Lila’s Haunted Asylum Misadventure – Part 7 – The Doctor and the Cow


Releana groaned and fell onto her side within her stuffy, dimly lit cell.  She was covered in sweat from her latest thrashing attempt to loosen the straitjacket but had only succeeded in winding herself and swallowing more of her sweaty-sock flavored saliva.  

Needless to say, she was tired of the whole situation. 

How long had she been here?  Hours?  Days?  She’d seen nobody, though she’d certainly heard sounds that had unsettled her, the most recent one that had provoked the latest struggle for freedom being a woman’s scream, a mix of pain and pleasure followed by heated moaning and panting, followed by the sounds of whips on flesh.  

Where was Lila?  Where was Kori?  Why hadn’t they found her yet?

Were they captured like her?  Was that one of them screaming?

No, Rel!  Keep thinking positive!  They’re fine, it’s just a big place and they’ll be here any minute to get you out of this and then you can hurry the hell out of this place back to the ship and get back to the club and give Lila that spanking she deserves for this whole mess.”

As if answering her thoughts, the locks on the cell door clicked, and the door slid open.

Releana let out a squeal, expecting to see Lila and Kori there, but there was nobody there.  

At least at first.  

The air shimmered in the doorway, and then a ghostly figure materialized.  Unassuming shoes and pants, a white lab coat…and that unnaturally wide grin Releana had seen before, when she had first entered the building upstairs.  Then she saw the dark eyes above it, and she shuddered, turning her gaze to the padded floor.  Those weren’t natural either.

“Miss Veylani…so glad to finally meet you,” said the doctor, his voice a deep, low rumble that somehow seemed to echo in the padded cell.  “I’ve been reviewing your case, and I am certain we can treat your maladies, though I admit a certain amount of experimentation will be involved.  The mind can be a difficult nut to crack, you’d agree?”

Maladies?!  Experiments?!  Releana whipped her eyes back to the ghostly form, glaring at him and cursed behind her gag, but remained unable to meet his frightful gaze.  

“I think we should address your desires to prance about as a pony first,” the doctor said.  “Having animalistic urges is not entirely abnormal, you understand, but perhaps you’ve been emulating the wrong animal.  Yes, I think we should try another animal to explore your mental state.  I sense that you have something of a wild spirit, and perhaps that is causing your difficulties integrating properly with those around you.  So we must attempt to cool that fiery nature and enhance your calm, siphon that restless energy from you as it were.  Yes, I think this is what we need.”

Releana shook her head.  The doctor was making no sense!  “Fwwsh ywwh!” she said around her socks, straining against the straitjacket, hearing the leather and canvas creak in protest, but the jacket’s hold was firm.  

“Yes, we must cool that fiery nature most of all.  You’ll appreciate this, Miss Veylani.  You’ll be able to wear hooves like you do so enjoy; we must encourage such good behaviors, hmm?  Nurse!  Prepare the patient for treatment!”

Releana gasped in surprise; how did he know that?  How had they known her name for that matter, to say nothing of her affinity for pony play?  She enjoyed playing with the girls and boys at the club, and had started developing a reputation for being a strict equestrian, but deep down, despite her prior experiences under that corporate bitch who was trying to steal her company, there was a strong desire to let herself be the ponygirl again.  There’s no way he could have known that!  Not even Lila and Kori knew that!

The doctor turned toward the door and faded away, and a moment later the large nurse appeared, accompanied by a trio of shorter, less muscled nurses.  She leered down at Releana, hands on her hips.  “Are you going to be a good girl, or do we need to play rough again?”

Releana’s response was to snarl into her gag and to twist her body inside the jacket.

“Just how we like it, then,” the big nurse said.  She raised her left hand and snapped her fingers, the locks along the back of Releana’s straitjacket, and on her cuffs clicking open a heartbeat later.  

Though it was still impossible for her to escape, Releana nonetheless tried, struggling against the bonds once again, jerking at the jacket and kicking her feet as the nurses piled onto her.  Screaming her displeasure, Releana kicked at the ghostly forms surrounding her as they released her legs from the strap, then removed the cuffs, but one nurse took each leg while the big one brought her back to the padded floor.  To hold her in place, the big nurse straddled Releana and sat firmly atop her face, keeping her muscular legs to either side of Releana’s shoulders.  

Feeling a distinct chill covering her, Releana was still surprised when she found it hard to breathe beneath the bulk of the nurse, and that each breath she did manage was filled with the unmistakable scent of an aroused pussy.  Letting out a started squeal, Releana felt the nurses on her legs doing something with her legs, and finally realized that they were pulling latex over her flesh.  The rubber snapped over her thighs as they brought the stockings fully upward, and then smoothed them out.  

Releana twisted and squirmed trying to break free, but the big nurse clamped her legs more tightly around the bound woman’s head and pressed her panties more firmly against Relena’s nose, making it even harder to breathe.  

“Keep fighting us, girl!  We’ll just make it worse for you!” said the big nurse.  “Now hurry up with those boots!”

Releana’s feet were pushed into a pair of boots, her toes angling downward.  The boots weren’t as steep as ballet boots, but the angle was a lot more inclined than your typical high heel.  As the footwear was zipped up, reaching just below her knees, and further secured with a half dozen straps on each one, Releana knew they were hoof boots.  She’d worn them enough to know the particular angle her feet were forced into, the way they were reinforced around the ankles.

The big nurse moved off of her then, and Relena greedily sucked in air through her nose as her sight was once again returned.  The minor freedom was short lived, as the big nurse moved her into a sitting position, then wrapped her big arms around Releana’s neck before hauling her to her feet.  As her freshly booted feet touched the padded floor and she got some weight on them, Releana automatically corrected her balance, instinctively adjusting to manage the hoof boots.  

Thanks to the hold of the big nurse, Releana couldn’t see her new boots or the latex leggings, but she let out a low, nasally whine.  The nurse wasn’t holding her quite as tight as when she’d first been captured, but it was enough to restrict her breathing to some extent.  Shifting from foot to foot, Releana felt a stirring between her legs that had nothing to do with the straitjacket strap.  It was a strange mix of disgust and elation that came over her, of humiliation at being forced into whatever the doctor had planned, and a feeling of contentment now that she could stand in a way that seemed…normal.  She barely registered the rattle of chains and click of metal as a pair of heavy-duty shackles were secured around her booted ankles.

Two nurses held more equipment in their hands ready to use.  Releana smelled latex and saw a mix of black of white.  It took her a second as the third nurse hurriedly undid the straps of the straitjacket, but she recognized that it was a cow print design.  

The big nurse tightened her grip around Releana’s neck as the straitjacket came loose, and the third nurse worked it off her sweaty body.  As Releana’s arms came free, the other two nurses were on her in the blink of an eye, seizing each one in a firm grip and starting the latex gloves over her hands and up her arms.  The gloves were opera length, reaching almost to Releana’s shoulders, though once it came to her hands, instead of fingers, the gloves ended in pockets that forced her hands into fists.  Though she tried to fight it, the nurses knew their jobs well and managed to get the gloves in place without too much hassle.  

Hands thus secured, the nurses added another item over the cow print gloves, a pair of hooves for Releana’s hands.  These went over her fists and were likewise made of latex, though thicker and shaped in the style of a cloven hoof.  Her fists fit inside the hooves perfectly, and the hooves were secured in place with the connected cuff, which was strapped tight and secured with a lock.

As the third nurse hurriedly began putting something around Releana’s midsection, it finally struck her:  cow print, cloven hooves, and the doctor’s reference to siphoning…he’d meant milking!  They were turning her into a human cow!  Releana screamed into her gag and got a tightening around her neck that momentarily cut off her breathing entirely.  

The big nurse laughed.  “She finally figured it out, girls!  Guess she’s on the intellectual level of a cow after all.  Now hurry up and finish her dressing!”

The two nurses working with Releana’s arms soon had them drawn up so that her wrists were near her shoulders, and tugged a pair of straps in place, forcing her to keep them bent and unable to be used for throwing any punches.  The third nurse had managed to situate the device around Releana’s midsection, which turned out to be a ribbed corset, and quickly tightened up the laces in the back, not to the point of impeding Releana’s already limited breathing more, but she wouldn’t be running any marathons, even if the big nurse wasn’t holding her tight.

The big nurse let go of Releana’s neck, letting her breathe heavily through her nose once again, quickly finding the limits of the corset.  Before she got any ideas, however, the big nurse snatched Releana’s twintails, wrapping them in her fist painfully tight to prevent her from moving around too much.  The third nurse undid the straps of Relenaa’s gag and removed it, pulling the soaking wet socks from Releana’s tired mouth.

Happy for the chance to work the stiffness from her jaw, and for no longer having her dirty socks filling her mouth with their strong aroma, Releana was nonetheless disappointed when the two other nurses began working a new gag harness into place.  This one, styled in the expected cow print pattern, had a modified bit/ring gag attached to it, as well as a pair of little horns on the top of the head strap.  The ring was set securely between Releana’s teeth, and the rubber-coated bit partially wrapped around her head where it connected to the rest of the harness, which was quickly strapped into place and locked down with the same small locks as before.  Though she did notice there were still a few buckles remaining that weren’t connected with any of the other straps.

The nurses had one last item for their patient, however.  Releana let out a groan as she adjusted to the new gag, seeing that they held a cow print collar in hand: a wide, stout-looking design with a large cowbell attached to the front ring.  They quickly had it fitted around her neck and the snick of a lock told her it was just as secure as everything else.  As the big nurse released Releana’s hair, her movements made the bell clank, and her cheeks heated.  

The big nurse clipped a leash to the ring the bell hung from and gave a tug.  “Come along, we’re going to the treatment room.  Keep those legs high and straight, now!  I want to see that pony training in action.”

Releana’s first thought was to resist, but as the big nurse clicked her tongue and tugged the leash, Releana’s long hours training as a pony kicked in, and she followed along obediently, high-stepping her way out of the cell and turning the corner with ease in her new hoof boots.  The length of the chain on her shackles was just long enough to allow her a perfect high-step, but nothing more.  She faltered as she passed through the door, coming to a stop as she saw the name on the door across the hall from her, the cowbell jangling again.

“Kowwi!” she stammered around the ring in her teeth, feeling the first lines of drool already starting to fall atop her breasts.  They’d capture Kori?!  How had they managed to get their hands on him?  No, it had to be a trick to get her demoralized, more willing to go along with them!

A sharp smack on her ass brought her out of her shock and growing sense of rebellion.  “Keep moving!  You’ll be seeing each other for group therapy later!” the big nurse commanded, swatting at Releana’s ass again with the end of the leash.  

Whimpering, Releana followed obediently behind, the strict obedience of her pony training overriding her desire to stay to try and help Kori, knowing it would only cause her more agony from the ghostly nurses.  She was led down the hall toward the double doors and was momentarily dazzled by a bright light as they passed through them.  Her hooves still clicked over concrete, but it was more muffled, and she picked up on the smell of straw in the air.  Looking down, she saw that it littered the floor and that she was being led toward a frame standing in the center of the dim room.  

Waiting by some machinery that rested a few feet from the frame was the doctor, busying himself by filling a pair of large syringes with some kind of faintly glowing white liquid.  “Nicely done, Nurse; very good timing indeed.  I trust there was no trouble?”

“No, Doctor; the patient was surprisingly docile, especially when she was fitted with her new gear.”

“As expected; this one plays the dominant, but cannot resist being led around like an obedient pony.  Rivalle certainly trained her well.”

At the mention of her elven enslaver, Releana snorted, stomping her hoof angrily as she bit down on the ring.  Though she was still highly unsettled as she looked at the doctor, she couldn’t help but wonder if they were in this together.  Was he going to turn them back over to her?  How did they know each other?

“Into the frame, quickly now,” the doctor ordered, his unearthly grin widening at Releana’s response.  “Our patient’s treatment simply cannot wait any longer.”

As the nurses guided her into place, Releana realized that she had just responded to the doctor as a ponygirl, and felt her cheeks heat.  “Stop it, Rel!  Snap out of the pony mindset; this isn’t the time for it!” Though her mind had told her one thing, her body had responded automatically; Rivalle and her trainers had done an amazing job with her, maybe too good.

Still, though she wanted to, Releana couldn’t make herself fight the nurses as she came to a stop at the frame.  The chain between her shackles was secured with a padlock to a ring set into the floor, while a secondary set of shackles were secured above the first set, these secured to the outer bars of the frame, ensuring that she couldn’t bring her ankles together.  The big nurse guided Releana downward over a padded bar and into a molded bench which stretched from Releana’s hips to just below her breasts, leaving her upper half parallel to the floor.  A single wide strap was secured around Releana’s waist and cinched down until it was snug.  

The straps around her arms were undone, but her hooved hands were quickly secured in a waiting pair of shackles, secured to bars to either side of her, leaving her hands on about the same level as her head.  The leash was removed, and another chain was secured to her belled collar.  Breathing faster, Releana shifted on her feet, chains rattling as she felt a chill around her pussy that indicated she was already aroused. 

Damn Rivalle!

The doctor approached her as the nurses busied themselves with the nearby machinery, wheeling a medical cart and tray to a stop beside Releana.  He crouched beside the frame, examining her for a few seconds.  “Still quite responsive to proper stimuli, the subject already shows significant arousal before treatment has begun.  Remarkably docile when treated as an equine.  Quite fascinating!”  The doctor’s hands grasped Releana’s breasts, hefting their weight and giving them a few firm squeezes.  

Releana moaned, eyes rolling as she shook in the frame.  The doctor’s touch was like ice, making her nipples harden instantly, to the point they started to ache as he continued to examine her chest.  A line of drool fell from her mouth, though the doctor’s arms to the floor.  

“Yes, these shall respond quite well to the enhancement drugs,” the doctor said, finally releasing Releana’s breasts.  “Ready the harness to be connected to the patient as soon as she has received her injections.  Stimulators will follow.”

“Yes, doctor!”

The doctor rose and picked up one of the syringes, held it up to examine its contents, tapped out an air bubble, then crouched again.  “Miss Veylani, do hold still.  You’ll feel a slight…pinch.”  

Releana bit down on the ring in her mouth, her eyes glued to the needle tip as it was lowered out of sight.  She shook and jumped as the icy grasp of the doctor found her left breast, the cowbell ringing.  He held her flesh firmly, pinching her nipple between two fingers.  A whimper slipped from her as she squeezed her eyes shut.

Pain exploded in her nipple as a cold, firm mass pushed itself deeper and deeper inside.  Her whimper became a whine, then a scream as she jerked against the frame in a futile attempt to pull away from the needle.  A moment later the pressure was still there, but it had stopped moving.  Now a warmer, more liquid sensation began to form and expand inside her flesh, growing more uncomfortable as it increased.  There was a definite tightness within her breast now, a feeling of weight that shouldn’t be there.  At last, the needle was withdrawn, the empty syringe brought past Releana’s now open eyes and placed on the tray.

“There, that wasn’t so bad.  Only one more.”

Another whimper formed in Releana’s throat as the doctor picked up the other syringe, and she again squeezed her eyes shut as the pain repeated, and her right breast was injected with whatever was inside the syringe.  

Once the second syringe was withdrawn, Releana opened her tear-blurred eyes to see two of the nurses moving some kind of harness into place over her breasts; her first thought that it was like a bra, but it obviously had another purpose.  Long tubes ran from cups set in rings at the ends of the harness.  Four rubber straps were evenly spaced around the small ring that held the cup and stretched up to a larger ring, which itself was secured by thicker straps to the main part of the harness that would go over her shoulders and around her back.  

The larger rings were brought around Releana’s breasts first, all the way to the bases of them.  The rings were oversized and didn’t fit her breasts well, and the smaller rings at the ends of the ‘cups’ were dangling well below her nipples.  The larger straps were brought over her shoulders and around her back and were pulled as snug as they could be.  

The third nurse flipped on power to the machine, and a light humming filled the chamber along with a slightly less audible hissing of air.  The two nurses tending to the harness brought the cups attached to the tubes up from their retainer rings to Releana’s still-hard nipples, and they stuck there with the unmistakable sensation of a vacuum pulling at Releana’s hardened nubs.  

Just as she was starting to process that sensation, Releana felt a light pressure behind her, at her pussy and anus.  Her training once again kicked in, and she raised her rear what little she could manage, presenting it to the waiting objects as she had so many times when her tail plug had been removed.  The big nurse had maneuvered another machine into place, two large poles extending from it, each ending with a large dildo, a light sheen of lubricant already upon the devices.  With a little more adjusting, the phalluses slid themselves inside Releana’s waiting holes, filling her to a point just shy of being painful.  A low groan came from deep inside her as she sagged against the frame, already feeling the heat building inside around those large phalluses.  

“Activate the stimulators.  Stand ready to adjust the harness as needed, and get her isolation mask ready.”

The machine behind Releana began to hum louder, and the plugs began to move.  At first, it was a slow push forward, filling her even more, the tips of the dildos pushing inside deeper and deeper, finally stopping as they threatened to break her, then slowly they moved backward, pulling out until just the tips were still inside her.  Long hours of wearing plugs with her pony harness had trained her body to accept such large things inside her, and it responded as she had expected, with a desire for more, with greater wetness from her hungry pussy.

The fucking machine began to pump faster, the anal and vaginal dildos even alternating speeds as they continued, and both seemed to have a vibration function that activated at random.  Releana moaned heatedly, eyes rolling as the pleasure of the mechanical fucking rose within her.  She noticed a peculiar warming inside her breasts now too.  Releana made a questioning grunt as she looked down, unable to see well below her, only the ghostly glowing nurses to either side of the frame.

The heat in her breasts began to expand throughout them.  Releana felt a tightening of her flesh, then a strange expanding feeling inside.  As the pressure within her breasts grew, so too did they grow heavier.  She was suddenly aware of the rings at the base of her breasts growing tighter.  Started, Releana squealed, stamping her feet to the rattle of chains and the jingle of the cowbell.  The harness grew tight, and pressure from it increased around her breasts, which she realized were expanding to a great degree.  Her chest felt heavy as the suction cups were guided into their retaining rings, and still, her breasts grew, stretching the rubber straps between the rings.  A moan that seemed at once filled with equal parts pain and pleasure escaped her, and again she jerked against the frame, the bell at her neck clanging with the more violent movement.

“Excellent.  Mammary expansion is proceeding as expected.  Increase stimulation to maximum levels and secure her mask and feeding tube!”  The doctor’s icy hand rubbed over Releana’s raised ass as he issued the order.

Releana panted as the dildoes pounded at her relentlessly, sliding in and out with little resistance.  Her breasts continued to feel more pressure, though she caught sight of a trickle of white fluid running along the length of tubing.  Her eyes traced it back to a large stainless steel canister set against one of the machines, the size at least five gallons.  How much were they expecting to get off of her?  Surely not that much!

One of the nurses brought another device up in front of Releana then, the first a phallic plug that was fed through the ring in her mouth, pushing to the back of her throat before being screwed into place.  Another tube trailed from it, through a strangely shaped mask, to an IV stand, fitted to a quartet of large bags filled with unknown contents.  The mask was brought toward her face and was soon revealed to be in two halves.  The first half was pressed against Releana’s face, blocking out her vision entirely as it was secured to the unused straps on the gag harness. 

The other half of the mask was brought around the back of her head, her hair gathered inside it before it too was secured into the harness.  As the straps were tightened down, Releana suddenly became aware that she could no longer hear the machines running around her; in fact, she could hear nothing but her own breathing.  She shook her head but didn’t even hear the bell sound.  For a moment she was in complete darkness, but then her vision returned, though at first, she wasn’t entirely sure what she saw.

She wasn’t looking through her eyes, rather, somehow, she looked through the eyes of the mask she had been fitted with and saw…herself.  Her eyes blinked, but the image didn’t change.  Releana saw herself secured to the frame, the fucking machine working steadily, relentlessly in both holes.  Her head resembled a cow now thanks to the mask, with dark eyes and a dull look, the mask somehow having bonded to the gag harness to form a seamless covering that completely hid her head.  Upon seeing her breasts, she squealed and jerked at the frame’s restraints.

Several things happened at once.  First, all Releana heard when she squealed was a loud mooing.  Second, her massively large breasts swayed back and forth; they were easily three or four times as large as they normally were, straining against the harness, her flesh spilling out almost grotesquely between the straps.  A steady flow of milk traveled from her nipples through the tube, but still, her breasts remained massive, their size unchanged, the pressure around them unrelenting.  Third, she saw herself jerk and squirm in the frame.  Combined with the rapid thrusting of the fucking machine, the image of her as a human cow, being milked and fucked without mercy by the machine behind her was too much.

Releana’s back arched, straining against the strap that held her in place, and she screamed as she came, a massive wave plowing over her and carrying her into a maelstrom of erotic pleasure.  Excited mooing filled her ears as she bucked and fought against the frame, the rapid pounding and vibrations of the dildos filling her holes quickly sending her into another climax.  The milk flowed freely from her engorged tits, filling the tube easily as it traveled to the canister.  As Releana watched with wide eyes, a distinct thought entered her head.  

It almost seemed like a voice was correcting her, but she couldn’t identify it.  Surely it wasn’t her own voice…was it?  “You don’t have tits anymore.  You have udders.  Cows have udders.  Milk comes from a cow’s udders because they don’t have tits.

Her view changed, and suddenly she looked at herself from straight on.  She raised her head, her cow-like visage staring straight into the invisible camera that she viewed herself through.  She moved her hooved hands, watched them move exactly as she had done.  Her massive udders swayed beneath her, and she saw juices splashing around her rear as the machine continued to fuck her.  The sucking sensation of the milking harness kept her nipples constantly stimulated.  She mooed again, and yet another orgasm ripped through her eliciting another heated moaning moo.

Somewhere in the pleasure haze and rapid-fire orgasms, Releana heard the voice again.  “That’s a good milk cow.  Cows love to be milked; it’s their purpose in life.  You’re not a pony anymore…you’re a milk cow.  Look at those udders, how full they are!  Keep coming now; the milk must flow, after all.  Yes, that’s wonderful!  You make a much better cow than you ever did a pony.  Such a good milk cow you are!

Releana mooed happily in response as her view changed, this time showing her from below and behind, a constant drip of sexual juices from her pussy hitting the floor between her hooves, her massive udders hanging only a few inches from the floor as they ballooned with their seemingly endless supply of milk.  As she came again, and the voice continued to encourage her, Releana finally realized who it was speaking to her.  

It wasn’t her voice after all.

It was Rivalle.  Her mistress Rivalle, who had treated her so cruelly as a ponygirl now praised her performance as a cowgirl!!  

Releana let out a long, loud moo at the revelation, sucking at the sudden gush of cool, flavorless liquid that came through her feeding tube.  In her mind, it was her mistress rewarding her, and that only made her happier, so she came again, even more milk coming from her udders.  

Her view changed again, overhead this time.  The changes were getting more frequent, making it hard for her to keep one image of herself in mind for long. 

Rivalle continued to praise her, though, through each change, her voice was there. 

Releana was a good cow!  She was the best milker!  Releana had to please her mistress!  

Why had she ever wanted to escape from her in the first place?

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper