Sealed Pleasures – Part 2


Sealed Pleasures – Part 2

Lila had just broken the slimy surface of the pool when she felt the fist tentacle wrap itself around her ankle.  Releana was just ahead of her, but before Lila could shout a warning, she was jerked beneath the surface again, choking as some of the nasty slime filled her mouth.  In the next instant white tentacles swarmed about her, wrapping themselves around her limbs and torso, pulling her deeper.  In the now-cloudy water, Lila saw that Releana hadn’t escaped either, the big woman fighting with everything she had as no less than a dozen of the tendrils had secured themselves around her and made a show of hauling her downward.

Thinking quickly, with her lungs already demanding air, Lila pulled and tugged at the thick appendages, finding them just as strong as she had feared, completely unyielding as they threatened to crush her.  Her skin had started to tingle all over, too, worse where the tentacles held her.  Desperate, she clawed at her backpack, reaching for the machete, hoping that maybe it would be enough to at least hurt the thing enough to slip free.

She finally managed to find the handle, wrenched the blade free.  The handle didn’t feel right in her hand, though.  She managed to twist herself around to see the weapon, and she saw why.  The plastic of the grip was falling apart, and, she noticed in the milky haze, that the blade was pitted and scored.  As she tried to process those details, she felt the tentacles reaching over her body, feeling blindly over her breasts, between her legs, wrapping tighter, pulling.  She looked down, watched as her clothing dissolved wherever the tentacles touched.

Feeling the fresher slime from the tentacles sticking to her skin even in the depths of the pool, Lila’s vision started to darken, spots appearing in her sight.  Her eyes burned from whatever was in the water, and she squeezed them shut, still fighting with the much stronger tentacles to no avail.  

Then she felt the tentacles shift and turn her, and she had the sense she was being propelled through the water, but upward, not in the direction she had expected.  In the next instant, she was thrust out of the sticky, murky pool and felt the cooler air of the chamber around her again.  The tentacles that had wrapped around her slackened their grip, and in the next moment, she was in freefall.

This lasted but a second before she hit something cool and damp, landing with a squish.  The acidic scent filled her nose, but so too did the particular scent of old vegetation.  She couldn’t breathe, though, felt something filling her throat and nostrils.  Still half-blind, Lila rolled onto her hands and knees and retched, coughing up gobs of thick, clear slime.  

She felt the mossy bed she had landed on shift and heard Releana grunt as she too was tossed upon it.  Then she was retching just the same as Lila.

Once she was finally able to breathe again, Lila wiped the sticky slime from her face and eyes, wincing as she stared at a handful of the stuff, then shook her hand wildly to get it off.  “A-are you alright, Rel?” she choked, coughing up another gob of the stuff.  She looked back to the pool, the surface of the water already going still.  They were at least on the side of the chamber they needed to be on, just off to the side of the fancier entryway.

“Ugh…this is so gross!” came the choked reply, Releana retching and coughing up more slime.  “So sticky!  Why did it let us go?”

As Lila wiped uselessly at the slime that covered her body, just smearing it around more than actually clearing it off, noting the way her flesh still tingled and had a decidedly pinker tint to it, she took stock of their situation.  She looked Releana over, then herself.  Yep, both completely naked, and not a sign of their packs.  “I…I think it just wanted our clothes and the stuff we were carrying.”

“Seriously?” Releana asked, finally getting her eyes cleared enough to look at Lila.  She too had a pinkish tone to her skin, whatever was in the slime affecting her the same way.

“Nobody really understands why tentacle monsters do what they do,” Lila replied, smiling wryly at Releana.  She padded cautiously to the edge of the pool, looking over.  The water was definitely milkier, and she could just barely make out the dark shapes of their dissolving gear at the bottom.  “I think maybe this type of plant dissolves non-living matter or at least stuff that isn’t connected to a living body.  We still have our hair, and I’ve still got my fur,” she said, working her tail slowly back and forth, bands of slime dripping from it.  She grimaced, and dug into her ears, using her fingernails to clear more of the slime from within. 

“That…seems really weird to me,” Releana replied uneasily, wiping frantically at the goop.  “This stuff just will not come off! Ugh!”

“It’s a big galaxy out there, and who knows how things evolve where magic is concerned?  Kanna said that she could sense lingering magic topside around the campsite even, so there’s precedent for it.”  Lila eased back, then got to her feet, shaking off some more of the resilient goop.  She noticed that she felt warm despite her nudity and a curious aching in her nipples and between her legs that wasn’t there a few seconds ago.  “You feel okay, though?  Like, nothing broken or out of place?”

“I’m not hurt, but…” Releana started, getting to her feet.  She pressed her massive thighs together and felt her breasts, and Lila noticed her nipples stood erect.  Her cheeks turned a bit redder.  “I’m definitely feeling a lot more aroused than I should be.  I think there’s something else in that slime.”

“I think you’re right,” Lila replied, looking down, seeing her own nipples standing at attention.  Though she was breathing normally, there was a definite shortness to her breath that came with building arousal.  

Releana walked quickly to the entrance that was flanked by the pillars and vine and moss-covered statues, snatching some of the flimsy gauze that dangled from the overhang.  She wiped at her face with it, peeling the old cloth strip from her face with a look of disgust on her face, tossed it aside.  “We’re definitely going to need more than these strips.  So gross!”

Lila moved to stand beside Releana and peered into the dimly lit chamber beyond.  More of the old cloth dangled from the ceiling and walls, ragged and crumbling with age, with more strips littering the tunnel beyond.  Though the luminescent plants ended a few feet past the entrance, Lila could still see into the corridor, and at the far end, saw a distinctly yellowish-orange glow, a slight flicker to the light.  “We’ve got some kind of light source up ahead, maybe a fire.”

“You know, I’ve got a really bad feeling about this,” Releana said, staring into the darkness, squinting toward the light.  “I can feel those presences still, and some are definitely in that direction.”

Nodding, Lila cautiously stepped through the entryway, her eyes scanning along the stonework cautiously, looking for any of the tell-tale signs of traps.  “Yeah, I don’t like this either.  Almost like they want us to go this way.  So what happened back there? What spooked you?”

Blushing more deeply,  Releana rubbed a hand on her backside.  “Something slapped my ass and laughed at me.  You heard it, right?  Well, I just…wasn’t expecting it and I panicked.”

“No idea what it was?”

“Hell no!  I didn’t take time to look, but…well, I guess the hand was on the small side?  Strong, but small, like a halfling or gnome maybe?” 

“Curious…step lightly through here, okay?  Follow where I go, and try to avoid touching the walls, just to be on the safe side,” Lila said.  Once Releana nodded, Lila eased into the corridor.  It was a good thirty meters at least to the glow up ahead, and any number of traps could be waiting down that dark corridor.

* * *

Grunting with the effort of wringing out his shirt, Kori held up the stained garment, frowning at the grimy stains that would probably never come out.  His nose wrinkled at the nasty scent that lingered upon him and glanced down at his pants, likewise stained and nasty.  After Kanna had been snatched by the tentacles, he’d spared only enough time to drop his pack and the gun on the shore and dove into the pool after her.  The pool had only been about three meters deep, and though murky, he could find no signs that there had ever even been tentacles in there.  The bottom was just a mess of muck and old, decaying vegetation.

Still grimacing at his shirt, Kori tugged it back over his head and took a look around the quiet clearing.  The crackle of flames from Kanna’s fireball had subsided quickly in the green of the clearing, and it seemed that the damage was already starting to heal.  A light rain began to fall then, hitting upon the leaves and branches.  

What had just happened?  The attack had been so fast, and there were definitely others here, some kind of fae perhaps.  Kori looked around the clearing as the fresh rain fell upon him, eyes narrowed, ears raised.  He couldn’t hear the beating wings as he had before, heard no snippets of conversation now.  If Kanna had just listened to him and had not flown off the handle like that…

Kori ran his hands through his long purple hair, shook off some more muck that came loose, and quickly retired it back into the ponytail he’d sported earlier.  Taking up his pack and the submachine gun, he looked around the clearing, then at the temple.  A thought occurred then, and he couldn’t remember for certain where he remembered hearing it, but there might have been a reason that Kanna had reacted so quickly with violence.  The fae had ways of messing with one’s perceptions and emotions; had that happened here?  Kori himself didn’t really have so much to worry about in that regard as elves were related to the fae, so their charms typically didn’t work, at least not without a significantly powerful fae being involved.

He started toward the temple, and around the side to the overgrown steps.  Starting up them, he kept his senses alert around him.  As he neared the entrance, he heard the flutter of wings around the upper level, then heard more of the quickly spoken conversation.  He still couldn’t pick up on all of it but recognized a few words.  Again, there had been mention of ‘death’, and this time he’d picked up on the word for ‘slayer’ and ‘blood’.  Then the sounds of the wings had vanished.

Pausing atop the steps, Kori’s eyes narrowed further, and his grimace grew deeper as he took up the machete.  The fae had ways of knowing things that were well hidden, and ways of dredging up the past that one desperately wanted to forget.  Clearing his throat, finding it surprisingly dry, Kori stepped up to the wall of vegetation before him.  He’d not actually spoken the fae tongue in a long, long time; as he tried to form the words, they felt awkward upon his lips.  “I wish for no other violence this day.  I fear we have had a misunderstanding.  Though I bear the mark of death upon me, I wish not to bring death to you.  If my friends have trespassed, it was without knowledge of your presence here.  Can we meet to discuss what has happened and come peaceably to a resolution?”

For several minutes, Kori waited, letting the warm rain soak him without moving.  He knew that the fae perceived time differently, so if they had even heard his request, he could be waiting for a while before one responded.  That was, of course, assuming that they weren’t too afraid of him.  Then, as thunder rumbled in the distance, signaling a more powerful storm on the way, the vines and roots that had grown over the entrance shifted and shrank back, revealing the opening that led into the temple.  A string of faintly glowing, blinking lights, fireflies he realized, bobbed about lazily in the gloom that lead to the steps that would take him further into the temple.  Sliding the machete back into its sheath, Kori stepped inside and followed the trail he’d been offered.

Taking one last look at the jungle below him, Kori continued forward into the entryway, shifting the gun where it still hung from his shoulder to a more comfortable position.  As the light grew dimmer behind him and he neared the steps leading down, Kori stepped around a peculiar stone set just a little off-kilter with the ones around it, his senses telling him that it was some kind of trap mechanism.  For a moment he considered whether the fae were trying to lead him toward it in the hopes of setting it off, but somehow didn’t get that impression.  He paused, looked back at the stone around the trigger, at how the vines were disturbed or even torn in places along the edges, where the floor met the walls.  Sighing, he shook his head.  “I hope they’re not in any real trouble down there…” he said, wondering whether it had been Lila or Rel who had set off the trap.  Knowing who would have been in the lead, he nodded.  “Lila,” he said a moment later, just before starting down the steps. That woman sure had a knack for stumbling into things she shouldn’t…

* * *

“What is it?” Rel asked in a tense whisper, standing a couple of meters behind Lila.

“Torches,” Lila replied, keeping her voice low, though she wasn’t entirely sure why.  Something about the feel of the chamber they were approaching, maybe.  She stood at the end of the tunnel they had traversed from the tentacle plant’s submerged domain.  The chamber was lit by a pair of torches flickering to either side of a pair of heavy doors at the far end; the chamber itself was only about ten meters long, about half as wide, more like a short tunnel, with a lot more of the gauze strips hanging from the walls and ceiling, even piled up on and laying across the floor, practically covered in them in fact.  The air was decidedly dryer here, with a mustier scent, though the smell of the slime, which still hadn’t dried, lingered heavily upon her and Rel.  “I don’t smell smoke, so I think they’re magical.  It’s some kind of antechamber, there’s another door at the far end.”

Lila stepped inside after peering at the floor and around the arch that surrounded the opening.  She took another step, saw that she had left footprints in the dust.  One of the strips of gauze stuck to her foot.  She lifted her foot, balanced on the other, and peeled the strip away, blowing out her breath as the sensation sent a tingle through her foot.  That slime had definitely made her more sensitive, and her nipples were still very much hard; there was more moisture between her legs than what lingered from the slime, too.  “Are you sensing anyone nearby?”

Releana took a few more careful steps, stopping where Lila had been a moment ago.  She shook her head slowly.  “Not now anyway; I had a couple of impressions when we first started down the tunnel, but they’ve gone.”  She reached for some of the dangling strips, tore a handful free, and wiped at the slime that covered her chest, her cheeks reddening as the material rubbed over her hardened nipples.  “You’re just as horny as I am now, right?  This stuff is driving me crazy!”

“Yeah,” Lila replied, starting toward the door.  Though she managed to keep herself focused on their goal, sensing that they were close to what they were after, she couldn’t deny she was feeling pretty hot and bothered.  She flashed a grin back at Rel.  “We might need to take a break and relieve some tensions before we go on.”

Releana licked her lips, peeling the sticky gauze from her chest, then gave her tits a squeeze, hefted their weight, and shot Lila a heated grin of her own.  “I could definitely go for some of that action.”  She squeezed her muscular thighs together and moaned softly.  “Oh, Lila, I’m so wet down there right now…your tongue would feel so good!”

Lila groaned, squeezing her legs together, one hand sliding down her slick stomach toward her pussy, but she caught herself, gritting her teeth.  “Don’t get me distracted like that!” she said, taking a deep breath, steadying herself, then moved to the door.  There were more of the hieroglyphs along the walls and around the door frame, with new ones on the doors themselves.  After studying them for a few minutes, she then looked back to Rel and motioned her forward.  “I think we’re at the place we need to be.  If I’m interpreting these right, there should be some kind of chamber beyond where the rulers were prepared for their journey to the afterlife or to their higher existence or whatever.  Which means there’re probably some routes to some tombs back there, with the loot we’ve come for waiting inside.”

“Tombs?  You mean like with ghosts and zombies and stuff?” Releana asked, eyes widening, her voice tightening.  “And is there a way out back there?”

“Well…it’s always a possibility, yeah,” Lila replied slowly.  “We’ll have to take it real slow, try to find an exit first, then see about what might be protecting the treasure.  As long as we can find the way out, we can come back that way once we get more gear and our orcish artillery piece from the ship.”

“Well, that actually sounds reasonable for once,” Releana said after a moment, looking a little less panicked, though Lila noticed that her breathing was faster, and her body glistened with slime and sweat, the scent of her arousal filling Lila’s nose, making her feel a distinct ache in her nipples, and the unabating heat between her legs.  She just wanted to lick Releana’s nipples so bad.  “How do we get this door open?”

“Well…” Lila said, getting her mind back on track, turning to the stone arch that served as the door frame, “…I think it’s simple, but I’m a little worried about what it could lead to.  See, all these hieroglyphs show a pair of priests leading the ascending one through this place, and show them before this door,” she explained, pointing at the carvings as she spoke.  “One priest on either side, and it looks like they have to take these positions here, like some kind of ritual dance maybe.  Then, it shows them wearing some kind of holy attire I think before the doors finally open and the next stage begins.  You can see here that it shows the one they’re leading inside changing or evolving or whatever, like we saw out in that first chamber.”

Releana looked at the carvings, then turned to Lila and hit her with a flat stare.  “Ritual dance?  Holy attire?  That’s what you’re going with?”


Releana poked at the carvings with her finger.  “That holy dance you’re talking about looks like something you’ve done on stage a few times at Alyssa’s club, and that ‘attire’ looks more like cuffs and a collar to me.  There’s even a chain between the ankles on this one!”

Lila frowned, looked at the carving again, then shook her head.  “No, I’m pretty sure that’s just a crack in the stone.”

“Pretty specific kind of place for a crack,” Releana said.  “You said yourself you were worried about what it might lead to, so give.  What is it going to lead to?”

Lila’s ear twitched, and her tail swished behind her.  “You know…given that the slime from that plant is making us horny, I just didn’t want to make it worse is all.  I know how you get when I’m dressed like that, and just didn’t think it’d be the best time for me to be on my hands and knees in front of you, you know?”

Releana scoffed and crossed her arms beneath her breasts, turned her head, and raised her chin, taking on a rather snobbish pose.  “I can control myself better than that, Lila Darius!  And I would think as many times as you’ve been under my heel and at the end of my leash, you’d know that.”

Lila’s tail swished more vigorously behind her, some more of the slime finally coming free and splattering on the floor.  “Oh, come on, don’t get like that now.  Look, let’s just do this thing and see if we can open the door.  That attire is probably something other priests dressed them with during the ritual, not something that just appears out of nowhere.  Here, see,” she said, pointing at one of the triangular columns of stone set at either side of the door, specifically at some depressions that were worn into the stone, and others that were visible in the stone on the floor.  She recalled a similar kind of design for opening a door at Sella’s tomb back on Aclaysia.  “It’s a locking mechanism that relies on the two of us pressing the correct places on both sides of the door at the same time, and it was just easier to remember if they tied it into some kind of ritual dance.”

Releana finally examined the stonework where Lila pointed, still frowning, and examined the column on the other side.  “Okay…so there are the same kinds of marks over here.  I guess I can accept what you’re telling me.  This is all pretty advanced for a primitive culture though, right?”

“A little, maybe.  It’s often the case that cultures like this were aware of techniques we could only imagine; without delving into the rest of the world’s history here, it’s possible they may have drawn influence from ancient dwarves or even gnomes, too.  Might be interesting to study once we’re out of Alyssa’s debt.”  Lila stepped up to the column on her side of the door.  “You ready to give this a try?”

Releana frowned, closed her eyes for a few seconds, and breathed slowly, then nodded, finally looking back to Lila.  “I still don’t sense anybody around besides the two of us.  It might be a little awkward for me to reach these since I’m taller than you and apparently those priests, but I think I can manage.”

“Alright!  We’ve got this!” Lila said cheerfully, looking over at the markings on the door and the corresponding markings on the column and floor once more to make sure she had the sequence memorized.  Once Releana had done the same, they took their first positions against the column, legs spread at a casual distance apart, their breasts pressed against the cold stone, their nipples rubbing against the cool and rough surface, and with their hands reaching upward to either side of the column.  At Lila’s height, her fingers pressed easily against the smooth depressions after nudging some of the gauze strips aside, and once she had adjusted her weight to the balls of her feet, she felt the slightest give in the stone, followed by a clack of something shifting within the wall.

“It moved!” Releana exclaimed.  “Did you feel that?  Ugh, these strips are sticking to the slime, though.”

“Yep,” Lila replied, grinning.  She pulled her hands away, noting that the gauze was sticking to her as well, and reached to pluck the strips away, as Releana did, when she felt the stone shift upward under her feet, and the clacking sound again came from the wall, though this time it was distinctly in the other direction. “Crap!  It’s on a timer of some kind!”

“So what does that mean?”

“It means just deal with the sticky stuff until the door’s open,” Lila replied, assuming the position again. She could sense they were close to whatever it was that had tickled her treasure senses and licked her lips with anticipation.  “We can peel the strips off once we’re done, just don’t get tripped up or we’ll have to start over.  Come on!”

“Okay…” Releana replied, sounding a bit doubtful, but she quickly followed Lila’s lead and took up the first position again.

As soon as the mechanism shifted again, Lila changed to the next position, saw Releana doing the same out of the corner of her eye.  This one had her shifting her left foot closer to the base of the column, rising to her tiptoes while her other leg was raised so that her knee rested against the side of the column, her nipples again brushing over the carvings, making her let out a shuddering breath at the pleasurable sensations that went through them as she reached around the column with her left hand, the right reaching upward.  She found the right spots almost immediately and glanced to Releana just as the stone shifted, hearing another shifting of the mechanism hidden in the wall.  She noted that she had more of the gauzy strips sticking to her thighs and stomach, but paid it little mind as her excitement got the better of her.  “That’s it!  Next one!”

“Are we making out with these columns or what?” Releana asked with some amount of annoyance, her cheeks reddened, more strips dangling from her as well.

“A lot of cultures were very into the fertility thing,” Lila replied as she shifted to the next position.  She lowered herself into a crouch, her erect nipples sliding down the column as she positioned her feet onto the next depressions.  This left her with her legs spread around the column, her thighs squeezing the cool stone as her knees pressed into the wall, her arms reaching around and slightly upward as if she were trying to hug the shaft.

“This was obviously a society led by men,” Releana muttered.  “This is basically cock worship!”

“I don’t recall you being averse to that kind of thing,” Lila said, feeling the stone shift, heard another piece of the mechanism shift.  She felt a surge of energy through her as they successfully completed that particular sequence, knowing there were only a few left before the door would open.  “Next!”

“I’m not, I just don’t like them this big,” Releana said, her voice a little breathless as she changed positions. 

For this one, Lila stood and spun quickly, feeling the gauzy strips tightening around her body when she did, though not enough to impede her movements, and pressed her back against the column.  With her legs, Lila again spread them, this time to either side of the column, feeling the subtle shift from rough to smooth stone as they found the proper spots.  Her hands simultaneously reached in two different directions, one overhead and around the side of the column, and the other downward and to the other side.  “I’m kinda getting turned on by this.”

“Me too,” Releana replied.  “Feel like this could be a pole dance.”

The expected shift in the stone came, and as the door lock clicked again, Lila was already moving, catching Releana doing the same as she moved downward.  Two more positions and they were inside!  She could almost feel that treasure in her hands already!  This pose was a little simpler, her feet almost instinctively hitting the right spots as she crouched, back pressed to the stone, though she had to spread her knees wide to fit her feet into the depressions properly while her hands reached backward, going to either side of the column at about waist level.  She felt for the smooth depressions and had to push her pelvis forward a bit, bringing her hips off the column, but then the mechanism shifted again.  The big doors actually shifted this time, and dust spilled out from the seam.

“Last one!  Big finish!” Lila cried excitedly.  As she brought her hands around to her front, she noted they were trailing more of the gauze from her wrists and forearms but didn’t care.  The door was almost open!

“This is impossible!” Releana said, grunting with effort.

“You can do it!  Stretch for it  We’re almost in!” Lila shouted. Lila dropped to all fours in front of the column but quickly had her backside pressed against it and spread her legs wide.  She arched her back and felt her hot pussy press against the cold stone.  She rose onto her toes again, legs spread as wide as possible, ass in the air as high as she could manage.  Her arms were in front of her, the fingers of each hand pointing at one another as her forearms and elbows pressed into the stone.  She felt the stone give.

“Holy shit, I’m going to stretch something!” Releana cried, grunting with renewed effort.

“Hurry, Rel, or we’ll have to start over!” Lila cried, counting off the seconds in her head.  “Hurry!”

Releana cried out as she strained with the effort to get her body into the proper position, her muscles not making it easy.

They weren’t going to make it!

Then there was a louder clunk as the mechanism shifted, and Lila felt the stone give further beneath her, followed by a grinding sound.  She turned her head toward the doors, saw as they slowly ground open, more torchlight spilling through the growing crack.  “You did it, Rel!  The doors are opening!”

At that moment, the stone around Lila and Releana shifted again in the blink of an eye, the carefully fitted stones dropping even lower into the floor while others changed position and snapped into place.  Lila suddenly felt the stone press down on her forearms and calves, and around her wrists and ankles, then felt more snapping down around her thighs and then her neck, making very effective restraints.  “Oh, crap!”

“Lila!  What have you gotten me into?!” Releana screamed.  She then grunted and strained against the stone restraints.

“Uhhh…I’m sure it’ll stop in a minute,” Lila said quickly, gritting her teeth as she tried to wiggle out of the restraints.  She was stuck, her pussy pressed firmly against the column, and she could feel it moving as well now, sliding downward as the doors continued to grind open. 

“You didn’t say anything about this!”

“It was a surprise!” Lila said, wincing.

“Wait, like upstairs?!  You didn’t know about that slide entrance, did you?  You stepped into a trap!”

“I um….”

Releana grunted again, louder than before, straining against the stone bonds.  “Just you wait until I break out of this thing!  I’m going to spank your ass so hard you won’t be able to sit for a week!  Then I’ll really punish you!”

“Promises, promises,” Lila replied, groaning softly.  Let Rel vent for now; she had more important things to worry about, like how to get out of the situation they were in.  There had to be a release somewhere…

The movement of the pillar against her pussy, the uneven but smooth ridges that rubbed her as they lowered made her shudder.  The design must have been just for this kind of thing, something to make sure the priestesses performing the ritual were in the proper mindset.  The door was almost open all the way, Lila noted, seeing it out of the corner of her eye.  Maybe the mechanism would release them once it was fully open.

Releana grunted several times.  “I’m serious, Lila!  You’re gonna get it when I’m free!”  Her voice had a panicked tone to it now.

“Hey, hey, just calm down, Rel.  I think this is going to release us once the door’s all the way open.  I can’t really see the pillar, but the way it’s going down, I think it’s like a counterweight or something. The rubbing thing, that’s just for whatever ritual they performed down here… probably.”

Before Releana could respond, the pillar behind Lila finally passed below her crotch.  There was a rumble and a shake as the doors came to a stop.  Lila felt a draft on her raised backside, then felt smaller movements through the stone below her and through the restraints.  “Okay, it’s starting the release!” she said, hoping she was right.

As she spoke, Lila felt the stone restraints shifting around her.  However, instead of unlocking, the stones below her began rearranging themselves, bringing her arms out straight instead of having her fingers pointing at one another.  The restraints on her legs slid down onto the floor, bringing her backside with them.  She had little choice but to move with the stones and was soon laying out flat on the floor, legs pressed together.

“I’m not getting the impression it’s releasing us,” Releana said, her voice muffled and with a distinct tone of annoyance.

“Uhhh…” Lila replied, trying to understand exactly what was happening.  Nothing on the hieroglyphs had indicated anything like this.  Maybe it had something to do with the holy garments on the carvings?  But the doors had opened even without those.  Was it something to do with them not wearing them?  Was it a trap to catch thieves?  “Okay, so-”

As Lila tried to come up with something that made sense, the floor shifted quickly and suddenly, tilting upward at a sharp angle that left her upper body raised, while her feet were angled downward.  The suddenness of the movement pressed her against the stone but in the next instant all of the restraints snapped open, and she was flung off the stone slab, straight into the opening that had been revealed in the pillar; what she had thought was the pillar lowering into the floor had only been the front half!  Lila’s back slammed against the wall, and the front of the pillar ground upward rapidly.

“If I don’t make it out of this, I’m haunting your ghost, Lila Darius!” Releana shouted, just before the pillar slammed shut, leaving Lila in darkness.  But the mechanism wasn’t done, for she heard it clicking and felt more vibrations in the stone around her.

“What’s next?” Lila muttered, gritting her teeth as she felt desperately around her for some kind of release lever or plate or anything she could manipulate.  “This isn’t looking good…”

On to Part 2, and things have certainly heated up!  What will Kori find inside the temple?  Will Lila and Releana make it out of their current predicament, or are they trapped?  And what happened to Kanna?  Stay tuned for Part 3 to find out!

Kinktober Keywords:
Fairy Tale/Shrunk

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Until next time!  Urban, out!

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper