
State of the UrbanVerse (Personal Updates and more) – February 2023


My, my, how time flies.  Doesn’t seem like it’s been that long, but damn if it hasn’t been MONTHS since I last posted anything at all.  There’s definitely been some big events since I last updated everyone, and some big changes I’ve had to undertake, but I would like to think I’m finally starting to get myself back on track properly. So, let’s start with a quick(ish) rundown of what all has been...

June (?!) 2022 – Life and Writing Updates


It’s over halfway through June already?!  Where does the time go? Warning:  This turned into a fairly long piece where I discuss what’s been going on in my life the last few months.  If you’re only interested in my future writing updates, search for “What’s Next on the Writing Front?” to jump to it. What’s Been Going on in My Life? So, since my last...

Where Am I? – February 2022 Update


Time certainly does fly, doesn’t it? Seems like it was just Christmas, and here we are, already the first of February. Though I haven’t posted any new stories since the last part of Anything for a Scoop, I haven’t been idle. I’ve been giving some time to trying a rotating writing schedule, switching between settings/projects on a weekly basis. This little experiment has...

Happy Easter, Updates, and Questions


Hey there everyone, hope you’ll be having a Happy Easter this weekend, and if you don’t celebrate that particular holiday, hope you have a good one anyway! Due to the holiday and need for me to work on the lawn (its that time of year again after all), I’m not going to have an update on P5 this week.  However, that’s not the only reason I’m not doing an update. ...

No P5 Chapter This Week; Taking a Birthday Holiday


Hey, everyone; I’m just letting you all know that there won’t be a new chapter of P5 posted this week.  My birthday is Sunday, so I’m just enjoying a nice relaxing weekend by being as lazy as possible, lol. Well, perhaps not quite as lazy as that; I’m working on some Gunpla this weekend as well since I’ve not done that in a while and have a massive backlog.  Updates...

Moving Forward / What Story Ideas do YOU Want to See?


Now that the Haunted Asylum Misadventure has come to a close, I’m going to be shifting focus to another story, though I’m probably going to wait until after New Years to post the first chapter of it.  In the meantime I’m going to finally get up the next worldbuilding article on the City of a Thousand Delights.  I haven’t decided just yet what will posted after that, but...

Just Passed a Milestone! 60k Words!


Been hard at work (well, maybe not as hard as I should have been, but times are crazy) on the next chapters of Lila’s Haunted Asylum Misadventure, and as of last night, I’ve only got one, maybe two chapters left for the story to be done! Look for the next chapter to be posted this Saturday! The big shocker is when I did a full word count, not just my daily progress checks. I’ve...

Updates and Future Plans


Well, now that my birthday has passed (took last week off for a reason!) and the world’s done gone crazy, I suppose I should get another update on what’s been going on and what I’m planning going forward. As far as my life, there’s been little in the way of change at work; I work for a local ISP, and we’re classified as a utility, so basically an essential service. ...

New Beginnings as I Struggle to Change Myself


Hey, everyone.  It’s been a while, and that’s completely my fault. This last year has been a struggle, mostly with myself, as I try to find some kind of balance in my life that I’m satisfied with. Let me lay it out…I’m going to be 37 this year, and with that, there’s been a lot of baggage on my mind.  The big one is that my father and his brother both died in...

Time Flies, and Life’s Struggles Continue


I swear, I just don’t know where the time goes these days.  It’s already over halfway through November, Thanksgiving is next week, and I am feeling like I’m floundering to get a grip on things. I’ve had some health issues relating to diabetes, but at least for the time being it seems that this issue is being dealt with in a good way.  The doctor changed my medication...

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Urban Sniper