Anything for a Scoop – Part 8 (Final)


Anything for a Scoop – Part 8 (Final)

Jennifer sat before Delia, resting upon an office chair as if it were a throne, legs crossed, one latex-clad foot held inches in front of Delia’s face, an expectant smirk upon her full lips.  Delia was on her knees before this gorgeous woman, and she felt her heart racing.  She felt her arms still wrapped around her midsection, still felt the tightness of the collar and corset, but a quick look to either side revealed she was no longer inside her tube, rather in an office.  Jennifer’s office?

“Why are you hesitating, Miss Emmerson?” Jennifer asked, her latex-encased toes wiggling.  Her deep brown eyes were narrowed, not angrily, rather, seductively, and now that Delia could finally see her face without the gas mask, she felt her own breath catching.  Jennifer was just so beautiful!  “I am simply here to explore your most hidden desires.  You wished to be here, did you not?  I made an exception in my schedule for you…are you going to disappoint me?”

“No, of course not, Director Tempest!” Delia said, her voice trembling with anticipation.  She felt heat growing between her legs, felt that her nipples were achingly hard beneath the suit.  

“Director?  That’s not appropriate at all for this meeting,” Jennifer said, almost conversationally, raising a hand to tap her chin.  After a moment of consideration, she looked back down at Delia, luscious lips curling into a wider, hungrier smile.  “You must address me properly, Miss Emmerson.  Be a doll, and call me…Mistress Jennifer.”

Delia’s heart fluttered, and she felt a rush of warmth through her.  “Y-yes, Mistress Jennifer,” she said, voice shaking with anticipation.  “M-may I begin, Mistress?”

“You may,” Jennifer replied, moving her foot just a bit closer.

Delia leaned forward and pressed her lips to the top of Jennifer’s foot, breathing in the strong scent of latex mingling with Jennifer’s perfume, and felt her own head spin.  She lifted her lips, kissed another spot, then another.  Her arms tugged at the straps holding them in place, felt the suit pinching her skin, felt the rush of excitement it gave her.  She wiggled her thighs what little she could, wishing that the device that filled her pussy would provide some stimulation, something to deal with the growing heat and wetness.

“That’s good, Miss Emmerson,” Jennifer said softly.  “Don’t be shy…use your tongue.”

“Yes, Mistress Jennifer!” Delia said as her lips left Jennifer’s toes.  She immediately extended her tongue to the smooth, white latex, sliding it along Jennifer’s toes, then along the side of her foot, toward the heel.  She returned to the toes, licked them again, then went along the other side.

For a time, Jennifer’s foot consumed Delia’s thoughts, the soft moans Jennifer made as Delia’s tongue worked with growing confidence to satisfy the woman’s desires.  After Jennifer’s foot had been thoroughly cleansed with Delia’s tongue, the living goddess sitting before Delia retracted said foot, pressing it against Delia’s forehead to push her backward.  Fearful that she may have done wrong, Delia instead watched as Jennifer uncrossed her legs, then recrossed them, extending her other foot.  “You may continue your work, Miss Emmerson,” she said, a breathy quality to her voice.

“Y-yes, my mistress!” Delia said eagerly, leaning into Jennifer’s foot, lips pressing lightly upon her toes as she began with kisses, moving to use her tongue once she had shown proper love to Jennifer’s foot.  

Delia heard herself moaning with disappointment when Jennifer finally pushed her away, looking up with what was undoubtedly a desperate look upon her latex-covered face.  “Mistress Jennifer?”

Jennifer stood, looking down at Delia with a smug superiority that made Delia quiver.  Jennifer’s eyes were practically glowing in the light from her nearby computer monitor, promising untold pleasures.  Jennifer’s hands came to her chest, cupping and squeezing her sizable breasts, the latex squeaking as they explored.  “Do you desire more, Miss Emmerson?  What other thoughts dwell inside your mind?  It seems we have so much to explore…” One of Jennifer’s hands slid slowly down her body, slipping between her thighs, and a lustful moan came from the blue-haired woman.  “What would you do for the opportunity to please me here, Miss Emmerson?”

“Anything, Mistress Jennifer!  Anything for my mistress!”

* * *

Delia awoke with a start, jerking wildly and crying out, forgetting momentarily where she was.  She panted, felt the collar growing tight as she struggled within the darkened confines of her latex-filled tube.  Her body was hot, her nipples aching, and she felt as if a fire had been lit between her legs.  She let out a shuddering moan around her mouth-filling gag, willing herself to calm down before the corset kicked in.  

That dream had been so real!  She could almost still smell Jennifer’s perfume inside her rubber prison, could taste the latex…though that was probably just the gag.  Moaning, Delia squirmed as the collar eased its hold about her neck, her heart slowing.  She’d never had a dream like that before…she could tell she was horny as hell now, feeling as if she would combust inside the warm latex.  She shifted her hips, wishing that she hadn’t been so worked up; had she awoken from a dream like that in the bedroom in her apartment, she may well have snatched a toy from her dresser and taken care of her frustrations.

Why am I having wet dreams about Jennifer Tempest?  Damn, am I going crazy already?!”  Delia shuddered at the thought.  No, it was just a coincidence, it had to be.  Some lingering effect from that gas she had breathed before she had been secured in the tube, maybe.  That’s all it was, surely… 

Delia sucked at the mouth-filling, penis-shaped gag, vainly trying to calm her thoughts, but even as she tried to think on other things, her mind kept coming back to Jennifer.  She could almost hear her voice, could almost see her spreading her legs to allow Delia’s tongue access to her pussy, could almost smell- “Get your head on straight, Delia Emmerson!” she thought, grunting angrily and shaking her head what little she could manage.  “She’s just messing with you, Delia!  You know it, you’ve seen people try to manipulate you before, and Jennifer Tempest is so damn good at it, she makes it look effortless.  But you can’t let her win, not her.”  

Even though she couldn’t see anything, Delia squeezed her eyes shut, forced herself to breathe slowly, willed her brain to think of anything but Jennifer.  “I’ll ruin you and this hospital, Jennifer Tempest!  People won’t stand for this kind of shenanigans, not when they know the truth!  When it’s all said and done, you’ll be the one begging at my feet!

With no idea how long it actually took, Delia eventually calmed herself and drifted towards sleep once again.  Yet, despite her efforts, her thoughts and dreams once again went to Jennifer, looming like some divine being before her as she remained upon her knees. She heard her own voice, happily and eagerly proclaiming a perversion of her favorite catchphrase:

Anything for my mistress!” 

* * *

High above the maximum-security wing of the Edgewater Institute, Jennifer Tempest sat within her office, sipping a cup of hot tea as she watched the live feeds from the monitor, wearing nothing but her makeup.  True, she could barely see Delia’s struggles within the confines of the containment cell, as little movement as the journalist had been allowed, but the reports from the devices monitoring her told Jennifer all she needed to know.  Delia was frustrated, aroused, and somewhere on the border of sleep and wakefulness.  Each time the journalist calmed down and tried to sleep, Delia would be receiving very subtle audio, visual, olfactory, and physical stimuli through the restraint suit and attached equipment, ensuring her thoughts went exactly where Jennifer wanted them to go.

Jennifer turned her head to her right, regarding the figure who hung there, lips curling into a smile upon the rim of the teacup.  Nurse Stewart moaned and quivered, secured inside a suit that was identical to the one Delia wore.  The nurse hung inverted, however, legs spread wide from the spreader bar secured to chains hanging from concealed panels within the ceiling.  A vibrator with a large rounded head dangled on a rope attached to the bar, humming as it skittered and swung over Monique’s pussy, keeping the nurse on edge, but never resting long enough to actually allow her to get off.  Her arms had been resecured behind her back, and a pair of vibrators had been secured to the connectors over her nipples.  Her cheeks bulged from the gag that had been secured around her head with medical tape, a pair of Jennifer’s pantyhose, worn for nearly a week in preparation for this night.  Monique’s eyes rolled as she moaned pleadingly, squirming and looking at Jennifer, begging for a release that she wouldn’t have, at least not for some time yet.

Monique had been quite eager to please Jennifer, coming to her immediately when Delia had approached her with her plan to infiltrate the institute.  Monique and her class from SCU had just been preparing to begin their studies within the hospital at the time, but Jennifer knew immediately that Monique was the type who wanted to climb the ladder as fast as possible.  It hadn’t taken much effort on Jennifer’s part to have the poor young woman more than willing to serve, and their plan to entrap Delia had been made.  Even without Jennifer’s subtle manipulation of Monique’s emotions, it would not have surprised Jennifer if she hadn’t eventually wound up exactly where she was now; her conversations with Monique had revealed quite a submissive streak within the ambitious young woman and plenty of fantasies that could be easily enough delivered.

A beep came from the monitor, and Jennifer turned her attention back to Delia.  Another ‘dream’ sequence had begun.  Jennifer licked her lips, recalling the last few hours that she had spent with Monique.  Several cameras still lingered around her desk, though the visor Monique had worn when she had been playing the part of Delia rested on the corner of Jennifer’s desk, used to record the first-person perspective that was fed into Delia’s suit for her to view.  Everything that Delia would take as wet dreams had actually happened, only with Monique playing the part of a very submissive Delia.  There was plenty more footage they had recorded for Delia in the nights leading up to her infiltration of the facility, so she would not be left yearning for stimulation.

Jennifer took another sip of the tea, set the cup aside, and pondered exactly how she would use Delia going forward.  The idea of having two nearly identical playthings did appeal to her, though having Sentinel City’s number one reporter under her thumb would prove to be much more useful in the long run.  The Tempest family could benefit from her ambitious and curious nature, certainly.  No, for Delia, there would be much more subtle manipulation involved, and she would be quite willing to assist Jennifer and the other heads of the Tempest family with whatever they may need, all the while serving the greater good by revealing Sentinel City’s dirty little secrets.  

And the dirty big secrets. There had been quite a few shakeups to the city’s power structure over the last few months, and not necessarily due to those with obvious super-powers.  New names and faces, new projects that had been started without any obvious funding…and all of that on top of the return of magic to the world.  It had barely been a month since the flows of power had returned that someone had started crossing dimensions, and the fact that Claire Tempest had returned, the founder of the Tempest family long thought dead…

Jennifer frowned.  Something was brewing in Sentinel City, and whatever it was didn’t sit well with her, or any of her sisters.  They had long ago given up on their darker, more destructive natures.  True, they still enjoyed their manipulations of and playing games with mortals, but outright malevolence and destruction?  She liked to think they had evolved far beyond such base desires.  Something…someone…loomed in the shadows, someone with immense power the likes of which none of them had seen in ages.  All of them could feel it, but none of them had been able to track it down, not yet.  

Humans had their uses, certainly, and Delia could potentially go places the Tempests couldn’t; having a reputation like theirs meant that everyone in the city knew who they were, and many eyes were upon them.  Of course, much of the scrutiny came from their business activities, which weren’t always considered legal by the human authorities, and several of the heroes within the city had already caused headaches with their antics.  The Tempests themselves had little to worry about, at least historically, but now that magic had returned to Earth, and created actual super-powered individuals, who could predict what would happen?  Better to shift their strategies and adapt with the times, and lay their own groundwork to combat whatever was coming.

If it was one thing a succubus didn’t like, it was someone trying to stake a claim on her territory, and Sentinel City had long ago been claimed by the Tempests.  That slutty little girl who thought she was a true succubus, the one who had kidnapped Misha a few months back, had learned that lesson well enough, and she was certainly not going to be the last one to know what it was to anger the Tempests. 

Shaking her head, Jennifer stood.  Now wasn’t the time for such thoughts; it would take a while yet before Delia was ready, but Jennifer had the next best thing to deal with her frustrations.  She grabbed the visor on the desk and returned to Monique, whose head hung at a very convenient height for what Jennifer now desired.  She secured the visor around Monique’s head, the woman letting out an eager moan.  Once the visor was in place and turned on, Jennifer tugged the medical tape loose and pulled the wad of wet pantyhose from Monique’s mouth before she stepped into place, feeling Monique’s warm breath between her legs.  “Well, what are you waiting for?  Be a doll and service your mistress’s pussy!”

“Yes, mistress!  Anything for my mistress!” Monique said eagerly, her lips touching Jennifer’s mound first with a kiss, then an eager tongue.  Monique didn’t actually need a trigger phrase for herself, as willing to submit as she was already, but Jennifer had already planned on implanting one into Delia that would make sure she didn’t become too willful, that she would do as she was told, whether it was Jennifer or another of her sisters.  They did tend to share their toys, after all.  Jennifer’s lips curled with amusement as Monique licked at her pussy.  It was perhaps a little ironic the trigger phrase she had chosen; Delia had originally come seeking information about Dollface, and now she herself was to be as a doll, a plaything for the Tempests.  Though Jennifer’s methods were nowhere near as crude as Dollface’s methods had been, by the time she was finished, Delia wouldn’t even realize she had such a trigger, and she would assume that whatever she did had been her own choice.  

Moaning softly, Jennifer pulled Monique toward her, forcing the human’s face deeper into Jennifer’s crotch, enjoying the feel of her tongue at work.  Even though Monique had been experienced in eating pussy before, she had shown remarkable improvement since she had begun tending Jennifer.  “Such a good girl,” Jennifer said in a sultry purr, using her free hand to grasp the hanging vibrator, pressing it firmly upon Monique’s latex-covered crotch, eliciting a heated cry as the powerful vibrations finally stopped being more than just a tease.  “Good girls get rewards, Miss Emmerson.  And you’re a very good girl; so willing to do anything for a scoop, and anything to please your mistress.”

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!

And here we are, the final part of “Anything for a Scoop”, revealing some lovely details about Jennifer’s plans, and laying some threads for future stories.  It seems that Delia has come upon a challenge she wasn’t prepared for, but that’s typical when one goes against the Tempest family.  Big thanks to JakTheRenegade/TheLairVerse for letting me feature Jennifer and include the Tempests in my superhero setting, and big thanks to Misha’s/Specialist Leopard’s creator for allowing me to include her as well (I know you usually prefer to remain anonymous, but if you want me to reveal who you are, just let me know)!  I’d like to believe that things are only gong to get better from here on!

As I’ve said before, this was intended to have been a Kinktober 2021 short, but grew quite a bit larger than intended, but I think it turned out pretty good.  Could I have kept going?  Probably, but if it’s one thing I’ve been impressing on myself, it’s the need to have much tighter (bondage pun probably intended) stories that don’t linger too long and wind up in my unfinished and possibly abandoned pile of stories, as I had several of back in the day.  My goal is to continue improving my writing throughout the next year, and improving my output, maybe even finally going ahead with a Patreon/Subscribe star if anyone is willing to support me in such a way.  The ultimate goal is to eventually have my longer works published, though the content doesn’t make publishing on a platform like Amazon likely.  I do, however, have plans of writing other stories in the horror genre that aren’t necessarily kinky, so there is hope yet.

Moving into the next year, I have plans for THREE larger projects, namely the sequel to P5, the first (chronologically speaking) story in the Lila Darius series, AND a new story in a new setting I’ve been working on probably more than I should have given the original inspiration for this one.  More details to come when the time is right, but suffice to say there’s some pretty intense kinky Final Fantasy vibes.  I have an assortment of shorter stories to share as well, and will continue making shorts as worldbuilding exercises as I continue to expand my universe and settings (some of you may recall that create-a-character poll I did a while back; that’s still coming with the characters I liked that came out of that, so that’s another thing to be looking for!).  If I can find the time, I also have ideas for going back to the abandoned stories pile and trying to finish some of the fan favorites, and probably revamping them a bit as well.

So, big plans for next year!  I’ll probably be taking a break from posting for at least the next week, but keep on the lookout for new stuff to come!  Thank you everyone for reading and to everyone who has commented or critiqued my work, I thank you doubly, because your words are extremely encouraging and helpful to me.  I’ve not always been the best commenter myself, but I’ve been trying to make improvement in that area too.  Hope everyone has a great holiday season, and best of luck in the next year!

Till next time, Urban out!

Kinktober Keywords

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper