CategoryMadhouse Cat Fight

Madhouse Cat Fight – Part 3


House Call Laura sighed as she sank onto the couch, the coolness of the soft material soothing some of the day’s aches.  She crossed her legs, rubbing one foot after she plucked her shoe off, easing away the fatigue.  It had been a long, tiring day spent working on her latest case at the SCPD, and even with her enhanced stamina from her burgeoning powers as Gun Bunny, she was tired. She glanced...

Madhouse Cat Fight – Part 2


Show Some Restraint Voices…voices in the dark.  Far away, down a tunnel?  In another room?  A ringing sound nearly drowned them out.  “Just a few more minutes…” The voices wouldn’t stop.  “Why are you not letting me sleep?  Just shut up already!” And they were getting closer, louder. “…other places for working out baser aggressions, at least a dozen that I’m aware of in Sentinel City.  It...

Madhouse Cat Fight – Part 1


Big Fight Night “What the hell did you just say?!” Cat snarled, slamming her fists onto the tabletop, causing her dishes to clatter, her drink nearly toppling to the floor.  She was on her feet and hadn’t realized it, muscles tensed and ready for a fight. The redheaded brute of a woman who had just strode in with a half dozen women behind her rested her meaty hands on her hips and smirked down at...

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Urban Sniper