The Peculiar Predicament of the Pilfering Pink Pussy – Epilogue 4


Epilogue 4 – The Caged Vixen

Pacing back and forth through her enclosure, Kitsune was keenly aware of the heat between her legs and the ache in her erect nipples.  She had nearly forgotten about the intense arousal she was subjected to by her mistress until she was back home from that strange new world.  Almost, but not quite.  Her time spent in the other world, in that massive metropolis of shiny glass buildings that touched the sky, of the blissfully unaware people wandering its streets, oblivious to what lay just out of sight, had been an all-too short reprieve.  She hadn’t been entirely freed of her mistress’s attention, but the sensations of arousal had been greatly reduced while she had been on the job.  Though her mistress was quite the sadist, even she wouldn’t risk such an unprecedented operation, an actual invasion of another world, by keeping her favorite pet too distracted.

But the leash had been there, invisible and light, like the brush of a spider’s web upon her skin, but stronger than any other force Kitsune had known.  That leash was what had kept her masked the entire time she had been in that other world, kept her from speaking with her own voice even now, forced to rely on inventive use of her illusion magic to communicate with Dollface and the others, while reduced to animalistic sounds and motions within Kurae’s realm.

She hopped up onto a log and crouched on all fours.  A low moan escaped her as she felt the fire between her legs flare, and her forepaws went to her breasts, kneading the sensitive flesh, feeling her hardened nipples beneath the slick material.  One paw drifted downward, rubbing between her legs, feeling the heat even through the skin-tight rubber, her touch only serving to make the growing horniness worse.  Though she could feel herself, the paws made sure that she could do nothing to deal with her body’s rampant desires, her hands simply sliding over the slick rubber surface.  She looked down at her body, feeling the heavy collar that once again encircled her neck press against the bottom of her chin.  She saw her paws, the suit she’d worn for so many years now back to its normal state, which ensured she couldn’t stand upright, and couldn’t make use of her hands.  Her hands were trapped in animalistic paws, the rubber thick and tight, as were her feet, though with the nature of the suit, it had shaped itself around her legs in a manner that would ensure she had to remain on all fours.

Mistress Kurae had long ago learned what it took to keep her special pet in line, through various punishments involving pain and pleasure in just the right amounts, and through several modifications to the suit and its enchantments over the years.  The constant arousal was one of those controls, as only the attentions of her Mistress could alleviate those feelings to any degree; she knew from experience that even with multiple partners, she gained little satisfaction unless Kurae herself was involved.  The suit handled most everything else, keeping her on all fours like the animal she was meant to be, the fox-head mask that completely covered Kitsune’s head preventing her from speaking anything but animalistic sounds, the paw-shaped mittens upon her hands preventing her use of magic, and the collar providing swift punishment if she dared to step out of line; electrical discharges were a favorite of Kurae’s, though sensations of intense heat and cold were sometimes employed, or just pure unbridled pain that seemed to shoot straight through Kitsune’s brain.

She was convinced that the suit was alive, or at least enchanted enough to seem that way sometimes, the way it could so perfectly adapt to her attempts at escape, to so perfectly punish her, to keep her so thoroughly controlled.

Kitsune’s ears twitched, or at least the ears upon her mask did, though they might as well have been her own now, and her head jerked toward the unseen door as it opened.  Recognizing the sound of heels on stone coming through said door, and then the familiar gait of her mistress, Kitsune hopped off the log and scampered through the ferns and brush, ducking beneath low-hanging branches and around the larger trunks they were attached to.  She moved effortlessly on all fours, faster than a human should be capable of, almost naturally so.

Her enclosure, a massive cage within one huge room of Kurae’s mansion, was set up like a small forest, magically preserved and maintained, filled with foliage, several small streams and pools crisscrossing through the hilly terrain, even moss-covered boulders dotting the landscape beneath the trees.  Aside from a small building which contained a large, padded basket and a multitude of pillows for Kitsune to sleep on, the entire enclosure was just like a real forest, even to the point of having a day/night cycle.  Kitsune often wondered how many days and nights had actually passed during her stays in the enclosure; sometimes it seemed that one would last forever, while the other would fly by in the blink of an eye, or perhaps both would pass quickly or slowly.  Were the cycles tied to the actual passage of time outside?  Kitsune didn’t know for sure.  She wasn’t even sure how long she had been enslaved to Kurae; it felt like a long time, but she couldn’t guess exactly how long with the strange way time seemed to pass within the confines of the enclosure.  Even when she was freed of the enclosure to perform jobs for her mistress, Kitsune couldn’t seem to recall any dates, even when she had been tasked with infiltration or theft of some important document or another.  She knew there had been dates, but she couldn’t recall them.

Kitsune paused, one paw against the roots of a tree, cocking her head to the side.  A thought occurred, a question really, one that she had from time to time.  “What is my real name?”  From time to time, she asked herself that.  She couldn’t remember it, and Kurae had never used it that she could recall, even during the early days of her slavery, preferring names like ‘Foxy’ or ‘Vixen’, or some other cute pet name or another until she had settled on Kitsune.  How long had she been in Kurae’s clutches?

Shaking her head to clear the sudden thoughts that intruded into her mind when she heard Kurae’s voice calling her name, Kitsune hurried on.  Kurae’s mood was unpredictable at best, and no matter how sweetly she may have called for Kitsune, lingering longer than needed was never a good idea.

Along one of the many paths she had worn through the woods some time ago, Kitsune paused at the side of a stream, looking into the flowing waters she had to cross.  She saw her reflection there, the fox’s face, dark, emotionless eyes staring back at her.  She touched a paw to her cheek.  “What…does the real me even look like?  What color are my real eyes?  I can’t remember that, either…”  There were times she had dreamed of a face, or maybe faces, vaguely recollected what she thought may have been her own appearance, but they were always gone when she had awoken, evaporating like morning dew.

“Kitsune!” came Kurae’s call again, sounding more insistent.

Kitsune whimpered, slapped at the reflection, then hopped across the stream, scampering along another fallen log before leaping off and hurrying through some more low brush.  “Best not to anger the bitchy mistress,” she thought wryly, immediately wondering if she would be regretting it.  Was Kurae listening to her thoughts now as she often did?

A little further along the path, the foliage lightened, and she poked her head up through some reddish ferns.  Kitsune saw Mistress Kurae sauntering toward the wall of the cage, saw her lips curl into a smirk.  Heart racing, feeling her tails twitch excitedly at the sight of her mistress, Kitsune cooed excitedly and hurried toward Kurae, bursting through the edge of the woods moments later.  She let out an excited cooing sound as she came up to the bars, looking up at the woman before her through the lenses of her head-covering mask.  “I hate this!  I can’t stand loving this demon!  It’s so vile!

Kitsune had long ago learned that Kurae’s succubus nature meant she could manipulate emotions, that there was a constant aura of desire around her, even in her human forms, which could sway the emotions of any but the most mentally resilient mortals, or those blessed with protection from a deity they had devoted themselves to.  Most mortals were twisted around Kurae’s finger before they knew what hit them.  Years…or was it decades?…of exposure to the aura had done nothing to help Kitsune build a resistance to the effects.  If anything, Kitsune craved the closeness to her mistress even more, needed to please Kurae, to be her sweet, loyal pet, to do anything Kurae desired without complaint or hesitation.

Early on Kitsune had thought those feelings were due to an enchantment upon the suit she wore, one of many to be sure, but no, those feelings were simply the demonic nature of Kurae, twisting and warping Kitsune’s mind.  It was another aspect of the leash that kept Kitsune bound to her mistress, a feeling that could diminish over time and distance, but which would never fully subside.  She couldn’t put that link out of her mind, couldn’t stop herself from wanting to be close to her mistress.  There had been times that she had felt ill being so far away, had felt it a few times upon the other world until she had managed to communicate with Kurae.  It caused a sensation of nausea and dizziness, of shaking like she was being forcefully denied a drug she had been addicted to.

It was the invisible leash that held her firmly within Kurae’s grasp.  Diminished with distance, but never slipped, never forgotten.

Kitsune felt revulsion flash through her even as she desperately pressed her body against the bars, trying to get closer to her beloved mistress.  All nine of her tails were raised with anticipation, and she felt the heat between her legs grow, thoughts of what pleasures Kurae could give her flashing through her mind, overriding the cracks of burning hatred that had appeared through the conditioning.  Kurae had trained Kitsune well, instilling certain behaviors until they were second nature, and Kitsune knew that even without her invisible leash, she would have responded just the same.  Kitsune mewled and pawed at Kurae, taking in her mistress’s chosen form for the day.

Kurae appeared in her preferred guise, that of a young human girl, not even in her teen years.  Her blonde hair was pulled back in long, twin tails that nearly touched the floor, would have if it weren’t for the heeled boots she wore.  Her dress was a mix of dark red and black, one of the expensive, tailored creations she preferred, covering most everything but for her arms and shoulders which were left bare.  Her face, while seemingly innocent and lightly adorned with makeup, was far from it, her mouth opening into a wide, lascivious grin that seemed almost too wide as her blue eyes took in Kitsune, a quick flash of red within them hinting at Kurae’s true nature.

“Such a good girl!” Kurae said, extending her hand through the bars, her voice heavy with the rather condescending tone one would typically use when speaking to a favored pet.  “I’ve missed my sweet little vixen!”

Kitsune couldn’t help herself, years of living as Kurae’s pet making her reflexively coo, sniffing the offered hand for a moment, taking in the aroma of Kurae’s exotic perfume before Kitusne brushed her cheek against her mistress’s hand.  Kurae’s hand immediately began scratching beneath Kitsune’s chin, her other hand reaching through to scratch at Kitsune’s ears.  Though she wore the thickly insulating fox mask, Kitsune felt everything as if it were her own flesh.  And she felt the immense pleasure of Kurae’s touch, very nearly coming right there, and would have if it weren’t for the nature of Kurae’s control over her preventing such a thing.  Instead, Kitsune purred, leaned into Kurae’s hands, and closed her eyes, all nine tails waving drunkenly behind her.

I hate this!  Gods end this vile creature!  If there is any justice in the world, please end her!” Kitsune thought, though again, the bubble of resistance popped in the face of overwhelming pleasure from the attention Kurae showed her.

“You did very well, my pet,” Kurae said softly.  “A shame what happened to Dollface in the end; she would have been such a useful pawn for things to come, but we have plenty of others already waiting for their chance to shine, don’t we?”

Barely registering anything but the praise she had been given, a surge of pleasure roiling through her at the offered words, Kitsune continued to purr, but managed a slight nod, feeling a line of drool starting from her mouth.  The fire between her legs was painfully intense now, as was the ache in her nipples.  She whimpered and wiggled her hips suggestively, turning her gaze up to Kurae with a pleading look on her face, which she knew was transmitted to a comparative look upon the outside of the fox-headed mask.  She couldn’t just speak her desires aloud though, even to beg; begging was for the slaves, not pets.  Kurae had ensured that anything aside from animalistic sounds from Kitsune would meet with shocking results, if not worse.  Kitsune still shuddered at times if she thought too long on some of the more painful punishments she had experienced.  Some such punishments had certainly left her flesh scarred, but never did her suit reveal such damage; it was always pristine, shiny, perfect. She had tried to damage it over the years of course, but even the most grievous tears would heal in moments.

“Ohhh, you are such a needy girl today!” Kurae said, tittering just like the little girl she pretended to be.  One hand left Kitsune’s head, reaching down to grasp one of her breasts, lightly brushing the nipple as the flesh beneath was squeezed.

Kitsune whined softly, her body tensing.  Kurae’s touch was maddening!  It drove Kitsune’s arousal to the very edge, but she just couldn’t come yet, not without Kurae’s explicit permission.  She spread her legs, and then pawed at her hot, wet pussy, making another pleading mewl, the suit keeping her hot slit safely hidden beneath the layers of thick rubber; to look at her crotch would have revealed just a smooth surface, no hint of her feminine folds beneath.

“I suppose you should be rewarded for such good work,” Kurae mused, her other hand leaving Kitsune’s head, going to her other breast, her fingers toying with Kitsune’s nipples.  “Would you like it if your mistress put out that fire for you?”

Kitsune noted the sultry tone Kurae’s voice had taken, and nodded quickly, yipping eagerly as she raised her paws, waving them excitedly.  She would like nothing more right now than to come, to sate the fires that raged within her loins, no matter how much it rankled her to have to perform in such a way to earn such pleasures.  “Is it so much just to let me have a little pleasure?  Have I not done enough vile things for you to earn at least one climax?

Kurae’s mouth shifted, her grin becoming even more cruel and unnatural.  “I could let you simmer for a while longer…perhaps you aren’t thankful enough for my attention?”

Whimpering again, Kitsune reached through the bars, lightly pawing at Kurae’s dress around her stomach, using her best pleading tone as she mewled.  “Please don’t do this, mistress!  Please allow your pet to come, even if it’s just once!” she said in her mind, knowing that Kurae could hear it if she so desired.  Was she listening now?  Kitsune had no way to know unless Kurae actually responded.

“…and perhaps I will.  I’m not entirely convinced you were working with your full attention on the task at hand while you were in Sentinel City,” Kurae said, raising her chin, the red glimmer in her eyes reappearing, growing more brilliant, the color of a burning ember.  “That took much longer than it should have, even after the expected delays we had planned for.  Were you trying to be a bad girl?”

Kitsune shook her head quickly, another pathetic whimper coming from her as she tried to nuzzle Kurae’s arm while her mistress’s fingers still played with Kitsune’s nipples.  She hadn’t taken up that much more time than she should have in Sentinel City, just a few extra days, just to explore the city a little while longer, to find a few more potential recruits for Kurae’s scheme.  Kurae had told her to take as much time as needed to lay the groundwork for her grand plans, and Kitsune had done just that…with a little extra time devoted for her own schemes, though much of the planning for those had to be done on the fly, or while she had waited for Pink Pussy to complete her assigned tasks when the heroine had been under Dollface’s control.

Sentinel City had been so unlike anything Kitsune had ever seen before, so many things she could never have even imagined, like cars, for instance; her world was still using horse- or slave-driven carriages!  She had tried to test Kurae’s leash on the other side of the portal of course, and had managed to set up Dollface’s downfall, but even she couldn’t have predicted that her carefully laid plans for Shadow Lynx to swoop in and save the other heroines would have failed by such random chance and very nearly cost the heroine her freedom.  Thankfully someone else had gotten involved and taken care of Dollface with an extremely long-distance gun shot, a far greater distance than anything the muskets of Kitsune’s world could manage, even with magical enhancement.

“You can’t fool me, Kitsune,” Kurae said softly, her playful tone masking her displeasure as one hand went back to stroke Kitsune’s cheek.  “I know you; you were up to something naughty while you were out there.”  Kurae’s unnatural grin seemed to lessen, becoming more appropriate for a human noble, smug and arrogant, but amused.  “But that’s what I do so enjoy about you, pet.  Even after all these years, you still find ways to defy me.  So dangerous if left to your own devices with such creative interpretations of my orders…just the kind of cunning beast I like to keep on a short leash.”

Kurae removed her hand, despite Kitsune’s pleading mewls to continue with her pampering touches, and reached into a fold of her dress, and retrieved a leather leash.  Taking a firm grip upon Kitsune’s head, she clipped the leash to a waiting ring on Kitsune’s collar.  Her free hand then touched the bars of the enclosure, and several bars retracted into the floor.  “Come along pet, we’re going to my room to play with one of the new arrivals!”  Somehow her tone was both playful and ominous at the same time.

So is it to be pleasure, pain, or both now?  Why can’t Mistress ever be clear with what she intends for me?  I despise this woman so much!” Kitsune thought, though she still rubbed her thighs together with a light creak of rubber as her desire continued to swell.  With a gentle tug on the leash, Kitsune followed eagerly behind Kurae, her paws padding lightly upon the stone just as easily as if she were walking upright.  Was she about to get punished, or was it a reward?  Sometimes it was impossible to tell the difference with Kurae…

Her mistress led Kitsune outside of the large room containing the enclosure and through the hall beyond, passing several slaves busily cleaning the lavish fixtures, all bound in some way, and then upstairs to Kurae’s bedroom.  Once inside, Kurae led Kitsune to her bed, motioning for her to hop up atop the sheets.  Once Kitsune had done so, the leash was tied around one of the bed posts, just a few haphazard loops that could easily be shaken loose should Kitsune wish to do so, though she knew she wouldn’t dare attempt it.

Kurae sauntered to the opposite side of the room, letting her dress fall from her shoulders as she walked, her boots somehow untying themselves and allowing her to step out of them as she continued forward, revealing her nude girlish form.  Kurae’s hair lifted and swirled, the strips of ribbons untying themselves and letting the hair fly free as if caught in a breeze.

Kitsune’s breath quickened as she watched Kurae’s transformation; she had seen it countless times, but each time there was a primal fear that came with witnessing it.

The figure of the young girl grew into that of a mature human woman with wide, shapely hips and large breasts, her skin perfect and unblemished, appearing very much like the adult version of the girl that she had just been only moments before.  She stretched slowly, flipping her long hair about her shoulders, its length still very nearly reaching the floor, almost looking like liquid gold spilling down her back.

But that was only the beginning of her change, and if it had only been that much, Kitsune may not have experienced the fear that she felt now.  Sparks began to pour from both sides of Kurae’s head and her bare back as a pair of curling horns formed, and then bat-like wings sprouted from her back, a spiked tail from the base of her spine.  Her flesh changed color, taking on a deep red tone.  She grew even taller then, approaching eight feet in height, her legs ending in cloven hooves that left trails of smoke rolling from the carpet as she turned to regard Kitsune, her eyes glowing a brilliant reddish orange like the fires of the hells that had spawned her.  Kitsune’s nose picked up the unmistakable scent of brimstone filling the air within the chamber.

When Kurae smiled, revealing her bestial fangs, Kitsune couldn’t stop herself from shuddering.  No matter how many times she witnessed the succubus taking on her natural form, it still made her fearful and skittish; just a natural reaction from a human upon witnessing a full-fledged demon in its natural state, perhaps.  But there was another reaction that Kitsune struggled to control as well, one that she hated even worse than the overwhelming fear.

Kitsune felt her nipples ache more intensely, felt the fires burning between her legs burn even hotter, pushing her against the edge, as if she were upon her tiptoes just before she could make the leap to the plateau of pleasures that she so desperately desired to reach.  Breath catching in her throat, she pressed her thighs together, squeezed her breasts between her biceps.  She could smell the scent of brimstone lessening, replaced with the unmistakable smell of lust that filled the air, could feel the overwhelming carnal emanations from Kurae, and it made her whimper in a pleading tone, pawing at the air between them, reaching for Kurae.  Being so close to the succubus was intoxicating, maddening, driving her lust higher and higher.

A lust only Kurae could sate…

Damn you back to the hells that you spawned from,” Kitsune thought angrily, turning around so that her backside was toward Kurae, then leaned forward and raised all nine tails behind her as she easily balanced on all fours.  She swayed her hips back and forth, mewling desperately, pleading for Kurae, or anything else, to mount her and put out the lust-fueled fires that raged through her, very much like the animal in heat she had become.  She watched Kurae in the mirror, hopeful.

“You’ll have what you wish, pet, sooner or later,” Kurae said in a teasing manner, her voice now deep and sultry, a tone of pure seduction in a way that only a true succubus could do.  Kitsune whimpered, feeling her desires grow more intense, somehow, as she whimpered for Kurae’s immediately attention.

Kurae instead snapped her fingers, and a fiery circle appeared on the floor in front of her, vanishing in a puff of smoke to reveal an attractive human woman, her dark skin glistening with sweat and crisscrossed with dozens of fresh whip lashes.   She was bent over at the waist, her head and hands locked into a pillory, her legs secured into steel shackles that kept them spread wide.  She squealed into the thick leather ball that filled her mouth, her eyes filling with terror as they fell upon Kurae.  The squealing quickly became a terrified wail as her eyes widened, locked upon Kurae’s demonic form, and she jerked against the pillory, the chains on her ankles rattling as she fought to escape, to flee the hellish visage looming before her.

“For now, I must further sample the fruits of this new world.  So many souls to enslave…and only one little old me to enjoy them,” Kurae mused, stroking the black woman’s chin with her razor-sharp claw-like nails. She then walked around behind the newly captured slave, and Kitsune saw her form change yet again, a large cock growing between Kurae’s legs, already standing erect and dripping with pre-cum as the form was finalized, a foot long and thick as Kurae’s wrist.  She turned to the helpless human from the other world, claws sliding along the whiplashed skin as the head of the massive cock shoved inside the woman’s pussy, making her squeal more insistently as the monster pushed deeper.

No, not this again!  Why can’t I have that massive thing inside me?!  Please Mistress, fuck me, not that harlot!  Ugh, why do I want that?  Vile, horrible thing!”  Kitsune whimpered again as the conflicting thoughts filled her head, dropping to her knees, her forepaws groping uselessly at her breasts and between her thighs.  Though the sight of Kurae taking pleasure from the woman from the other world repulsed her, she couldn’t stop herself from watching, and couldn’t alleviate the arousal that burned within her. She had to obey, had to fulfil Kurae’s desires if she wanted her own pleasures, to say nothing of keeping her sanity!

Though her thoughts were overwhelmed by Kurae’s intensely powerful aura of lust, Kitsune knew one thing for certain, and desperately tried to cling to the hope she had found on the other side of that portal:  her escape lay in that other world, in Sentinel City, and with those heroines she hoped had recovered from Dollface’s mental control.  They were her best chance, maybe her only chance, to escape from Kurae’s clutches.

As the woman from Sentinel City screamed into the gag, fresh, bloody lines forming on her hips as Kurae’s claws dug into her flesh, Kitsune squeezed her eyes shut, gritting her teeth as she tried to focus on anything else but the demoness’s sick pleasures.  Though she knew that Kurae could read her thoughts, Kitsune also knew that the entirety of the demoness’s attention was on the torture of the newly enslaved woman, evident by the wild, almost maniacal laughter she let out as she continued fucking the poor slave, flesh slapping wetly against flesh.

Kitsune’s thoughts went to the heroines in Sentinel City, of how strange their powers had been compared to what she had witnessed in her own world.  The only one who had done anything that seemed familiar had been Black Cat, though even her spellcasting was strange, somehow simpler than the wizards she had been familiar with, than that of her own training, yet without any apparent loss of power; her ability to adapt and improvise had been quite impressive when they had fought.  The way she had fought against Kitsune atop the warehouse, had given everything she had to try and take down the vixen to win the fight, was inspiring.

It had hurt having to capture her, but maybe, given time she could figure out the trick to the specially enchanted set of anti-spellcaster restraints Kitsune had fit her with, turning their apparent curse into a potent blessing.  Kurae had intended them as a parting gift to Dollface to ensure she had a properly equipped pet of her own and hadn’t been concerned about their apparent loss after Kitsune had told her of Dollface’s defeat; Kitsune knew that Kurae had plans to eventually enslave the entire other world, so the restraints would find their way back into her possession eventually anyway.  Though Kurae had expressed some amount of surprise at Black Cat’s spellcasting abilities, she remained convinced that, given how thoroughly restrained the mage had been, she wouldn’t be a significant threat to the plan going forward.

Kitsune didn’t share that opinion.  Maybe Black Cat by herself wasn’t a threat, but with the others involved, that could be a different story.  The one called Mecha Musume with her armor, built very much like a golem but even more powerful, could withstand anything Kurae could physically muster, at least as far Kitsune knew.  And that big cannon she possessed was even more powerful than the gun that had taken out Dollface!

Cyber Seer’s powers were similar to Kitsune’s in some ways, illusions and teleportation, but her abilities with the advanced technology of the other world could lead to surprises Kurae couldn’t predict or deal with; even Kitsune had no way of knowing exactly what she was capable of.  Of course, if that woman couldn’t get her own lustful nature under control, she’d find herself at Kurae’s mercy in no time; that was the kind of weakness a succubus could exploit with no effort at all, and Cyber Seer was making no apparent efforts to hide that pretty massive opening in her defenses.

Then there was Pink Pussy, who would no doubt have quite the grudge against Kitsune for what she had done to her reputation while under Dollface’s control, but her fighting ability was incredible, to say nothing of what her claws could do.  Even Kitsune couldn’t fathom how Pink Pussy had cut through the cage of pure force that Black Cat had used against her at the museum; a spell like that could even hold a creature like Kurae, if she could have been prevented from teleporting away, of course.

Shadow Lynx too was an impressive close-range fighter and a tricky combatant in her own right, enough so that Kitsune had made her a lynchpin in her plan to take Dollface down, even if it hadn’t gone quite as she had hoped it would have.  Though Shadow Lynx seemed quite the prideful one and was convinced she was the best heroine in the city.  She would have to be very careful to keep herself grounded when it came to her own ego, lest Kurae find a way to exploit that weakness.

Then there was the mysterious shooter who had taken out Dollface at the last moment before Kitsune had returned home with the stolen artifacts, relics from a powerful sorceress from the ancient past of that other world.  Who was that who had taken the shot?  And would their weapons work against someone like Kurae?  Kitsune could only hope that would be the case.

And what about all the others in that world who possessed amazing powers and abilities?  Kitsune had seen them on the news reports she had watched while with Dollface, on those devices called computers that seemed to have an infinite amount of knowledge within them and communication abilities only the most skilled mages could muster, had witnessed other people with remarkable powers while she and Pink Pussy were tracking down the artifacts.  Could Kurae possibly handle all of them?

It was Kitsune’s hope that Kurae couldn’t stand up to such odds, that the demoness and her insatiable desire to enslave couldn’t overpower the amazing abilities of the people in that world.  And it was that hope she clinged to now, with thoughts of finding a way, perhaps with Black Cat’s help, to finally get out of the suit that Kurae had trapped her in, to once again be free of the succubus’s leash, to be her own person again.  So great was that hope that, for a time, she couldn’t actually feel Kurae’s aura, could ignore the overwhelming lust within her, and could actually hope for something more, a chance to be free once again.  “Maybe I’ll even remember my real name…

For now, those hopes would have to be enough.  Kitsune just had to be patient a little longer, just had to be careful and lay her own traps as best she could for when the time was right to take down Kurae and anyone else she had allied with in Sentinel City, no matter how many that may be.  Kitsune had to put her faith in the heroines she had met, to trust that they had learned from what had happened to them, so that they wouldn’t fall prey to such a fate again.

They can do it!  I know they can do it!  They…have to succeed, for their sakes and mine…

Well, that was an interesting chapter!  Finally getting into Kitsune’s head reveals quite a bit of what’s going on.

Big thanks to Kitsune’s creator for allowing me to use the character and suggesting some of her thoughts and some edits to this chapter.  If you want to let everyone know who you are, feel free to do so in the comments, or let me know and I’ll edit this post!  You’ve been such a big help throughout the writing process for this story!

Stay tuned, everyone!  Just one more epilogue to go, and it’s a big one!

Would love to hear any feedback you might have!  If you don’t mind, would you consider taking this little poll I’ve created?  I would love to hear what you think!  You can find it here!

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Until next time!  Urban, out!

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper