Just Passed a Milestone! 60k Words!


Been hard at work (well, maybe not as hard as I should have been, but times are crazy) on the next chapters of Lila’s Haunted Asylum Misadventure, and as of last night, I’ve only got one, maybe two chapters left for the story to be done! Look for the next chapter to be posted this Saturday!

The big shocker is when I did a full word count, not just my daily progress checks. I’ve surpassed 60,000 words! Holy crap! This is the longest story I’ve written, novel length, even! That’s a heck of a realization right there.

The story started off as a CYOA-style RP back in March of this year (basically I was given multiple choice options at certain spots, wrote that part of the scene, then had more options given, for those who might not be familiar with the concept), died out in the middle of Chapter 4, and then I decided to resurrect it and finish it off on my own starting in August. Since then, I’ve rewritten part of one of those chapters and added 10 more, and gone from about 13.5k words to over 60k.

Slow and steady progress will get you a novel, apparently, lol.

This has been the most productive I’ve been with writing in years, and it feels great to be back in the swing of things. Once this story is done, I’ve got ideas for several shorter pieces that I’ll probably be working on before moving into another big story (likely one set to introduce my kinky superhero setting) that will be released in similar fashion to the Haunted Asylum story. Or, I may decide to go with multiple longer stories, alternating releases. We’ll see how that works out.

Thanks to everyone who have been keeping up with the story, and special thanks to those who have taken time to comment on the chapters. Feedback is awesome!

Till next time, y’all!

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper