Lila’s Haunted Asylum Misadventure – Part 8 – Punishment for a Naughty Boy


Kori’s eyes rolled as his body shuddered, his asshole clenching around the plug that filled his rear passage.  Another orgasm rocked him, making him squirm against the bindings that kept him secured to the wheelchair.  The milking device strapped to his cock sucked greedily at his fluids, and more of the mixture from the feeding tube trickled down his throat.  

How long had it been?  His rolling eyes came to a stop on the IV bags, taking a moment to focus on them.  The large bags were half empty now, but still the plug and the milker continued their unrelenting task of milking him for every drop his elven body could produce.  

It had to have been hours. Kori couldn’t concentrate on anything but the unrelenting stimulation, on the forced pleasure he was being subjected to.  His struggles had practically ceased, his body unable to find the strength to try to escape the straitjacket and the chair.  

All there was now was the milker.  That’s all he could think about, all he could hope to ever do.

And so it continued, for how long, Kori couldn’t begin to guess.  Sometime later, when he looked at the bags, they were almost empty.  Yet the milker and the plug continued, and yet more somehow came out of him, and his vision wavered as another orgasm shook him.

Kori’s eyes snapped open, aware of a merciful silence filling his cell.  He was still strapped to the wheelchair, but the milking machine had stopped!  The IV bags were empty, and the machine was silent!

Feeling somewhat refreshed, unsure of how long he had been out, Kori tested his bindings, finding the latex just as tight as it had been before.  He was aware of stiffness in his limbs, and his feet especially thanks to the ballet heels, but he had a renewed will to escape!

As he tried to wiggle free of the jacket, the cell door slid open.  He had hoped to see Lila and Releana, but instead there was another figure he didn’t know.  Kori whimpered and tried to shrink backward as his eyes fell upon the unsettling gaze of the ghostly form wearing a doctor’s coat, and that vile, unnaturally wide grin upon their shadowed face.  Perhaps the doctor’s eyes were the most unsettling, filled with a malevolence Kori had only seen in a handful of people in his years. 

“Mister Sunstrider…a pleasure to meet you at last.  I trust you’re feeling refreshed after your treatment?” the doctor asked, stepping inside, plucking a clipboard from the wall.  “Hmmm…my, it seems you have quite the lustful nature; so much semen you’ve produced!  Such lasciviousness!  That simply won’t do!”

Kori whimpered again, working his mouth around the thick penis-gag that had his jaw aching.  He shook his head, offering an unintelligible plea for freedom.

“No, I’m afraid we can’t do that; you’re still very sick.  We must treat you properly!  You are very fortunate, though.  We have a specialist visiting today who is familiar with cases such as yours, and I feel they will be better able to treat that lustful nature.  Yes, you shall flourish under their treatment, certainly.  Nurse!”

The trio of ghostly nurses appeared from thin air in the doorway, all giving Kori cruel smirks as they approached him and began unlocking the milking equipment and the locks on the wheelchair wheels.

“Take our patient to Special Treatment Room Two.  The specialist has already begun preparations for the next phase of treatment!”

“Yes, doctor!” the nurses said, quickly finishing their task.  

Kori groaned when the plug in his rear was pulled free, feeling entirely too empty after having had it in place for so long.  The chilled ghostly hands touching his cock and balls made him squirm as the milker was pulled free, though somehow he still managed a hardon, even after what could have been hours of milking.  Soon they pushed him out of the padded cell.

To Kori’s dismay, he saw that the cell with Relana’s name was now open, but there was no sign of his human companion.  Had she escaped?  Or was she with another specialist now?  And what about Lila?  The cell with her name was still open as well.  Had they not caught her yet?  Was there still a chance?

The nurses wheeled him down the cell bay.  The doors began to glow as they approached, and when they passed through, Kori found himself in another room, this one cold, like a surgical room, though there was no hospital bed, only the sterile white lights overhead where one should have been.

Instead, there was a framework there, with what looked like some kind of stocks on one end, and plenty of straps on the other.  Heels clicked in the shadow beyond the frame, and then a figure stepped into the light, and Kori’s heart nearly stopped.  His eyes widened, and a frightened squeal came from around his gag as he tried desperately to break free of the chair, getting only the squeak of latex and leather for his efforts.

No!  It wasn’t possible!  How could she be here?!  NO!

“What’s the matter, Kori?  Surely you’re not afraid of me?  Whatever would give you the impression I intended to hurt you?”  The elven figure that stood before him wore a stylish business suit beneath a doctor’s coat, her flame-red hair held in a tight bun atop her head.  Her eyes were hidden behind the glare of light against the lenses of her glasses.   

But Kori knew what was in her eyes, the same terrible darkness that filled the doctor’s eyes.  Rivalle…his former boss, the one who had kept Lila and Releana enslaved for months, who had kept him in a similar state for even longer, and who had tortured him for those months of enslavement.  Fresh tears found his eyes as she looked him over.

“Oh, dear, sweet Kori,” Rivalle said, her voice dripping with a terrifying sweetness that made his blood run cold.  “If you’re thinking back to our last meeting, don’t worry.  Everything I put you through back then…that’s behind us now.  I’ve learned so much more, you see.  And I’ve had several months to consider exactly how I would pay you back for stealing my pets from me.  What you’ll begin to experience today will make everything from before seem insignificant in comparison.  You may have screamed for days back then, but I assure you, Kori, you’ll scream for weeks, no, months, this time!  Secure the patient!”

A terrified scream came from Kori as the nurses wheeled him forward.  Eyes wide and dripping fresh tears, Kori fought with every ounce of strength he could muster.  The moment the straps on the chair were undone, Kori pulled his heels over the bar that held them and pushed off on the floor, causing the wheelchair to slip backward a couple feet.  His sudden movement surprised the nurses, giving him half a chance to escape.  

Kori was on his feet in the next instant, balancing precariously on the pointed toes of the ballet boots, but pivoted and started running toward the door.  

“Stop him!” shouted one of the ghostly nurses.

Kori hit the double doors with his shoulder, the straitjacket still fully secure upon him, and kept running.  A long, darkened hall stretched out in front of him, dozens of doors on each side, but no obvious branches he could take.  

But he didn’t care.  He had to get away from Rivalle, no matter what it took!  So he kept running, tottering on the edge of falling with each panicked step, only his elven grace keeping him upright.

“How can he move that fast in heels like that?” he heard one of the nurses ask behind him. 

“He’s not a bumbling ape like you, idiot!” Rivalle called behind them, her tone betraying her annoyance at their incompetence.  Would she punish the nurses too?  How could she punish ghosts, though?  If it were possible, and anyone could do it, it was Rivalle.

Hearing the footsteps of the nurses getting closer, Kori’s eyes darted left and right, looking for some path to take that wasn’t straight ahead.  Feeling like the nurses were on top of him, Kori feinted right, then dove left, putting all the force he could muster into his shoulder.  The door in front of him opened and slammed against the wall behind it, but Kori dashed inside.  He had a momentary view of a padded cell, but then he was tumbling, rolling down a steep padded incline into darkness.  

Screaming into the gag, Kori suddenly came to a stop on his knees in a brighter room.  He shook his head to clear his hair from his face and froze.

Rivalle stood no more than twenty feet away, by the framework he’d seen earlier.  He was back in the treatment room!

Rivalle turned to him, her eyes still seeming to glow with menace reflecting off her glasses from the bright lights above.  Her lips curled into a cruel grin.  “Oh, Kori…you didn’t think it was going to be that easy, did you?”

Breathing rapidly through his nose, Kori scrambled across the floor on his knees, making his way toward the exit door.  He found something resembling balance and managed to get onto his toes again, and pushed through the doors.  He saw the hallway stretching out in front of him again, but no sign of the nurses.  

He ran again, anything to get away from Rivalle!  

“Don’t tire yourself out too much, Kori!  Your treatment will not be as pleasant for me if you’re all tuckered out!” Rivalle called behind him, her voice echoing down the cavernous hall.  

Sweating beneath the latex and from the difficulty of breathing around the massive gag, Kori bumped into another door, but it failed to open.  He leaned back and put more effort into another try, and the door swung open, and he took a step forward, but stopped suddenly.  Instead of a padded cell, there was a dark void, the sound of a massive cavern-like expanse stretching before him, and he teetered on the edge, a sense of vertigo overwhelming him.

Kori took an uncertain step backward, his brain trying to understand how exactly he could be seeing such a thing, when his butt bumped into something cold.  Sucking in air through his nose, he slowly looked to his right.  

A ghostly glow had appeared beside him, a figure wearing an outfit like his, minus the gag, a forlorn look upon his girlish face, framed by wild blond hair.  It had been the ghost’s ass that Kori had bumped into.  “It’s pointless running; you’ve been a bad boy, and you need to be punished.”  

Before Kori could even think of how to respond, the ghost shifted and then bumped him with its shapely ass, the impact sending Kori tumbling forward into the dark void.  Kori screamed into his gag, wind rushing past him as he fell into darkness.  

As he fell and tumbled end over end, something suddenly snatched his ankles.  In the blink of an eye, gray concrete rushed toward him.  Just before impact, Kori jerked to a stop, feeling cuffs tightening around his ankles.  He let out a wheezing cry, hearing the click of heels approaching him.

“Kori, Kori, Kori…my, but aren’t you just so difficult!” Rivalle said.  Kori felt her fingernails on the left cheek of his bare ass, then her fingers on his hip as she spun him to face her.  He stared at her ankles, but whimpered when he saw the framework behind her.  He was back in the operating room again!  “Shall we end this game, or would you like a third try, hmm?”  

“He won’t run again, ma’am,” said an unfamiliar voice.

“I trust not, nurse,” Rivalle replied coolly.  She gave Kori a little push, sending him into a slow spin.  His eyes fell upon the nurses again, but this time there was a fourth one, and this one was just as big and muscled as Releana, if not bigger.  “Secure the patient, and do it right this time. I’d hate this to affect your next evaluation.”  Rivalle’s voice dripped with venom as she walked back toward the frame.

The nurses surrounded Kori and gave him no chance to resist them this time.  One worked the winch and lowered Kori to the floor, but before he had even gotten halfway down, the big nurse had hold of his hair, wrapping it around her big, meaty fist, while the other two held to his legs.  They worked quickly to peel off his latex thigh-highs, then pulled off the cuffs that had appeared around his ankles, then his ballet boots before pulling the leggings all the way off.  

The coolness in the air was obvious now that Kori’s legs were bare, and it only got worse once the two nurses had moved upward and peeled off the straitjacket.  Kori whimpered and jerked against the big nurse’s hold, but he wasn’t going anywhere.  

The fourth nurse came back with a pair of bright pink leather mittens, which were easily slipped over Kori’s hands as her two companions held his arms in place.  Once his hands were fully inside, they tugged the straps tightly around his wrists.

“Okay, cupcake, come on,” the big nurse ordered, hauling Kori around by his hair, making him squeal as they marched him toward the frame.  

Somehow, it reminded Kori of a prisoner on their way to an execution. 

The nurses lifted him up and positioned him upon the frame, setting his knees into a pair of padded rests, spread about two feet apart.  A pair of straps went over his calves while they positioned his ankles into the padded stocks and flipped the top half into place before snapping a lock into the retaining clasp.  Kori wiggled his feet, finding that the padding kept them quite secure.  

They weren’t finished, however.  Two nurses went to work attaching small leather loops around each of his toes, securing each one at the bottom of the frame and tugging them tight.  This made sure that he couldn’t curl his feet, and that his soles were completely unable to be protected; he couldn’t even wiggle them from side to side in any significant way. 

They then guided his arms upward, locking the mitten-cuffs to either end of a bar attached to the upper section of the frame, keeping his arms spread wide.  

It was only then that they finally eased their guard, stepping away from the frame.

“Nurse, remove his gag as well.  I’ve decided that we will be proceeding with an additional treatment,’ Rivalle ordered. 

The big nurse complied, immediately unlocking the gag, undoing the straps, then pulling the large penis gag from Kori’s lips.  Kori gasped as he closed his jaw for the first time in a long time, working the soreness away as best he could.  It would only be a matter of time before Rivalle had something worse in place. 

“Leave us.”  Kori watched, eyes darting back and forth, as the nurses faded away one at a time, the big nurse disappearing last.  He dared not look back toward Rivalle. Rivalle’s heels clicked closer, and Kori stiffened as her fingernails ran lightly up his soles.  “I see you’re still insisting on that silly pink nail polish.  The red I preferred suits you much better.”

“B-but I’m not with you anymore,” Kori whispered, trembling as her nails continued to trace over his soles.  She knew he was very ticklish, but there was no way that was all she was going to do with his feet.  She wasn’t that kind.

“Oh, but you are, Kori.  Returned to me by the good Doctor Villegast.  He’s got the right idea, though; you need corrective treatment.  Perhaps this time you’ll let me in on just how you managed to free my dear pets.  I left you in no state to perform such heroics.  It seems you healed well from my play time; most intriguing.”

Kori gulped, clenching his mittened fists tighter.  He trembled again as memories of those weeks as her ‘stress doll’ flooded through him.  

“Nothing to say?  I promise I’ll be merciful if you tell me how you did it.”  Her hands began a gentle massage of his feet.  “I’ll even agree to halving your treatment time, give you an early release.”

Somehow the way she spoke about ‘early release’ made Kori even more unsettled.  Unable to stop trembling, he did manage to finally shake his head.  “N-no!  You’ll be j-just as cruel as ever!  D-do whatever y-you want with me, j-just leave t-the others out of it!”

One of Rivalle’s hands left his feet and went to his back, just above his shapely butt, and slid upward along his spine.  “I don’t think you had one of these before, Kori.  Seems that running around on your own has given you some unpleasant traits.  I’ll have to correct those as well, won’t I?  You always did make things more difficult than they needed to be.  Well, I suppose we’ve waited long enough.  Let’s begin.”

Rivalle brought her hands to Kori’s hair, smoothing it back, then gathered it into a tail.  He felt her tying something into it, giving it a firm tug.  She then attached the other end of the cord to the frame, stringing it up tightly, jerking his head backward so that he couldn’t lean forward.  From there, Rivalle moved away for a moment, returning with a small medical tray containing several items, all of which Kori recognized, as he had been subjected to them at one time or another, whether it was Rivalle or one of her business associates who she had given him to for a night’s entertainment. 

Turning her gaze toward Kori, Rivalle’s eyes were again hidden by the reflection of lights off of her glasses, but the cruel smirk on her lips was more than enough for him.  “It’s disappointing that you’ve been neglecting your discipline, Kori.  This time, though, I’ve made some improvements that should encourage good behavior going forward.”

Kori gritted his teeth as he watched her pick up the pink cock cage from the tray.  He’d rarely gone without one like it after a time once he’d fallen under her sway; and the last few years he’d been in her service, he hadn’t had it removed at all, in lieu of all the promises she had given him to remove it. This cage was different, though, a much more cruel design that featured small, dulled spikes along the interior, and a narrow extension tube coming from the head of the penis cage.  There was only one place that could go, and it made him shiver.  

“You approve, I see,” Rivalle said, snickering as she leaned over in front of him.  Kori’s breath came quicker as her hands went between his legs.  One cupped his balls, the other his penis.  Though he had been milked for the gods only knew how long, he felt his manhood stirring at her touch.  Even as the retaining ring was fitted around his shaft and balls, Kori tried to understand just how his penis could betray him at a moment like this.  He could feel the spikes pressing against his flesh already as Rivalle brought the penis cage to bear, holding his shaft with two fingers.  “This will hurt, but you knew that from the moment you decided to disobey me.”

Kori felt the tube at the head of his penis, and bit down as RIvalle started feeding it inside.  At least he was thankful for the recent milking for one thing…he was somewhat lubricated, even though the tube hadn’t been at all.  Still, he squeezed his eyes shut and groaned as pain flared up inside his cock.  It only got worse the further the tube was pushed inside until at long last it reached the retaining ring and was locked in place.  The addition of the tube meant that his penis stayed semi-rigid regardless of how aroused he was, and that meant he was already feeling the tiny spikes digging into the flesh of his cock.  

Rivalle kept his balls cradled in one hand, squeezing them in a teasing manner while she retrieved something else from the medical tray.  Kori groaned again, seeing a larger metal object in the same shade of pink; it was a ring, but much thicker, with a trio of screws around its circumference in addition to the locking latch.  Rivalle took firmer hold of his balls and pulled them downward.  Kori squirmed as the thick metal ring was opened and then fitted around his sack and locked in place once it had been closed up.  The screws were tightened, adding a distinct additional level of discomfort as the weight of the device kept constant pressure against his balls.  

“There, now you’re looking more like you’re old self, somewhat improved though,” Rivalle said.  She used the fingernail on her pinkie finger to tease through the metal cage, tickling the head of his cock, which made him squirm as pain enveloped his trapped manhood.  

Rivalle’s attention went to Kori’s head next, her hand grabbing his clenched jaw.  With her unusually strong grip, she easily worked his jaw open as he intently focused on the darkness at the side of the room, anything to avoid making eye contact with her.  Her other hand maneuvered a dental gag into place behind Kori’s teeth, and ratcheted it open, once again forcing his jaw painfully wide, though leaving his mouth accessible for whatever tortures she had in mind. 

“There’s no reason to be so fearful, dear Kori,” Rivalle said, her voice again filled with a sweet malice that made him shiver, and then he jumped when her hand stroked his shapely thigh.  The leather holding his ankles firmly in the stocks creaked as he reflexively tried to move his feet in any meaningful way.  “I’ve done nothing worthy of such fear yet.  We’ve simply been getting reacquainted so far.  I’m not the one being tight-lipped, am I?  Well, if you’re not using it, I suppose I should.”

Rivalle’s fingers were immediately at Kori’s mouth, her fingernails snatching his tongue deftly in a painful pincer-like grip just beyond the tip.  Kori squealed and shook against his restraints, catching a glimpse of Rivalle’s cruel smirk and the reflected light that still hid her evil eyes.  Somehow not seeing the cruelty in there was even more terrifying at the moment.  

She pulled at his defenseless tongue, bringing it out of his mouth.  As Kori strained against her ever-more-painful grip, Rivalle picked up another item from the tray, this time a pair of wooden dowels, about six inches long, about half an inch in diameter.  These she quickly positioned at the top and bottom of his tongue, pressing them together to compress his flesh.  With her elven dexterity, she quickly tied off the two dowels at either side of his tongue, the pressure steady and uncomfortable, as was everything else about his position.  Once she released her grip on his tongue, he couldn’t return it to his mouth, the wooden pieces forcing it to remain extended.

Kori didn’t see Rivalle’s hand move, but certainly felt the slap she delivered to his cheek, momentarily dazzling his vision.  “I swear, not thanking me for the attention I give you!  You’ve become completely undesirable as anything but a torture doll, Kori.  Luckily for you, that’s just what your treatment calls for.”

Fresh tears welling in his eyes, Kori let out a groan when she turned her attention to his chest, massaging his nipples into a hardened state.  Next she brought up a pair of devices he absolutely hated, and she knew he hated them, and began attaching them to his nipples.  One at a time, she positioned the cone-like surgical steel cages over his nipples, using her fingers to reach through them to secure the alligator clips to his nipples.  Just the clamps snapping shut was enough to make him squeal, but when she turned the handles at the end of the cones, the clamps retracted, pulling his nipples with them until they were extended most excruciatingly from his chest, leaving him in agony with each breath he took.

That done, Rivalle stepped behind him, and again her hands went to his ass, her nails raking over the flesh.  This time he felt faint lines of fire that momentarily overrode the pain in his nipples as she dug in more forcefully.  “A pity this was your best asset, really.  I was honestly considering you for a partnership in the business until your betrayal, but I’d learned some time ago you just didn’t have the brainpower for it.  I will admit, though, I look forward to abusing this again; perhaps some jewelry for all the fat back here?  After we tenderize it a bit, of course.  But, I’m getting ahead of myself!  Don’t you worry, I haven’t forgotten to fill up your fuckhole.”

Wishing that she had forgotten, Kori clamped his eyes shut and felt the hot tears streaming down his cheeks as she pressed something against his asshole.  It was cold, and he felt a little bit of lubrication at least as she pushed the rounded head and it began to go inside.  Slowly what felt like a monstrously large cock was shoved up his rear.  Kori shook and groaned with each passing inch, feeling each and every one of the rough bumps on its surface as they pushed past his asshole.  Worse, the girth of the monster kept getting bigger, stretching him even further.

“This should be at least twenty-five percent larger than the good orcish captain that fucked the shit out of you back when all this first started.  He wasn’t your largest, I’m sure, but you certainly seemed to be enjoying his attention when he called me up that day.  Such a little slut.”  Rivalle continued pushing without mercy, the thick phallus continuing somehow deep inside Kori’s helpless ass.  

Worse, the ridges were hitting him in just the right way, causing his cock to grow inside the cage, which again made him cry out in pain.  His situation was quickly becoming maddening, and he squirmed vigorously, jerking his arms against the restraining bar, again trying to wiggle free of the stocks, but he moved not an inch.  

Compounding his situation, as the phallus finally stopped moving into him, he felt the base of it inflating, filling his ass even more painfully full and ensuring that it wasn’t going to come out without Rivalle’s approval.  A moment later, there was additional reason to worry, as he felt heat growing inside him, around the full length of the dildo.  His teary eyes snapped open and a low, nasally squeal escaped him as the first tingles of intense heat began to ignite.  The lubricant had something else in it, something that was rapidly turning his rectal passage into a searing inferno!

“Now that you’re properly dressed for treatment, we’ll begin simply,” Rivalle said at last, having taken at least a minute to appreciate his squirming, desperate attempts to free himself, and the steady rise in the volume and pitch of his pain-filled cries.  

Kori felt her doing something with the base of the dildo, then felt a new rush of cold inside him.  The sensation was deeper inside, much deeper than the fires that currently burned, but it spread quickly, even deeper.  As it too started to warm and tingle within, he realized that she was filling him with the same stuff she’d lubed the dildo with, like a fiery enema!  He screamed then, putting everything he had into trying to free his arms in a wild struggle that caused the clamps on his chest to sway painfully back and forth, just enough to up his agony to the next level.

“Settle down, Kori,” Rivalle said, all too calmly.  “The agent I’m introducing into you hasn’t even fully activated yet.  What you’re feeling is just the initial warmup phase.  You see,” she explained, her hands again rubbing over his ass and thighs, “this particular agent responds to the greater pains your body experiences.  Right now, that little tingle is just from what you’re going through.  Soon enough it’s going to fill you up; I’ll admit, I’m rather curious to see what you’ll look like with a full belly, why, I’d imagine it’d look like you were pregnant.  Won’t that be amusing?  Of course, the rest of this particular phase of treatment will be to see if we can get the fluid inside you to it’s fully activated state.  Now, R&D hasn’t exactly worked out how much pain that’ll require, but I can assure you, we’ll find the right amount before we leave here.”  

Rivalle’s hands delivered a quick pair of harsh slaps to Kori’s ass cheeks, making them jiggle around the massive plug inside him.  Almost immediately the stuff inside him seemed to surge, growing hotter and making him squirm wildly again.  Now he begged her around his restrained tongue, begged for mercy.

He knew it was a hopeless act, but it was all he could do.

“Oh no, Kori, I’m afraid we can’t have that at all.  What kind of caregiver would I be if I neglected a patient’s treatment like that?”  Rivalle chuckled, and Kori heard leather creaking behind him.  “Let’s start.  Round one, we’ll call it.”

Leather slapped against flesh, and Kori squealed as his left heel exploded in a bright flash of stinging pain.  Another strike landed a half-second later, just a couple inches away, over the arch of his foot.  Thanks to the cords holding his toes, he couldn’t even curl his feet to try to protect his soles.  Inside him, the steadily growing sensation of fullness likewise flared with intensity, making his insides feel like they were actually on fire.  Certain that his flesh was already burning from the inside out, Kori screamed again when his right foot was struck by the riding crop, then again, and a third time.  Each strike caused the stuff inside him to flare up, sending a terrible, radiating wave of intense burning through him. 

“Mmmm…yes, this is looking encouraging already.  Of course, it’s far too early to say with certainty, but I think we’re onto something.  I do still have to come up with a name for it, though.”  Rivalle spoke casually as she used the crop again, this time on his thighs, striking several times as she worked her way up toward his curvy ass.  “This will be a product mainly for the sex industry I imagine; perhaps we could market it to the church of Yurisaya?  They’re a bunch of pain-freaks, they’d love this stuff.  But what to call it?  ‘Sap of the Fire Dragon’?  No, too unwieldy, not great for marketing.  ‘Liquid Pain’ just seems too plain, though it’s certainly appropriate.  Hmmm…decisions, decisions…”

Kori’s next scream echoed in the chamber as Rivalle’s riding crop stuck across both ass cheeks, with a strike that was much stronger than the previous ones, no doubt leaving a welt across his skin.  Inside, it was as if a wildfire had set off, spreading out from his guts to every inch of his body, making him writhe in heated agony.  He sagged against his bonds, hanging from his arms as he was overwhelmed, his head held upward only thanks to the way his hair was secured to the frame.

“Oh, surely you’re not tuckered out already!” Rivalle said, laughing.  “Why, we’ve not even finished with the crop, and I still have a proper whip and a scourge yet to try!  I’m considering very strongly trying some needlework, too, perhaps with some electro-shock.  I’m sure that’ll get the stuff going properly!  Aren’t you so happy we’ve wound up together again, Kori?  I know I am, and I’m looking forward to another decade of having you as my plaything.”

Just the thought of spending that long with Rivalle was enough to send Kori into a panic, his energy to struggle and try to free himself renewed by the possibility of being her torture doll for a decade or more.  Behind him, Rivalle laughed, and the crop landed on his ass again, then again, his screams mixing with her laughter in the darkened halls of the asylum.


His torment had only just begun…

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper