Lila’s Haunted Asylum Misadventure – Part 3 – Kori’s Path


“Let’s see…hmmm…” Kori tapped his chin as he walked around the building, looking up and down as he did for any sign of an entrance like what Lila had wanted.  So far, he’d walked around one side and the back, and hadn’t found but a couple stuck doors on the sides of the building.  The windows were mostly intact, but glazed over with dirt, age, or plant matter, so he couldn’t see much on the inside, just faint shadows, even with his elven vision.  He’d ignored the front entrance for the time, saving it for last.

Turning the next corner, a grin came upon his lips as he finally came upon something promising.  There, at the end of the longer point of this T-shaped building was not only a door that stood ajar, but a smaller building about thirty feet away, squat and made of concrete, like a small bunker.  Coming up to the open door to the building first, he peeked inside, seeing a dank hallway, partly overgrown with the same kind of vines that were grown up around the building’s exterior, but also a set of stairs leading up and down, and another door leading further inside.

Turning to the bunker, he looked inside it, seeing that it was much darker, but still bright enough that he could make out some mechanical details, like pipes and control boxes.  His elven ears picked up the sound of water dripping from somewhere, and behind the machinery, he clearly saw a railing and steps leading down.

He stepped back, tugging his comm from his belt.  “Hey, Lila?  I might have something for you.  Got two possible routes leading down.  One’s inside the hospital, the other looks like a utility building, maybe even the route to the power generators.”  He looked again along the outside of the building, but there were no easily visible signs of what the building’s purpose was thanks to the overgrowth of moss and plant life.

“Great, Kori!” came her voice, somewhat distorted by a weird static in the signal.  “Take a quick look inside, will you?  See if you can find any hints at the old structure like those base stones.  You’ve got another 10 minutes before we meet up.  If me or Rel don’t find anything, we’ll head your way.”

“Alright, hon, I’ll call you back in a few minutes,” he replied happily, replacing the comm on his belt.  

Kori looked back to the building, then to the bunker, considering his options.  He was no expert, but if he had to make a guess, the bunker would lead to maintenance tunnels, which would more than likely lead to the original cellars, whereas the stairs in the building probably led to labs and other offices.

Deciding to explore the bunker first, Kori headed inside it, pulling up his comm and flicking the light on as he slipped through the door, his large behind pressing against the rough metal as he squeezed through.  Careful to take in his surroundings, noticing multiple control panels faded with age and dirt, and a pair of toolboxes, he eased around the piping in the center and toward the stairs.  Shining the light down them, he saw that they reached a landing, then turned and continued down, at least a few floors.

“Okay, here we go…” he said to himself, easing onto the metal stairs and testing their weight.  They seemed solid, and he saw no obvious signs of significant rust, so he started down, still being careful to keep his steps light and his weight balanced.  As he descended, he noticed there were no other doors.  After going down three floors, he heard a shift in the airflow, and saw that the stairs were coming to an end, a tunnel extending out into darkness beyond his sight.

He came to a sudden stop on the top step of the last set of stairs, his pointed ears flicking as he heard the scrape of metal and footsteps on concrete somewhere in the darkness.  “Hey, is someone there?” he called out, hoping his girlish voice would disarm anyone who might be lurking in the gloom.  “I’m just exploring, no harm intended!”

His voice echoed into the darkness, but there was no further response or noise aside from his own breathing.  “Probably just one of those ghosts Lila mentioned…” he muttered.  After a few more moments, he started down the steps again.  

As he hit the third step, he felt something grab hold of his ankle.  He was in mid step, and though he tried to correct himself, whatever it was that had hold of him pulled him off balance and into a tumble down the steps.  Kori caught himself on the handrail and tucked into a rather awkward roll, his momentum carrying him down the steps.  

It was no doubt due to his elven reflexes that he landed as gracefully as he did, right on his bubble-butt, impacting with a pained grunt. Snatching up his dropped comm, he shined the light back toward the stairs, seeing only tightly packed piping and wiring beneath them, no room for anyone to hide.  “That wasn’t very nice,” he said to whatever ghost had done that, wincing as he felt several areas along his shoulders and thighs that would likely have bruises forming.  Lila had said ghosts couldn’t hurt you, but apparently there were certain things that she didn’t know about them.  

Getting to his feet in the filthy tunnel, he dusted off his backside and swung the light around, peering through the darkness ahead, motes of dust swirling in his vision. 

Seeing only the dark passage before him, Kori started forward, eyes scanning the walls and dark ahead.  Thanks to the comm’s light and his elven vision, he had no trouble seeing, and his eyes traced along the pipes and bundles of cable that led on through the tunnel.  After a few dozen feet, he came to a four-way intersection.  The dripping water seemed to be coming from straight ahead.  To the left he saw a faint light at the far end, a pinprick in the darkness.  Turning to the right, Kori was suddenly looking at the face of a wild-haired, wide-eyed man wearing a torn straitjacket.  The scrape of metal on concrete drew his eyes downward, and he saw the broken chain and shackle still clasped around his ankle.  The only thing was, there was a ghostly glow about him.

Kori’s reflexes kicked in a half a heartbeat before the ghost lunged at him with it’s dirty fingers.  He dove to one side, rolling as he hit the ground, feeling something brush his shirt.  Not hesitating longer, he came up into a low, defensive crouch, facing the ghost.  Its ghostly hands already reached for him, and he leapt backwards, then weaved side to side, avoiding the gnarled fingernails and grasping, filthy hands again.  

After a few more wild attacks that seemed more like an animal clawing at him, the ghost vanished, putting Kori on the defensive.  Again, his reflexes had him moving a heartbeat later, diving forward as he felt something coming up behind him, pulling at his shirt and pants.  His clothes pulled tighter for a moment before he broke free, the sound of his shirt tearing filled his ears as it came free of the ghostly attacker.  

Why was it going after his clothes?!

A frustrated cry echoed down the hall as Kori rolled to his side and started to his feet, but as he caught sight of the ghostly man, it faded from view, and after several tense breaths, he felt as if he was alone.  “Okay, look, I know I’m probably the best looking guy you’ve seen in ages, but can we at least talk about this before we get into anything kinky?” 

When no reply came, Kori checked his shirt, finding a fairly wide gash had been ripped down from the collar along his back.  Pouting, he blew out his breath.  “Well, it wasn’t a favorite anyway…”  

Turning back toward the intersection, Kori’s eyes had just started to look ahead when a blur of motion came from the wall beside him.  He stepped back, but not fast enough as the ghostly hand snatched the front of his shirt, and with a wickedly fast motion, tore it from the collar down, pulling it free of Kori’s chest.  

Gasping, Kori staggered, and turned to run, intending to head toward the direction he had come from, but the ghostly man had already appeared in his path and was heading toward him in a fast, unnatural looking gait, his chains clattering against the concrete.  Turning to head toward the light he’d seen earlier, Kori was surprised to see the ghostly figure there again.  A swipe of the dirty hands had the elf rolling on the floor, feeling the dirty fingernails scraping against his pants along his thigh.  

Acting more on instinct, Kori rolled up to his feet and broke into a run down the tunnel where the dripping sound came from, an angry, ghostly wail echoing after him as the scrape of metal on concrete followed behind him.  He saw a metal door to his right, and thought to try to muscle into it, but thought the ghost was too close, and kept running down the tunnel.  

Sure enough, Kori hopped to the side as the ghost took another swipe at him, trying desperately to get his pants off of him, the nails again raking down his legs.  “Lay off the touchy feely, mister!” Kori cried, leaping to the opposite side of the tunnel, landing atop one of the larger pipes.  Keeping his balance, he kept running, the dripping sound very close.  

The light in his hand caught the reflection of water ahead, and sure enough he could see a downward slope in the tunnel, and then he saw the water, filling the path ahead, the pipe he was on nosing into the dark liquid.  

His options limited, Kori leapt again, feeling the ghost’s hands on his right ankle as he flipped through the air to a matching pipe on the other side of the tunnel, having just barely avoided the ghostly grasp.  Though this pipe also disappeared into the water, Kori pushed himself harder, clipping his comm to his belt, and jumped toward the center of the tunnel, which seemed to be getting larger, his hands snatching a bundle of cable.  He swung forward, and grabbed onto another pipe overhead, moving hand over hand across the dark water below, all to more frustrated screaming from the ghost chasing him.

The water dripped from several places along the piping, and the flooded tunnel seemed to extend for quite a distance.  But, just at the edge of the light, he saw that the piping turned downward, and could make out the sound of water running, as if down an incline, maybe a hundred feet ahead.

Not wanting to risk the ghost catching up, Kori swung as fast he could, hand over hand along the pipe, moving to the next as he went.  He could make out the tops of several doors poking out from the water below, and he also saw a glow in the water that looked vaguely like the angry ghost that wanted him naked.  “Can’t fly, huh?” he huffed, watching as the distorted figure seemed to leap toward him, the ghostly hand piercing the water’s surface a good two feet below Kori’s feet.  

Feeling more confident that the ghost was bound by some kind of memories of its past as far as how it wasn’t coming at him from above, Kori hurried along the piping.  As he neared the end, he saw a wall that the water flowed over, though the opening narrowed down quite sharply as the pipes crossed over it.  The narrow tunnel continued onward. Kori kept moving, pulling his legs up and grasping the pipe he was on, and started over the wall.  His long hair fell into the water as he wiggled through the narrow opening, and as he turned to look downward, he saw a slope, water flowing over it, descending at a steep angle and into darkness.  

Though he had intended to keep going along the piping, a sudden rending of metal and a burst of rusty particles into his face changed his plans.  The pipe lurched as it started coming loose from the rusty fittings that had held it, and more water started pouring downward.  With little choice in the narrow space, Kori dropped from the pipe moments before it broke loose, a wash of water crashing down over him as his backside hit the slope.  

With the sudden rush of water from the broken pipe, Kori was washed down the slope, tumbling along down into the darkness.  His comm disappeared in the torrent as he tumbled and spun along, finding it impossible to get his bearings.

After tumbling in the black torrent, Kori felt himself falling, saw a flash of dim light, then felt a slap against his backside as he splashed down into a larger body of water.  Suddenly able to understand his orientation, Kori kicked and swam as hard as he could, heading toward the faint light above him.  

He broke the surface with a gasp, feeling the tug of the water trying to pull him along with the growing current, but also saw that the faint glow was coming from an old, yellowing light set above a doorway, which itself rested above a stone ledge.  He made for it, and could immediately tell that the stonework of the ledge and around the door itself was old, much older than that of the building above.  

Pulling himself out of the water, he coughed up a mouthful of it and sucked in air, feeling himself shiver as the cold water dripped from him.  After a few moments of squeezing water from his hair and rubbing chill bumps off his arms, he got to his feet, wrapping his arms around him as he studied the door and the old light.  The light itself didn’t flicker at all as he would have expected, and the housing for it seemed to have been built into the stone itself.  “Magic?” he wondered aloud, moving up to the door.  The door itself was more modern, certainly in a style similar to the hospital above.  

With little choice besides a swim that could lead him anywhere with no guarantee of ever seeing daylight again, Kori worked the latch of the door and pushed it open.

At first, as the old door creaked open, in the dim light, Kori saw a long corridor beyond, chipped paint on the walls and several doors lying along the floor, signs of tattered straitjackets and broken restraints.  There was a surge in the air around him, and he felt a rush of warm air, followed by a momentarily dazzling flash of light that forced him to shield his eyes.

Then he realized that the air around him had changed, and smelled fresh and dry.  Once he had uncovered his eyes, he saw that his surroundings had changed as well. The light was bright and fluorescent, and the walls were pristine, covered in deep red paint, with black tiles on the floor.  Along either side of the hall were doors and glowing red lights next to them.  

He turned and looked behind him, seeing a blank wall, no sign of the door he’d just come through.  Gulping, and wishing he still had his comm, he approached the first door to his right, peering through the vertical glass.  At first he saw only a darkly padded cell beyond, the material glistening in the light.  As he was about to turn away, he saw a figure in the corner, faint and ghostly, wearing some kind of form-fitting straitjacket and bodysuit.  Though the figure at first seemed to be female, he saw that it was actually a male, his cock trapped in some kind of metallic cage.

Backing up quickly, Kori started down the hall, looking to either side into the cells.  As he went, more phantom forms appeared and disappeared, all of them wearing tightly fitting outfits that reminded him of latex, along with some kind of straitjacket, their cocks trapped in chastity devices.  Some seemed to enjoy their situation, others were banging against the doors, desperate for release.  In all cases, though they were human, they were all very feminine looking men.

“Somehow I’m getting a bad feeling about this…” he muttered, suddenly very aware of his girlish appearance as he reached the end of the hall and a double door with a panel set in the wall next to it.  Bracing himself, not sure of what lay beyond, he pressed the button to open the door, and it slid open with a faint hiss. 

An identical corridor lay before him, and with cautious steps, Kori continued through, seeing men that looked not entirely dissimilar to himself appearing randomly inside the cells in various states of bliss and torment, but always strictly bound.  “What do these people have against cute guys?” Kori asked as he walked along, the chill from his dunk in the water finally passing.  In fact, he realized a moment later that he was dry, even his formerly squishing boots.  

Feeling nervous, he proceeded onward nonetheless, alert for any sudden movements.  He passed through two more halls, all the same as the previous one but for the tormented faces he saw behind the door glass.  At last, passing through another doorway, Kori found himself stepping into a dark, destroyed hall, chunks of stone laying about, more signs of remains of restraints.  Moving into the hall, he saw that it led to a central, octagonal area, a different corridor leading off in each direction. 

Laying in the rubble at the center of the hall was a damaged sign.  Picking it up, Kori read the heading, eyes wide.  “Trap ward?  They had a whole ward for this kind of thing?!” He shook his head in disbelief.  

Looking down the list, it only took him a moment to figure the proper orientation, seeing listings for the patient cells, showers, two operating wards (for major and minor procedures), a processing center, administration offices, a cafeteria, and an exit to a central level.  “How big is this place?”

Knowing that he was well over the twenty minute limit they had set, and with no way to contact Lila or Releana, Kori made the decision to head to the exit.  Once he let them know he was okay, then they could explore this place at their leisure, and maybe find whatever it was that Lila was after.  He’d found the older part of the structure, at least, though if they had to go swimming, it might change their plans pretty drastically.

As he started down the hall toward the exit, the walls started to grow brighter, and the damage seemed to fade, slowly becoming more and more as it had once been.  By the time he reached the door at the end of the hall, Kori looked back and saw the strange octagonal hall in its original state.  With a final shake of his head, he hit the button to open the door. 

Beyond the door was a rather unassuming stairwell, dimly lit with lights not unlike what he’d seen on the door he’d first come into upon finishing his swim.  After going up a couple of flights, Kori came out into a wider, pristine room that looked like a security station, with a barred gate hanging open, a desk behind heavy glass, and a couple of wheelchairs parked nearby.  Across the room, the door beneath the exit sign opened.  Kori was ready to turn and run, but coming through it was Lila.


“Lila, oh thank goodness!” Kori replied, running up to the kerryn woman and giving her a big hug.

“Uh, where’d your shirt go?”

Kori giggled, shrugging once he had released the hug.  “It was crazy!  I went down into that bunker and got attacked by a ghost!”

“What, really?  Ghosts can’t hurt you,” Lila replied, tilting her head quizzically.  

“Well, maybe not directly, but this one tripped me down some stairs and seemed really intent on getting me naked.  Then there was that flooded tunnel I got washed down, oh, but I did find the old foundations underground!  There’s this weird hospital ward down there and I saw all kinds of ghosts, but we’re probably close to what you’re looking for!”

“Really?  Oh, that’s amazing!  I couldn’t find anything up there in that main building,” Lila replied, looking beyond Kori.  “Think you could show me where that part of the building is?”

“Shouldn’t we go get Releana first?”

Lila laughed, shaking her head.  “Oh, no, she’s not coming down here.  She saw a ghost in that other building and it’s got her spooked.  Ran out of there screaming like a little girl, even!  She’s just going to wait for us where it’s safe.”  Lila bumped up against Kori, her hand rubbing his ass.  “Gives us a little time to explore…alone…and maybe get into something a little sexy….”

Blushing, Kori grinned, feeling a noticeable tightness in his pants.  “I guess it does, huh?  Well, yeah, let me show you what I found.”

Taking Lila’s hand, Kori took her back through the door he’d just exited.  It only took a couple minutes for them to make it back down the stairs and beyond the octagonal hall to the line of cells he’d passed by.  Though the coloring of the place still creeped him out, there didn’t seem to be any ghostly forms suffering inside the cells, and some of the doors even hung open.  Also different was the fact that there was only a single long hallway of cells, ending at a dead end, instead of the several he had walked through previously.  “I swear there were more cells down here…like two or three more hallways of them at least.”

Lila had busied herself studying the wall, running her fingers over the smooth surface, probing at it with her fingers.  “I believe you, but it might be that this place was messing with your perceptions, too.  It’s not unheard of that a particularly powerful haunt can do that.”  Lila grunted, and started hitting the wall with the bottom of her fist, all along the edges.  Finally she kicked at the trim around the floor and blew out her breath.  “Well, if there’s a secret door there, I’m not finding it.”

“I know the older part of the building is here somewhere,” Kori said, stepping up to the wall and laying his hand on it.  “I was soaking wet after some water pipes broke, and tumbled down into a natural tunnel, and where I came out looked like some old castle had been built into the cavern.”

Nodding, Lila turned to look back down the hall full of cells, a playful grin growing on her face.  “Then maybe one of the other paths has a way to reach it.  Come on, let’s see what kind of trouble we can get into.”  She started back down the hall. 

Kori chuckled as he followed her, noticing the way his kerryn companion swayed her hips as she walked, more pronounced than her normal gait, and with the way her tail swayed back and forth lazily, she seemed to be in a playful mood.

Back at the intersection, Lila looked at the map he’d seen before, and then took a moment to look down all the other halls, nose twitching.  “I think…we need to go this way.  Getting that feeling again.”  She winked at Kori as she started down the hall toward the processing center.

“You’re definitely the expert here, so I’ll keep following your lead.”

“Wouldn’t have anything to do with giving you an excuse to keep staring at my ass, would it?  Cause if that were the case…I’d be totally okay with it.”

“Well, if you don’t mind, I certainly won’t deny it,” Kori replied, following behind her.  The double doors to the processing area reminded him of something that fit a hospital more, fit with the wide metal plates that gurneys could be rammed into without hurting the door, and the small, square glasses set into the door above them.  Beyond there was faint light, coming from the overhead fixtures, though it seemed to be very weak, like they were running off batteries instead of a direct source. 

The first couple of rooms they came to were a mess, piled with old wheelchairs and gurneys mostly, as well as old computer screens and boxes, rather primitive compared to what they had even aboard their borrowed, piece-of-crap ship.  The next door was closed, and seemed to be a sliding type door, with a keypad that still glowed set into the wall beside it.

Lila bent over to take a closer look at the pad, tilting her head to the side.  After a moment she looked back to him.  “Hey, what do you think?  Most human cultures I’ve dealt with tend to use four digit codes for these kinds of doors.”

Kori took a closer look himself, and saw three numbers that were worn down compared to the others, two, five, and eight.  “Well…maybe two-five-five-eight?”

“As good a guess as any,” Lila replied, tapping the numbers into the pad.  The light flashed red, and it gave an angry beep.  “Guess not…”  Lila tried another combination, got another angry beep.  She shifted her hand over the pad, so that her thumb was over the keypad, moving it up and down slightly.  She quickly tapped the buttons with her thumb, and the light turned green, a more cheerful beeping emitting from the pad.  “Yes!  I’m the best!”

“What was it?”

Lila had already stepped into the doorway, head turning back and forth.  “Middle down, middle up,” she said, her nose twitching.  “Hey, you smell that?  Smells like…rubber.”

It took Kori a second to register what the code was, but even as he did, he breathed deeply, catching a whiff of the rubbery scent Lila’s keen nose had already picked up on.  “Yeah, that’s definitely some kind of rubber.”  He stepped into the room behind her, patting around on either side of the door.  He felt what he was looking for and flipped the switch, and a cool, fluorescent light filled the room.  At the far end were about two dozen different lockers lining the walls, and stacked up to one side of the room were a half dozen heavy-duty cases, made of dark plastic and lined with steel.  

Kori approached the cases, noticing that the electronic locks still indicated they were sealed, and from the lack of dust on them, the room itself had probably been sealed for years.  He heard a locker open, and then heard Lila laugh.  Turning his eyes toward her, he saw her taking something out of the locker, bringing it to her head.

“What do you think?  There’s a whole uniform in here!” Lila said, holding a pink headband with a red cross on white circular background atop her head.  

“Naughty nurse, huh?  I could see you filling that role,” Kori replied, chuckling.  He was not unaware of the tightness in his pants, either.

Lila’s eyes practically sparkled as she licked her lips.  “And you could be my patient…just imagine that…a full body examination, testing all your…functions…”  A low purr came from her, and her tail danced playfully.  “See if you can get into those boxes, and I’ll be right back.”  She pulled an armful of clothing from the locker and slipped into the adjoining changing room before Kori could even try to stop her.

Grinning, Kori turned his attention back to the large boxes.  The locks themselves seemed simple enough.  Though they were keyed for a code, the lights indicated they hadn’t been fully sealed, only the locking clasps had been set and not the actual electronic lock.  With the sound of Lila undressing and redressing in his ears, Kori popped the latches loose and then lifted the lid on the top box, the air trapped inside hissing as it released.  

The heavy scent of rubber assailed his nose, and he saw a mass of bright red and black latex folded neatly in the padded interior of the box.  Curious, he lifted it out, finding it to be fairly weighty.  He unfolded it, finding unusually long sleeves attached to a jacket with several straps dangling from it.  It only took him a moment before he realized it was one of the patient uniforms he’d seen earlier when the place had been messing with him.  Inside the box was even a pair of matching thigh-high leggings, some very high heeled boots, and some additional restraints.  Very strange attire for a hospital…

His thoughts on the outfit were interrupted by the sound of high heels on the concrete floor.  Turning, his pants got even tighter.

Lila stood with one hand on her hip, the other flipped her hair out behind her.  “What do you think?  Or does that bulge in your pants speak for you then?”  The pink uniform hugged Lila’s curves, though might have been a bit on the small side.  The top button on the short-sleeved blouse was undone, and squeezed her breasts so that she had a lovely roundness to either side of her cleavage.  The skirt didn’t quite reach halfway down her thighs, and showed off the tops of the thigh-high white stockings beneath, held up by a garter somehow hidden beneath the tight skirt.  A pair of pink open-toed shoes with four-inch heels finished off the outfit.  

“Uh…I um…wow…” Kori stammered, gulping.  “You look…wow…”

Lila’s lips curled into a smug smirk.  “Of course I do!  So what is that you got there?”

“Huh?  Oh…uh, I think it’s supposed to be a patient uniform, maybe…”

Sauntering over to him, Lila took the odd uniform from him, holding it up to look it over, then shot him a grin.  “Well, that’s just perfect!  I’m the nurse, so that means you get to be the patient!”

“I don’t know about that, I mean, that thing seems really strange for a hospital, and we probably don’t want to keep Rel waiting too much longer…”

“Oh, miss pony queen will be fine,” Lila replied dismissively, holding the latex outfit up in front of her.  “Come on, strip off and put it on!”


“Hey…how about this…you remember that blowjob I gave you before right?  How good it was?  I’ll make it even better this time, and I’ll give you one hell of a ride to boot.  Come on, what do you say?  Wear it for like thirty minutes and then we’ll go check on Rel after we finish up our fun.”

Kori rubbed his thighs together, feeling the intense tightness in his pants.  “I really shouldn’t let you manipulate me like that, but damn if you don’t make a great sales pitch!”  Kori undid his belt and crouched to unstrap his boots, kicking them off and slipping out of his pants a few seconds later.  He snatched his socks off and stuffed them into his boots, and tossed his purple silk panties atop his pants.  His cock stood at full attention as he extended his arms toward Lila.  “Suit me up, nurse!”

“That’s a good patient!” Lila replied, opening the jacket and sliding the sleeves up Kori’s arms.  There were smaller straps at the wrists, and as his hands slipped passed them, he felt them going into some kind of inner pockets that forced them into fists.  Lila quickly tightened the wrist straps and turned him around, pulling the jacket on up his arms and around his shoulders and upper body.  He felt her fiddling with something just above his butt, then felt the jacket grow tighter as it was zipped up, all the way to the high collar that reached just below his chin.  Additional straps were pulled tight along his back to secure it even further, and to further tighten it around him.

“Have you been taking lessons from Rel?  You’re doing that really well.”

“Maybe,” Lila replied, her hands grasping Kori’s ass, giving it a firm squeeze as she nibbled along the tip of his right ear.  “She’s done so many things to me on stage while you’ve been out…”  

Kori felt Lila’s breasts pressing against his back as her arms went around him, her hands slipping over the slick latex toward his crotch.  A low groan escaped his lips as her fingers teased along his erect member.

Lila’s teasing didn’t last too long, though, because she wasn’t done securing him.  She slipped into a crouch behind him and reached between his legs, securing the pair of crotch straps that had been dangling there, one on either side of his cock and balls.  Once they were tight, she turned him again, guiding his arms through the front strap of the jacket, crossing them and then turned him one more time, securing the straps on the ends of his hands together before pulling them as tight as she could get them, leaving him in a very firm self-hug.  

“Have a seat over here and I’ll get the rest of your uniform, Patient Kori,” Lila said, moving the topmost case so that he could sit on the ones below it.  Once he had seated himself, she tugged the strap his arms had passed through, making sure it was snug.  She then crouched in front of him, running one of her nails along the underside of his shaft.  “Oh my, we’ll have to do something with this very soon!”

“Please do…” Kori said, through a stuttering breath, his cock twitching under LIla’s touch.  She shot him a hungry look, licking her lips as she brought one of the thigh-highs out of the case, slipping it up over his foot and rolling it up his leg.  She soon had it clipped to the attached garters coming off the jacket, and likewise had his other leg covered soon after.  

The boots inside the case were higher than he’d initially thought as she brought them over his latex-covered feet, and were in fact  ballet-style, forcing his toes downward into an en pointe position. The boots themselves went to his knees, and were secured with straps instead of laces, but still seemed to hug his foot and leg tightly.  “Almost there…” Lila said, bringing out another item from the case, a pair of metal shackles with a short chain between them.  He was about to ask where the key was, but saw that she slipped it into her cleavage before securing them around his ankles.

“Just one more thing, then the patient is ready for treatment,” Lila said, picking up something that Kori hadn’t seen beneath the other items in the case.  Before he could get a good look at it, she straddled his lap, rubbing the head of his cock against her crotch; only her panties kept him from slipping inside, because he could feel her wetness through them.  Lila leaned in and kissed him, their tongues meeting almost immediately as she worked herself back and forth along his shaft.  

They separated, leaving Kori gasping for air.  As he did so, a large, black, phallic object slipped past his lips and into his mouth, all the way to the back of his throat.  The massive penis gag filled his mouth, and was held in place by what looked like a more traditional ball gag that popped into place behind his teeth before Lila finally secured the straps around the back of his head.  Had he not had experience sucking large cocks, he might’ve gagged.

“There, now, that’s not so bad, is it?  Kinda small compared to that orc captain from a few months back, I’ll bet.”  Lila kissed his forehead, then his gag before she slipped off of his lap and crouched in front of him, her hands taking hold of his cock and balls, one working the shaft slowly, the other squeezing his balls lightly.  

Kori groaned around the thick gag, his head going back as Lila manipulated his cock.  The latex straitjacket squeaked as he jerked his arms inside its strict confines, his penis straining in Lila’s grasp.  He felt her lips touch the tip a moment later, and he moaned.  She was so good!  As her lips went past the head and she took him into her throat, he breathed quickly through his nose, eyes rolling.  He stiffened where he sat, his legs widening, but jerked against the chain a moment later as her tongue slipped from the head of his cock to the base.

His head moved forward as she started rising up and down on his shaft, gaining speed.  He opened his eyes, saw himself in a mirror mounted on the wall across the room.

He didn’t see Lila between his legs.  

He only saw himself.  And his erect cock, as if something was sucking on it.

A high-pitched squeal escaped around the massive gag as he jerked to try and pull himself away from whatever it was between his legs.

Lila stood, looking down at him with a cruel smirk.  Her form shifted into that of a faintly glowing human woman, her form ethereal, slightly translucent.  “Poor, stupid little elf!  Not so high and mighty are you?  Thinking just as much with your penis as any human male would.  Girls!”

Kori squealed again as a trio of ghostly nurses came into the room, one with an empty wheelchair.  Despite his best efforts, they easily overpowered him and pushed him into the chair, wrapping a pair of straps around his chest, another around his waist, and two more over his thighs.  They secured the heels of his ballet boots over a bar where the footrests should have been on a normal wheelchair, and then secured the straps that waited there to his ankles.

The nurse that had been Lila snapped her fingers, and he heard several metallic snicks, starting at the back of his head and running down his back, then on his ankles, no doubt locks being applied to the various straps on his outfit.  “Cell 136, next to our other new arrival; treatment to begin immediately!”

The other nurses complied, turning him quickly and wheeling him back down the hall.  Before he knew it, they had him back in the cell bay, rolling past the other cells, where most ghostly figures appeared.  At cell 135, his eyes widened as he saw a familiar name on the door below the number, and inside the dimly lit cell was Releana, huddled in the corner and secured with a straitjacket of her own.  Before the nurses turned him toward his cell across the hall, he saw cell 137, the door was open, but he saw part of Lila’s name already on the door.

Inside his cell, the nurses wheeled him into the center of the room, turned him to face the door, and secured the chair’s wheels in place with mounts that were set into the floor.  He had seen some kind of machine resting in the corner, and now heard it powering up.  One nurse wheeled a IV rack beside him, which held a quartet of heavy fluid bags, filled with what he couldn’t begin to guess, but all the bags were interconnected, and the feed was pushed into his gag; a moment later he could just barely feel the drip of something cool at the back of his throat.

The other nurses had busied themselves with some kind of attachments coming off the machine.  Kori whimpered as they slipped some kind of large tube over his still-erect cock, and strapped it into place with a harness that fit around his balls.  The third nurse had crouched behind the chair, and as he felt a suctioning force on his cock, he also felt something cool pushing its way up from below.  His eyes widened as a large plug was pushed into his ass, the girth of the base making him whimper as it spread his rear before it finally went all the way inside and firmly seated itself.

The nurses stepped back to observe him for a moment.  Kori looked down at the device strapped to his cock and back to the machine.  It beeped, and then he felt the combination of squeezing and sucking from the tube, combined with a sudden vibration from the plug filing his ass.  His eyes widened with realization.

They were milking him!

With cackling laughter, the nurses faded, and the cell door slammed shut.  The door on his side was smooth, no signs of the window he’d seen on the other cells outside.  He moaned and whimpered as he struggled against the straps on the chair and of the straitjacket itself, but knew it was hopeless; there was no way he could slip out of these restraints.  After a few moments, he felt a peculiar sensation in his body, that of intense arousal, but sudden.  As the milker picked up with intensity, his eyes went to the IV bags, and he grimaced around the gag.  They were even drugging him to keep him producing more!

As his first orgasm sent a load of cum into the milker’s collection tube, Kori’s only thoughts were of Lila, and he hoped that she was as good as she often claimed to be.  

She was their only hope of getting out of this!

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper