Inside The Den of Iniqui-Tease


Inside The Den of Iniqui-Tease

Misha blinked, then again, her vision distorted, a strange pressure over her body, her mind slowly crawling from a haze she didn’t entirely remember having been in.  Her breathing was slow, steady, and there was a smell to it, something that put her in the mind of strawberries, or maybe bananas, or maybe both?  Beneath the fruity smell, Misha smelled the heavy scent of rubber, unmistakable.  There was a pounding too, a thumping sound all around her, a fast, steady beat, some kind of music.  Wait…Maria, Kyou, Gloria…where were they?

Blinking a few more times, her head clearing rapidly now, Misha looked around her, noticing several things at once.  First was the heavy latex that covered her body, every last inch of it, pressing down on her from all sides, holding her arms securely in front of her, beneath her breasts.  Second, a heavy-duty mask was fitted over her head and face, not to blind, but for breathing; it was a gas mask, and as she looked around, she saw bubbles floating up in a swirl as she exhaled, caught the sight of tubes rising upward at the side of the mask.  She could see out of the mask, around the triangular-shaped inner part of the mask that cupped over her nose and mouth, thinking for a moment that something was over her eyes besides the mask’s clear visor, but no, it was the distortion of the water outside, the rapidly changing lights beyond the tube she was in, the strange, almost ethereal movement of dozens of people beyond the surface of the tube, the pounding of the music.  The water was warm, she noted, a pleasant warmth that surrounded her on all sides and cradled her inside the latex cocoon she found herself wearing.

She was still inside the club, the one that had just opened, the appropriately named ‘Den of Iniqui-Tease’, that much she was certain of, and as her thoughts became clearer, she became aware of a faint buzzing sensation, first between her legs, then upon her nipples.  She looked down, but not very far, a heavy collar circling her neck kept her from moving her head overmuch.  From what she could make out, she wore a very thick latex straitjacket, with additional straps secured around her upper arms, above and below her breasts.  Below that was a lighter-colored blue latex bodysuit, at least, might have been blue, it was hard to tell with the rapidly shifting light outside.

When they’d first entered earlier that night, they had wondered about the multiple water-filled tubes that dotted the dance floor and surrounding areas and had thought they might have just been a unique way to light the club.  Maria and her, Gloria and Kyou, had gone on a double date that night, all decked out in latex dresses Misha herself had made for them, the new club having received amazing reviews during its opening week.  It seemed that the owner had a kinky side, and everyone who had talked about the place had raved about the wild time they’d had, exploring various kinks.

They’d been at it for a couple of hours, dancing and drinking, enjoying themselves, though Misha typically wasn’t one for the club scene, being with Maria and the others had encouraged her.  Then a stunning woman had approached their table while they were enjoying some more drink and a bit of food to go with it, her presence making them all gape in surprise.  Her features had been hard to discern, looking caucasian at first, but then with a hint of Asian or Middle-Eastern origin, and then the more she had thought about it, the less Misha could be certain.  She was a beautiful woman regardless, stunning in a word, and fully aware of that fact based on the way she slinked toward them, easily slipping around the crowd.  She had been dressed similar to a geisha, with an extravagant latex kimono in an intricate floral pattern that glowed in the black lights of the club.  Her shoulders had been bare, the kimono worn low to expose her sizeable breasts, perhaps bigger than even Gloria’s, the lower skirt worn with a long slit that exposed her latex stockings beneath, bearing similar floral patterns, and the impossibly high platformed sandals she wore upon her feet.  Even at the raised table, they were seated at, she seemed taller than all of them.

She had introduced herself then, Iniqui-tease herself it seemed, and Misha, along with everyone else were drawn to her.  They laughed, she had eaten and drunk with them, had been an amazing hostess to be sure.  Then the talk turned to the kinky side, and perhaps from a mix of alcohol and her uncanny way of drawing out even Maria and Gloria, Iniqui-tease had suggested they try something fun together and motioned to one of the tubes near the table.  Curious to be sure, they had agreed without much thought.

Misha bit down on the rubber gag that filled her mouth as the vibration between her legs increased, feeling a rush of arousal, sucking in a long, deep breath through her nose, taking in the pleasant odor.  She shifted against her bonds, feeling straps secured firmly about her thighs, at her knees, then at her ankles.  She couldn’t see all the way down to the bottom of the tube, there was simply no room to bend over that far, and when she tried, she bumped against the glass with her shoulders and the front of the mask.  She wore ballet boots, though, she could tell that by the way her feet were arched downward, the slight discomfort pressing around her toes.  But, with the buoyancy within the tube, the discomfort was much less than it normally would have been.  She wiggled her legs against the straps, felt something more firm clanking together at her ankles, guessing that a pair of shackles kept her secured to the floor of the tube.

Through the pounding music outside, Misha heard something, then realized there must have been earphones inside the hood that covered her head. It was a muffled grunt, then a few more, followed by moaning, heavy with arousal.

The water swirled about her, perhaps stirred by a fan somewhere beneath the floor she was on, perhaps not, the light changing colors again, both outside and inside the water, the vibrations intensifying with the beat outside.  Misha moaned herself then, squirming and pressing her legs against the vibrating device between them, bumping the glass as she struggled.  The moaning in her ears intensified, and a quartet of glowing squares suddenly appeared within her vision.  It took a moment for Misha to realize who she stared at, but then it clicked.  One squared was herself, showing her from the front as she squirmed, and the others were Maria, Kyou, and Gloria, each dressed in the same manner she was, though each wore a different color of latex.  The only real differences were the more obvious bulge between Kyou’s legs and the fact that his suit had been crafted to cover his ears and tail.

Misha felt another rush of heated arousal within her, moaning again as the vibrators stirred more powerfully, and watched each of the others squirming, saw as the video feeds changed to an impossibly close view of the insides of the masks.  She saw each of their eyes, and her own, rolling with pleasure.  After a few seconds, the images changed again, this time to a view behind them, each of their curvy rears squeezing and pressing against the tubes.

A voice overpowered each of their moans then, a sultry, smokey voice that belonged to Iniqui-tease.  “All cozy and secure, just as I like my playthings,” she said, a haughty chuckle filling Misha’s ears.  “I must say, you’ve certainly done well already; I have a waiting list for the tubes now.  As thanks, you may enjoy them the rest of the evening, my lovelies, at no charge of course.  Don’t worry, you’ll be hydrated through your gags, and I’ll release you at closing time, though I must warn you…I’ll be counting orgasms.  There will be a winner and a loser…though I’m not saying whether the person having the most orgasms will be the winner or the loser.  Nor am I saying what the prize is going to be, or the punishment.  I’ll let you think about that; it’s not like you’re going anywhere, after all.”  Iniqui-tease’s voice trailed off for a moment, letting her words sink in, four sets of eyes widening.  “Enjoy yourselves my lovelies; I know I will be.”

At that, their moans and grunts as they struggled against the latex restraints returned louder than before, and Misha felt the first trickle of water from the gag, sucking at it as the vibrations buzzed so loud that she was sure the people outside had heard them.  All four of them jerked and wobbled, and she noticed Kyou’s tail dancing wildly behind him.  Maria was the only one that seemed to have a defiant look in her eyes as the view changed again, though the subtle way they rolled said that she enjoyed the situation just as much as the rest of them.

With the first orgasm nearing her, Misha suddenly wondered…when exactly did the club close, and what time was it?  It had been approaching ten when she’d last looked at her phone, sometime before Iniqui-tease had shown up at their table.  Any thoughts or concerns about the time evaporated as she shuddered and cried out into the gag, a flurry of bubbles escaping the mask as the first orgasm hit her.

This is an older short I’ve had laying around for a few months now; I’ve had the following pic in my ‘Inspirations’ folder for some time, and finally had an idea spark for a story set in my Sentinel City Supers setting involving Misha Kyle, Maria and Gloria Tempest, and Kyou.  Figured I’d go ahead and get it out there since I’ve not uploaded anything in a few weeks.  Anyway, you can find the artwork from CommanderRab here:

I’ve got several shorter stories that I’ll be posting soon.  It’s been a crazy few weeks with work (we keep bleeding employees, so that’s just making things worse), but on the upside my schedule changed this past week back to a 5/8s schedule.  4/10s sounds nice for that extra day off, but the long days were just starting to get to me so bad.  Some days (especially this time of year), I wasn’t even seeing sunlight, and most days I’d have about an hour after I get home to relax and do things before I had to go back to bed.  I was just feeling so drained on my days off that I could get very little done.  Now, hopefully, I can make use of that extra two hours daily while my energy levels are high enough to be productive to write more, work on my model kits (literally has been months since I’ve been able to steadily work on them, and haven’t done any serious painting in over a year), and get caught up on various movies/shows I’ve had laying around to watch for months.

Expect another multi-chapter story soon (involving an investigative reporter and a high-tech mental hospital), as well as a few more shorter one-shot pieces that I’ve written for world-building purposes.  After the new year, I’ll likely be starting my next super-long story project, either the follow-up to P5 or another Lila Darius story, or I may actually start a rotation of multiple long projects.  We’ll see what shakes down!

Hope everyone is doing well as we approach Thanksgiving!  See you soon!

Till next time!

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper