Night of the Bouncing Bunnies


Valefar System, Planet Valefar V, Paradise City

Inside The Devil’s Watering Hole, 4:45PM local time


“For all her faults, I do hope to see Ms. McClanahan again,” Savory said, his elbows resting on the railing overlooking the stage below as he sipped at some fruity concoction or another, his shapely hips and behind stretched out languidly, yet ever so enticingly as his slender tail snaked back and forth.  The stage curtains were pulled closed, but some additional curtains had been set up further from the main stage, along with some new temporary pipe framing that wasn’t entirely hidden from view by them.  There were already a couple dozen regulars lingering about to see what was in store, and more were starting to drift in from the streets.

“As do I!  I need to thank her for the inspiration for our new debt relief system, and convince her to gamble away more of her ill-gotten gains.  She’s a terrible gambler, and makes for a fine display piece when she’s properly motivated.  Not that the current batch will be any less popular.  I guarantee the crowd is going to go wild for this, and we’ll have plenty of extra creds on hand,” Vanessa said, rising from where she had been leaning against the railing, her fists planted on her wide hips, just below her narrow waist, licking her lips as she looked over the stage below.  Her amber eyes seemed to pulse brighter with her anticipation, her visage seemingly growing even more devilish than her horns and red skin already made her.

Savory took another drink, flicking a strand of dark hair from his face.  “Wouldn’t it be more profitable just to whore them out, or actually use their ship?  You know, have them run cargo and such for us till they’re paid off?”

Vanessa scoffed.  “Of course, but it wouldn’t be nearly as entertaining or humiliating for them.  At least a couple of them are natural whores, so I’m sure they’ll at least appreciate just how easy this is going to be for them.”

“Maybe…how long is this going to take for them to work off that debt?  Weeks?  Months?”

“Depends on how generous our dear patrons are,” Vanessa replied with a dismissive wave of her hand.  “Doesn’t matter; as long as they’re making money, they’ll do as side entertainment and porch furniture.  Once the people get tired of them, then I’ll find something else humiliating for them to experience.”

Savory stood with a sigh, then took another long pull from his drink, finally shrugging.  “You’re the business genius, sis.  I’m just here for a good time.  I’m still dancing tonight, right?”

“Of course you are, hon,” Vanessa said, looking to Savory appreciatively.  “This little distraction is entirely lowbrow, not fine art like you.  You’re in a league of your own, and our patrons recognize that.  Especially the men who can’t believe they’d ever find themselves lusting after a darling boi like yourself.”

Savory caught himself as he turned away.  “Oh, speaking of…I think the fellow who had his eyes on me last night will definitely be back tonight.  Already got in mind what’ll tickle his fancy; pretty sure he’s a big tipper, and has plenty of credits to lose.”

Vanessa chuckled.  “I trust your instincts.  You’ll be on in a few hours, so rest up.”

“Sure thing, sis,” Savory said, twirling easily on one foot before he sauntered away.  

Vanessa lingered at the railing a bit longer, then headed toward the stairs.  It was about time to get the show started.

* * *


The crowd had grown significantly in the last fifteen minutes, packing in around the stage, drinks in hand, more filling the tables on the lower and upper levels that overlooked it.  Vanessa’s smile remained hungry as she watched the crowd grow from the shadows at the back of the stage.  The hired hands she’d sent out into the streets to spread the word of the night’s new entertainment had done their jobs satisfactorily, money well spent.

With the crowd’s anticipation high, Vanessa strode by the new entertainment, initially ignoring their muffled grunts and squeals of protest, the helpless shaking and pulling against their restraints.  She paused before she cleared the last of the curtains, turning to look at them, baring her sharp teeth as she smiled, bringing her demonic heritage fully into the forefront of their minds.  She had never been ashamed of her succubus nature, like so many of her kind seemed to be these days.  “Don’t go whining now!  You knew the risks when you decided to keep gambling, and now you’re going to have to live with it.  Don’t worry, you’ll love this!  Or you’ll hate it; I don’t care what you think; this is for them, after all,” she said, nodding over her shoulder towards the crowd.  

Then Vanessa swept through the curtains and strode to the edge of the stage, snatching the microphone that waited for her there.  “Good evening, Paradise City!” she called, raising her free hand to wave as the cheers started.  She could feel the lustful intentions around her quite keenly, could smell the desire of the crowd, savored it for a few moments.  They didn’t care about the horns on her head or the deep red hue of her flesh; they saw an hourglass figure, big tits, and a skimpy, black leather two-piece accented with opera-length gloves and thigh-high heels.  

At last, she signaled the crowd to quiet down.  “I am Vanessa Hellion, and welcome you heartily to the Devil’s Watering Hole!  Old or young, new or returning, we at the Hole value each and every one of you as our dear customers!  We know what you like, and we aim to please!  While you’re waiting for the star of the Hole, Savory Delight, to begin tonight, we would like to offer you a way to fill the time and show your generosity to your fellow spacers!”

Vanessa snapped the fingers of her free hand, signaling the help behind the curtains.  She saw the surprised looks, heard the gasps, then the excited cheers started again.  Vanessa spun on her heel, facing the freshly revealed quintet, licking her lips as they wiggled and strained to be anywhere else than where they were right at that moment; she could practically taste their humiliation already.  She brought up the mic again and slowly strode toward the helplessly bound playthings.  “Here we have some unlucky travelers who seem to not know their own limits!  The poor darlings simply couldn’t stop themselves and ran up a terrible debt in my casino.  I tried to intervene on their behalf of course, but when a customer has assured me that they are right, how can I not trust their word?”

The five spacers were dressed almost identically, the primary color of their outfits being the only difference.  Two men, three women, alternating between hastily constructed divisions in the pipe framework, forming improvised stalls for each one.  Each wore a glittering bunny outfit, expertly tailored for their body size and shape, even the men, complete with floppy ears on their headbands, fishnet stockings, and high heels.  The women wore green, yellow, and red, the men pink and purple.  To make sure they didn’t put up too much of a fuss, the headband with the bunny ears was actually attached to the head harness that was securely strapped and locked around their heads, their mouths filled with a dildo/ball gag and hidden behind the color-coded facemask that kept the lower halves of their faces hidden.  It didn’t stop drool from spilling down beneath it, already glistening on their chests.

Each of the bunnies were tightly wrapped in multiple layers of rope, owing to the rustic flair the Hole had built up for itself out here on the Demon Sector frontier.  Their arms were secured behind them, with more ropes winding around and highlighting their chests, with several more bunches securing their legs together at the mid-thigh, above and below the knees, and at their ankles, even keeping the heels in place, being tied around their arches.  More ropes secured to their torso bindings were lashed to the overhead framework, ensuring they wouldn’t be wiggling or hopping too far. A final rope wound around each of their waists and ran between their legs, extending out over a pulley and to a bucket, which were currently empty and shaking at the end of the line as the five struggled. For the women, the ropes ran between their lower folds, and for the men, the ropes wound tightly around their packages, and in each case, would grow tighter the more weight that was added to their pots.  In each of the five stalls were an assortment of stimulating toys, sure to keep the bunnies hopping.

Vanessa turned back to the crowd, her voice taking on a more pleading tone, though she doubted she could keep it sounding sincere for long.  “So, my dear customers, I would ask that you search your hearts and consider a generous donation to these poor, debt-ridden travelers!  Help them work off their significant debts so that they may continue their journey!  But, we should also consider teaching them a lesson not to be so careless!  Five credits for a grope, ten for a teasing session with a vibrator, fifty for a spanking, one hundred for ten swats with a paddle, two hundred for ten lashes with a leather strap!  Please, my good, generous customers, show these poor, dumb, greedy idiots that we are a generous people in Paradise City, and are more than willing to help them recover their debts and travel the stars once again!  Oh, and do mind yourselves; customers who get too rowdy will be dealt with harshly!  Be careful, you might find yourself up here too!”

Vanessa waved at the crowd as she replaced the mic, cheers going up as lines were already forming on either side of the stage, kept in order by the bouncers she had brought in just for this event.  She sauntered toward her bunnies, specifically to the ship’s captain in the middle of the group.  Smiling at the scowling woman, Vanessa made a show of plucking a cred chip from between her tits, showing it to the crowd, then tossing it into the captain’s bucket.  She then took two handfuls of the captain’s tits, giving each a firm squeeze, delighting in the angry squeals and wiggled protests of the captain.  

With the captain fired up, Vanessa sauntered backstage, grinning like the devil she was.  It was going to be a very profitable night.

A short and sweet little piece that popped into my head one day after seeing some particularly enjoyable image sets on Pixiv (link below) involving bound bunnies, ropes, and filling buckets with heavy things.  Vanessa and Savory, along with the Devil’s Watering Hole had already been established some time before I wrote this one during a little online tabletop RPG game I’d ran for a friend, and thus it seemed a perfect place to incorporate the idea.  See, that’s the fun thing about rough and tumble frontier towns, the laws are so much more lax when it comes to employee rights!

Anyway, not much more to say about this one.  It’s a fun little diversion, a little peek into the Demon Sector’s largest settlement (at this time), and a successful worldbuilding exercise.  I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it.

Stay tuned next week for the follow up!  We’re not done with the Devil’s Watering Hole just yet!

Oh, and I think I mentioned a couple links…here they are:

Tell next time, Urban out!

Hit me over on DeviantArt, or on my Discord server!  I’m usually always around, and would love to hear what you have to say!

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper