements.  The big girl didn’t appear to be having any trouble, but then Lila realized that Releana had been taking shorter steps as she had stomped her way toward Lila, and probably was so strong she just hadn’t picked up on the forces at her wrists and ankles yet.

“Look, Rel, just take a second and calm down!  You can spank me later, we have bigger problems!” Lila said, raising her joined hands defensively.

“But I need satisfaction now, Lila!” Releana replied breathlessly, eyes flaring with a lust Lila knew all too well:  Releana was horny and in dominatrix mode, so there was no easy way to deal with her now.  Whatever that smell was inside the pillar, some kind of gas made from the excretions of the submerged tentacle plant, it had worked wonders on the human.  “Come here, slave, please your mistress!”

Of course, it had worked just fine on Lila too, and for a brief second, she considered relenting, thinking just how good it would feel to have Releana’as hands upon her, even if it meant pain on her backside.  But she had come to enjoy that kind of attention, probably more than she should have.  Not that she would ever admit that to Releana… And what other pleasures could Releana manage in her angry mistress mindset?

Shaking her head to curb her moment of lustful desire, Lila noted that Releana was almost upon her, and hopped backward about a meter to keep herself out of reach.  She felt the magnetic forces on the anklets as her feet came closer, threatening to pull them together if she allowed them to get too close; apparently, there was some discipline involved in walking properly in the ritual attire, maybe even some kind of specific way one was to hold their body during the procession into the tombs.  

Releana made a lunge for Lila then, snarling at her favorite slave’s defiance, reaching for the big collar.  Two things happened then.  First, as Lila raised her hands to fend off the grab attempt, her bracelets snapped forward and clanked against the one on Releana’s forearm.  Secondly, just as their bracelets were being pulled toward one another, Releana’s wider step caused her own anklets to reach the limit of their invisible hobble, causing her to stumble and fall toward Lila.  

Catching just a brief glimpse of the surprised look upon Releana’s face, no doubt mirrored on her own, Lila was suddenly twisting awkwardly and falling with her friend.  The next few moments were a chaotic mess as they hit the stone floor, the magnetic properties of their new attire pushing and pulling their limbs and bodies in uncontrolled ways, the gauzy strips that littered the room sticking to them as they rolled over and through the ancient scraps.  One moment Lila felt her arms gliding without any friction over Releana’s body, and in the next they were tugged toward something on her companion’s body, clattering together only to roll and slide off as the weight of their bodies against one another proved enough power to move the strange jewelry.

After several chaotic moments, Lila panted, blinking as they seemed to have settled into position, no longer moving.  She felt Releana’s warm, sweaty body against her own, felt the woman’s own rapid breathing.

“A-are you okay, Lila?” Releana asked slowly, sounding dazed and a little confused.

“I…think so…” Lila said, her voice muffled due to the fact that her face was now crammed against Releana’s soaking pussy, her lips brushing Releana’s wet slit as she spoke. As her senses returned, she had to figure out exactly how to get herself free of the tangle they had found themselves in.  Somehow during their awkward fall into one another, Lila’s bracelets had come free of one another, but her arms were now in even more awkward positions, as were her legs, and Releana didn’t seem to be in much better shape.  As Lila tested their positions, she felt her gorget-like collar scraping against Releana’s belt and the magnetic force that held them together.  Releana’s right leg was raised and held over Lila’s back, the thigh band resting on Lila’s collar, while the anklet was secured to the thigh band on Releana’s opposite leg, effectively making sure that Lila wasn’t going anywhere, and providing a nice bit of leverage to keep her face right where Releana wanted it.  Releana’s left leg was bent at the knee, and Lila’s left wrist bracelet was attached to the anklet there.  Lila’s right arm was sandwiched between her and Releana, the bracelet attached to Releana’s collar, leaving her fingers brushing at the stones around Releana’s neck. Lila’s left leg was angled downward but was bent and wrapped around Releana’s torso beneath her left arm, the anklet attached to the back of Releana’s collar.  Releana’s left arm wrapped around Lila’s waist, the bracelet secured to Lila’s belt.  Lila’s right leg and Releana’s right arm were attached, the bracelets, anklets, and thigh and bicep bands all rubbing against one another as each limb was folded completely at their respective joints.

“Then what are you waiting for?” Releana asked, her tone immediately shifting to her commanding, dominatrix voice.  “Get to work down there already!  Your mistress commands you to eat her pussy, slave!”  Lila felt Releana’s breath on her own crotch, but due to the height difference between them, Releana’s face wasn’t buried in Lila’s pussy.  Unfortunately.

“Are we really doing this now?” Lila asked, tasing Releana’s juices upon her lips, the scent of her arousal overwhelming. 

“Yes, you are!” Releana said, her tone haughty.  “I can’t reach your pussy, slave; it’s just out of reach because of this neckwear.”

Rolling her eyes at the smugness Releana had managed, Lila tugged and jerked at their restrictive jewelry.  She didn’t have much choice it seemed; once Releana had her mind set, there was no arguing with her.  So, Lila dutifully kissed at Releana’s pussy lips.  

“Okay, but you’re doing me when we get out of this!”  Lila said before she began putting her tongue to work.  The heated moan that escaped her companion told Lila this probably wouldn’t take long, especially given just how hot and wet she was.

“Don’t deign to give your mistress orders!” Releana snapped, their bodies continuing to rub awkwardly against one another.  “Less backtalk, more tongue action!”

“You are so bossy!” Lila said, momentarily taking her tongue from between Releana’s lower lips.

“Someone’s just begging for punishment today!  Ouch!”

Lila snickered as she nipped at Releana’s lower lip, not enough to draw blood of course, but she still had some power down here, no matter what Releana may have thought.  

Grunting, Releana squeezed her leg down upon Lila’s back, forcing her face harder against her pussy.  “I’ll remember that one!  You’re going to have it so bad!”

“You keep telling me that!” Lila said into Releana’s wet hole, deciding to focus on the task she had been given despite her own raging hormones.  The sooner she got Releana off the sooner they could figure out a way to free themselves and get to that treasure!

* * *

Kori sighed, still laying back in the flower-scented warm water.  He had already bathed, but after being covered in the foul-smelling muck from the pool, and generally being in the jungle for a couple of days, and only having the very questionable shower aboard their borrowed ship on the trip here, it was just so nice to relax in luxury for a bit.  “I really should hurry…wouldn’t want to keep the Queen waiting…” he mumbled, hating to leave the wonderful bath.  

With reluctance, he stood and let the warm water drain from him, the pleasant perpetual twilight outside the room’s window bringing a faint, woodsy breeze through.  He quickly toweled himself off, taking care to dry his hair as much as possible, knowing he would need to brush it thoroughly once he was done.

“Lord Kori,” came the voice of the small fae who had led him into the castle from behind the privacy screen that blocked the bath from the rest of the guest chambers.  She had taken to calling him Lord after the awkwardness of just calling him Kori, but he hadn’t pressed the point.  “I have prepared a selection of clothing for you; my Queen would be most pleased if you would wear something from what she has picked out for you.  I’m afraid your regular clothes are still being cleaned.”

“That’s fine,” Kori said.  “I’m sure she has wonderful taste.  Do you have some makeup for me as well?”

“Of course, Lord Kori,” she said.  “Do you require my assistance?”

“No, that’s fine.  Allow me a little time to finish cleaning up and I’ll meet you in the hall when I’m finished.”

“As you wish, Lord Kori,” she said.  Kori heard her soft steps as she crossed the room and made her exit.  

Once he had finished drying himself, Kori wrapped his hair up in the plush towel and made his way out of the washroom to the finely appointed guest chambers.  Indeed, upon the bed were laid several outfits, and he saw the makeup containers and perfume bottles upon a tray at the mirrored dresser.  He paused by the bed, though, looking over the selection with his eyebrow raised.  It seemed that the Queen may have already spotted him and had some ideas in mind.  All of the items were brightly colored, and made of the finest silks, but were obviously on the revealing side, with several pieces that were much more flimsy and see-through.  

“Well, she does have good taste regardless,” he said, at last, an amused grin finding its way to his lips as he ran his hands over the soft material.  He didn’t mind wearing such things, really, actually was a bit of a fashionista these days anyway.  He’d tried to convince the girls to let him just stay on the ship instead of going stomping through the jungle and let himself enjoy some quiet time doing his nails, but that idea hadn’t flown very far.  If he didn’t miss his guess, he could assume the Queen had other ideas in mind for their meeting, and he could certainly try to turn those thoughts into an advantage for himself and the others. 

Turning his attention to the makeup and accessories on the dresser, Kori sat down and unwound the towel from his hair, picking up a brush to begin the process of smoothing it out.  There was even a selection of jewelry for him to wear, he noted, already getting in mind what he would wear, and how he would do his makeup.

It was at least an hour later when Kori finally gave a final nod to himself in the full body mirror that had rested off to the side of the bed.  “Perfect!” he said with a smile and a titter, taking in one last look at himself before he started for the chamber’s door.  One had to be at their best when presenting themselves to royalty after all.

He had examined the offered clothing at length, holding them between himself and the mirror to help decide which one he wanted to wear for the big meeting.  In the end, he had chosen an outfit in bright red, slashed with purples and greens with very finely woven golden accents.  All of the outfits had been designed to show off the wearer’s skin, but this one consisted of a snug-fitting top that left his midriff mostly uncovered, revealing his well-toned abs.  More importantly, the belt for the lower half of the outfit hugged his hips perfectly, highlighting the curves that began the feature of his body that he knew was always pleasing to view, his ass.  The silken leggings were airy and wound about his legs, but hung in such a way that his hips were naked from the belt almost to his knees, revealing just a bit of his curvy rear.  A pair of golden high-heeled slippers adorned his feet, straps winding up his calves below the leggings; he had chosen the highest heels that were offered that fit with the colors, about five inches high, all the better to show off his assets. 

Once the outfit had been chosen, Kori had busied himself fixing his hair, makeup, and jewelry, pouring through several bracelets, anklets, earrings, and necklaces before picking some that were made of gold set with rubies and amethysts.  His hair he had done up in a rather playful pair of tails, each wound into a bun against his skull and held in place with a pair of jeweled silver hairpins, said pins long and narrow, not unlike stiletto daggers in fact.  Such a choice hopefully wouldn’t go unnoticed, especially if negotiations went sour.  With those selections made, he had finished with his makeup, some red eyeliner, a slightly different shade of red for his lips and cheeks, and a fresh coating of polish for all of his nails, amused by the simplistic, ancient style of applicators that he hadn’t used in…well, quite a while.  He finished by sniffing at the perfumes and finally deciding on one that seemed to be akin to jasmine. 

On the one hand, he supposed the outfit made him look like some exotic dancer out of a desert region somewhere, perhaps just an amusement for the royalty he would be meeting, but on the other, he wore it with confidence and had made the choices deliberately.  Freedom of movement, jewelry that could be dangerous if he so desired, and a chance to turn the apparent game of seduction in his favor.  The Queen had offered such clothing for a reason, after all, and he was not going to bypass such a chance to turn her amorous games around on her.  He would do whatever it took to make sure that his friends, and even Kanna, he had to admit, made it back safely.

Posting this up a bit later than I’d wanted to, but better late than never, right?  Things are heating up in more ways than one!  Seems that Lila and Rel have found them in quite a mess, and Kori is getting to show off some of his more impressive…talents.

How will it all play out?  Stay tuned for the fourth and final part of ‘Sealed Pleasures’ this Sunday, Halloween!

Kinktober Keywords:
Fairy Tale/Shrunk

Would love to hear any feedback you might have!  If you don’t mind, would you consider taking this little poll I’ve created?  I would love to hear what you think!  You can find it here!

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Until next time!  Urban, out!

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper