Lila’s Haunted Asylum Misadventure – Part 10 – Reunited at Last


Lila felt something press against her stomach, and then the pressure on her limbs vanished.  The nurses had set her down on something after carrying her for only a minute, maybe less; she had to be in one of the adjacent operating rooms.  That meant she was still close to Kori and Rel, but what good was that little detail?

Though she heard and saw nothing, Lila was aware of movement around her, and several things bumping to either side.  She was already feeling lightheaded, her breathing restricted even worse in her hogtied position, the inflated hood doing nothing to improve matters.  A groan slid out of her gut, but even that seemed muffled inside the heavy latex.  She wiggled her wrists, tugged at the connection between the cuffs there and at her ankles.  Nothing had changed, she was just as helpless as before.  

Sella… How had Lila not seen through her deception?  The ghostly priestess had played her perfectly…read her like an open book and dropped a line of tasty crumbs that Lila had eagerly followed right into Hell.  Well, maybe not literal Hell, but close enough.  She’d used Lila’s greed against her, used her desire to help her friends, and led her right into a trap.  And somehow they were now bound together, two souls one body…

Something just didn’t seem right.  Surely that ritual hadn’t all been for show?  She’d felt things, seen things with Sella’s special vision…had she really done all of that just to lure Lila into Villegast’s clutches? If they were really sharing a body now, maybe the priestess had gone through all that for her own goals.  If Lila shared Sella’s senses, then Sella likely shared her’s, so maybe that painfreak of a ghost wanted to experience all the suffering Lila was about to undergo.  

Lila groaned in frustration, rocking forward and back as she fought at the cuffs again.  She wanted to slam her latex-encased fists against something, but all she managed to do was get herself short of breath again.  At least her tail was free to thrash about to vent her anger, for what little good it was worth. 

The movement around her ceased a handful of short breaths later, and for a brief period, there was nothing, just the dark void Lila suffered within.  Then her legs and arms suddenly separated, and the tension built up within the corset had her straightening out immediately.  The inflated hood bounced against the surface she lay upon, but before Lila could even try to begin to attempt to wiggle free, she felt several sets of hands upon her limbs, each taking a firm grasp of their rubber-clad prisoner. 

Those holding to Lila worked together and flipped her onto her back as the cuffs disconnected from one another.  They brought her arms to her sides, and Lila felt the distinct clicking that indicated they were locked to something, and sure enough, when the hands left her arms, a quick tug found her unable to move them from her sides.

Her legs were brought upward toward her head next.  A firm push against her midsection knocked what little air she had managed to regain from her as she was bent painfully in two.  At least, that’s what it felt like, though the actual bend was much less severe.  In fact, her crotch was angled upward and bent to the point that her knees touched down beside her head.  Lila then realized that the thigh cuffs that had hobbled her so far had unlocked from one another as well.  

With her ankles secure, Lila felt another device being secured around her upper thighs and lower back, pressing around her and into her latex-coated flesh.  She felt a rattle, and then something attached to each of the thigh cuffs.  Groaning, she wiggled against the firm hold of whatever device they had her secured in, because she could do little else.  The pressure on her midsection was terrible, and she noticed that her tail was being crushed beneath the part of the device that surrounded her thighs and back.  

With the pain quickly ramping up in her tail from the intense pressure, for a wonder, Lila felt hands on her tail as it started to tingle and go numb, followed by pressure on her back, pushing her body away from the bar.  Her tail was pulled through, and then brought downward on the outside of the device, though it was quickly strapped in place on the surface where she lay, preventing her from moving it about, and keeping it well out of the way of her raised crotch area.  

A mercy, and a surprising turn, to say the least, though she was certain that it meant nothing good for her.  In fact, as she thought about her position, she was quite aware that her pussy and ass were in a perfect position to have things done to them, but the chastity gear would prevent that…or would it?

No more hands touched her for the moment as she was left to adapt to her new position, breathing in short gasps through her nose.  She couldn’t hope to draw a full breath, not with the way the corset had somehow bent to accommodate her new position, at least partially.  

Suddenly there was a light touch at her back, near the top of the corset, where it was closest to the chastity bra.  Then there was pain, a searing, terrible sensation of her flesh being burned away that caused her lungs to strain as she tried to scream but found no air to do so.  The searing sensation traveled down her spine, all the way down to her tail, growing more intense with each passing second.  

Then there was an unmistakable sensation of the corset popping free of her body, and suddenly, through the tears that stung her eyes, Lila could breathe again!  She breathed as deeply as she could, feeling the cool air rush through her nose.  Granted, it was still restricted quite severely by the neck corset, but with the primary constriction gone, it was heavenly in comparison.  

As she enjoyed the increased oxygen supply, Lila became aware of a growing patch of coolness on her back, of air moving against her back.  Then she squealed as it felt like ice had been pressed to her spine.  

A pity that I can’t remove the bra and belt; those have vexed me since I first began breaking Sella,” Villegast said, his voice clear in Lila’s mind.  Lila felt the ice moving down her spine, realizing that it was actually his fingers.  “But it does lead us to some very…intriguing experiments.  I’m quite curious to see how you will perform compared to Sella.  Perhaps you can surpass her?  You aren’t devoted to Yurisaya like she was, so perhaps there is a chance.

Just come out and say it, you bastard.  Stop beating around the bush,” Lila thought, offering a few choice curses along with her unspoken words.  

Ah, quite spirited still…a most favorable specimen.”  Lila felt the cold patch grow, as if his entire hand had pressed to her back.  Then she squealed again, jerking at the bonds that held her unmoving as a moderate electrical current played over the flesh of her breasts, through the mithril bra cups.  A moment later there was a strong electrical discharge that traveled along the outline of the belt, and through the plugs.  “You see…Yurisaya never permitted Sella to achieve an orgasm while she was in my care.  We must have been together at least five years, and in that time, not a single one.  No matter how much I tortured her, no matter how very near death she was at times, it simply was not to be.  I began to take it as a personal challenge, you see, to best a god.  I admit, I may be obsessing over this more than I should, but I do believe that science shall prevail over faith.  You lack Sella’s strong belief after all, and perhaps hold some hatred toward the goddess?  Would you not wish to deny a being such as she her pleasures as she has denied you?

I’m not that fucked up.  Have you ever considered professional help?  Maybe check yourself into a mental hospital?

Lila’s ass erupted in searing agony across both cheeks as the unseen device Villegast had used to remove the corset struck again, leaving her biting at the gag and whimpering.  It felt like her flesh had been ripped from her!

An interesting reaction, no?  Not you, kerryn, but the outfit you wear,” Villegast said, his voice just as detached as it had been before.  “In all the years I experimented upon Sella and her followers, I found it most difficult to properly examine them because of Yurisaya’s raiments.  I assumed the power that kept regrowing them after destruction was tied to their faith, but it seems that is not entirely the case.  Oh yes, I could tear the latex easily enough, have them nude but for those belts and bras, but always, within an hour, it would reform.  It was only after I experimented with Sella’s crop that I learned something most intriguing.

Breathing quickly but steadily, Lila braced herself.  Sure enough, another strike landed, this time across her left foot.  She managed to stifle a scream, but jerked against the restraints, shaking from the sensation of her flesh being ripped open.  In the next breaths, she felt the cool air against her foot, telling her that her skin was exposed once more. 

Care to guess what that may be?  No?  Well, it seems that a device borne of Yurisaya’s power can likewise counter her power…to a certain extent.  I still can do nothing to your metallic attire, but everything else…that’s fair game.  Also, it seems that there is a most unique property of the latex.  When one is clad in such blessed attire, it, in essence, becomes their flesh.  That agony that you feel?  It is very much as if I were peeling your flesh open, as you may have guessed.  A swift strike is something like a stab or a cut.  A slower, more deliberate motion…that has a wonderful feeling, according to Sella, anyway.  Shall we see what you think?

No-ahhhhh!”  Lila screamed into the gag, jerking helplessly as Villegast moved the crop down the back of her thigh, firmly, but without striking, almost like a heavy caress.  Yet, the agonizing sensation of her flesh being sliced open assailed Lila’s senses, from thigh to the back of her knee, all the way down her calf to her already stinging foot before it finally ceased, leaving her a quivering, whimpering mess. 

The best part, you see, is that it will take at least half a day before your ‘flesh’ regrows.  More than enough time for us to experiment and see if I’ve come to the right combination of sensations to overcome even a goddess’s divine will.  I shall make you come, Lila Darius, or perhaps you’ll die in the attempt.  Either way, I shall learn much.  Now, let us remove the rest of this outfit of yours, hmm?

Nonononoono!” Lila thought furiously, jerking her body every which way she could to try to hide from the terrible device she couldn’t see.  The slicing pain appeared again on her other leg, starting at her toes and working upward all the way to her ass.  All she could hear were her own screams inside the inflated hood as Villegast made one slow cut after another, covering every part of her body aside from her head, though at least the pressure from the neck corset was gone.  She just knew that her skin was covered in deep cuts, or was peeled back to expose her muscle beneath.  

Now…I am most curious how you’ll react to this.  The tail is supposed to be quite sensitive on a kerryn, yes?

“NHHHGGGH!” Lila screamed around the gag.  “Pleasepleaseplease, just leave it alone!  Gods, please!” she pleaded.  “Anything else!  I’ll do anything else, no more!

But there is only this, Ms. Darius.  We haven’t even gotten to the true pain yet.  You’re barely making Sella react with this minor stimulus.

Minor stimulus?!” What kind of a nut job was this guy?  And what was that about Sella reacting to it?  

Lila couldn’t get her brain onto that particular train of thought, however, as she was suddenly enveloped in agony, radiating from the base of her tail all the way to the tip as the crop ran along its length.  The pain shot straight up her spine to her brain, just like a line of ship fuel igniting.  She howled, writhed, and cried, but the doctor was ruthless, not stopping until he had traced the full length of her tail.  

As the lingering pain finally began to subside and her senses began to return, Lila became aware of a sticky sensation and a vague warmth on her skin, mostly between her legs and over her torso.  It grew cool quickly, but her brain finally realized what it was:  she had pissed herself.  A shuddering cry escaped her, a mix of anger and shame overcoming her.  

For a wonder, the pressure around her head lessened, and she was forced to squeeze her bleary eyes shut as intensely bright light poured in.  She could suddenly hear again, though it was the sound of a woman’s heated moaning.

Please, master, you must do more!  Yurisaya is displeased, there was no pleasure for her in that!  Please, treat her more!” Sella pleaded.  Lila’s eyes rolled and focused as she turned her head toward the voice, about the only movement she could manage.  Sella was on a gurney just a few feet away, twisted into a position mirroring Lila’s, though without the physical restraints that held Lila in place.  

Growling, Lila pulled her eyes away from the disgusting spirit and looked at her own body, taking in the framework that held her in place.  It was fairly simple, just metal pipes in the right positions, with padlocks holding her various cuffs to it.  She had expected gaping, open wounds, but there was only a slight redness to her skin.  Her nose picked up the scent of her piss and crinkled with disgust.

“Now, now, my pet, patience,” said Villegast from the direction of Lila’s head.  Lila felt hands on her ponytail, tugging it backward and downward, making her wince as it was secured to something on the gurney, making sure that she couldn’t thrash about overmuch.  “Ms. Darius, you may or may not have noticed that the devices that so stimulated you before have been silent for some time.  Would you be a doll and explain that to my patient, Sella?”

The thought hadn’t crossed my mind,” Lila replied dryly, glaring up at the glowing form of the doctor as he loomed over her. She had wondered why she hadn’t experienced pleasure in the pain as she had previously, but the fact that the plugs and nipple rings had been silent since her capture was the only good thing she had experienced. She turned her withering gaze toward Sella, wishing that Villegast had removed the gag harness so that she wouldn’t have to share thoughts with the betraying bitch.

Yes, master,” Sella replied in a breathy tone.  “Once we crossed the threshold into master’s domain, Yurisaya’s influence was diminished.  She can still sense what happens, still has lingering dominance over the chastity gear, but she cannot impose her desires as she would outside.

So what you’re saying is…all the buzzing that I experienced here was your doing, because you’re a horny, whipped little bitch who wanted me to suffer.  Noted.  Thanks.  Next.”  Lila growled again, turning her eyes away from Sella.  

It’s not entirely that simple…I want you to suffer, yes, but it’s because I wanted to experience your suffering for myself. It’s been so long since I’ve felt anything…not until we were bound together did I feel anything since my death.   Feeling her raiment so forcefully removed by her own device…divine, truly.  I’ll admit to being entirely selfish here, so if master wishes me punished, then I humbly accept it…through you of course.

Gee, thanks for volunteering my body for that!  Don’t I get a vote here?!

“Of course you do, Ms. Darius, but it’s two to one, so your motion to deny Sella’s suffering is defeated,” Villegast said, quite matter-of-factly.  “Although a curious thought has come to mind, one I must explore later in our session, I think.  Kerryns are quite sensitive here, it seems,” he said, stroking Lila’s restrained tail with his icy fingers, making her shiver.  “I’m quite curious what your reaction would be if it were to be removed, and to see whether or not those clothes would grow back to accommodate it’s removal or if you’d simply have an empty sheath dangling behind.”

Lila turned wide eyes back toward the doctor, feeling a shiver go down her spine and tail.  “You…you wouldn’t!  Stay away from my tail!”  Lila’s mind flashed to a memory of the past, from one of her ancient ancestors…of a terrible place where kerryns were brutalized by the nobility for their entertainment, of maimed and tortured kerryns and the unimaginable suffering that had permeated the place.  She had the distinct impression that she had thrown up more than once when she’d found out about it.  “You stay away from it!  Stay away from me!

The doctor’s shadowed face was split further by the malicious grin as his eyes flared with an insidious energy.  “Why wouldn’t I, Ms. Darius?  Would it not be a wonderful experiment? One of science and faith in the gods?  I’m becoming very much fascinated by the idea.  Enough idle chatter, though; we have a goddess to defy.  We must make you orgasm, no matter what it takes!”  

Lila couldn’t recall a time when she’d wanted to get off less than she did right now.  She pulled at the framework with her arms and legs, whimpering as her helpless state became all the more frightening.  Nonetheless, Lila could only watch as Villegast began maneuvering some kind of contraption to the side of the operating table she had been secured to.  A low whimper escaped around her strict gag as her eyes fell upon the device, her mind having trouble figuring out exactly what the mass of wires, dials, switches, probes, and more could do.  The whole thing reminded her of some kind of cobbled together mess you’d see in a mad scientist’s laboratory.

How appropriate…” Lila thought wryly.  

Villegast worked quickly, starting with bundles of wires that were plugged into the various bits of electronics on the contraption.  These appeared to end in some kind of metallic leads, and were connected to various spots on the outside of the chastity belt and bra, maybe two dozen on the belt itself, and another dozen each on each of the bra cups, all clustered around the general area where the plugs and nipple rings were located. Lila couldn’t tell if they were simply magnetic or perhaps some kind of magic was at play.

Next he moved several articulated arms around, aiming the bulbous devices hanging on the ends into a position so that they were aimed at Lila’s crotch and chest, only a few inches away, just far enough that they wouldn’t be touching the attached wires.  They put Lila in mind of some kind of sonic emitters, and given where they were aimed, she could guess their general purpose. 

Next Villegast worked on placing a multitude of electrodes over Lila’s exposed skin, the cold pads sticking to her easily.  These went over just about every muscle the doctor could find, as well as an abundance of them covering her thighs along the contours of the belt.  Worse, he connected several to her head and tail.  By the time all of the wires had been connected to them, Lila was somewhat more worried about a massive electrical fire erupting on her than what the doctor had originally planned for them. 

“Almost ready…just a little chemical mixture,” Villegast said, walking away only to return a moment later, holding up a large syringe for Lila to see.  Whatever was inside had a deep red color, but also seemed to glow faintly.  “This is a special mixture of my own design; it will make sure that you don’t pass out too soon, and acts as a nerve stimulation agent.  You’ll feel everything at least twice as intensely as normal, perhaps more.  And of course there is an aphrodisiac mixed in to further heighten your arousal.”

Lila gulped, her eyes locked onto the syringe as the doctor found the vein on her arm, sticking the needle into it with a pinch.  As the stuff was injected, Lila grunted, feeling the concoction tracing through her blood like fire.  Before the needle was even extracted, she felt herself breathing quicker, and could feel her pussy clenching around the plug that filled it.  Her nipples and clit went hard, and everything seemed to grow more vivid as her heart raced: the colors around her, the coolness of the table and frame, the surgically clean scent in the room, everything was sharper.

Waiting perhaps a minute for his drug to take full effect, Villegast began powering up his machine, flipping various switches, then going around to the far side of it where Lila couldn’t see him, the sounds of typing on a keyboard coming a moment later.  High-pitched electrical whines filled the room, lights flashed on the devices, and electricity even arced between some of the protruding coils set atop the contraption.  

Lila tensed, trembling as she watched the thing power up.  This was not going to be pleasant in the least, even if her captors were fishing for orgasms. 

Her ears twitched and she winced when the sonic devices powered up, the higher pitched whine feeling as though it was trying to penetrate straight into her brain.  Lila bit at the penis gag, sucking in air quickly through her nose as the pressure intensified.  She started to feel tingling along her chest and between her legs, becoming more focused and powerful.  The pressure in her head thankfully subsided as the frequency grew less high-pitched, though she was soon feeling growing vibrations within the plugs and the rings.

“Almost to the right frequency…”

Mmm…yes Master…I can feel it already…” Sella said, her voice breathy.

“But of course my pet,” Villegast replied, rather absentmindedly, typing at the keyboard, reaching around to tweak a few knobs.  

Lila found herself moaning as the plugs and nipple piercings reached a level of intensity comparable to one of the more moderate activations she had previously experienced.  She saw Villegast turn other knobs, then the vibrations ramped up, making her squirm.  

“Beginning electrical stimulus protocol…now.”

Having expected at least a brief delay, Lila was caught unprepared as electricity snapped and sparked from the device by the table, then surged through the belt and bra. She screamed into the penis gag as she saw electricity arcing from the belt and bra, and felt it playing over her skin like a static discharge.  Then the rings went crazy, one turning ice cold, the other fiery hot, but both revving like an engine, sending powerful vibrations through her flesh.

Before her brain could even try to process those sensations, her ass and pussy plugs reacted in a similar way, though her ass clenched when an electrical discharge continually zapped her insides while her pussy was chilled by a suddenly icy shaft, but both were revving up and down, just like the nipple rings. 

Just as suddenly as it had started, the sensations stopped, leaving Lila a sweaty, panting mess, eyes rolling.  Her body, despite the chill in her accessories, was hot, and she saw fresh juices leaking from her pussy.  The way her pussy and nipples ached, she knew she should have come at least twice by now, at least. 

“Interesting…Sella, your opinion?”

Ohhh…master, it’s so chaotic!  It’s not like before when you did this.  Heat, cold, and electricity all three at once, unsteady vibrations…AHHH!

“AHHH!” Lila cried, in tune with Sella as another round of sonic and electrical discharges shot through the chastity gear.  The sensations were more intense than last time as the power whined louder beside her, and this time the rings and plugs were more random, as if they were going out of control, alternating between heat, cold, and shocking rapidly, all the while the plugs and rings felt like they were trying to tear themselves out of her.  

In the next moments Lila lay panting, in a daze atop the operating table with her pussy leaking down her stomach.  She groaned, even twitched.  She was at the height of arousal, but still, nowhere close to climax.  She could feel it, like a wall between her and that pleasure she desperately craved, if for no other reason than ending the pain she felt.

“It seems that the devices have changed their reactive frequencies somehow…the optimized settings I used before are completely off now.  Perhaps they have adapted for her physiology, or something less physical?” Villegast mused, making some more adjustments.  “I think we must recalibrate from the base level.”

Lila’s eyes rolled to Sella, wide with fear when the ghost let out one of the most lust-filled sounds she had ever heard.  “W-what does that mean?!

Sella shook with anticipation as she looked back to Lila.  “So much pain, my dear!  So much pleasure!  The last time I went through this, it nearly drove me mad!  I can’t wait for more!

Fuck that!” Lila snapped, grunting with effort as she tried again to free herself from the frame, rocking and tugging at the cuffs, twisting and bucking, anything to dislodge part of the frame.  The cuffs bit at her flesh, the frame pinched at the skin around her thighs, the sticky pads of the electrodes pulled painfully at her.  Everything she did hurt, but all of it was working to keep her arousal high, all of the pain and discomfort melting into pleasure.

“Useless, but amusing nonetheless.  A pity we will lose so much time, but it must be done.  Beginning recalibration…now.”

Lila’s skin felt like it was on fire as dozens of small electrical discharges covered her body, shooting straight into her muscles.  Her body convulsed and seized, jerking against the frame without any input from her.  The stimulating plugs and nipple rings likewise reacted, vibrating slowly, then slowly speeding up.  All she could do was choke on her gag, unable to draw breath.  Her head rolled to the side, and she again spotted Sella, and saw a clearer image of what her own body was doing, though Sella had a look of bliss upon her face.  

With her lungs burning, and her vision blurring, the grasp of the electricity finally ended, and Lila went limp in the frame, allowing her to pant for air, feeling nothing but agony that was somehow still fueling her heated, aroused state.  There was no way she could handle more of this!

“Hmmm…yes, I see quite a few differences here.  Thirty seconds until the next phase of calibration begins.”

H-how many phases are there?” Lila managed, her voice sounding weak in her mind.  

Villegast leaned forward so that she could see his face, and Lila shuddered at that smile.  “It depends on the individual, but I would say at least fifty, perhaps double that.  Get comfortable, Ms. Darius.”

Lila’s scream of terror mixed with Sella’s scream of pleasure as the next round began, Lila’s body once again losing control at the powerful electrical impulses that shot through it.  Sparks flew from the machine, and the plugs and nipple rings again went crazy, leaving her mind no time to focus on any one sensation, whether it was pleasure pain, or something in between.  It was just one constantly changing stimulus that only grew more and more chaotic. 

Whether this was Hell or not, Lila couldn’t say, but she couldn’t imagine Hell being much worse.  And, it seemed, her torments were only just beginning. 

* * * 

“Uhhhhnnngghh…” Lila groaned, her eyes fluttering open.  For a time, she couldn’t focus.  She drooled around the ever-present gag, and her body twitched against the restraints that held it upright.  Her throat was raw from screaming, her entire body alternating between pain and worse pain, though somehow, whether it was the raiment or the drugs, she was still horny as she could be.

Through it all, there had been no orgasms. Not even a little one.  

As she regained her senses, she was aware of movement, slow, forward, rolling…she was in a wheelchair.  

Though she felt her body twitching from the overload of electrical stimulus, she was aware of just how rigidly she sat, then of the steady pressure of latex pressing in from all sides.  Then she picked up on the distinct squeaking of the shiny black material against the seat of the wheelchair, of the way her thighs squeezed against the chastity belt.  She tried to turn her head, but of course the neck corset was back as well, as was its larger, more painful cousin around her torso.  Her feet too were once again inside the confines of the raiment’s ballet boots, in their strictly pointed position.

Lila saw a pair of doors open in front of her, a faint rippling glow covering the opening, and then she was being pushed down a hall filled with cell doors.  Inside the cells, as she shifted her eyes back and forth, she saw ghostly forms in various states of torment, each glowing with the unique aura that Sella’s presence had granted her.

Her lips curled around the gag, her thoughts souring as she recalled Sella.  What she wouldn’t give to have never made that deal!

In the reflection coming off of some of the observation windows from the empty cells, Lila saw the large nurse that pushed her along, and herself, looking mostly like she had before, though it seemed that the outer robe had changed to a different form.  It now resembled a straitjacket, covering her upper body, leaving her arms crossed and tightly strapped in place, though her legs still seemed to be covered by the bottom of the hobble dress it had formed when she had first been captured.  

A thought came to mind, one that didn’t sit well with her.  Villegast had said it would take half a day for the raiment to reform.  Had it really been that long?  Had he tortured her that long?!  Worse, did that mean that he would be putting her through the agony of removing it again?

“I’ve been waiting to fill this cell for some time.  I don’t like difficult patients,” said the nurse, the wheelchair coming to a stop a few feet away from an open cell door, Lila seeing her name stenciled on it.  “But at least we finally have the whole set.”

Suddenly more alert through the mind-wrenching pain in her body, Lila looked left, then right, a desperate moan coming from her.  Kori!  Rel!  They were in cells on opposite sides of the hall!

Kori lay in the corner of his cell, apparently asleep, wrapped in a bright pink straitjacket with matching leggings and ballet boots, his cock trapped in a bright pink chastity cage.  He shifted, shuddering inside the jacket, a low groan coming from him. He looked tired, exhausted really.  Lila had only caught a brief glimpse of his torment, so it was untelling what he had experienced after that. 

Lila’s eyes went back to Releana, noting the cow-print attire she now wore.  Instead of ballet heels she wore hoof boots, along with latex leggings, and a cow-print straitjacket that left her breasts exposed.  They were nowhere near as cartoonishly large as they had been, though they still seemed to be leaking milk from her enlarged nipples.  Lila couldn’t see what her face looked like, though, because she still wore that cow-headed mask, the dark eyes giving away nothing of her condition.  Was she still all there? 

Was Lila even all there?

The nurse moved Lila along to her cell, rolling the wheelchair inside.  Her big, ghostly hand grabbed Lila by the back of her neck corset, easily picking her up and before tossing her to the padded floor of the cell.  Lila landed with a grunt, but couldn’t find the energy to react more than that.  She lay on her side, and didn’t move but for the uncontrolled twitching in her body.  The soft padding actually felt wonderful beneath her, and her eyes closed, exhaustion quickly overwhelming her.  

“Rest up while you can.  The good doctor is eager to continue your treatments.  From what I understand, you’re quite the test subject, if Sella’s screaming was any indication.  I also heard the doc talking about some group therapy too, so I’m sure you’ll enjoy that.  All three of you together again, hmm?  I can’t wait.”  

The nurse laughed, though it faded away as Lila’s cell door closed and locked.  Group therapy…maybe she could manage something to free them once they were together…if only she could get free at all.  But, she couldn’t think for the moment.  She needed to rest, needed to let her body recover.  She let out a pained moan as she rolled onto her back, keeping her eyes closed, letting the darkness take her.  

Just before she lost consciousness, Lila was aware of the faint thrumming of the nipple rings and vibrators, a surprisingly warm and soothing sensation that carried her into a rather peaceful slumber.

Howdy, everyone!  Hope you’re enjoying the story so far!  We’re in the home stretch, just a few chapters left!  This has been a great experience so far.  Writing this has really helped me to get back into the habit of writing, to the point that I’m keeping track of my word counts and daily progress.  I’ve had some ups and downs to be sure, but with a full-time job that I struggle to keep interested in taking up so much time and energy during the week, I’m managing fairly well overall. I think.

That being said, there might not be a chapter posted next week.  I’m going to try to have something to post on Saturday if I can’t get the chapter done, but I’ll be going out of town for a little vacation for a few days this week to enjoy the fall scenery, and may not have time to finish up the next chapter in time.  I had been keeping a fairly steady 1-2 chapter lead, but you know how life goes.

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper