Lila’s Haunted Asylum Misadventure – Part 13 – Discharged


“Ugh…” Releana groaned as she awoke, aware of an annoying, repetitive drip on her face, and some kind of moaning coming from nearby.  She tried to ignore both for a moment, but the constant drip and growing wetness spreading on her face made her grunt with annoyance as she forced herself to sit up, her hand going to her face to wipe away the water.  Her eyes finally opened, and for a moment she saw only shadowy dimness, but as she looked around, she saw a few faint streaks of light coming in from above.  She looked upward, saw cracks in the ceiling overhead, sunlight spilling through.  

“What…just happened…?” she muttered.  Her head was all fuzzy, and her body felt tingly all over, like a static charge clung to her.  She looked down at herself, finding her body to be nude, though smeared with dirt and gray dust in several places.

“Um…we were captured by a crazy doctor…right?  And he was torturing us all…I think?” Kori asked, sitting up beside her, rubbing his head.  He looked to be even more dirty than she was, his long purple hair wild and stringy.  And he was just as naked as Releana.

“Yeah…but after that.  Lila was in that crazy latex nun outfit…and there was this other nun that showed up, right?  I think…I don’t think she was like, here.  I mean, I think she was a ghost.”

Kori nodded, looking up, then around the room.  “And they got rid of the doctor, like some kind of holy magic or something.”

A more intense moan drew Releana’s attention toward the darker side of the chamber.  “What is that? Is that Lila?”

“Yeah…I think so…” Kori said, getting unsteadily to his feet.  He held out his hand and helped Releana to stand, his elven eyes turning in the direction of the sound.  “Over here, behind all this junked equipment.”

With her eyes not nearly as good in the low light as Kori’s, Releana held his hand as he guided her through several wrecked examination chairs and broken computers, each covered in years of dust and mold.  Still, she could make out enough to get an idea what the place was like.  “Ugh, that’s gross.  We can’t be in the same place we were before.”

“I…maybe,” Kori replied, shaking his head.  “I just don’t know.  Lila?  Are you okay?  Lila?”

Slipping around a stack of old, sagging desks, Releana came to a stop a step after Kori, her mouth dropping open.  Sitting in the corner of the room, this part of the chamber remarkably clean compared to the rest, was the ghostly nun, wearing the same highly restrictive outfit as Lila’s.  Lila on the other hand lay on the floor, being cradled by the ghost, her body writhing about, her eyes rolling upward as she tensed, moaning more heatedly and excitedly, her body shuddering as she came, juices dripping from the chastity belt.  “Holy shit!”

“Holy yes, shit, no,” said the nun, looking at the stunned pair.  Unlike Lila, she wasn’t gagged, though seemed to be just as well restrained otherwise.  “This is what happens when Yurisaya is pleased…very pleased.”

“Yurisaya?”  Releana asked, gulping.  “What is she wearing? What are you wearing?  Where are we?”

“What happened with the doctor?  Is Lila okay?  Who are you?” Kori added, sounding just as confused as Releana. 

“One question at a time, hmmm?”  replied the nun, smiling warmly up to them, her eyes looking at ease, peaceful…content.  “I’m Sella Shaong, former administrator of this hospital before a certain doctor took over.  And Lila will be just fine sooner or later; all that holy energy flowing through us came with Yurisaya’s blessing for finally taking care of that monster.  Best orgasms I’ve had in over a century, let me tell you.”

“So like, your reward from serving your goddess is massive orgasms?” Releana asked, tilting her head.  “I could get behind that kind of thing.”

“Rel, she’s a ghost!” Kori exclaimed half a second later, grabbing Releana’s arm.  “She’s a ghost!  Like those nurses and the doctor!”

“Yeah…so ghosts can come like we do?”

“That’s not the point!”

Sella chuckled.  “Not exactly, but in this case I suppose I have…I am.  It’s a long story, suitable for another time, I think.  I can see that you’re both very confused about what you’ve been through.”

“Understatement!” Kori exclaimed, waving his hands around him, his voice becoming more shrill and panicked.  “Where are we?  What happened?  Why is this place all wrecked and old and nasty now?  How can we even walk with everything that freak put us through?”

Sella remained silent for a moment as Lila shuddered from another orgasm, taking a moment to pat the kerryn’s forehead.  “About that…what you experienced, those nurses, the doctor, the cells, the tortures…all of those were ethereal constructs formed by the psychic energy of Villegast’s shade.  From the moment you started seeing him and his nurses, he was manipulating your mind and your senses.  Was all of that real?  Yes, yes it was, and it could have been quite deadly.  But, it wasn’t entirely real.  Your minds made it real, and with the extra psychic power he pulled from Releana, he had more than enough to manifest anything he could have wanted, anything he could have imagined for you to experience.”

“I am so confused…” Kori replied after remaining silent for a moment.

Releana scratched her head.  “What do you mean he pulled extra power from me?  Wouldn’t he have pulled it from all of us?”

Sella shrugged.  “Everyone has some amount of psychic potential; Lila and Kori have a little more than your average person probably, but nothing like what you possess, Releana.  You honestly didn’t know?  Well, there was a reason they came after you first; Villegast had to secure his new battery…or perhaps, his generator.”

“W-what are you saying?” Releana asked, feeling herself shaking.  Her head still felt fuzzy.  She didn’t really feel any different.  Hungry maybe, and tired, but…

“I’m saying that you have an incredible potential within you, Rel.  A well of psychic power that I can only vaguely fathom.  You have a block over that well, but it’s cracked now.  I imagine once you’ve had some time to rest you’ll start noticing.”  Sella sighed, looking to Lila, then back to Kori and Releana.  “Don’t dwell on it now.  I think it’s well past time you started back to your ship, though.  It’s a long walk I think.”

Releana nodded slowly, plenty ready to get out of the creepy hospital.  “Yeah…even longer if we have to be careful where we step since we’re naked.  Unless you’ve got more of those fancy outfits laying around somewhere.  Maybe with some more reasonable footwear?”

“Afraid this is one of a kind,” Sella replied, grinning.  “Lila does wear my holy raiment well, doesn’t she?  Though I don’t think she’s too keen on continuing to wear it.  She only allowed herself to be bonded to it to save the two of you, after all.”

“She did?  And what do you mean bonded?” Kori asked, suspicion clear in his question.

“I’ll explain on the way.  There might be some clothing that survived, now that I think about it…” Sella said, looking off to the side of the chamber, pointing.  “The priestesses who served as nurses here originally wore enchanted uniforms; nothing as impressive as my raiment of course, but it’s possible some are still there.  They’ll fit, if the magic is holding out.  Down that hall, second door on the left.”

“I’ll go,” Kori said, tapping his face next to his eyes, obviously the better choice for the darker hallway.  “Stay with Lila, kay?”

“Sure thing,” Releana replied, giving Kori a quick pat on his lovely ass as he started by her.  Releana moved over to Lila’s side, kneeling down beside her.  She took Lila’s hand, feeling the warmth of the latex, and how her friend shuddered and moaned as the orgasms continued.  “Is she really going to be okay?  Can’t we…snap her out of it?  And what’s that humming sound?  I thought I heard it earlier but I wasn’t sure.”

“My raiment is full of surprises,” Sella replied, grinning as she ran her fingers over the moist crotch plate of the chastity belt, then the cups of the bra.  “Yurisaya makes certain that we aren’t left without a reminder of what it is we have dedicated ourselves to.  As to your other question…would you deny her this pleasure?  She has endured much more than a non-initiated should have; high priestesses don’t even endure this much regularly.”

“I guess not then,” Releana replied, watching as Lila tensed again, squirming between them and moaning more heatedly than before as another orgasm ripped through her.  The look of bliss in her eyes only seemed to grow deeper.  “Starting to feel a little jealous if I’m being honest.  Even when that doctor was fucking me with those machines with all the milking and the drugs, I didn’t feel that good.  What was his damage, anyway?”

“Too much to get into depth, but suffice to say, it was all very bad,” Sella replied.  

Releana looked over Lila again, taking in the nature of the outfit her friend wore, the strict corsets, the harness gag, the ballet boots, the chastity gear.  She took a long, slow breath, taking in the scent of warm latex mingling with the very noticeable aroma of Lila’s arousal.  

“Curious what the raiment feels like?”

“Yeah,” Releana said, glancing up to Sella, then back to Lila, reaching out to feel along Lila’s hip and waist where the belt was secured.  She’d never managed to get Lila down that small when they had done their stage shows at Alyssa’s club.  “I’ve seen some of Yurisaya’s priestesses back on Sentinel, and their outfits weren’t this restrictive, though all of them were bound in some way.  I’ve never been one for religion, but yours certainly seems like one I could get behind.  Does it come with an option for pony boots?”

Sella laughed, patting Releana’s hand.  Her touch, though cool, was not icy cold like the nurses or the doctor’s had been.  “If that’s what you prefer, I’m sure the Dark Lady wouldn’t object.  Perhaps we can have a discussion about it on our way to Sentinel?”

“So you’re not stuck here?”

“I go where Lila goes now, which is part of why she can wear my holy raiment.  My obligations have been fulfilled here, and there is nothing left that holds me to this place.”

Nodding slowly, not fully understanding, and getting the impression that Sella enjoyed being vague, Releana looked around the chamber again.  “It feels different.  When we first got here, I was really creeped out, nothing felt right.  Now it feels…peaceful?  Maybe a little sad?”

“Accurate,” replied the priestess.  “It has fallen far, but all things must end eventually, hmm?  The restless souls of this place have finally found their peace, and the world is a little more right than it was before.”

“Rel!” Kori shouted, his voice echoing from the doorway he’d disappeared into.  “Rel, bring Lila this way!  I found us a way back topside, and some clothes!”

* * *

Kori took a deep breath of the morning air, sunlight streaming through the light fog that still lingered within the trees surrounding the ruin.  It felt good to be out of the basement.  The storm had left everything soaking wet, but the water flowing through the various cracks in the building had allowed him to find a partially collapsed wall that Releana had managed to push through, leading them to one of the maintenance bunkers and the stars that led to the surface.  

Though he didn’t mind in particular going around naked, he was still pleased that he’d managed to find some intact clothing for them to wear, stored in air-tight cases and still pristine.  Once they had managed to get through to their exit, he and Releana had taken turns dressing and had discovered that the magic still held, the clothes not only resizing but sending a wave of magical energy over them that sent all the dirt and grime flying from their bodies.  Kori spun around, looking at how the outfit hugged his shapely form.  “This is what your nurses wore back then?  Kinda cute.”

“I don’t know if it works for me or not, though…” Releana said, looking over her own outfit, which hugged her muscular form just as tightly, though the uniform certainly seemed stretched given her much larger form.  

The uniforms themselves were not entirely unlike a nun’s attire, though mostly in white.  The outer layer was more like a dress, strapping up their right sides with multiple small straps that ended about halfway down their thighs, with the full length of the dress reaching their knees, though with thigh-revealing splits.  A white choker-style collar was attached to the dress, bearing a red cross at the center.  The headgear resembled a nun’s habit merged with a more typical nurse’s hat complete with the red cross emblem.  The short sleeves of the uniform would have left their arms uncovered below the biceps had it not been for the opera-length white gloves.  The underwear was definitely more of a style consistent with what they thought of a follower of Yurisaya, or perhaps even Erisaya, being that the bra and panties were on the revealing side, with thigh-length stockings and boots that probably would have been more fit for a fashion or fetish model as they were just over ankle-length and with a white, glossy sheen and a raised heel.

“Oh, I think it looks just fine on you, Releana,” Sella said, turning away from them and toward the hospital gates.  “Not as lovely as it does on Kori, but still.  Just be glad I didn’t require my nurses to wear higher heels when on duty, or you might find the trip back even more strenuous.  There was a road leading through the mountains at one time, straight out of the gates.  Though it’s been a long time, it probably hasn’t grown up as much as the rest of the forest, so you might find it easier to follow that.”

Kori followed Sella’s gaze, eying the spirit momentarily as he did.  He still hadn’t heard much about how she and Lila had met up and worked out whatever arrangement they had, and still didn’t entirely trust her.  Was it because she was a ghost?  Maybe.  Was it that she was a priestess of Yurisaya and never quite revealed as much as he felt she should?  Probably.  “We landed on the edge of the forest, at the end of an overgrown valley with a pair of taller mountains overlooking it at the far end.  Sound familiar?”

“Yes, it does; there used to be a small community there, nothing of a cultural center to be sure, but a place the staff could go on their off-hours to socialize a bit.  A shame it’s gone, but without the hospital, I guess the whole area’s gone into decline.  The road will lead us there more or less directly.”  She turned back to Kori.  “You seem a bit wary.”

“I am,” Kori replied cooly, looking back to Rel.  “Ready to get started?  You going to be okay carrying Lila the whole way?”

“Yeah, she’ll be fine,” Releana replied, crouching down to pick up the still orgasmic kerryn in her arms.  “I don’t know about me…I don’t think she’s stopped dripping all morning.  Probably a good thing these outfits clean themselves.”

“Well, we both know who to blame for that,” he said, eyes turning back to Sella, his face probably not hiding the distrust he felt.

“Would you have preferred to remain where you were?” Sella asked, her head tilted curiously at Kori.  

“Most definitely not!  And I appreciate what you did, but the way he got into my head like that and pulled out that…”  Kori shuddered at memories of the phantom Rivalle, hugging his arms around himself.  “That was way too real to have all been just in my head.  It was like she was there, acted just like her!  Did things she would’ve done!”

Releana was about to say something, but Sella cut her off.  “I’m sorry you had to go through that, Kori.  I really am, but I couldn’t have gotten into a position to deal with him any other way.  Even I was subject to aspects of his private realm that tied my hands.”

“So you say,” Kori said, turning his eyes away from the spirit, starting toward the gates.  “I’ve never met a Yurisaya worshipper who didn’t have some kind of hidden agenda before, so I’m certain you’re not giving us the whole story.”

“Kori!  Don’t you think that’s a little harsh?” Releana hurried after him, Lila’s moaning form held easily in her big arms.

“I don’t think he’s being harsh,” Sella said, floating beside Releana and Lila as they followed Kori.  She stood upright, but her feet weren’t touching the ground, remaining a few inches above it.  “I’ll be the first to admit that Yurisaya’s ways are often seen as misleading or sometimes selfish to outsiders.  Given the trauma the two of you have suffered, he’s well within his rights to mistrust me.  I’d be the same, most likely.”

Picking up on the lower growth rate of the trees and brush in the direction they had been looking, Kori started down the wide pathway, feeling the ancient asphalt beneath the leaves through his boots.  “Look…I’m just concerned about Lila’s safety, okay?  I don’t know what kind of effect that outfit’s going to have on her, and I don’t know what kind of influence you’re exerting on her.  You say she’ll be fine, but she’s been coming since before we woke up, and that can’t be good for her.”

“Yurisaya won’t harm her in any permanent way.  And just as soon as possible we’ll have my spirit unbound, once we’re back with my brothers and sisters on the planet you’re returning to.  I’ll remind you that she ultimately made the choice of her own accord to perform this bonding.”

“I still don’t have to like it,” Kori said, his voice tight.  

They walked in silence for a time, aside from the noises Lila made.  The downward slope of the roadway became more pronounced as they went, but it was a much easier path to navigate than the hike up had been.  At last, Releana spoke up.  “Was it Rivalle, Kori?  Was that who the doctor dredged up?”

He sighed, then nodded.  “Yeah.”

“I think he brought her into my mind too.  I think it was her voice he used when he started trying to make me into a cow.”

“Who is this person you’re talking about?  If I may ask, of course.”  Sella continued floating beside them, but her ghostly form was harder to see in the bright sunlight.  She also didn’t have to worry about the myriad trees within the path, passing through them effortlessly. 

Kori felt his skin crawl as he thought about Rivalle.  They hadn’t actually encountered her since their escape a few months back, but now it was as if she had cast a shadow over them without even being there.  “Bad news, that’s who.  She’s in charge of one of the big four corporations in the galaxy, and we’re all on her bad side.”

“That’s putting it mildly.  I don’t know if she’d torture us or kill us or both if she managed to find us again,” Releana added.  Even she sounded a little worried. 

“I was her plaything for a couple of years before I ever met Rel and Lila.  Kinda like a boyfriend at first, but more like a pet after the first few months.  Then she decided to try to steal Rel’s company to grow her own and captured her.  Lila wound up involved on accident, but Rivalle really dislikes her…like a lot.  I don’t know what it was that set her off about Lila, but the only thing that seemed to ease that hatred was having Lila as her slave pet.  She turned Rel into her personal plow horse.  Me, she just did things to me that I still wake up screaming about.  Pretty sure she took it personally when we escaped.”

“Ah, I see…yes, quite the foe you must deal with, it seems,” Sella said after a moment.  “I haven’t delved into Lila’s mind, so I was unaware of who this person was.  I can see why Villegast decided to call upon your memories of her.  The more he could make his patients suffer, the more he gained.  This might not be the appropriate time for this, but I want you to know that if there’s anything I can do to help you against her, I swear to Yurisaya that you will have my aid.  It’s the least I can do to make up for what you’ve gone through.”

Kori shot Sella a glance, then turned his attention back to the overgrown path.  Though he couldn’t make himself trust her, making an oath to one’s god was nothing to balk at.  If she swore it in Yurisaya’s name, then she’d be obliged to do it.  Even with all of her questionable practices, Yurisaya wasn’t known as an oath-breaking deity; Malyaar, maybe, but not Yurisaya. Did that mean he welcomed her help?  Generally not; he still didn’t trust Sella without knowing her motives, let alone those of the particular group of Yurisaya worshipers on Sentinel.  It’d be up to Lila, though; he had enough baggage with his own previous divine entanglements.  “I’ll hold you to that, then,” he said at last, nimbly hopping over a fallen tree, landing lightly on the other side.

He heard Releana grunt, more annoyed, as she shifted Lila to an over-the-shoulder position and walked around the tree.  “Yep, I’m going to be dripping in her pussy juice by the time this walk is done…” she muttered.  Lila for her part continued her lusty moans and grunts, barely struggling against being carried.

“Then it’s a good thing these outfits are still self-cleaning, right?” Kori asked, managing a grin as he took a look back to Rel.  

She snorted.  “Yeah, I guess so.  Was this a problem back in the day, Sella?”

“Not typically, no,” the ghost replied, her voice sounding amused.  “Though there were some patients who could be quite a handful.”

“Just couldn’t wait to get out of that place, could they?” Kori asked, perhaps with a bit more bite than he’d intended.

“Quite the contrary actually, at least when it was not under Villegast’s control.  We had long waiting lists, and some patients did everything they could to get into more strict restraints.”

“Was that even really a hospital?”

“Of course it was, though most Aclaysian cultures have vastly different ideas of what constitutes proper relaxation and stress relief.  It’s really quite fascinating once you start looking into our history…though I suppose it would be difficult for an outsider to do so.”

“Right…Lila mentioned you all were a very private bunch of people,” Kori said.  “Not too keen on outsiders poking their noses around.”

“Indeed, we do like our privacy.”

“Fits right in with Yurisaya’s ways, huh?”

Kori glanced back at Sella, saw that her mostly translucent face was indeed wearing an amused grin.  “They’re practically made for one another.”

“Color me shocked,” he replied in a dry tone.  “I’ll be glad to get out of here.  I just hope none of the satellites have picked up the ship.  I really don’t want to explain this situation to the cops…”

“I wouldn’t worry about that my dear; I can be quite persuasive,” Sella said, slapping her crop, the only part of her that was solid, against her hand.  The thought occurred to Kori that even though it was solid, it had passed through the tree with Sella earlier, but he didn’t dwell on it; better to just get back to the ship and keep questions to a minimum.

“Please don’t.  We might want to come back to this planet at some point.  Can’t imagine why, but maybe we will.”

“Hey, it’s very possible,’ Releana said, easily keeping up with Kori’s more agile maneuvering through sheer stubborn endurance.  “You know Lila’s wanting to go back to Sarkrest 7, right? She swears there’s something there that she missed before.”

“You’re kidding!  She nearly died in orbit and wound up captured and Rivalle’s slave!  You’d think that’d be the last place she wanted to go.”

“Well, if she smells treasure…”

“It sounds like you really need to keep her on a shorter leash,” Sella said.

“I’ve tried; she’s pretty insistent,” Releana responded.  “You should see some of the shows we do at the club.”

“I imagine I’ll be seeing quite a few of those.  I can’t exactly wander too far afield, after all.”

“I thought you were going to go into the care of your church once we got back.”  Kori stopped and turned, hands on his hips.  “Don’t tell me you think you’ll join us.”

Sella shook her head.  “No, as lovely as that would be, I’m certain I’ll have other duties to attend.  What I didn’t tell Lila was that I can’t simply break the bond we have now.  It’s going to take a little time, certain rituals must be observed, certain actions are taken.  Yurisaya is very insistent on these steps, you understand.”

Kori narrowed his eyes suspiciously.  “Just say it.  What does that mean?”

Sella smiled.  “To break our bond will require at least a month; though made easily enough, to undo it requires a much more involved process.  We must undergo daily rituals to cleanse ourselves and focus our thoughts, to reflect on our time together, that kind of thing.  Shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours a day, and I’m sure you’ll need to work for your boss during that time, yes?”

“Oh, she’s gonna love that!” Releana said, laughing and patting Lila’s ass reassuringly as she went through another orgasm.  

Kori sighed, shaking his head.  “She’ll be fit to be tied, for sure.  You’ll help with that, though, I’m certain.  So is she going to be on a liquid diet or does that gag come loose?”

“It can, if Yurisaya wills it.  It can be removed with a certain amount of pain using my crop, should the situation warrant it.  Otherwise, it’s enchanted to sustain the wearer magically.  It doesn’t allow you to feel completely satisfied, mind you, but she won’t starve.”

“At least we won’t have to hear her complain too loudly, then,” Kori said, picking up the pace.  Whatever happened, the only thing he could be certain of was that it was going to be an awkward month ahead.

* * *

Lila’s eyes snapped open as she suddenly awoke.  For a moment, she thought she was back in the dark cell, as she lay on something soft, but then she recognized the deep hum of their ship’s engines, the particular tone indicating they had entered hyperspace.  She took a deep breath, or tried to, feeling the bite of the corset, and grunted with annoyance instead.  She smelled the familiar latex of Sella’s raiment, the peculiar mix of years of various chemicals used throughout the ship, and her own sex-scent, which was almost overpowering.  

Groaning, she struggled to sit up, throwing her legs over the side of the bed.  As the cabin light came on, she realized that her thighs were glistening, as was the chastity belt.  She looked back to the bed, saw that it was soaked.  The last thing she remembered was her and Sella fighting Villegast, then the explosion of Yurisaya’s power…She hugged herself and squeezed her thighs together, moaning softly as the plugs and nipple rings hummed to life, a mild vibration this time, but with her body as sensitive as it felt, she very nearly came on the spot.  She had a vague memory of the trip to the ship, but the only real sensation she could recall was…bliss.  Absolute pleasure.

“About time you woke up.  It’s been almost eight hours since we got back and took off, and you were still coming for at least half that.”

Lila turned her body awkwardly toward the doorway, snorting, but biting back further laughter.  “Mhrh’h mnhh hhm nrrhm rrhhnh?” (What’s with the nurse outfit?)

“Thought you’d like to see something familiar when you woke up,” Releana replied after a moment, smirking.  “Kori found us a couple of them to wear on the trip back.  They’re enchanted to clean themselves and the wearer, too, which was very handy, miss leaky-pussy.  If you think I’m cleaning that bed, you’ve got another thing coming; being drenched by you on the way back to the ship was more than enough.”

Lila felt her cheeks heat inside her latex mask.  Had she really came that much?  The overpowering scent in the room, the dampness between her legs and on the bed…yeah, she had.  “Hrrrm…mhmrm’h Hmrrr?  N nmmn hr gmh rrh rh hhnh hhnng, rnchm mmhhmrnrm.” (Sorry…where’s Sella?  I need to get out of this thing, like yesterday.) She pushed herself off the bed, getting to her feet a lot more steadily than she had expected.

“Slow down, I can’t understand what you’re saying when you talk that fast.”

Lila worked her mouth around the ever-present gag, grunting.  She moved her hands over the various parts of Sella’s outfit, making the motions of removing them.

“Ohhhh…well, you can’t do that yet.”

“Mhrh?” (What?)  Lila stopped mid-stride, staring flatly at Rel. 

“You can’t take it off yet.  Sella said you have to do some rituals and stuff.  Could take like a month, longer if you can’t do them right.”

Lila felt her eye twitch.  Then her ears laid back, hands balling into fists as her tail began waving side to side.  “Mhrh hhm hrcch?!  Hmrrr, gmh mrrr rhh nn hmrm rnghh nrm!  Hmrrr!  Gmh mm rrh rh hhnh hhnng rnghh nrm!  Mrr hmrr mm!  Gmh mm rrh rh hhnh!” (What the fuck?!  Sella, get your ass in here right now!  Sella!  Get me out of this thing right now!  You hear me!  Get me out of this!)

Starting forward, Lila felt a sudden magnetic-like pull on the cuffs.  She tried to resist it, but in a moment her legs snapped together, and her arms were pulled behind her, the cuffs clicking together, leaving her tottering on her toes.  She screamed wordlessly, outraged as Sella finally appeared by the doorway, wearing a version of her raiment that seemed to be missing the cuffs, the corsets, the hood, and the gag, and even had a more sensible pair of five-inch heels. 

“Nurse Rel, please settle the patient back in bed until she calms down,” Sella said, smirking at Lila.

Lila hopped on her toes toward Sella, leaning in to get into the spirit’s face.  “Nrn’h mrr gnhm mm hhrh crrh!  N mrnh rrh rh hhnh rnn N mrnh rrh nrm!  Mrr’rm rrh rh nh, hr gmh nh rhh mm!” (Don’t you give me that crap!  I want out of this and I want out now!  You’re out of it, so get it off me!)  Lila shot her glare at Releana.  “Rnn nrn’h mrr nrrm rnhhmn hr hmr!” (And don’t you dare listen to her!)

Releana stopped in mid-stride, holding up her hands, though she seemed quite amused judging by the grin on her face.

Sella crossed her arms and leaned against the bulkhead.  “Now, now, no need to get upset.  The proper rituals have to be observed.  We can’t risk any harm coming to you by separating us prematurely.  You experienced a lot of Yurisaya’s power in a way that even the most powerful of her priestesses rarely do, so the bond was rather…reinforced.  It will take time and dedication, but I promise we will get you free.  Though, you do have the option of joining our ranks, of course, and-”

“NR.  N. R.  Nrh grnnr hrhhmn!” (NO.  N. O.  Not gonna happen!)  Lila growled around the gag, jerking her bound arms, tapping her foot angrily on the deck plate in the best imitation of a stomp she could manage.  “N hmmrr, Hmrrr, nh mrr hrn r hhmhncrr hrnm, N’n-” (I swear, Sella, if you had a physical body, I’d-)

“Yes, yes, you’d claw my eyes out or whip me or strangle me, I’ve heard it all before,” Sella replied, waving her hand dismissively.  “I’ll release the cuffs if you promise to calm down.  I would ask that you and I find some time to spend together later so that we can begin the process early.  Kori said it would take nearly a week before we reach Sentinel anyway, yes?”

“Hrm rhrrh nrm?  N’m grrn mnhh nrm.” (How about now?  I’m good with now.)

Sella shook her head.  “No, certainly not.  You’re far too angry; this is going to take a lot of reflection and calm.  Releana will help us in this; she’s quite interested in some of Yurisaya’s rituals and practices.  And she’s been telling me that you make such a wonderful submissive when the two of you perform on stage; that’s the side you need to be bringing out now, Lila dear.”  Sella reached up, patting Lila’s cheek, and the cuffs clicked as they separated, once again freeing Lila’s limbs.   “Now, if you’ll excuse me, Kori has been teaching me all about how to pilot a ship and how astronavigation works.  This is the first time I’ve been off Aclaysia, you know.”

Sella faded away before Lila could respond, leaving her growling into her gag.  She punched the bulkhead where Sella had stood, blowing out her breath angrily through her nose-hooked nose.  She turned her gaze back to Releana, but her anger had already started to fade.  “Mrr hrrn hmr rhrrh mhrh mm nnn rn hhrgm?  Rmrrrm?” (You told her about what we did on stage?  Really?)

Releana nodded.  “Well, yeah.  It’s not like it’s a secret or anything, and she would have found out sooner or later.  Besides, she’s into that kind of thing.”

“Rh crrrhm hhm nh, hhm’h r hrnmhhmhh rh Mrrnhrmr!” (Of course she is, she’s a priestess of Yurisaya!)  Lila shook her head, turning back to the bed.  “Rnhhrm hmrh crmrnnng rh mm mmhh?” (Little help cleaning up my mess?)

“Nah, you’ve got this,” Releana said, slapping Lila’s ass hard enough to sting, even through the thick latex of the raiment.  She had already started back through the door to the corridor outside.  “Work on that submissive side for a while, right?  You know, Sella thinks I’d probably make a good priestess.  Says I’ve got the right attitude for it.  Now, once you’ve got that cleaned up, Kori and me have got a list of things worked up to keep you occupied during the trip, a little payback for getting us into this mess, right?  Just don’t take too long or I’ll borrow Sella’s crop and punish you for slacking off!”

Lila stared down the corridor after Releana as her voice faded out.  The nerve of her!  She wasn’t wrong, though; Lila did owe them something.  Blowing out a breath, Lila sagged as much as she could inside the strict grasp of the raiment and turned to face the bed.  What did the two of them have in mind, especially with Sella involved now?  A month stuck in the raiment, maybe more?  Releana and maybe even Kori bossing her around?  Sella doing who-knows-what during those ‘rituals’…

What had Lila done to deserve all that?  Was it so wrong to want a little treasure here and there?

About the author

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Urban Sniper


  • Eh, you’ll be fine, Lila. Sometimes treasure isn’t physical :3

    While I won’t pretend that parts of this weren’t too extreme for me, overall I have to say that this was an amazing story, and that it’s really impressive that you managed to blast out 13 parts of a full narrative like this! Hopefully that motivation is here to stay!

    • So true!

      Thank you for sticking around through them all! I’ll admit, I stepped out of my own comfort zone a bit here and there on this one. I really appreciate your taking the time to comment about your experience on this story; it’s really encouraging! Here’s hoping to continue the trend, maybe even increase my output a bit.

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Urban Sniper