A Simple Negotiation


“How is this guy not on your special squad?” Releana asked, scrolling through the file on her tablet as they walked down the prison corridor.  It was the first time she’d actually visited one of the dark elf prison facilities in an official capacity.  Her first trip to one had been much different, and a lot more restricted to say the least, but it had led to some very lucrative developments, the most important of which being her lover.  She glanced down at Fenrou, who walked beside her, quite a bit smaller than her impressively muscled figure.  “He seems like the type who would fit right in.  Robotics expert, hates DSM, led an armed rebellion against their corporate security forces that were taking over a mining colony…”

Fenrou scoffed, rolling his eyes.  “Hardly.  He’s about as disagreeable as they come; no surprise from an aerian.  You know I like my agents to follow orders when I give them…not to mention they have to look good in Seal-Tech.  Takes a special kind of male to earn my attention, which is why I only have the one on my team.”  He flashed his winning grin at Releana.  “But you know where my true passions lie.”

Releana’s smile widened.  She certainly did know, and just thinking about another chance to be reined in by Fenrou kindled a fire inside of her.  She snorted, gave a little whinny, and bumped him playfully with her hip.  “I certainly do.”

“Down girl,” he said, his hand moving to rest on her backside, rubbing her firm buttocks lovingly.  “It wouldn’t do for me to have to get you geared up and ride you through the halls; what would the staff think?”

“Honestly, given your reputation, I doubt they’d be that surprised to see you riding me around like that,” Releana said, her lips curling into a grin as her voice lowered into a more sultry tone.  “I certainly wouldn’t mind if you wanted to…”

He raised an eyebrow quizzically at her.  “Sounds like someone needs to be taken out for a nice, long ride after we’re done here.  Would my girl like that?”

“Oh, you bet I would,” Releana replied immediately, already wishing she wore her pony boots instead of the much less exciting heels she wore now.  Thinking of getting suited up in her pony gear made her squirm, biting at her lower lip.  She quickly pushed the thoughts aside, though.  “Business first, then naughty ponygirl things.”

“Naughty ponygirl things, hmm?  Well well, sounds like chastity-mode is going to have to be on,” Fenrou replied, his hand that had been resting upon Releana’s backside slipping lower over her skirt, his fingers tracing the curve of her buttocks.  “A properly trained riding pony doesn’t need orgasms anyway does she?”

“She might want them, though,” Releana said softly.  Oh yes, she did want them, so bad.

“In that case, she would have to work very hard to please her owner, wouldn’t she?”  His fingers pressed against the material of her skirt, slid downward on her thigh and slipped between them, angling upward.

“Yes…” she said, breathless.

Fenrou’s fingers inched higher, pressing against her panties, which were quickly becoming moist.  His touch was light, teasing, then vanished as he came to a sudden stop.  “Oh, we’re here!  Guess we’ll have to tend to business first, hmm?”

Gasping, Releana shot Fenrou a pouty look, but then blew out her breath, shifting her skirt back into place where it had ridden up her legs.  “Damn it, you do that so well!  A certain pony might be hard to rein in if she’s getting frustrated like that.  Anyway, do you want to make introductions?”

He shook his head.  “Probably better if I don’t go in; seeing me will just sour his mood into something worse than it usually is.  Besides, he won’t be expecting you, so that might give you an advantage.”

“The gods know you need all of those you can get with aerians,” Releana replied.  She leaned down and gave Fenrou a quick kiss on the cheek.  “Well, unless you’re a kerryn, but even that isn’t a guarantee these days from what I’m told.  I can already sense his emotions; he is a surly one, isn’t he?”

“If anyone can convince him to do something useful, it’s you, love.  Good luck.”  He kissed her cheek in return, then keyed in the code to the door before he stepped away, heading a few cells down the corridor.

The door beeped as the code was accepted, then the locking bolts moved out of place before the door itself slid open, and Releana tucked her tablet into the pouch on her belt.  Like all of the prison cells they had visited thus far on this special recruiting operation, it was little more than a closet, coated in pure black rubberized padding.  It would have been more or less standing room only even without the straps hanging from the ceiling and walls that enforced a standing position to the prisoner inside.

This particular prisoner already had a combative look on his stony face, dark eyes narrowed and filled with anger, lips set into a severe frown.  He was about the same height as Releana, she noted.  If he was surprised at seeing Releana there instead of one of the usual guards, he didn’t show a hint of it, remaining as still as stone.  His breathing remained steady, his black hair, long and wild, barely moved from the airflow coming in from the corridor, his long ears knifing through the mess.  Not even his falcon-like wings, coated as they were in Seal-Tech and secured behind him, twitched.  Like most of the standard prisoner population, his suit was a bright orange color, form fitting, thus revealing a very muscular, broad body, not uncommon in aerians, imprinted with his name, prison ID, and barcodes on the chest, left arm, and right leg.  It was currently in a standard restraint configuration, meaning a stout straitjacket, with heavy-duty cuffs around the ankles, though additional straps had been secured around him, likely owing to the various ‘disagreements’ with the guards that had been detailed on the records; infirmary visits had spiked quite significantly during those times.

Releana put on her most winning smile.  Her mind had already reached out to touch his, but like his face, not much was being revealed on the surface, so she began probing a bit deeper, though kept her touch very light; she didn’t necessarily like diving into people’s minds without them knowing, but it definitely had its uses in the cutthroat corporate world she tended to stay mired in these days.  “Ruhgare Schwersturm.  I would exchange pleasantries, but it’s not a very pleasant place, is it?  How would you feel about getting out of here?”

No reaction physically.  He was staring through her, that famous aerian thousand-lightyear stare.  She sensed something in his mind, though.  Skepticism, mixed with…amusement?  And simmering anger beneath it all.

Keeping her smile up, Releana continued.  “I’m Releana Veylani, owner and CEO of Veylani Transport.”  She opted to leave off the additional name the company had gained since the merger with Fenrou’s company; no sense in risking any hard feelings over a dark elven name being brought up.  “I’ll get right to it. I’m quite interested in the way you modified those loaders during the Rookwan Mining incident a few years ago, and would like to bring you onto a project I’m starting up.”

His eyes finally shifted, actually focusing on Releana.  It was the only movement he made.  She sensed a momentary thought of freedom, but it was immediately overridden by that underlying anger and what she sensed was a naturally disagreeable nature.  “Not interested,” he rumbled, his deep voice cracking from lack of use.

“Perhaps you’d like some details on the project first?  I can’t go into all the details, but suffice to say I want to take your loader modifications to the next stage and-”

“Not interested.  Leave.”  

Defiance flooded through his mind, fueled by that deep-seated anger.  Outwardly, his face was just as it had been before, no real change.  She sensed his desire to be free momentarily slip through, but it was quickly quashed.  He had pushed it away himself, refusing to acknowledge it…refused to hope for it, like doing so would be admitting to some perceived weakness within himself. 

“I don’t intend on using your talents without compensation,” Releana continued.  “This is an offer for a paid position in my company, and a clean slate on your record.  We all know DSM was in the wrong, and believe me when I say that I hold no love for them.  Why not stick it to them a bit and come up with something they haven’t even dreamed of?”  That probably wasn’t true; Releana knew that DSM had developed quite a few robotics technologies, drones first and foremost, had even developed the heavy loader designs Schwersturm had modified in fact, but they were slow to push any advancements.  Releana had come to the conclusion that DSM and Rivalle Volcarri preferred to let technology stagnate, and preferred to maintain their edges until advancement was actually needed when some other company finally caught up to them.  

That was going to change one way or another, but if she could get Schwersturm working with her, it’d make it happen that much sooner.

“No.”  Another thought slipped through the aerian’s defiance then, and Releana heard it clearly.  “Little girls shouldn’t play with dangerous toys.

Easing her smile, Releana put a hand on her hip and turned serious, keeping her annoyance in check.  “This is going to happen, one way or another.  I’m not playing games; I want to see DSM crushed, and I can see that there’s a brand new market just waiting to be created here, and I want to be on the bleeding edge of it.  They’ve wronged me, they’ve wronged you, and they’re wronging the rest of known space.  It’s not going to be an easy fight, but I’ll see it through.  Why not have a hand in it?  You’ve got some great ideas, Schwersturm, and they’re going to waste here.”

“Still not interested,” he said, his eye twitching downward and back as he stared her down, perhaps taking in her appearance fully for the first time.  In his mind, Releana could see that he was more conflicted than he had been just a few moments ago.  Perhaps something in her words had stirred something inside him?  She pressed a little harder, slipped through the crack in the wall he had erected, and read his thoughts more clearly.  “She sounds like she means it.  Still too young, though.  Great body for a human, attractive even…maybe she could handle herself in a fight.  Not as soft as she seemed?  Definitely works out a lot.

“Are you certain?  You really prefer rotting away in this prison instead of doing something meaningful?  It’s an honest offer.”  There was more there, but how hard could she push in his mind without alerting him to her intrusion?  She had learned subtlety over the years, but even with all the training she’d received from the doppelganger, she was no Linderman.  “Name your price, then.  What would it take for you to accept my offer and work for me on this project?”

“Wasting your time.  Better to just leave now,” he said, looking over her more deliberately, taking her in fully for the first time before that long stare returned.

Willing herself to remain calm and focused, Releana had known going in that dealing with aerians was like trying to bleed a stone.  Still, his resilience was impressive nonetheless.  She crossed her arms, shifted her stance, and stared back at him, frowning now.  She’d maintained her link through that crack in his mental barrier, and was getting more thoughts coming through.

Bet she could put up a good fight.  Body like that is a warrior’s body.  More humans should try for that kind of look, might make them more tolerable in general.  Careful…might get a hard-on thinking like that…”  Several images flashed through his mind in rapid succession, erotic images, but surprisingly…submissive in nature.  He saw himself getting twisted up in a chokehold between her thighs.  Then the mental image changed to him losing a fight to her, begging for mercy.  It quickly shifted again, to her wearing what could generously have been called armor, more like a metal bikini and heels, standing atop him and grinding said heel into his crotch.  That image changed to her atop him, holding him to the ground as she rode him.

She could have gasped at that moment.  It wasn’t just the lewd images of herself.  She was used to seeing people fantasizing about her when she read their minds; that was just something that came with the territory.  But for an aerian who was so outwardly defiant toward her to harbor such thoughts of her dominating him had caught her completely off guard.  Granted, he’d been in prison for several years, and probably didn’t see a lot of women he considered attractive given the enmity between aerians and elves, but still, those particular feelings were quite unexpected from an aerian.

Seeing an opening she hadn’t considered, Releana leaned back and reached for the control panel outside the cell and hit the release for the straps that held the aerian in place.  She turned back to him as the five second timer started to count down.  “I’m not accepting that as an answer, Schwersturm.  You’re working for me on this project, whatever it takes.”

“And just how far are you willing to go, human?”  he snarled.  The crack in his mental wall was filled with a surge of that seething anger, forcing her out of his mind.  She sent her thoughts to Fenrou, letting him know that she was okay, and to give her a few moments for some hostile negotiations.

“Maybe you’ll respond better to this,” she said, the panel outside beeping as the timer ran out, the straps holding him in the center of the cell snapping free and retracting into the cell walls and ceiling.  She was already in motion as she spoke, her left fist slamming into his gut below his crossed arms with everything she could muster.  She followed up with a right cross to his face that sent him hard into the padded corner of the cell.  She didn’t give him a chance to recover, grabbing his straitjacket straps.  She hauled him out of the cell, hefted his weight over her shoulder, and slammed him into the floor with her full strength.

Schwersturm grunted  as he hit the floor, then snarled, trying to fight against his restraints.  He lifted his still-bound legs and kicked out at Releana.  

She caught his kick with her arms as she sidestepped, twisted his legs and hauled him over so that he was laying on his stomach.  He resisted her, his muscles tightening with impressive strength, but she twisted around him and slammed her foot downward, her heel connecting with the small of his back.  He grunted louder, obviously in pain, and she ground her heel against his spine as she applied more pressure to pulling his legs in a direction they weren’t supposed to go; not enough to break anything, but from the sounds he was making, she was getting the results she had been going for.

“The original offer still stands,” Releana said through clenched teeth as she kept grinding her heel into his back.  She twisted her ankle around a few more times, getting a louder, pained grunt in response, then twisted his legs around the opposite direction.  This turned him so that his back and wings were against the floor again.  She dropped her hold on his legs and then dropped herself, specifically her knee, into the very noticeable bulge in his crotch.  

His face reddened, and he managed to keep his discomfort to a loud groan without crying out.  Releana grabbed the collar around his neck, lifted him toward her, then slammed him into the floor again, and held him there, grinding her knee into his groin.  “Final chance, Schwersturm.  That offer is about to be rescinded.”

Wild eyed and filled with rage, Schwersturm glared up at her, snorting through his nose.  He continued to fight against her, though he was unable to mount anything more than futile struggles at this point…which he likely enjoyed; she wasn’t about to delve into his mind to confirm it.  Teeth clenched, he snarled definitely, then met Releana’s gaze; he was angry, certainly, but something had changed there.  “Fine, Veylani.  Your terms are acceptable.  I’ll take the position.”

“Good boy,” she said, releasing her hold on the collar before pressing her weight into his groin to get back to her feet.  She blew out her breath as Schwersturm groaned and rolled onto his side, curling himself up to try and ease the pain in his crushed groin.  As she tucked a stray strand of hair over her ear, Releana noticed that she had attracted a small audience in the form of a trio of prison guards, who held their batons ready, but were looking from her to Schwersturm, obviously impressed.  She pointed at the downed aerian.  “I’ll take this one to go.”

She looked to Fenrou, who had his arms crossed and leaned against the wall with a smirk on his lips.  “Hostile negotiations, huh?  I knew you had a reputation for being forceful in your dealings, but seeing you in action was something else.”

Smiling, she walked back to Fenrou.  “Sometimes they just won’t listen to anything else.  I’m usually not that forceful, though.  Tough nut to crack, that one.”

As the guards picked up Schwersturm and started hauling him off in the direction of the exit, Fenrou reached out and put his arm around Releana’s waist, pulling himself against her.  “Do I even want to know?”

“You’d probably just get jealous,” Releana said, laughing as she put her arm around Fenrou.  “So how about we take a break from all these interviews?  I’m all fired up and could use some help dealing with all this restless energy.  You know…in that way I like?”

“How can I say ‘no’ after that display?” he said, leaning up to kiss her.  “You’d break me in half if you did that to me.”

Releana snorted and stomped her foot before they started walking down the corridor.  “Better keep those reins real tight in hand; I might be feeling a little wild.”

“I have ways of dealing with wild mares like you, love.”

“Mmmm…and I want to see all of them!”  It was a good thing she was in charge of her company, otherwise having to explain unexpected delays on her business trips might have gotten a little awkward.  

A short, sweet little piece featuring a much more mature Releana, taking place some time after the previous stories, probably a year or two.  I really need to get that timeline sorted out…

Anyway, this technically spoils some of the development of Releana’s character, but not really how she winds up where she is.  I had a couple of inspirations for this piece, specifically an Amazonian woman like Rel dominating a man, and an excuse to begin the development of combat mechs in my setting.  So I just combined the two into a quick little story that also showed a more flirty side of Rel with her boyfriend.  Think it works pretty well for what it is, but what do you think?

That’s all for now…

Tell next time, Urban out!

Hit me over on DeviantArt, or on my Discord server!  I’m usually always around, and would love to hear what you have to say!

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper