Anything for a Scoop – Part 4


Anything for a Scoop – Part 4

Figuring that she’d better get moving before she got caught, Delia came to her feet and winced at the painful volume of the alarm.  She bumped into the door to the room, muttering a curse when it didn’t open.  She noted the keycard reader and the handle, then awkwardly repeated her earlier method of opening a door, hooking the handle with one of the straitjacket straps after she had activated the card reader.  As she came out into the hall, she heard frantic shouting in the room to her right, and couldn’t help but look.  The trio of nurses held desperately to the struggling patient in the bed, and he cackled like a psycho, bandages trailing from around his head, eyes wide and wild.  

Delia froze at that terrifying laugh, recalling Rampage’s last appearance in Sentinel City.  He’d appeared out of nowhere, suddenly decided to start shooting up a shopping plaza, and then ran through the city blowing up anything he could target, vehicles, buildings, whatever.  The police still didn’t know where he’d gotten all his guns and explosives, and he’d been laughing and enjoying himself immensely.  All reports were that he’d been wearing some kind of armor that had stopped all of the police’s guns from affecting him, though multiple officers were certain they’d gotten through, had seen blood, and yet he hadn’t slowed down.  It had taken the combined efforts of Mecha Musume and Pink Pussy to take him down, while Gun Bunny and Cyber Seer had worked to clear out any civilians still in his line of fire. 

Delia realized she had backed up against the glass on the far side of the hall and felt herself shivering.  If he got loose in the hospital, there’d be a massacre!  And worse, she was right there next to it!  She watched as one of the nurses was thrown back, crashing through some of the medical equipment, a shower of sparks lighting up the dim hall.  Rampage cackled again, a high-pitched, wild sound that made Delia’s blood run cold.  “One star, baby!” he shouted, and Delia felt her knees go weak.  It was starting!

At that moment, the doors at the far end of the hall, the ones she had come through, burst open, and a group of nurses came through at a run.  Four of them wore red uniforms fringed in black, holding what looked like some kind of batons with electrodes on the tips along with belts containing some kind of canisters, gas grenades maybe, their faces hidden behind gas masks.  The one in the middle leading them wore black, and that one made Delia gape.  Her uniform was something else entirely, as was she.  

That woman was huge!  She had to be at least seven feet tall, a wild mane of bright red hair atop her head extending down her back and with more muscle than Delia had ever seen, all of it hidden beneath a shiny black uniform made of…rubber?  Delia couldn’t decide exactly what the giant’s uniform looked more like: a nurse or a dominatrix, or maybe something in between.  Aside from her head, her body was covered completely by the shiny black rubber that seemed to perfectly follow her muscular build like a second skin, even seeming to highlight the curves of her muscles to more clearly define them.  Around her neck was what looked like a reinforced collar with a glowing green light set into a small display panel, a curious item to be sure.  Below that there was another layer of clothing that looked more like the standard uniform for the Institute, also made of black rubber but with red lines highlighting the hem, and a bright red cross in the center of her sizeable cleavage.  The lower portion of the uniform had a looser skirt, barely reaching miniskirt territory in length, and Delia saw a pair of red garters leading to a pair of black and red thigh-highs, also in latex.  Unlike the other nurses, the giantess wore no high heels, rather what looked like knee-high biker boots made out of rubber but covered in dulled red spikes, with thicker flat heels.  Her forearms were similarly clad in a pair of bracers that likewise were covered in the dulled spikes, with matching spiked panels on the back of her hands and what could have been armored gloves actually covering her hands.   Even with the flashing lights, Delia could make out the name on her badge:  Winters, Anita.  Why did that name sound familiar?

The big nurse in black blinked in surprise as she suddenly spotted Delia in the hall, then pointed a meaty hand at her.  “Hey, two of you grab her!  She’s not supposed to be here!  I’ll take care of the male.”  She said, her voice a deep rumble, fitting of her size, the last word said with a sneer as she raised her hands, cracking her knuckles as she strode toward Rampage’s room and two nurses broke off and headed toward Delia.

Delia yelped in surprise, suddenly remembering where she was, what she wore, and what else was happening.  She turned and bolted in the opposite direction, barely registering the rapid click of heels on the tiles behind her.  Could they all run like that in those high heels?  Was there a special part of their training specifically teaching how to run in them?! 

Certain she was caught, Delia heard glass shatter behind her and risked a look over her shoulder, just in time to see one of the original trio of nurses flying through and landing atop the pair that had gone after Delia, sending all three into a mess of flailing limbs on the floor.  She heard the gigantic nurse snarl as she kicked the door to Rampage’s room, sending the reinforced metal flying open with a screech of torn steel, the door actually ripping free of its mounts, impacting the wall behind it with another crash.  

Holy shit!  She’s super-powered!” Delia thought, turning away from the scene, running as fast as her legs would carry her.  Even at her size, that door shouldn’t have been that easy to open!  Delia skidded around the corner moments later, saw another set of double doors at the far end of the hall, and sprinted ahead.  She panted around the bit, feeling drool spilling down her chin the whole time.  Then she slid to a stop, actually bumping into the doors when she couldn’t stop herself in time.  

Grunting and ignoring the dull pain in her hip, she twisted around and pushed her badge at the card reader.  It beeped angrily, audible even over the wailing alarm, and flashed a red light.  “What?!”  Delia tried again and got another angry beep.  Damn, had the alarm locked down the ward?  

Momentarily frazzled, Delia looked around, saw no other exits.  She could hide in the patient rooms, but that would only last so long before they found her.  Then she noted that the hallway continued in the opposite direction past the intersection she had come from.  Decision made, she ran back the way she had come, then continued straight, daring a glance down the hall she’d vacated.  The nurses were just picking themselves up from the floor, and an angry roar came from the room Rampage had been in, followed by a crash of some kind.  Had that been the big nurse?  

Looks like I’ll have an action scene to write about to…” Delia thought, legs pumping furiously as she ran.  She looked side to side, seeing more patient rooms, but then she came to another intersection.  She managed to stop herself from falling as she came to a sudden, skidding stop on the slick tile, looking left and right.  The door to her right was marked with the colors and markings showing that it would lead her back to the general access area she had originally come from., another card reader beside them  The other door, though, had multiple warning signs plastered on them and along the walls to either side and in several languages, and looked to be at least twice as thick as the standard security doors, and more heavily reinforced:  

Danger:  No admittance without proper clearance – Red and Black level nurses only.’ 

‘Warning: high-security area.  Maximum restraint protocols in effect.  Dangerous individuals within.  Use EXTREME caution at all times.  No general admittance.

Warning:  Airlock.  Special suppression system in use.  Do not enter without appropriate personal protective equipment.

Delia gulped, chewing thoughtfully at the bit.  Did she dare try to go in there?  That sounded exactly like a place where secret experiments were being conducted!

She looked back toward the other doors, wondering if she should really take the risk.  There was a dangerous patient escaping…attention would be elsewhere…

Anything for a scoop,” she thought and stepped toward the high-security doors.  She leaned in and pressed her badge to the card reader.  For a wonder, the reader beeped and flashed green, then the doors hissed open with a rush of escaping air.  A display to her right began a five-second countdown, indicating the airlock cycle was starting.  “This is what I came here for!

A smaller chapter to be sure, but that’s only because the next one has so much going on.  If you didn’t find the bondagey stuff to your liking in this particular part, I can promise you that I make up for it in the next one; things really start to get intense for our intrepid reporter!

The next part featuring not one, not two, but THREE additional super-powered women in Edgewater’s special restraints will be up Wednesday!

Kinktober Keywords

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Until next time!  Urban, out!

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper