Madhouse Cat Fight – Part 3


House Call

Laura sighed as she sank onto the couch, the coolness of the soft material soothing some of the day’s aches.  She crossed her legs, rubbing one foot after she plucked her shoe off, easing away the fatigue.  It had been a long, tiring day spent working on her latest case at the SCPD, and even with her enhanced stamina from her burgeoning powers as Gun Bunny, she was tired.

She glanced at the clock by the TV, noted it was nearly midnight, and wondered where Cat was.  Cat had sent a text a few hours earlier that she would be late, that she had run into an old acquaintance, but since then, nothing.  Cat could certainly take care of herself, but after that whole incident with Dollface a few months ago, Laura had been more than a little protective of her.  Maybe she should just give her a quick call and see when she was going to be home.

As Laura reached for her phone on the coffee table, there was a knock at the door.  She shot an annoyed look at the door, wondering who could be knocking this late.  None of their neighbors were usually up this late, not on a weekday, anyway.  “Maybe they’ll go away…” Laura thought for a moment, content with just relaxing on the couch for a while longer, but then the knock came again, a bit  louder than before.

Groaning, Laura got to her feet, checking her gun in her shoulder holster, making no effort to hide it as she approached the door.  She’d tossed her jacket on the kitchen table earlier, but as she neared the door, she was suddenly alert.  Some instinct was warning her to be cautious.  She approached the door more slowly.  “Who is it?” she asked, hand on her gun as she leaned into the peephole.

Laura’s eyes widened at what she saw.  Two blue-haired women wearing business suits, one’s hair in a ponytail, the other wearing it loose about her shoulders.  They looked fairly similar, siblings perhaps.  For a moment, Laura could only think of how gorgeous they were, their suits hugging their curves perfectly.  She was practically ogling them through the peephole.

The one with the ponytail spoke.  “Detective Conway?  Please open the door; I have some things to discuss with you regarding Miss Ramos.”

At the mention of Cat’s name, Laura quickly narrowed her eyes.  It hit her then.  She recognized these women!  Jennifer and Maria Tempest!  What kind of mess had Cat gotten into that she had run across the Tempests?!

As much as she wanted to, Laura resisted the urge to open the door immediately.  She had to weigh her options very carefully.  Not one, but two of the Tempest family now stood at the door to her apartment.  Perhaps the most wealthy family in Sentinel City, perhaps the most influential, and perhaps the one with the most rumor and shady dealings swirling around it.  Some members of the family were always coming up here or there whenever a big criminal investigation was underway, never actually related to a criminal act of course, but there was always some suspected link.  Just never any evidence or anything even remotely solid the police could use to tie them to anything.  

Laura quickly ran down what she knew about these two.  Jennifer had been earning a name for herself as the Director of the Edgewater Institute, the city’s primary holding facility for superpowered villains once they were captured.  Edgewater’s expertise in this area had earned them quite a few high praises from the higher-ups within the Sentinel City power structure, though the nature of what went on there was not entirely known, for security purposes, so it was said.

Maria Tempest on the other hand…Laura knew a lot less about her.  She had made an appearance when another of the Tempests, Rachel, had been named as the new director of the city’s museum following the renovations that had come about due to the battle that had finally captured Pink Pussy during that whole Dollface affair.  Otherwise, though, her name hadn’t come up a lot.  She ran some kind of special school or something just outside of the city on a private estate, but Laura didn’t have the particulars besides the fact that it catered to the super-wealthy types.  

“Detective, open the door.  I have a lot of work to do, and would prefer not wasting more time than I need to,” Jennifer said, putting a hand on her hip.  

Grimacing, Laura reached for the doorknob.  She needed to find out about Cat, but what could the implications be if it were discovered she was having a private meeting with two of the Tempests?  Her entire caseload could be in jeopardy.  What if some lawyer found out and raised the accusations in court that she was in bed with them should their names come up at some point?  Laura flushed slightly.  “Not literally, figuratively!” she thought, chiding herself for even thinking of such a thing.  Not that she would mind, certainly… “No, derail that train right now, Detective!

Before Jennifer could speak again, Laura opened the door, forcing her most pleasant smile.  “Of all the things that could have happened this evening, I certainly wouldn’t have expected a visit from two of the Tempests.  To what do I owe the honor?”

Maria smirked, while Jennifer’s face remained quite a bit more stern as she spoke.  “Detective, may we come in?  I would prefer not to discuss matters such as this in a hallway.”

Laura got the impression that Cat was in some kind of trouble, and stepped aside, motioning the two of them to enter.  “What’s happened?  Is Cat okay?  She’s not…in your hospital, is she?”

Jennifer didn’t respond immediately, waiting until both of them were inside and Laura had closed the door before she continued.  If either of them disapproved of the modest apartment Laura and Cat shared, neither indicated it.  Jennifer met Laura’s eyes.  “I’m afraid that is the case, Detective Conway.  Physically she’s fine, though I have my doubts about her mental state.  Shall we sit?”

Laura was about to tell Jennifer to just get on with it, but instead she nodded toward the couch.  “Sure…” she said slowly, grabbing one of the chairs from the kitchen table and following behind the two Tempest women, her eyes drifting downward, noting the tightness of their skirts, how much thigh was actually revealed, the way their pantyhose shimmered over their legs.  “Damn it, Laura, head out of the gutter!  What’s wrong with you?  This is about Cat!

She sat her seat on the opposite side of the coffee table from the couch Maria and Jennifer had sat upon, eyes going to Jennifer’s briefcase.  “So what’s happened?”

“Do you know of a woman named Anita Winters?” Jennifer asked, taking out a tablet from her case before crossing her amazing legs.  

“Oh shit,” Laura groaned, Jennifer’s legs forgotten.  She certainly knew Anita Winters; her and Cat had fought plenty of times back during Cat’s MMA days, and they hated each other almost as much as Pink Pussy hated Shadow Lynx, maybe more.  Their last fight had been absolutely brutal, and there was even talk of some legal action to keep the two from each others’ throats before Winters had gone off to fight in the men’s division.  Laura rubbed her temples with her thumb and forefingers.  “What happened?”

“As I understand it, a chance encounter at a restaurant led to a shouting match, which nearly led to a brawl right there, which then evolved into an illegal fight within my facility,” Jennifer said, tapping at her tablet before holding it out for Laura to see.  A video from a high-definition security camera played in full color and with pretty good audio, showing a crowd of nurses cheering as Cat and Anita went at one another.  It didn’t look like either had grown more fond of the other.  “You can understand that this proved to be quite a disruption to my staff and their scheduled duties, to say nothing of the fact that Miss Ramos was not given permission to be on my property, certainly not within an ‘Employees Only’ area.”

Laura watched the screen for a few more seconds, until Jennifer pulled it away and stopped the video.  She crossed her arms, looked up to the ceiling for a few moments, then back to Jennifer.  “How much trouble is she in?”  

“That depends on you, Detective,” Jennifer replied, her voice betraying nothing, completely calm and collected.  Laura had no doubts that the Tempests were very adept at extortion, proof of it or not.  “I could have gone directly to the SCPD with this the moment I found out about it; the nature of my facility and its relationship with the city being what it is, security is an absolute priority.  Trespassing in such a place only to have an illegal brawl is very troubling indeed.  However…upon learning of your relationship with Miss Ramos, I decided to extend a professional courtesy to you.  This doesn’t have to get out of hand.  I am big enough to admit that my nurse was in the wrong by bringing Miss Ramos into my facility in the first place.  It’s obvious she was thinking with her fists and not her admittedly small brain.”

So Winters was working as a nurse?!  That seemed completely nuts at first, but the more Laura thought it over, maybe it was more for pure muscle than actual nursing, given the nature of the people who went inside Edgewater.  She kept her face as neutral as possible as she considered Jennifer’s words.  “What exactly are you proposing?” Laura asked carefully.  Why did she feel as if she were about to negotiate with the Devil himself?

“Nothing more than a standard observation period,” Jennifer said, tapping at the screen again.  “Seventy-two hours for their blood to cool and their injuries to heal.  Following this, there would be a final interview with another of my staff just before she is released.  I am not anticipating any problems in that regard, barring undiagnosed issues stemming from a long history of concussions, of course.  I’m even willing to use a false name for the record given that she is something of a local celebrity.”  Jennifer raised a finger as if anticipating a protest from Laura.  “Nothing shady, I assure you; celebrities do it all the time when they don’t want the press to find out they’ve had a medical issue.  And believe me when I say that I have no love for unwanted attention from the media.”

Jennifer paused, looking up from the tablet screen.  “Additionally, Nurse Winters will be receiving further punishments once she resumes her duties following her time-out period.  Though…in the case of Miss Ramos, perhaps additional punishment should be more of something you should consider.”

Laura sat back in the chair, on guard.  “What exactly is that supposed to mean?” she asked, warry.  Her eyes shifted to Maria, then back to Jennifer.

“I can understand people quite well, Detective; it is part of my duties as facility director, you see,” Jennifer said, gaze unwavering upon Laura.  Laura caught herself staring into her eyes, her breathing quickening as she very nearly lost herself within them.  The feeling passed, and Jennifer continued.  “Miss Ramos was very worried about what you would think when you found out about her situation.  I explained to her that it is within my rights to have charges officially brought up for her trespass, but as I said, I wanted to extend a courtesy to you and not have things go that far.  I…sense there is something deeper between the two of you than just sharing an apartment?”

The way Jennifer said that made it sound like she knew exactly what the relationship between Cat and Laura was.  Feeling her face warm, Laura crossed her arms and made herself look away from Jennifer.  “You’re…not wrong,” she said after a few seconds of hesitation.  

“Certainly nothing to be ashamed of, Detective.  We should all be so lucky to have someone special in our lives,” Jennifer said.  “But I get the feeling that you’re more the controlling personality in your relationship?  Miss Ramos is quite headstrong and quick to act without thinking, but you can reign her in, keep her on a shorter leash than most can.  Cage those wild impulses?  Though your relationship has recently evolved into something much deeper, I think.”

Laura tensed, her eyes narrowing as they went back to Jennifer.  Those were some very specific words for her to have used.  How did she know?!  Cat surely wouldn’t have told a complete stranger something like that, especially not in a situation like she was in now.  “And you just…figured that out through brief conversation?  Guess that’s why you make the big money, huh?”  There was probably more venom in her voice than she’d intended, but if Jennifer had taken offense, she didn’t show it.

Instead, Jennifer actually smiled.  Laura’s heart skipped a beat, and for an instant she wanted nothing more than to have that smile all to herself.  What a beautiful woman!  

Then, the feeling passed, and Jennifer shrugged.  “I wish I could take credit for my amazingly keen observations…but I’m afraid it’s a much more simple explanation.  After the fight had ended and both of them were being treated, I looked at Miss Ramos’s cell phone and unlocked it with her thumbprint while she was unconscious, looking for an emergency contact and noticed she had messaged you last…and she had you listed as ‘Mistress BunBun’.  I didn’t delve deeper than your contact information, I promise.  Apologies if I’ve assumed wrong, but being familiar with the scene myself, I don’t think I am.”

Mistress BunBun?!”  Laura felt as if her face was on fire at the moment, and the rest of her body was quickly following.  Laura knew that Cat kept a completely different cell phone for use as Pink Pussy and all her social media stuff, but that was getting damn close to the line!  “Calm down, maybe it’s not so bad.  Nobody could assume who the two of you were based on something like that…right?  It was just a cute nickname, if a bit embarrassing for someone else to know about…

Maria leaned forward then, her smile just as disarming as Jennifer’s had been.  “It’s adorable, really, Detective.  I could just imagine you wearing a more dominant style of attire to highlight your legs.  You really should consider dressing to show those off better.  Though I suppose that would be looked down upon at the police department, wouldn’t it?  A pity, really.”

Laura swallowed, her throat dry.  Maria made a good point, maybe she should consider a wardrobe change.  When she was dressed up as Gun Bunny, it really did show off her legs, which had only gotten more muscular and shapely as she had adapted to her heroic persona.  Then Laura shook her head, banishing such thoughts.  Why was she even thinking about her choice of clothing now?  No doubt her annoyance showed through as she turned a harsher glare back to the Tempests.  “So what now?  It sounds like there’s really no other good option here.  Cat’s gotten herself into trouble again, and now she’s going to have to sleep in the bed she’s made for herself.  I’m not happy with the situation, but I’m not unappreciative about what you’re doing for her.  So thank you for that, at least.”  If she had sounded flustered, it was because she was.  Coming home after the stressful day she’d had, topping it off with Cat landing in this situation, and getting a house call from two of the Tempests…it was too much.

“Now I wanted to make you a proposition, Detective,” Maria said, producing a card from the pocket of her jacket.  She held it between two fingers, then slid it across the coffee table.  “Have you heard of the Tempest Grand Academy?”

Laura looked at the card, on alert again, then followed Maria’s hand to her arm, diverting to her chest for a moment before going to her face.  “Is that what you call that school outside the city?  It’s for the rich and powerful right?  Like an ivy league university or something?”

“Not exactly, no,” Maria said, sitting straight, chin raised, radiating a commanding presence.  “We do tend to cater to the wealthy, but not always.  We focus more upon training for certain behaviors…behaviors which I believe you and Miss Ramos have begun to explore.  As Jennifer suggested, perhaps it would be appropriate for you to punish your headstrong pet in some additional way.  But instead of calling it a punishment, why not consider it a chance at education?  Proper training for the both of you, a chance to learn more about your roles and grow closer.”

Laura felt her eyebrow raise.  “Your school is some kind of S&M club?”

Maria’s eyes narrowed, her lips curling into a frown.  “Most assuredly not,” she said firmly, and the tone of her voice immediately had Laura shrinking into her seat, feeling like she was getting admonished in school all over again.  “Our goal is to educate and train dominants and submissives in proper behaviors through an academic setting, and to reinforce good practices:  safe, sane, consensual.  You’ll learn much more than that, of course, and we have several programs designed with specific focuses depending on your interests.  Jennifer has even sent some of her staff to my facility to learn when they may have performed in undesirable ways.”

Laura shook her head slowly.  This was nuts!  “I couldn’t do something like that.  One, me or Cat couldn’t afford it, and two…your family has a reputation in Sentinel City.  One that the average person doesn’t know about?  Granted, there’s no proof of anything specific, and I’m not implying anything, but if anyone on the force knew I was meeting with not one, but two Tempests right now, it could be bad for me.  This sounds very much like a bribe of some kind.”

Maria waved her hand dismissively, though the intensity in her eyes grew.  “Rumors spread by other influential persons who wish that we weren’t as successful as we have been.  And this is not a bribe, Detective.  It’s simply an invitation for a weekend at my school as a free trial offer; I’ve given such offers to many people.  Jennifer has discovered some behavioral issues with your lover that I’m sure you would like to see corrected, yes?  I can help you do that, show you where you need to improve yourself to better handle someone as headstrong as she is and get her in the proper mindset for better obeying her mistress.”

“I couldn’t-” Laura started, but Maria cut her off.

“Don’t make the decision now,” Maria said.  “The offer will remain open, and it’s something you should discuss with Miss Ramos once she’s out of my sister’s facility,  and decide as a couple.  I can assure you that both of you will benefit from my courses.”

Laura continued to shake her head, but couldn’t say anything in response.  The entire offer just seemed so surreal, as did the situation.  “Maybe I should have brewed up some more coffee when I got home…

“Detective Conway, here is my contact information as well,” Jennifer said, sliding her card next to Maria’s.  “I understand that you are feeling rather overwhelmed at the moment, but I can assure you that Miss Ramos is in excellent hands.  We have the best doctors and nursing staff in the city…with a singular exception, it seems.  But, if you have any questions at all, please let me know.  You have no objections to my proposed observation period?”

“Uh…no, no I guess not,” Laura replied, sighing, looking from the two cards to the two goddesses sitting on her couch.  She should have felt relieved that they were leaving, but she would rather they have stayed.  It would almost hurt not to see the two of them sitting there… “I um…I’m just tired, and it’s a lot to take in after the day I’ve had.”

“Excellent,” Jennifer said, standing with Maria following half a second after.  “I hope that you’ll be able to pick up Miss Ramos in person when she’s released; it’s usually better if a loved one is there, even if it’s a fairly minor stay such as this.  In the event of an emergency, you can leave a message with my secretary, or if you feel the need to make additional inquiries at the nurses desk, I’ve checked Miss Ramos in under the name Felicia Guerrero, though direct communication will be impossible as it is classified as a psychiatric observation.”

“Right, okay,” Laura finally got to her feet, rushing by the two women to open the door.  “I uh…appreciate the assistance here, I really do.  Sorry that Cat caused you so much trouble.”

Jennifer smiled, and Laura felt a longing to see that smile forever, to feel Jennifer’s lips with her own, to press their bodies together… “It’s quite alright, Detective.  It wasn’t wholly her fault, and she will learn her lesson, I suspect, sooner or later.  Good evening.”

Maria followed Jennifer, pausing before she fully exited the apartment, her smile just as radiant, filling Laura with desires she didn’t even know she’d possessed.  “Good evening, Detective.  I do hope you’ll consider my invitation; I’m positive the two of you will enjoy yourselves.  You’ll learn more about yourselves than you may realize, I guarantee it.”

“I’ll…we’ll consider it, yeah.”  Laura leaned on the door as she watched the Tempests walk down the hall, their tight skirts hugging their swaying hips.  She sighed again, feeling as though she’d just lost something amazing as the pair moved out of sight.  She very nearly stepped out into the hall to keep watching, but caught herself, shook her head, and shut the door, sliding the locks into place.  “What’s gotten into me?  I must be a lot more strung out than I thought…”

Laura rubbed her eyes, her exhaustion coming on quickly now.  She glanced at the cards on the coffee table, then at the couch.  She wanted to sit there again, to breathe in the lingering scent of Jennifer and Maria’s perfumes, but willed herself to walk by the couch, heading to the bathroom.  “A shower first, then bed.  You need rest,” she told herself.  Her mind never strayed that badly unless she was tired, but even then, she’d never lusted over a pair of women like that.  Then again…there weren’t many women like those two, certainly not together, and certainly not in her apartment.  

As she hastened to strip off her clothes, Laura thought more of Cat, and felt angry.  Not just at how Cat had gotten herself caught up in a fight with Anita, but at herself for even thinking as she had about the Tempests.  “They’re mafia, Laura; you know this, even if there’s no proof of it.  We’ve been looking at that family for years trying to bring them down.  You can’t get involved with them, you can’t, not anymore than you already are!”

As the hot water poured down on her, and much of the aches of the day started to fade, she kept her mind on Cat.  Even if Laura didn’t trust her, Jennifer had made a good point.  Cat was definitely getting some kind of additional punishment for doing something so stupid.  She still had the cage in the corner of her bedroom, and plenty of restraints to play with.  Cat had been mostly good for a while now, but this was a pretty serious incident, especially if it brought them anywhere near the Tempests.  

After the shower, Laura headed straight to bed, flopping into her cool sheets without even bothering to put on her sleeping clothes.  She drifted off quickly, her final thoughts before sleep took her being of Cat across her lap, receiving a firm paddling.  Yet, they weren’t alone; Jennifer and Maria watched them, sitting on the couch again, nodding their approval at Laura’s choice.

A slightly different perspective on events, this closes out our little detour back to the superhero setting, hinting at things to come and officially introducing Maria Tempest to the mix, though chronologically she’ll be introduced earlier in an upcoming story (don’t have a release date on that one yet as I’ve not written it).

I’ll likely be diverting elsewhere in the UrbanVerse next week, though I might pause my releases for week or two; I’ve been working around the house and property a lot now that the weather is warming up, and will be getting ready for a little weekend getaway as this posts.  Though I’m at that age where I’m feeling the soreness more keenly than ever, I am quite enjoying my time with the chainsaw.

Thanks for reading, everyone, hope you’re continuing to enjoy my work!

Until next time, Urban out!

Hit me over on DeviantArt, or on my Discord server!  I’m usually always around, and would love to hear what you have to say!

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper