Lila’s Haunted Asylum Misadventure – Epilogue – Parting is Such Sweet Bliss


Lila gave a quick shake of her ass towards the customer she had just given the drink to as she turned to head back to the bar, and squealed with apparent delight as the expected sharp slap landed against her latex-covered ass, though she was sure nobody heard her due to the pounding music that filled the room.  The vibrators inside her were already thrumming, but ramped up as she walked away, getting joined by more stimulation on her nipples inside the mithril chastity bra.  That was perhaps thirty, maybe even forty, ass-slaps Lila had received already since her shift started, the bar being unusually crowded that night, maybe at capacity, maybe even a few more crammed in.  It was the acid-rainy season on Sentinel, so maybe that had patrons more willing to stick around longer. 

It had been about three months since she had arrived back on Sentinel, and not a single orgasm since.  She’d been on edge most of that time thanks to Yurisaya’s special garb, and for a wonder hadn’t gone insane.  If anything, she’d developed something of a zen-like mindset thanks to Sella’s coaching.  She hadn’t even seen Sella in over a month now, as they had prepared for the ritual that would separate the two of them; it seemed almost lonely not hearing Sella’s voice in her head during all that time.  She’d even been through some of Yurisaya’s ‘meditations’ as they were apparently called, with some of the lesser priests and priestesses, and had gained a rather impressive tolerance for pain.  

Not that she had ever wanted to go down that route, certainly, but it had gotten them out of that horrible asylum, and if she had taken the worst of it for Releana’s and Kori’s sakes, then it had been worth it. Alyssa had been pretty put out at first, but then, being the savvy businesswoman she was, had found a way to turn a profit and let Lila continue working off the debt she owed.  Hence why she was working as a barmaid now, and took turns in the dancing cages, and continued to participate in the stage shows with Releana.  For some reason the crowd really enjoyed seeing one of Yurisaya’s own getting a more-intense-than-usual live session.  

Go figure.

Back at the bar, Lila sat the tray down to be refilled, and took a moment to lift her left foot, then her right.  Even after all this time, the discomfort of wearing the ballet heels never seemed to lessen; apparently one of the quirks of the raiment, according to Sella. The upside was that the magic wouldn’t allow her feet to become misshapen or require her to wear progressively smaller heels to retrain them for normal shoes, but a little relief wouldn’t have been a bad thing.  

“Get back to the staging area right now; you’ve got a show to prep for.”

Lila turned around on her toes, surprised to find Alyssa behind her, the boss rarely making an appearance around the bar except for special occasions, though her commanding tone was rather typical.  She wore one of her dark latex business suits, the color of it hard to discern in the neon-bathed bar area, though it did contrast starkly with her reddish skin and devilish appearance.  Rumor had it that Alyssa had once been able to pass for human, until she’d wound up running the BDSM club and bar, sent straight into her own personal hell by none other than Rivalle some years ago, all the sin and vice having brought out her race’s demonic ancestry. 

“Hrh N’m nrh hchmnrrmn hrr r hhrm hrnnghh…” (But I’m not scheduled for a show tonight…) Lila replied, flicking her ears quizzically beneath the raiment’s habit.  At least, she hadn’t thought she was.  Had she gotten the date wrong?  Looked at the wrong schedule?  Not gotten the memo?

Alyssa smirked, putting a hand on her hip and motioned toward the back of the bar with the other.  “Special event.  Big surprise show for a special someone.  Figured you’d heard about it by now.”

Lila moaned, moving her upper body back and forth in what she had taken to doing in lieu of shaking her head, thanks to the neck corset.  How could she?  She was coming up on four hours working the floor, hadn’t even managed to take a break yet, and Rel and Kori had been busy the last week with other jobs, so much so she’d barely seen them.  

“Hurry up, kitty.  Releana and Kori are waiting for you; they’re taking part tonight too.  Even have some special guest performers you’ll be working with.”

Lila sighed around the perpetually mouth-filling penis gag and managed a quick dip of her upper body toward Alyssa as a nod.  Her tail twitched back and forth as she walked toward the back, as she was now on edge.  Who was this special person they were putting a show on for?  And special performers?  That hadn’t happened before, at least not since Lila had been there.  Sure, they’d had an audience member come up on stage and grope or spank her a few times, but nothing like what Alyssa had hinted at.  

A sudden chill went down her spine as a thought came to mind.  Alyssa hadn’t sold them out to Rivalle, had she?  

No, it couldn’t be…Alyssa hated that woman as much as any of them.  It had to be someone else…some big politician or maybe some other big corporate type?  A new investor who was getting the VIP treatment, probably.  Or maybe it was one of the local law enforcement types, needing a bribe to let something slide?  Was one of Yurisaya’s devotees having a special birthday party celebration?

If that’s all it was, why was Lila so nervous all of a sudden?  There had to be something else to it…Alyssa had been vague, more than she usually was.  And something about that smirk on her face, that glimmer in her eye, said she was hiding something intentionally.  

If there had been one positive aspect of Lila’s strict confinement within the holy raiment, it was that her observational skills had increased.  Being unable to speak properly did tend to make conversations rather one-sided, but she had started noticing things about people she hadn’t before.  Sella’s presence in her head may have had something to do with that as well.  She had warned that if they stayed together too long their minds would merge into a singular form that couldn’t be separated.  Hence their separation for the last month.  

Passing through the employees-only door, Lila hurried down the dimly lit corridor.  She passed another pair of dancers, giving her particular style of nod as she passed them, probably to fill the serving roll she had just vacated.  She made a left at the junction and walked by a couple of dressing and storage rooms, stopping at the door to the staging area just behind the big stage.  What was she stepping into?

Come on, Lila, why so nervous now?  It’s not like you’re going into another haunted asylum again.  Just another show, a few more ass slaps and humiliations, then you’re off duty for the night…”  Though her quick pep talk had done little to settle her nerves, Lila stepped forward and through the door.

Her eyes went wide, and she stumbled to a stop almost immediately.  

She blinked, then blinked again.

“Well?  What are you waiting for?  Do you want out of that outfit or not?”  asked Releana, fists firmly planted on her sizable hips as she leaned toward Lila.  

“Seriously; we thought you’d run in here when you found out.  Are you really getting that used to it?” Kori asked, sounding a little concerned.

Lila let out a grunt around the gag that had filled her mouth for so long, raising her hands in frustration.  “Nrhrnm hrrn mm rnmhhnng rhrrh hhnh!  Rrmhhr hrnn hhmrm mrh r hhmcnrr hhrm!  Mhm rrm mrr hrhh nrmhhmn rnchm hhrh?!”  (Nobody told me anything about this!  Alyssa said there was a special show!  Why are you both dressed like that?!)

Releana’s right eyebrow raised her chin and nose with it as she got that look on her face that said she was either annoyed or feeling particularly dominant.  Maybe both.  “What have I told you about speaking slow when you’re gagged, slave?  I swear, you just will not learn!”

“Hey, hey, easy, Rel.  I don’t think she actually knows,” Kori said, putting his dainty hand on Releana’s forearm.  Kori smiled at Lila, his lips looking fuller thanks to the outfit he wore.  “It’s time to get you out of the raiment, Lila.  Sella contacted us last week, and we’ve been prepping for it ever since.  Rel and I are going to participate in the ritual, and well, we had to dress the part.”

Both were dressed in the same kind of attire as the local sect of Yurisaya’s worshippers, a less strict version of what Lila herself wore.  They were clad from head down in shiny, skin-tight black latex, only their eyes and mouths visible beneath the hoods.  Each had their hair in a strict ponytail, which came out of the top of the hoods.  They wore collars and cuffs, but leather instead of steel or mithril, with Yurisaya’s holy symbol dangling from the collar rings, and had corsets around their midsections that were not nearly as strictly cinched as Lila’s.  Their boots, while knee-high, were only about five-inch heels, much more reasonable than the ballet boots.

Lila finally lowered her hands, crossing then in front of her.  “Nh…nh’h rmrrrm hrhhmnnng?  N crn hnnrrrm gmh rrh rh hhnh hhnng?” (It…it’s really happening?  I can finally get out of this thing?)  Lila felt a surge in the plugs and nipple rings, and her knees weakened slightly as she accepted the sign for what it was, Yurisaya’s blessing.  She squeezed her legs together and moaned excitedly, closing her eyes to savor the sensation.

“Not if you keep standing there trying to come its not,” Releana replied, rolling her eyes.  “We need to get you prepped before the ritual begins.  So get your butt over here and stop stalling!  The sisters are already set up on stage and waiting!”

Lila’s eyes popped open.  “Hhrgm?!  Mrr mmrn hhnh nh rchrrrrm hrhhmnnng rn hhrgm?  Nn hrrnh rh mhmrmrnm?!” (Stage?!  You mean this is actually happening on stage?  In front of everyone?!)

“Uhhh, yeah,” said Releana, crossing her arms, her annoyance obvious.

“Sella thought it’d be better to do it in a place you’re more familiar with,” Kori said, swaying his hips a bit as he spoke.  “And well, they’re wanting to reach out to the community a bit and give a glimpse at what some of Yurisaya’s rituals and stuff are like.”

Lila returned a flat stare.  “Hhmm’rm hrmnng hr rmcrrnh nmm hrrrrmmrh?  Rh r hnmm rnchm hhnh?” (They’re trying to recruit new followers?  At a time like this?)

“Well…the time is right, I guess.  You’ve been pretty popular since you showed up wearing the raiment, so…they’re hopeful.  But come on, we don’t want to keep them waiting, right?  I really can’t wait to see you out of that again.”  Kori flashed a smile, and held out his hand to Lila.

Sighing, Lila shrugged.  How could she back out now?  So what if she’d likely be humiliated on stage again?  Certainly wasn’t the first time, was it?  She went to Kori and took his hand, happily accepting his kiss on her cheek.  “Mhrh nr mm nmmn hr nr?” (What do we need to do?)

“There’s a certain way you’re to be bound and presented,” Releana said, her annoyance having instantly turned to excitement.  “And I’ve been practicing just for this.  A lot.”

“Boy, has she ever…” Kori replied, shaking his head.  

“Hey, you’re the closest to Lila’s size, and I didn’t hear you complaining about it before,” Releana said.  She turned on her heels and pointed to a spot on the floor by a table with various items laid out upon it.  “Over there, Lila.  I’m sure you can handle this just fine with that kerryn grace of yours.  Though I suppose I’ll have to watch to make sure I get the chains around your ass properly tight since Kori’s is more shapely.”

Eyebrow twitching at the comparison of ass sizes, her inner jealousy of Kori’s amazing tush flashing to the forefront, Lila nonetheless did as she was told.  She desperately wanted out of the raiment!

Once she was in the correct position, Lila got a clearer look at the gear laid out on the table, and realized that it was only comprised of some very delicate-looking chains, locks, and the raiment’s outer robe, which she had learned early on did little to entice customers at the bar, and actually made it a lot more difficult to maneuver, so she’d been leaving it in the back room.  She started to turn toward Rel, but the bigger woman was already behind her, hands firmly grasping Lila’s biceps to hold her in place.

“Before the Ritual of Separation can begin, the host must be properly presented to the High Priestess to prove her worth,” Releana said, in a very practiced way that Lila the rites had already started. “Do you stand before Yurisaya as a supplicant worthy of her consideration?”

Wondering if Releana had made the decision to actually join the church, Lila nonetheless mentally bowed her head.  Though she had not actually practiced or read any scriptures on the ritual, the words came to her seemingly of their own accord.  Perhaps it was Sella being subtle again?  “N nr.  N hrmhrm hmg hhm Nrrch Rrnm’h rhhmnhnrn rnn grnnrncm nn hhnh mrhhmr, rnn hmg hmr grrcm hhrrrn hhm hnnn mm mrrhhm rh Hmhrrrhnrn.” (I do.  I humbly beg the Dark Lady’s attention and guidance in this matter, and beg her grace should she find me worthy of Separation.)

Releana did not reply immediately, instead waiting until Kori had moved to her side and picked up some of the chains.  They gleamed with the same brilliant silvery shine as the cuffs and chastity gear, and the way they clinked together told Lila that they too were composed of mithril.  “So it shall be that you will be presented to the High Priestess, so that she may be the vessel of judgement.  Yurisaya demands that you pay a price in pain, whatever the outcome.  Do you accept this and wish to continue?  There will be no return from this point.”

Lila took in a deep breath, or what passed as a deep breath for her these days, and blew it out slowly.  The vibrators and nipple rings stirred, and she felt an electrical tingle play over them and through her flesh.  Knowing that pain was basically a currency in the church of Yurisaya, she had expected as much, but hearing it said in such a formal tone did give her pause.  How bad would it be?  Would the process feel like when Villegast had forcefully removed the raiment during his ‘treatments’?  Would it be worse?  

Only one way to find out.

“N hrmhrm rccmhh hhm hrnn hhrh mnrr hm rmcrnrmn, rnn grrnrm rhhmr mhrh N mrm gnhm hr Mrrnhrmr; N hrrm rnrm hhrh nh nh mnrrgh hrr hmr hrmrhrrm.” (I humbly accept the pain that will be required, and gladly offer what I may give to Yurisaya; I pray only that it is enough for her pleasure.)  Again, the words came to her from somewhere that didn’t seem to be from her own knowledge, but Lila was more than willing at this point.  Maybe even a little impatient for things to get going.  The devices inside her stirred in a pleasing way.  It seemed that she had made the right choice, as a familiar sensation came to her, the feeling that something more powerful than any of them had its attention turned to them.

Yurisaya was now watching. 

“So the supplicant has consented; we shall begin the binding process for presentation.”  With that, Releana’s strong hands moved to Lila’s wrists, guiding her hands and arms upward behind her.  They crossed at the small of her back and then continued higher, until her hands were near her neck in a reverse-prayer position.  

Kori’s agile fingers quickly worked a length of chain through the rings of the cuffs around Lila’s biceps, tugging the length a few times to draw her arms even closer before a tiny click of a lock was heard, sealing the chain’s ends together.  He followed it up immediately with another chain, this one going between the cuffs at her wrists.  As the chain was fed through, the cuffs locked themselves together, and Rel took hold of her hands, forcing them even higher toward the base of Lila’s skull.  Kori deftly wrapped the chains around Lila’s arms in a back and forth pattern, the fine mithril chain behaving very much like rope in his hands.  Though the chain seemed delicate, Lila knew that properly forged mithril, and certainly the church of Yurisaya had made certain they were properly forged, was stronger than steel, and would not be breaking easily.  Once her arms were pressed together from wrists to elbows, he fed the chain back through and attached it to the back of the neck corset, ensuring that she could not lower her arms in the slightest. 

Releana took up the next chain, circling it around Lila’s upper body, above her breasts, and began an intricate shibari-style pattern over her upper body and arms.  The chains pressed into Lila’s latex-covered flesh just as ropes would, though perhaps more sharply.  By the time she applied the locks to secure the chain in several spots, Lila’s upper body was wrapped in an intricate mithril web, and she could feel the greater pressure causing her breasts to squeeze more uncomfortably inside the chastity bra.  

Lila breathed slowly, forcing herself to remain calm.  Even though she knew the gist of what to expect, the severity of the bondage just for presentation made her wonder what the actual ritual would entail. 

Releana had already started with the next length of chain by this time, feeding it around Lila’s compressed waist, and began another intricate tie.  Another crisscrossing web of mithril went around her hips and crotch, over the belt and through the rings attached to it.  Releana seemed to take special care in making certain that the chain that wrapped around Lila’s ass and between her legs was as tight as possible, leaving deep channels between the flesh that spilled out between the lengths.  A final lock resting just over Lila’s chastised pussy completed the complex web, and left Lila feeling more compressed than she had thought possible.

But Releana wasn’t done, taking up another length of chain, which she fed through the thigh bands of the chastity gear, bringing Lila’s legs fully together.  Like the cuffs at her wrists, the thigh bands locked themselves together once the chains were in place.  Releana then wound the chains down and around Lila’s legs, crisscrossing them in several spots, with Kori quickly snapping locks into place at the crossing points.  The chain passed through the ankle cuffs, which locked themselves together, and went even further down, with the last length circling the arches of her feet beneath the extreme ballet heels, and being locked together on the underside of her feet.

As Lila teetered on her toes, wondering exactly how she was expected to go anywhere near the stage in her current restriction, Kori picked up the outer robe and draped it over her shoulders, pulling the hood over her head.  Releana’s hands pressed against Lila’s shoulders.  Somehow it was enough, and again, Lila wondered if Rel had actually become one of Yurisaya’s followers as the robe began to reform as it had in the bowels of the asylum, shrinking down and becoming a smooth, glistening latex sheath atop the rest of the outfit and bindings, covering her fully from head to toe.  

And she did mean fully, as the hood spilled over her head and removed her vision as it squeezed itself around her.  She even lost all hearing, and could only whimper in her silent, dark space, wobbling on her toes as she was compressed even more fully.  Releana’s strong hands squeezed her shoulders again, and then Lila felt something wrapping around her neck.  Totally cut off from the outer world, her tail twitched anxiously as she felt a tug, realizing it had been a leash.  There was a sudden impact against her ass, the power of which indicating it could only have been Rel using a paddle, and she squealed into the gag, hopping forward on her toes.  

For a wonder, Lila didn’t fall, but the tug on the leash happened again, and as she started to hop, so too did the paddle land again.  “So this is how it’s going to be…” she thought, groaning as she struggled to follow.  After only half a dozen hops and swats to her ass she was feeling drained, sweating inside her latex oven, and panting for air.  How far was it to the stage from the prep area?  A hundred feet?  Could she even make it to the stage so they could start the ritual before she collapsed in a heap of latex and mithril on the floor?

Don’t wuss out now, Lila!  You’re this close, just a few dozen more hops and some more soreness on your behind, and you’re clear!” she told herself, panting through her nose as she bit into the penis gag and forced herself to focus on following Kori’s guidance through the leash. It wasn’t the first time that she had been guided blindfolded, but it was the first time she’d done so in Sella’s raiment, to say nothing of the skin-pinching tightness of the fine chains that wound around her and kept her arms in a position that gave her no help in balancing herself.  Even her tail was no help, twitching as it was beneath the crushing pressure of the outer robe turned isolation hood/hobble dress.  

Still, somehow, between the swats to her ass that were only getting more painful the more tender her flesh became, and the constant pull on the leash, she somehow kept herself upright on her toes.  She felt herself teetering several times, but managed to retain her upright position, those particular moments resulting in a merciless impact from Releana’s paddle as an apparent punishment for losing her ‘graceful’ hop.  

Lila was turned to the right, her sense of location not great at the moment, but good enough to tell they were angling toward the stage now.  Already sweating like mad, her head feeling light thanks to her general lack of air, she pushed onward.  The realization came to her suddenly as she teetered forward again, and felt Releana seize on the opportunity to use the paddle to full effect, that there was a noticeable gripping force on her toes against the ground.  Recalling the past months while she wore the raiment, she knew that she’d never taken a fall, had felt as though she was close, but had somehow managed to pull it out.  

As a quick test, on her next hop, she overcorrected backwards and to her left, and certainly swayed more than she had previously, resulting in a firm tug on the leash, and the expected follow up strike against her stinging ass, but again, she picked up on the fact that her heels were firmly planted to the floor.  “Those tricky little masochists…” she mused, smirking around the gag.  It may have been a blessing of Yurisaya, and may be revoked on a whim, but if it were an aspect of the outfit’s enchantment, then it explained how the faithful could wear such extreme heels and move with grace and little concern for maintaining their footing.

After a small eternity in darkness and silence, Lila felt the leash go slack, and stood panting through her nose.  Though she had been operating on restricted air for a few months, she still struggled to get used to the feeling of lightheadedness she got when exerting herself to such a degree…not that she wanted to get used to it, certainly.  All was silent, and of course she could see nothing.  She smelled some perfumes, the scent of smoke and food from the bar, lingering scents of sex from somewhere, and despite the overwhelming aroma of latex and leather, picked up on a few familiar scents.  It was Yurisaya’s clergy, alright.  She picked up on half a dozen of them, the usual group that tended to visit the club, all dark elves, led by the local high priestess, Iraelia.  

Were they saying anything?  From the location of the scents, Kori and Rel were still beside her, with Iraelia the closest of the clergy.  Surely they were saying something and not keeping the crowd guessing.  Probably some ritualized speech to match with what Rel had said earlier, explaining the situation, what was requested.  Knowing Alyssa the whole thing was being recorded and she’d see the full thing later. 

A firm hand grasped Lila’s ponytail, having been spared from the hood formed by the robe, giving it a little shake, before Lila felt something being done to it.  After a few moments, she realized that some kind of cord was being wound through it and tied off.  A few moments after that, there was a sharp upward tug, and had she not already been on her toes, would have risen to them.  Kori and Rel’s scents faded slightly, and Iraelia’s grew a bit stronger, the other followers seeming to spread out around Lila.

Gulping, Lila wiggled like a worm on a hook as her mind began to fill in the blanks.  The faithful of Yurisaya had encircled her, and she couldn’t move from the spot.  Knowing their reverence of pain, she had a very good idea of what they had planned to start things out, and Lila was certain she wouldn’t enjoy it…

At least a minute passed, and Lila could only squirm.  What were they doing out there?  Were they waiting for something?  Praying?  Making some kind of strange show for the audience?  Was she supposed to do something?  Nobody had told her anything about the ritual!

Lila sucked in her breath as a chill settled over her, and a familiar presence returned.  Her heart raced quicker for a few moments, as it seemed as though a part of her that had been missing for some time had suddenly returned.  A twinge of uncertainty filled her, wondering for a few moments whether she really wanted to be separated…  “Sella!

Missed me?

“More than I probably should have, to be honest.  It’s kinda strange not having you around in my head all the time.

Which is why we’re here of course; I don’t want to see you and me become a permanent item.  I’ve got far too much baggage to saddle you with,” Sella said, laughing.  “They’re finishing up a ritual prayer now, and cleansing themselves and their tools with holy water.  The Separation will begin soon; and uh, don’t be too put out by what they’re going to make you drink.  It tastes horrible and will burn like fire, and you’ll probably have flashbacks to the stuff Villegast gave you, but it’s needed to stimulate your pain receptors so that you’ll be in the right state of mind to have me removed.

Do any of your ceremonies or rituals NOT involve pain?

Well…some of the lesser funeral rites don’t.

Lila rolled her eyes.  “Figures…the only time you don’t get hurt is when you’re dead.

There’s no point if you can’t enjoy it, hmm?

Before Lila could reply, she felt a light pressure on the gag panel over her mouth, and the hood shifted slighted around her head.  With a firm tug the thick plug that had filled her mouth was pulled free, and her tongue instantly rose and moved now that it had been freed from the thick rubber that had kept it restrained for so long. Though she still couldn’t hear, Lila could smell as well as ever, and her nose twitched and curled as a foul smelling scent wafted closer.  It had a distinctly hot, almost chemical odor, and as it neared, it maid her stomach churn.  “So gross!

It’s usually reserved for the faithful; you can actually get drunk on it, believe it or not.

Who would want to?” Lila asked, already knowing the answer before she had even asked the question.  But she felt something touch the ring holding her mouth open, and then her tongue was on fire as the noxious brew was poured into her mouth.  She gagged at first, her nose instantly stinging at the proximity of the concoction, but made herself choke down the stuff.  In fact, she basically had to gulp at it, because whoever was doing the pouring wasn’t letting her take it slow or even try to get used to it.  

Fire raced down her throat and through her guts, straight to her stomach, then started radiating outward.  Lila groaned, wavering on her toes and pulling at the cord holding her upright as she did.  It was like drinking the hottest hot sauce she’d ever tried, only worse!  The heat continued radiating outward until it had seemingly filled her whole body, leaving her not only sweating, but with a distinctly buzzed sensation in her head, despite the intensity of the burning on her insides.  “You could get drunk on that stuff…

Speaking from experience,” Sella replied quickly.  She cleared her throat, and spoke in a more formal manner.  “Thus begins the Ritual of Separation!  The holy spirit contained within this vessel shall come forth, returning once more unto the sacred garb whence it came, to reside once again so that it may find peaceful rest.  The vessel shall now will the spirit from herself, with the aid of Yurisaya’s sacred elixir.  Trust in the pain that comes to guide the spirit from your physical form!

“When you say it like that, it sounds like they’re just going to beat me until you shake loose…

Picked up on that, did you?  See you on the other side!

Lila’s eyes widened.  “Wait, Sella!”  Lila’s backside lit up in a line of fire as a whip struck her, feeling like a massive papercut had just appeared across both ass cheeks.  She howled in agony, whatever the stuff she’d been given working a lot more effectively than the stuff back at the asylum.  Another line of agony appeared on her left thigh, then across her stomach, seemingly cutting right through the corset, and then again on her left thigh, followed by a simultaneous strike against each bicep.  

Reeling already, the pain in Lila’s scalp from her suspension was likewise multiplied by the elixir, Lila’s dark world became filled with a red haze as her entire being was consumed with pain from the whips.  The dark elf faithful never seemed to strike the same place twice as they assailed her body, and Lila screamed and screamed though it did little to lessen her experience.  

With the elixir heightening her senses, she soon was aware of cooler spots on her skin, then felt the distinct sensation of air moving over those areas.  It seemed they were chewing through the latex of the raiment with agonizing slowness, but what else would she have expected? There’s no way they would have gone easy with something like this.

For a moment, the assault upon her stopped, and Lila hung from her hair, panting through her mouth, dazed and feeling very much as if she were standing in a fire, her skin burning with dozens of large papercuts while her insides roasted from the elixir.  There was a tugging at her head, and suddenly she was blinded by the stage lights, forcing her to quickly close her eyes.  As the hood was pulled away from her ears, she heard the strangest sound filling them:  silence.

Not silence like she had experienced inside the hood, rather, a distinct lack of sound in the stage area, from the bar.  There was no music, no shouts or cheers, no pounding of feet on the dance floor, no faint screams from the play rooms.  Well, there was a clink of glasses, and a mutter of shocked disbelief that it really was her, some more faint whispers, that kind of thing.  But it was still so strange that the place was so quiet. 

Lila opened her eyes slowly, looking over the crowd.  She could make out dim, shadowy outlines thanks to the lights that came from the front of the stage, but as she looked to her right, she saw Alyssa’s private table was occupied, by Alyssa herself, along with Rachel and Rose, the dom and sub pair that had been so against Lila, Kori, and Rel taking refuge there in the beginning. Apparently they had a past with Rivalle too, and were worried about so many of Rivalle’s enemies gathering in one place.  Rachel wore her usual type of attire, a leather and latex outfit very much fitting for her dominant nature, and Rose wore one of her full-body latex kitty pet suits, obediently sitting on all fours beside her mistress.

Movement on the stage drew Lila’s attention back to her left, as a floating case of ornately carved dark wood was pushed directly in front of Lila by Kori and Rel, about ten feet ahead of her.  The lid was opened, revealing a deep red velvet-lined interior.

Iraelia appeared directly in front of Lila, wearing her own version of Yurisaya’s holy garb, similar in both the level of strictness and ornateness to the one Lila wore, though lacking the headgear that prevented speech.  Her lips curled into a smirk as she placed both hands upon Lila’s cheeks.  “The initial preparation is complete.  Are you prepared to continue to the next stage of separation, Lila Darius?  Is your spirit still wishing to be your own?”

“Yessh…” Lila said, or rather, groaned, nodding with her eyes.

Iraelia stepped back, holding her arms out wide, leaning back to look toward the heavens as she couldn’t simply angle her head back with her posture collar in place.  “Yurisaya, the vessel remains resolute!  Please, oh Dark Lady, show us a sign that you are pleased with this, and wish to continue granting us your blessing!  Shall the spirit of Sella be freed from this mortal vessel?”

Lila felt the raiment’s chastity plugs and rings suddenly vibrate powerfully, and then she screamed as electricity sparked from both the bra and belt, through her insides like a searing bolt of actual lightning.  

“The Dark Lady’s blessing remains!” cried Iraelia, raising her arms higher.  “With this blessing, we shall remove the holy raiment from your body, Lila Darius!  The Dark Lady is pleased that you have offered yourself for such an honorable task, and have been so kind to accept one so revered as Sella Shaong into your mortal coil for so long.  Your ordeal is nearing its end, Lila Darius!  Soon you will be yourself once more!”

Lila was pretty sure that Iraelia said something else, but she couldn’t make it out over her own scream as another powerful jolt of electricity exploded from the plugs and rings, dancing up and down her body for several seconds before it finally ended.  Dazed, she was barely aware that the chains that had been placed upon her body had become unlocked somehow, and were now moving of their own accord.  Before she knew it, her arms and legs were pulled wide, stretched to the breaking point as the chains wrapped themselves around a stout frame that had been placed over her.  

She heard a gasp from the crowd, and then saw that Sella’s ghostly form had appeared, mirroring Lila’s position, though floating above the large container, looking upward with a blissful smile upon her face.  Lila’s mind flashed back to the tomb on Aclaysia, to the day she had first donned the raiment, and how she had been held spreadeagle by chains then as well. 

“Sisters!  Take up your whips once more!” Iraelia ordered, reverently taking up the black leather coil from her hip and unfurling it with a flick of her wrist.  “As it is commanded, so shall it be!  Six strikes upon the vessel for each piece of the raiment!  Do not falter, sisters, for we do this together!  For Lila, for Sella, and most of all, for Yurisaya!”

This is gonna suck…” Lila thought, biting down on the ring between her teeth as she watched Iraelia’s arm move, and then in perfect unison, six whips struck over her body.  She wailed as agony consumed her, felt herself nearly black out, but something drew her back, no doubt the holy power that was filling the stage.  As she reeled from the strike, there was a click at her neck, and the collar released itself, only slightly lessening the pressure around Lila’s neck. 

Lila gasped, breathing as deeply as she could manage as she watched the collar float across the stage and take its place in the air in front of Sella’s ghostly form.  She also smelled a peculiar scent, like hot latex, kind of like burning rubber, and saw smoke rising from her body.  Looking down, though still unable to get a perfect view from how her hair held her head upright and the strictness of the neck corset, she saw black mist rolling from her body, like the latex itself was dissolving.

“More, sisters!  More!” Iraelia cried.  Again all six whips sounded as one, and Lila shrieked from the pain, but felt the boots sliding from her feet, the mithril chains adjusting themselves immediately to make up the difference, making sure to keep her spread perfectly, painfully taut.  Almost before the ballet boots could place themselves in front of Sella’s form, the whips struck again, and this time the chastity bra unlocked itself and pulled free.

And so the ritual continued, with each set of multiple, near simultaneous strikes leaving Lila in even more intense agony, but freeing her of another piece of the raiment:  the belt next, then the corset, neck corset, both plugs, both nipple rings, each and every cuff on her limbs, and finally the head harness and gag.  By the time the final piece had been removed, Lila was teetering on the edge of consciousness, the flesh of her body feeling as though it was torn ragged, but she dared not look.  She was certain there was blood, and a lot of it.

Her eyes instead were glued upon Sella’s form, glowing in holy light as the raiment, all of its pieces seemed to affix themselves upon her form.  The gathered faithful prayed to Yurisaya, and Lila felt the last remnant’s of Sella’s presence fade from her mind with a distinct sense of loss, but a greater sense of joy as the light flashed brilliantly.  For a moment Sella floated in front of everyone, clad once more in her full raiment, outer robe and all.  

Then she faded, shooting Lila one last look of thanks before she vanished, and her raiment floated gently into the chest, settling themselves in their places before the lid closed on its own.  

Lila sagged against the chains holding her limbs wide, suddenly feeling very tired as Iraelia approached her again, touching her hand to Lila’s cheek.  “The Ritual of Separation is complete, Lila Darius!  You have done most admirably.  Please, accept one more blessing from the Dark Lady before we depart and leave you to your own free will.”  She uttered another prayer, and light shone from her hand.  A warmth spread from it, and through Lila, going through her entire body, easing the pains that filled it, removing much of the fatigue she felt, replacing it with a distinct sensation of arousal. 

Sighing, Lila managed a nod, doing her best to keep her mind somewhere else besides the rapidly surging aroused state of her body; not for the first time in the last few months, her pussy was on fire and dripping, and her nipples ached from their hardness.  “Thank you, high priestess,” she said at last, getting a pat on her cheek in return.  

Iraelia turned and moved to the container, her lesser sisters assembling around it and taking it up reverently as they started off the stage.  She turned to the crowd, holding up a hand.  “And thus, the ritual is finished!  The spirit of Sella Shaong shall once again rest within a most revered place of honor within the temple of Yurisaya!  We depart in peace, but will gladly accept those curious to learn more of the Dark Lady’s ways on the morrow!  Thank you all for your rapt attention!”

“Are you okay?”

Lila turned her head, already feeling amazing that she could do that much, regarding Kori with a wide smile, though he still wore the garb of Yurisaya’s clerics.  “Better than okay!  But I could really use a hot bath right now.  Do you wanna get me loose?”

“Not so fast, kitten!” Releana said from behind her, Rel’s strong hands taking hold of Lila’s hips.  “Show’s not over yet!”

“What do you mean?  Come on Rel, I’m tired, I just want a bath and get some sleep and- hey!”

Releana’s hand had moved from Lila’s hip to her crotch and one breast, rubbing Lila’s pussy and squeezing her nipple.  “You’re dripping wet, and your nipples are rock hard.  I think we need to do something about this right now.”

“Rel!”  Lila had been doing her best to ignore just how horny she was after the ritual had ended and Iraelia had sent that last ‘blessing’ her way, but of course, Releana had fixated on it immediately.  “This can wait till later, can’t it?”

Releana smacked Lila’s ass with her hand.  “That’s Mistress Rel!  And no, it can’t, can it Kori?  These people paid for a sexy show, and we’re not ending it without some kind of big bang!”

“Well, I mean, if Lila really doesn’t want it…”  Kori looked at Lila with a warm grin, but she didn’t miss the way the front of the latex was bulging out at his crotch.  “Are you sure you want to wait?  It’d be a terrible blessing to waste…”

Lila considered everything she had been through, all the months of being on edge with no release, how much she had wanted to be free from the raiment, and now the empty feeling she had in her mind now that Sella was truly gone from within her.  It had been an experience like no other, leaving her in agony one moment, and at the heights of pleasure the next.  Surely a little time to herself, with her body free of the raiment, wasn’t a bad thing?  So what if some of the customers were missing out?

Then she thought for a moment on just how her luck tended to go, and figured it was only a matter of time before something else was going to happen, and suddenly, all of her doubt was gone.  

Live in the moment!

Lila tugged at the chains and wiggled her hips, then regarded the crowd, which seemed to be waiting for something, an air of anticipation filling the bar as the more typical music and sounds started coming back.  “You know what, fuck it.  Hurry up and fuck me silly, you two!  I think all that pent up horniness has come back all of a sudden!”

Kori giggled, undoing the zipper on the front of his outfit, his cock standing free immediately without much help.  Lila felt Releana’s hands on her hips again, and something warm and lubed pressing against her asshole.  “That’s ‘Please fuck me silly, Mistress Rel!’ but I’ll let it slide this time, cause I love you so much.”

“You’re a great friend, Rel.  You too, Kori!  Thanks for sticking by me through this!”  Lila cried out in joy, her hands grasping the chains that held her wrists, as Kori’s cock slid into her hot pussy and Rel’s dildo pushed into her ass, both more than eager for something to fill them that wouldn’t leave her begging for release.  “Ohhhh… and thank you for sticking those in me!  Fuck me!  Fuck me till I can’t stand anymore!  Yes!” Lila cried, rocking between her companions as they pounded both of the holes that had been screaming for pleasure for months.  Her body was already so close, it didn’t take long before she screamed and came, but her companions were far from done with her.  The night was just getting started!

* * *

A Few Hours Later…

Sella regarded her surroundings with a contemplative gaze.  She’d been at the temple of Yurisaya quite a bit over the last couple of months, but now that she and Lila were their own souls again, she seemed to take in the dark stonework with a newly renewed vision.  The sisters had placed her raiment in the chapel for the moment, as they would do for a revered member of the faith who had passed on, showing reverence for the fallen. 

She looked toward the ceiling, at the glowing visage of Yurisaya in the stained glass window, the colors shifting rapidly from the neon lights outside.

“Is something troubling you, Sella?” asked Iraelia, returning at last from the rear of the temple.  She wore a simplified version of her raiment for the moment, lacking the gleaming cuffs or ornate outer robes.

“Something like that,” Sella replied, turning her attention to Iraelia.  She then looked back to the container holding her raiment, placing her hand upon it.  “Perhaps it’s something left of Lila in me, or maybe I just can’t quite find the peace that I thought I wanted now that Villegast’s shadow has been purged.  I…don’t think I’m done here yet.”


“Lila’s too rash, too focused on other things to realize it, but…she’s got big things in her future,” Sella said, opening the container, looking over the gleaming mithril of her raiment.  “She’s an old soul, Iraelia, with countless years behind her, but I could feel it when I was near her.  At first, I didn’t know for sure what it was I felt, but as time passed, and I grew closer to her, I realized it.  Sometimes you can just recognize when someone is bound for greatness, yes?  I don’t know what it is, but I know she’s going to be responsible for something big.  And…I want to be there, to witness it, to help her in whatever way I can to live up to her greatness.”

“Far be it for me to guide you in another way; you have done more than most of Yurisaya’s faithful that I know.  How do you plan to do that, if I may ask?” Iraelia approached Sella, looking over the raiment herself.  “Surely you don’t wish to bond with another so soon after the Separation?”

“Of course not,” Sella replied, shaking her head.  She picked up the vaginal plug, holding it reverently in her incorporeal hands.  “No, I want to be my own being once again, to have a body that is my own.  As I understand it, there have been some great advancements in medical sciences since I passed away.  And even failing that, perhaps Yurisaya would be willing to grant us a miracle?  Both should require only the proper materials, yes?”  She slid her hands along the jeweled plug, pressing several gems in a specific sequence.  With the faintest of clicks, the wider base of the plug popped open, revealing the faint line of an opening. With a twist, Sella unlocked and slid the upper part of the plug away from the base, revealing a small compartment, the contents within having been protected by special preservative magics.  She plucked the small tube free from within, holding it to the light, the contents still dark red, still as fresh as the day she had drawn it from herself over a century ago.

Sella smiled at her sister.  “What do you think, Iraelia?  Shall we try for another miracle tonight?”

Iraelia’s grin told her all that she needed to know.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everyone!  Hope that this holiday season finds you well and that you can at least end this miserable year on a higher note!

And there we have the true ending of the Haunted Asylum Misadventure!  It’s been a long, but satisfying road, in more ways than one.  I never imagined that this would turn into such a long project when I started it, but it has been a great learning experience.  This is far from the end of the stories involving Lila’s crew!  They’ll be back, in more trouble for sure!

Thank you so much for reading and sticking around to the very end!  I hope you’ve enjoyed the ride this story has taken us on, and are looking forward to the next story, which I’m planning on starting next weekend after the New Year!  Stay safe, everyone!  Until next time!

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper