Lila’s Haunted Asylum Misadventure – Part 6 – Feeling the Holy Spirit


Lila returned a deadpan stare at Sella.  Seriously?!

“You just couldn’t resist, could you?” she managed after a few seconds of silence. 

Sella smiled back at Lila.  “I’ve not been this excited in decades; of course I couldn’t resist!  Now get your cute little behind over here so that we can get started.”

“Are…those really necessary?” Lila eyed the chains dubiously.

“It’s a ritual process; very important to follow the Dark Lady’s lead on this, you know.  Besides…you might squirm a bit, and that could be an issue.  We have to be very precise about this.”

“Might squirm a bit…lovely…” Lila had already started having second thoughts about what she had agreed to, but she didn’t exactly have a lot of options, and if she could have a somewhat powerful priestess, even in spirit form, on her side, then that had to count for something when dealing with a psychotic ghostly doctor.  Setting her jaw, she strode forward fully into the chamber, and down the stairs, stopping in front of Sella and her sarcophagus.  “So how does this work?”

Sella stepped aside and motioned toward the position she had just vacated.  “Stand here, face me, and I’ll take care of the rest.”  The many chains continued to dance, seemingly anticipating what was to come.

Lila did as her ghostly companion had instructed, turning her back to the sarcophagus to follow Sella’s movement.  Sella took a position about five feet from Lila and extended her arms, her form-fitting outfit dissolving into the ether, leaving her just as naked as Lila.  “Last chance to back out, my dear.”

Shaking her head, Lila extended her arms to match Sella’s position.  “I’ve had worse.”

The corner of Sella’s mouth turned upward.  “Oh, a challenge then?  I think I like you, Lila.”  Sella turned her palms upward, and as Lila mirrored her move, the chains around them snapped to their limbs, wrapping around their wrists and ankles like metallic tentacles.  

Lila’s legs were spread wide by the chains, effortlessly pulling her into a standing spreadeagle, then lifted her a good six feet into the air, holding her wide.  Sella was in the same position, the physical chains somehow holding her spiritual form just as tautly stretched as Lila was.  Lila winced as the chains bit at her flesh and kept constant pressure on her limbs, but it wasn’t so bad.  “That’s not so bad…”

“I’ve not started yet, kitty,” Sella replied, raising her head toward the ceiling.  “Yurisaya, oh Dark Lady of Desire!  Lila Darius wishes to invoke the Rite of Spiritual Binding!  I, Sella Shaong, your humble servant, shall be her guide.  Please allow her to accept the holy raiment upon her body so that together we may face a defiler of your holy grounds!  Yurisaya, I beg your attention and your permission!  Please allow your humble servants this small request!”

Lila had been in several religious ceremonies over the years and was fairly certain she may have performed some herself in a past life, so she knew that Sella had Yurisaya’s attention, even in her current between-life-and-death state.  The air in the room was charged, and there was a sense of something…powerful looming just out of sight.  Her heart raced as Sella repeated the chant again, her skin tingling with the power around her.  

From below, she heard the unmistakable sound of stone grinding against stone.  Lila dared to look and saw that the lid of the stone sarcophagus had split and slid to either side.  Within was a lining that looked like dark satin, and laid out as though it were still upon a physical form were several shining metallic items.  “Ah crap…”  She was more than a little familiar with the items and should have known that a high priestess of Yurisaya would have only the finest chastity gear.   Unless she missed her guess, the metal wasn’t silver, rather mithril, the purest form of silver in the galaxy.  

“Yurisaya has blessed us this day, Lila Darius!  Prepare for the binding!”

Gritting her teeth, Lila’s eyes returned to Sella.  The spirit was closer now, about three feet away, aligned directly in front of Lila.  Floating up from their resting place were three mithril rings, each set with a blood-red hexagonal ruby.  The three rings came to a stop between them, slowly spinning in the air, two at chest level, the other at crotch level.  The rings were small, too small to fit a finger but looked stoutly constructed. 

A bluish-white glow surrounded the rings, and suddenly the physical and the ethereal split, the actual rings moving toward Lila while the ghostly set went to Sella.  The rings stopped just inches from Lila’s flesh, and she felt disembodied hands upon her, squeezing and kneading her breasts, massaging her nipples.  She gasped, and again as more hands were suddenly between her legs, slipping between her pussy lips and over her clit.  She arched her back, pulling against the chains as her body reacted, her nipples and clit becoming quite aroused in moments. 

Lila let out a heated moan, knowing that it was pointless to resist.

In front of her, Sella too moaned a half-second later, her body writhing with pleasure.  Was she feeling her own pleasures, or was she experiencing Lila’s?  

Any further consideration of the ability of spirits to experience sexual pleasures vanished from Lila’s brain as her nipples and clit exploded in sharp, piercing pain.  Looking down, she saw that the rings had opened, impossibly long needles extending from the inside of them, the needles now piercing through Lila’s flesh.  A moment later the rings snapped shut, sending another pinching pain through her.  

Though she normally wasn’t a masochist, Lila couldn’t help but cry out in joy, Sella doing the same, as the stinging agony of the rings in her sensitive flesh mingled with the pleasure of the invisible hands, becoming as one.  Yurisaya’s blessing upon them, perhaps?

Panting, Lila saw two more items rising from below, each somewhat phallic-shaped, made of the same gleaming silver and with a rainbow-like array of tiny gems inlaid upon the gleaming silvery surface.  These too were enveloped in the blue-white glow, and the physical pair of plugs flew between Lila’s legs.  She moaned as the two plugs pressed between her moist lower lips, the head of each one barely going deep enough to tease her.  At almost the same moment, the rings in her clit and nipples began to hum, sending intense vibrations through her, the powerful waves seeming to bypass any resistance she could muster.  

Lila jerked at the chains which held her as tightly as ever, her breath quickly becoming a heated panting.  Her body was on the edge in moments, an orgasmic wave surging through her and ready to crash in with explosive force.

Then the vibrations ceased, the plugs sliding out, leaving Lila whimpering.  “Ohhh…please just a little more…” she begged.  Nobody answered her, and for a few moments, she simply hung limp above the floor, trying to squeeze her thighs together to get some kind of stimulation.  Impossible thanks to the chains, she could only look at Sella with pleading eyes.

“You poor thing…You’re going to be so disappointed…” Sella said upon seeing Lila’s expression.  She looked somehow pleased yet sympathetic at the same time.  She opened her mouth to speak again, but instead, a long, low moan came out.

Lila made a similar sound, the vibrating rings activating again, a low, steady thrum that teased her lusting flesh.  Aware of just how wet she was, Lila felt the first plug, the one that was more penis-shaped, sliding inside her pussy.  The other plug, the wider one with a much larger base, was likewise pressing against her ass, and slowly pushed its way inside, widening her tight hole.

“Ohhh…!” Lila moaned, arching her back as her lower holes were slowly filled.  Perhaps halfway inside, the plugs slowly pulled out, then slipped back in.  They too teased her, keeping the fire burning hot within her, but refusing to push it over the edge into a full orgasm.  

This continued for a time, keeping Lila on the edge, the vibrations of the rings pulsing slower and faster, or stopping completely.  She felt her juices dripping from her pussy and coating the plugs, which had alternated their positions.  

As Lila wondered exactly how long this would last, another pair of objects floated before her, these larger than the rings or the plugs.  Each was composed of black leather, with underlying ribbing that, despite being completely encased within, Lila somehow knew to be composed of more mithril.  The larger of the two, upon taking on its glowing energy, flew to Lila’s midsection, slapping against her skin with a sharp snap, making her cry out in the pain-pleasure haze that currently enveloped her.  The heavy corset wrapped around her and grew tighter of its own accord, stretching from just above her hips to just below her breasts, and somehow had an opening for her tail.  

“Ahhh…so tight…!” Lila wheezed.  The corset grew tighter still, forcing the air from her lungs as it compressed her waist.  Her breathing was soon just shallow panting as the vise-like pressure of the corset crushed her.  She had momentary flashbacks to a party she’d attended some years ago for some fairly rich people, and remembered how much she hated the corset and the huge, gaudy dress she had worn.  How she missed that particular corset now!

The second item flew toward their necks, and Lila choked as it wrapped itself around hers and squeezed.  This one, a neck corset, forced her chin high and her neck straight, momentarily cutting off her breathing completely as it sealed itself.  The thought flashed through her mind, as a combination of lack of oxygen and a sudden surge in the power of the rings further dazzled her, that neither the corset nor its smaller cousin had straps or laces; they just seemed to become a single piece once they had seized her in their grasp.

Lila was suddenly able to breathe again as the pair of corsets slackened their grip ever so slightly, and she gulped in as much as she could manage before her expanding lungs were stopped by the mithril-reinforced garment.  

Yurisaya must have been in a merciful mood because the vibration of the rings ceased, and Lila was allowed a moment’s respite, breathing in shallow gasps, her body covered in sweat, her thighs in her own sexual juices.  

That mercy didn’t last, however, as two more items floated upward.  Having to look down her nose at them, as she could no longer turn or move her head at all, Lila saw the gleaming mithril chastity belt and bra, already taking on their ghostly glow for Sella.  Each of the metallic objects snapped open, having no signs of locking mechanisms or the normal hinges such items should have and launched toward them.

Just before they struck, Lila’s eyes widened and she let out a low, carnal grunt as her pussy and ass were filled by the plugs.  Both felt larger now, the one in her ass seemingly trying to rip her apart as the wide base of the plug slowly passed her asshole and settled fully inside.  With a sharp metallic snap, the bra and belt sealed themselves around her, growing snug as they resized, the belt even reshaping itself, somehow, to allow for Lila’s tail to protrude from the wide waist belt, which easily fit around her recently slimmed waistline.  

The cool, unforgiving feel of the mithril upon her heated flesh made Lila writhe, the bra and belt both unrelentingly pressing against her body.  The upward push of the crotch of the belt made sure that the plugs were never able to slip in the slightest, and the bra compressed her nipples inside their metallic cups, their hardened nature making her feel the compression of her breasts and the rings in her nipples more intensely.  

For a moment, nothing else happened, Lila again having a reprieve to grow accustomed to her new state.  Then the vibrations in the rings and the plugs started again, fueling the desire for orgasm once more, making her pant and moan, even beg Yurisaya for mercy in a half dozen languages, though she was sure none was forthcoming.  

Indeed, such thought only spurred Yurisaya to continue the process, this time sending another phallic object floating toward Lila and Sella.  This one was a head harness, complete with a massive penis gag attached to a smooth outer panel.  Lila stared helplessly at it as invisible hands jerked at her golden hair, pulling it into a tight ponytail set high on her head.  The gag harness flew at her a handful of seconds later, and she made no effort to try to keep the large penis out of her mouth.  

Choking as the penis-shaped gag hit the back of her throat, Lila’s head was squeezed by the harness straps growing tight, the whole thing reshaping and resizing itself to her for a perfect fit.  A leather coil several inches long wrapped around her hair, keeping the ponytail riding high and pulling at her scalp.  Just as she was coming to terms with the state of her hair, she saw something move between her eyes, and then something clipped over her nose, pulling it upward: a nose hook!  Again, there seemed to be no locks or clasps on the harness.  

As her plugs and rings continued to tease her, Lila saw more objects floating upward.  How much more could there possibly be?!  No less than eight shining silver cuffs were before her and Sella, plus a larger collar with a mithril version of Yurisaya’s holy symbol dangling from the D-ring at the front of it.  With a pained whimper, Lila watched as the cuffs flew toward her and Sella, snapping around their wrists and biceps, then their thighs and ankles, and finally around their corseted necks.  Mithril chains secured the thigh cuffs to the waist of the chastity belt, with a smaller chain linking them together, drawing her thighs closer to one another, leaving only a couple of inches between them. 

Thinking the ritual was done, Lila was dismayed to see that she was wrong.  The chains holding her limbs began to grow warm.  Fearing they were going to burn her, Lila’s eyes widened with growing panic as they instead grew darker, then gained a shiny quality to them.  The scent of rubber overrode that of her own arousal as hot latex began to secrete from the chains and cuffs, pouring over her exposed flesh.  

Squealing, Lila remained helpless as the heated latex stung her flesh, not quite hot enough to be damaging, but enough to make her squirm as if she had been dipped in water that was too hot.  The latex flowed over her limbs and then up her torso, over her neck, and then her head.  She screamed into the penis gag that filled her mouth as the latex completely covered her, blocking out her sight and her ability to breathe.  

Her body thrashing against the unrelenting chains, her lungs burning for air within moments, Lila knew that she was dead.  She was going to suffocate in a dark prison because she had stupidly trusted a ghostly priestess!  

In her panic, Lila was confused by the sudden pressure on her feet, the latex that covered her reforming itself.  In fact, she became aware that the entire shell that coated her was slowly reshaping itself.  Her feet arched downward, and her toes were compressed into a familiar en-pointe position.  Her entire body seemed to be compressed now, and as she felt the first signs she may pass out from lack of air, she was suddenly able to breathe through her nose.  Her vision likewise slowly returned, strand after thin strand of latex pulling away.

As her eyes focused, she saw that Sella was just now opening her eyes, wearing a mirror of Lila’s outfit.  It was the holy garb of a priestess of Yurisaya, a skin-tight latex nun’s outfit, which left the strict bondage gear completely uncovered for all to see.  Her head was now completely encased in latex, like a hood, leaving only her eyes and nose uncovered.  Atop her head was a tall habit, likewise adorned with Yurisaya’s holy symbol, both her ears and strict ponytail hidden beneath.  Her feet were now clad in ballet heels, though not in boots; it looked as if her body was nothing but smooth latex from her toes up.

More latex flowed about her, forming a longer, outer garment, more closely resembling a priestess’s robes.  

Lila Darius…we are…as one.”  Sella’s voice was loud and clear within Lila’s mind, and the ghostly form that mirrored Lila’s predicament glowed brighter.  Sella drifted toward Lila, then pressed against her, a feeling of resistance as their metal-encases breasts touched.  

Lila felt Sella’s presence just as she felt her own, and watched as the priestess’s spirit dissolved and moved within her.  She was blinded by an explosion of light and felt herself being lowered to the floor.  

Blinking away the flashes in her eyes, Lila felt the chains slacken, and immediately steadied herself on the impossibly high heels she now wore.  She let out a surprised squeal as she awkwardly stepped from side to side, then pitched forward before she managed to find her new center of balance.

And here I thought kerryns were graceful.”

“Dnsh effaw shrsh wff mffh!” Lila spat around the mouth-filling gag.

Somehow she got the feeling that Sella was rolling her eyes.  “Use your big-girl words, sweetie.  We’re bonded right now, so you can speak in my head just as I’m speaking in yours.  Spiritually speaking, we’re the same head now anyway.

I said, ‘Don’t even start with me!’  What the hell just happened?!  Holy shit, this hurts!  And I’ve got such a lady-boner!  How do these things work?  I need to come, like ten minutes ago!

Sella’s laugh was not encouraging at all.  “Oh, you sweet innocent thing!  You’re never coming again, not while you’re wearing Yurisaya’s raiment!

Lila’s latex-encased ears rose, her eyes widened.  “What?

Since we’re one, for the time being, you fall under Yurisaya’s jurisdiction now.  And the Dark Lady has very strict limitations on pleasures of the flesh for her priestesses.  You’ll be tormented and teased relentlessly, kept on edge the entire time, and no matter what, you’re not getting an orgasm.  Don’t tell me you thought all this chastity gear was just for show?

“…No!  Well, not really…I…fuuuuuuck!”  Lila’s eyes crossed and she squeezed her thighs together, hands reaching downward only to be stopped by the firmness of the chastity belt below the latex robes.  The plugs inside her had started vibrating again, and the rings were on a slowly pulsing cycle.

This is going to be so amusing!  I wore this for almost thirty years once I had become a high priestess!  And yet I fulfilled my duties and continued to help those in need, no matter how desperately I craved release!”  Lila staggered, then dropped to her knees, hands clawing at the mithril protecting her pussy and tits.  Again, Sella rolled her eyes.  “And you can’t even walk…great!  That’s just great…”  And then Sella rubbed the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger.

Not sure how she was seeing Sella’s motions without actually seeing her physical…ethereal…form, Lila just moaned helplessly, pulling the latex robe open, her fingers uselessly tugging at the bra and belt.  The vibrations of her plugs and rings intensified, and she squealed, rocking her hips to try another way to come.

Not going to work…voice of experience here…Okay, you know what?  Just keep at it…I’ll give you a few minutes.  Just, yeah, do that, whatever.”

Lila had crawled across the floor to the steps, laid herself out atop them, and rubbed the crotch plate of the chastity belt against the corner of the step, even as the vibrations within ceased.  “I. HAVE. TO. COME!”  

Sighing, Sella could only think of shaking her head, her own neck corset in full effect despite her unmanifested spirit form, and stood with hands on her hips, and rolled her eyes instead.  “Neophytes…”

About the author

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Urban Sniper


  • This was really really nice! Great payoff to the buildup from the previous chapters, and poor (or lucky?) Lila~.
    Sella’s snarking is great too. You haven’t lost your touch!

    • Thanks so much for commenting! Really appreciate the feedback, and I’m glad you’re enjoying Lila’s predicament! She does tend to leap into situations before thinking things all the way through, lol.

      I will admit that I’ve been enjoying writing Sella more than I thought I would. Definitely becoming a character that I think will make more appearances down the road after this story is finished up.

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Urban Sniper