Anything for a Scoop – Part 7


Anything for a Scoop – Part 7

Managing a weak, incoherent grunt around the mouth-filling gag, Delia waited for Jennifer to unstrap her from the chair.  She couldn’t make out much of the room’s details, only that there was some vaguely defined equipment hanging in front of her and blinking lights for the computer monitors.  She sucked in an abbreviated breath when Jennifer’s hands once again took hold of her arms and pulled her into a standing position.  The floor was soft, padded, and she lost her balance on her toes, falling against Jennifer.  For a moment their latex-encased breasts touched, and Delia felt a euphoric wave rush through her that sent her head spinning.

“Careful, Miss Emmerson.  Take your time,” Jennifer said, her voice soothing, with just a hint of that seductive quality she had used before.  

I could stay like this forever…” Delia thought, squirming anxiously against the restraints, so close to Jennifer…

After much too short a time, Jennifer eased Delia back, then guided her forward.  “A couple of hops, Miss Emmerson, then you just have to stand still.”

Grunting at the surprising amount of effort it took to hop across the padded floor, it was indeed a short distance, but Jennifer held onto her the whole time.  Jennifer adjusted Delia’s position slightly, then started pulling at things hanging from above.  Delia panted for air, feeling hot all over, sweaty inside the thick latex, but couldn’t help but squeeze her thighs together, rubbing at whatever the device was inside her.  The rub of the rings against her nipples grew quickly unbearable.  Oh, if only Jennifer would touch her, play with her…

Jennifer attached something to each of Delia’s shoulders, and she felt an upward pull.  She swayed side to side, but couldn’t move very much at all now, the straps holding her upright.  Jennifer crouched, attached another pair of straps to Delia’s ankles, these set into the floor.  She then deftly began attaching cables, or maybe they were hoses, to the connection points on Delia’s suit, each one settling into place with a faint click that Delia could feel through the latex.  There must have been nearly two dozen such connections made before Jennifer was again looking at Delia.  “Damn lenses!  Is it so much to ask just to see her face right now?  She’s so beautiful…touch me, Jennifer!  No, stop that!  What is wrong with you, Delia?  Get your head on straight!

It was almost as if Jennifer could sense Delia’s inner struggle, for she patted Delia’s cheek again, making the tightly bound reporter quiver and gasp.  “I’ll be attaching your feeding tube and oxygen mask now.  After that, I fear I must depart and leave you to rest, but I will return in the morning so that we can begin your evaluation.”

Don’t go!” Delia thought, only vaguely aware that she had actually said the words, or a muffled, distorted version of them thanks to the gag.  She watched as Jennifer pulled something from overhead, but couldn’t make out exactly what it was.  She felt something sliding into the hole that was set into the gag, felt the slight sensation that it was being screwed in place, and then a rubber mask was pressed into place over Delia’s nose and mouth.  Covering much of her lower face, Jennifer quickly strapped it tightly into place, jerking each strap a couple of times extra to make sure there was absolutely no slack.  

As Jennifer stepped away, Delia realized that she couldn’t breathe.  She tried her nose, then her mouth and no air came through.  She tried harder, squirming and fighting at the cables holding her upright, wiggling her head helplessly.  Her eyes widened, and she could almost make out the sides of the mask deforming as she fought to pull in air.  

“Calm down now, Miss Emmerson,” Jennifer’s voice said to her, soothing and calm.  A moment later cool air rushed into the mask, and Delia greedily sucked it in.  It smelled of rubber, but she didn’t care; she had gotten used to that scent a while ago.  “You’re going to feel a pull on your suit, and you’ll be suspended a few inches off the floor.  For your benefit, I’m going to send the video feed to your lenses; this should give you some perspective for the story you’re going to write about our systems.”

Delia blinked as her vision blurred, then sharped, revealing a high-definition video feed.  She saw a figure clad in white latex, covered in tight black and yellow straps, standing within a multitude of hoses and cables.  Was that really her?  She shifted to one side and saw the figure doing the same.  She bounced on her toes and the figure did so as well.  She could just barely see Jennifer on the edge of the frame but longed to see her clearly once again.  She felt the tugging at her shoulders and watched herself being lifted off the floor, felt a matching force pulling at her ankles to keep her from flailing about.  She noticed a circle on the floor then, in the black and yellow caution pattern, surrounding the area she was now secured.

“I’m rather curious to watch this next part, Miss Emmerson.  You’re the very first patient we have elected to use this restraint method on; it is meant for the most dangerous of super-powered individuals, so I’m sure it may be a little much for you, but this will show you that while extreme, our methods are perfectly safe.”

Mind racing as she tried to figure out how much more secure she could be, Delia watched with wide eyes as something rose from the floor.  It was a clear cylinder, she realized, rising from the caution circle.  It was large enough that it contained her and all of the hoses and cables and only stopped once it had settled against the rest of the device that was mounted in the ceiling.  Delia felt a shift in the air around her, like the air pressure had changed.  Was the cylinder completely air-tight?

She didn’t have time to consider that line of thought further as warning lights flashed around her container, and something started flowing in from above, spilling down from two separate openings.  Whatever it was, it was pitch black and seemed thick. Delia whimpered, then struggled to move.  She watched herself fighting to break free, watched as the black stuff rose higher and higher.  She felt its warmth, watched as it reached her toes, and continued upward.  She squealed, jerking her head toward Jennifer, but even with all the effort she put forth, the figure on screen only seemed to wiggle like a worm on a hook.

“This is perfectly safe, Miss Emmerson,” Jennifer said, her voice calming.  For a wonder, it worked, Delia’s struggles ceasing almost instantly, though her anxiety hadn’t completely vanished.  “This is a special latex compound; it acts something like foam insulation, expanding to fill every nook and cranny within a space. As it begins to harden, it will change color, going from black to nearly transparent.”

By now, the stuff had reached Delia’s thighs, and as she squirmed, it felt almost like a thick jelly around her.  She groaned into the gag, her eyes unblinking as she watched the tube continue to fill.

“The compound is quite resistant to physical damage, whether it’s tearing, penetration, and of course blunt force.  High heat and extreme cold also have little effect on it, at least insofar as we have managed to test it; our labs can only go so far, you understand.  You should be feeling a growing pressure around you now that it’s covering most of your body, but it will never become too intense.”

Delia wanted to trust what Jennifer told her, somehow knew that she could, and yet her mind wouldn’t let her relax.  With the stuff now at breast level, the flows from overhead ceased.  Delia felt the stuff grow warmer around her and watched it expand upward on its own.  She squirmed and whimpered, helplessly watching herself being covered by the black mass.  She felt the pressure building around her, a constant pushing from all sides, felt it creeping up her shoulders, then around her neck, and then her head.  She felt tears in her eyes, blurring her vision, and heard herself let out a frightened cry as she watched her head vanish beneath the stuff.  She didn’t see Jennifer in the frame now.  Had she gone?  Was Jennifer gone?  Was she alone?

But Jennifer’s voice returned.  “You’re doing fine, Miss Emmerson.  Breathe slowly and steadily, this is almost done.  You’re doing such a good job.”

Delia felt a rush of relief flooding through her as she heard Jennifer’s voice return.  On-screen, she saw that the stuff filled the tube completely.  The pressure around her remained constant, unyielding.  She squirmed again, what little movement she had managed before now gone.  The tube began to clear from the bottom up, the black slowly turning to gray, then to slightly hazy transparency.  

Jennifer appeared in the frame again, walking to the tube, placing her hand upon it.  Delia could almost feel her there as she quivered inside the latex prison.  “And we’re done.  Nice and secure, in a perfectly sized cell just for you.  That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

Not really…I guess…” Delia thought, moaning around the gag as she tried ineffectually to shake her head.  As she calmed down, staring at herself floating inside the tube, she began to realize that she felt almost weightless, as if she really were floating.

“I knew you could do it,” Jennifer said, patting the glass on the outside of the tube.  “I’ll be leaving now, but will be monitoring you constantly.  Expect some minor sensations as the plumbing systems do their job, and the occasional feeding and watering as you rest.  I will change the video feed so that you can get a few different angles as well, but soon that will shut off and you’ll be ready for a night’s sleep.  See you bright and early, Miss Emmerson; we still have so much more to discuss.”

Delia whimpered again, jerking fitfully inside her prison, blinking as the camera feed changed, this one lower, from the angle of the computers at the back of the room.  She caught the image of Jennifer turning to leave, watching her shapely hips swaying inside the tight latex suit as she walked away.  There was a surprising sensation of loss as Jennifer departed through the cell door, which slid shut behind her, several locks clicking into place around the frame.  

Only when she was truly alone did Delia look away from the door, at herself, suspended in the slightly hazy compound.  She wiggled and tugged at the straitjacket, could barely move at all, and couldn’t even really make any such movements out on screen.  How could anyone escape this stuff, super-powered or not, if it was as robust as Jennifer had implied?

Jennifer…why couldn’t you stay longer?” Delia thought, a deep sense of longing filling her.  “What I wouldn’t do to be trapped in this thing with her, our bodies pressing together…to touch her…God, what is wrong with you?  You’ve never lusted after a woman like this!  An hour with Jennifer Tempest and you’re wanting to be with her forever?  That’s not normal and you know it!

Groaning, Delia’s mind began to clear.  The camera angle shifted again, this time to a view of a camera set into the floor somewhere around the edge of the tube, looking up at her barely moving form.  “What did she do to me?  It must have been that gas!  She said I’d breathe normally while I’m in here, and I’m certainly not feeling as relaxed now!  Damn it, what is with her?  This is insane!  If anyone needs to be in here, it’s her!”  Delia bit down into the gag that filled her mouth, then shook and squirmed with everything she could muster.  The stuff filling the tube held her firmly, barely giving.  She tried rocking herself back and forth, then shaking more forcefully.  She heard a very faint beep, saw a light at her neck go from green to yellow, then felt the collar inflate.

Freezing as it squeezed around her neck, Delia didn’t even try to breathe.  After a few seconds, the light changed back to green, and the additional pressure vanished; only then did she suck in a much-needed breath of rubbery air.  The camera changed again, this time another angle from the floor, but from the rear.  Delia looked at her backside.  “Wow…that latex really shows off my ass…wonder what Jennifer thought about that?  Ugh, why are you even thinking about that?!  Stop thinking about that woman!  Start thinking about how you’re going to spin this and get her into one of these cells!  People aren’t going to believe this crap, and they’re going to be terrified of it!  Public opinion will have this place shuttered in no time!

Delia chuckled as the view shifted, back to the original angle, smiling grimly around the massive gag.  For just a moment there was a twang of guilt, a feeling of protectiveness toward Jennifer, but it passed quickly now that she was nowhere in sight.  “I’m sure I can get one of the nurses on my side.  Tempest can’t pay that well; a little bribe, the promise of some fame for helping to break the story, yeah, that’ll work just fine.  You can’t rest in hospitals, one of them will be around to check on me in a couple of hours, and I can-

There was a vibration between her legs, a very faint whirring sound.  Delia felt a pressure in her bladder ease that she really hadn’t noticed before.  She felt her cheeks heat and she grew hot again.  Had they put a catheter in her without her feeling it?!  How was that even possible?!  Fuming at the humiliation, she felt something flowing down the tube that led to her mouth, then something cold and wet shot into her throat.  She gagged at first but greedily sucked down what she thought was water, suddenly realizing how thirsty she was.  

Then another thought clicked into her head as the camera shifted again.  “It’s all automated!  Everything here is working off the computers!” Her eyes widened in horror, looking at the locked door in the camera feed.  Nobody was coming in to check on her!  They would receive an alert if there was a problem, but at best they would just be looking in through the observation window on the door.  Damn it, how could she get one of the nurses on her side if she couldn’t even speak to them?

Delia’s mind worked furiously, her eyes scanning the details of the cell and tube as the cameras shifted through their programmed pattern, trying to come up with something she could use to somehow free herself.  She could barely move, let alone access anything outside the tube.  How were they going to get her out of the thing, anyway?  Jennifer hadn’t mentioned that.  A sudden chill went through her.  Maybe Jennifer hadn’t been trying to scare her before!  Maybe she really did mean to keep her indefinitely, an anonymous patient trapped in a latex hood, trapped in this cell forever.

The camera feeds clicked off, and Delia was plunged into darkness.  She squealed at the sudden change, jerked against the restraints, and got another warning beep just before the collar inflated again.  This time she screamed and thrashed at the restraints with everything she could muster, and then felt the corset tighten around her midsection.  Finding it very hard to breathe at all now, Delia willed herself to stillness, gasping and sweating in her dark prison.  At last, with her lungs burning, she felt the collar and corset release, and she could once again breathe, almost normally.

Anything for a scoop, Miss Emmerson.”  

Delia blinked, breath slowing.  Had that been Jennifer?  It had been so faint, just on the edge of hearing.  Or had that been her own mind, putting her catchphrase in Jennifer’s voice as a way of reminding her just how screwed she was?  

Ears straining, Delia could only hear the faint hiss of oxygen through the mask, the occasional squeak of latex as she shifted about in the darkness.  After a time, she relaxed a little, though there wasn’t really any change in her position.  She was alone with her thoughts, which were bouncing from one idea to the next as she tried to think up a way to escape, none of them even plausible unless she had a way out of the tube first.  Then her mind went to Jennifer, and what exactly she could have planned for Delia.  There had to be more to it than just an interview and testing their super-powered restraints.  

Unsure of how long it had been, another rush of water filled her mouth, and she had little choice but to drink it down.  After this, her mind calmed and Delia drifted, feeling herself growing sleepy.  It had been a long day, and she was so warm and secure, what else was there to do but sleep?  Try as she might, Delia’s thoughts of escape gave way to her need for sleep.

Delia gets settled in for the night, but she may not be entirely happy with her accommodations.  Not that Jennifer is particularly worried about that; she has much larger things in mind after all.

Really hope you all are enjoying this story!  Apologies for the lateness of this one, but you know how the holidays can get!  Stay tuned on Christmas Day for the final part!

Kinktober Keywords

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Till next time, Urban out!

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper