The Peculiar Predicament of the Pilfering Pink Pussy – Chapter 13


Chapter 13 – Trolling for Pussy

“Do I have to wear the hood, though? It’ll be a lot faster if I’m not wearing the hood.”

“I know, but I like it this way. You’re the one who wanted to spend some more time together before work, right? You’re also the one who wanted to start looking for the Pink Pussy all of a sudden. And since you’re also the one who wanted me in charge again tonight, what I say goes. Perks of being the dom I think.”

“There ya go with the logic again,” Becky replied, grinning as the hood was brought down over her head. Her feeds to cyberspace dwindled and the static filled them, but since this wasn’t the full isolation hood, she still had some ability to tap into the ‘net. Emi secured the straps, then put her hands upon Becky’s shoulders. “Even makin’ me use the keyboard and mouse. Such a cruel mistress.”

“Not nearly as cruel as I think you’d like sometimes,” Emi replied, the sound of her voice telling Becky that she wore a grin and was eager to play. Emi’s hands slipped from Becky’s shoulders, down her arms, and went underneath them to her exposed breasts, where she started massaging, her delicate fingers teasing Becky’s nipples as they worked. “Lay it out for me; what did you come up with? And if you tell me it’s more Pink Pussy porn I’ll get the other hood out and leave you strapped to the chair all night without any fun.”

Becky quickly clicked the mouse on a few browser tabs to close them out, the ones she had pulled up of the most recent batches of the porn in question, smiling innocently as she did. No need to take the chance that Emi was serious, after all. Emi had Becky sitting atop her gaming chair, the armrests removed for the moment, a pair of leather straps having the dual purpose of squeezing her breasts between them while keeping her pressed firmly against the upright chair back. Becky’s arms were free, though her wrists were secured to the desk via two pairs of handcuffs and a purposefully placed bar mounted to the desk beneath the keyboard area that gave her enough room to maneuver over the keyboard and mouse, but little else. Becky’s legs were spread, her knees out to the edges of the chair, another pair of straps on each leg keeping them bent, ankle to thigh, while a pair of cuffs at her ankles and some length of chain around the chair kept her feet angled backward toward Emi, jutting out to the sides of the chair back. Just for added security, and to make sure she couldn’t close her legs, another strap had been secured to each doubled-up leg and ran beneath the chair.

“So, it’s like this,” Becky said once she was sure she wasn’t going to accidentally click on a tab filled with sexy catgirl porn, most of them involving some kind of bondage and a rather strict dominatrix version of Shadow Lynx punishing said sexy pink catgirl, “I managed to obtain the uncut list of everything Pink Pussy has stolen over her crime spree from the police, with all the details Shadow Lynx left out of her vid.” She pulled up the document so Emi could see.

“Through completely legal and straightforward means, no doubt,” Emi said knowingly, her fingers and thumbs pinching at Becky’s hard nipples for a moment before the massage continued.

Moaning softly at the sudden pain, the most enjoyable pain, Becky nodded. “Yup, of course, totally,” she said, the last word in her faux valley-girl accent as a not-so-subtle hint, not that Emi really needed it. “Pretty innocuous stuff really, up until the diamonds that she took the other night, anyway.”

“Not entirely; you could make a lot of things with these components,” Emi said, her index fingers rolling around Becky’s nipples thoughtfully. “Let’s see…the circuits, transistors, and boards are pretty standard for any kind of electronic device; I’ve got a lot of these in my own armor even. The multi-band antennas are for cellular devices, for regular wifi or 5G and higher, so there’s the method to get communication going for whatever the device is. The ceramic compounds and curing products could be used for some kind of housing, maybe something that isn’t immediately obvious to the untrained eye, or that might not be picked up by a metal detector. The latex, and the quantities taken…well, that’s a whole kinky wardrobe right there.”

“Oh, I know, right? All the things we could make for you to wear with that latex…” Becky moaned again when another pinch came to her nipples.

“Or, it could be used for insulation and vibration reduction. Taken on their own, all of these materials could be used to build transmitter/receivers, time-keeping devices, a homebrew wireless system, a wide-range mesh network, garage cell phones, a custom computer system…there’s just so many things you can do with this stuff. But where do the diamonds fit in? I know diamonds have great thermal dissipation qualities, but currently, that’s reserved for synthetic diamonds, right? I’m even considering how I can incorporate such a thing into my armor for the cooling issue.”

Becky nodded. “Yep, that’s pretty much it. If these were synthetic types, it’d make sense, but since these are the jewelry kind, it don’t.”

Emi’s hands left Becky’s breasts, and she stepped away for a moment, returning with something big and white in her hand. Becky felt one of Emi’s hands return to her left breast, and something cool press between her legs. The rounded head came to life a moment later, buzzing softly, sending powerful vibrations through her already-moist pussy lips. “But you have a theory, yes?”

“Mmmm…I might, mistress,” Becky said, squeezing her thighs around the head of the vibrating wand.

When Becky said nothing further, Emi pinched her nipple and gave it a little twist. “And that theory is…?”

Sucking in her breath at the sudden sharp pain, feeling herself getting severely aroused, Becky licked at her lips. “Well, it’s like this…I’m thinkin’ that the diamonds ain’t exactly related to the electronics, cause of their history.”

The pain on Becky’s nipple subsided as Emi eased pressure on it, leaning closer, switching her hand to massage the other breast as she pressed the wand more firmly against Becky’s pussy, turning it up a notch. “And what is that history?” she asked sweetly. It was a tone that could have been playful or threatening; it was sometimes hard to tell.

“Well, ya see, them diamonds were part of some pretty famous jewelry. The name of’em, the ‘Shazia Rassi Diamonds’ in the report, that ain’t the owner or the one who was lookin’ to buy’em. That’s who originally had’em made and wore’em back in the old days, I’m talkin’ like back in the Dark Ages, 7th or 8th century.”

“Wait…why did a jewelry store like that have historic relics of that nature for sale? Shouldn’t those be in a museum somewhere? Or a private collection, at least?”

“The store owner ain’t sayin’ much about it to the police, but I’m gettin’ the impression he was dealin’ in things that ain’t entirely on the up and up if ya get my meanin’.”

“I do,” Emi replied, turning the vibrator up another notch. She leaned in a bit closer, her breath warm against Becky’s exposed ear before she nibbled at Becky’s earlobe for a moment. “So he’s a middle-man, then? Selling illegally obtained merchandise to high-paying collectors?”

“Yep, basically. Though this one’s a bit different, ya see. ‘Shazia Rassi’ ain’t exactly a well-known name, probably why it was used in the first place. I had to go diggin’ in the deep recesses of the ‘net to find a reference to it, and then I had to go diggin’ into the dark web for more.”

“Mmmm…this is getting spicy…” Emi purred, her lips playing with Becky’s ear again.

Becky breathed quicker, starting to pant softly between her lips. “Oh, you ain’t wrong; it gets so spicy! Like, demonology and ancient Arabic evil jinn kinda spicy. We’re talkin’ occult stuff.”

“Oh? Really? Demons and evil jinn… you haven’t been reading Dungeons and Dragons forums have you?” Emi’s tone was playful, but there was just a hint of concern in her voice. She wasn’t particularly observant but had grown up in a pretty traditionally Shinto family, so the concept of spirits and gods and demons wasn’t exactly unknown to her.

“Kinda thought I was for a time, but nope, nothin’ like that. These people take this stuff pretty seriously. Now mind you, I ain’t anything like what you’d call an expert, but I got a lot of data here, a good part of it I don’t understand, mind you. But, there’s mention of other objects associated with that name, a name which might or might not be related to Scheherazade herself.”

“Wasn’t she just a character in ‘Arabian Nights’, though? The great storyteller and queen?” Emi pulled away. “Hold this for a sec.”

“Not if you believe what these folk are sayin’.” Becky squeezed her thighs together, barely managing to get them tight enough around the head of the vibrator to keep it in place. It started slipping almost immediately, but Emi was back momentarily, and Becky let out a yelp as Emi snapped a pair of chain-linked nipple clamps to her rock-hard nipples. Moaning and taking a moment to savor the intense pain of the alligator teeth biting at her flesh while Emi grabbed up the wand again, adjusting it so that the head was right over Becky’s clit, she finally managed to continue. “They um…they say that Scheherazade was a real person, a powerful sorceress and wielder of countless dark magics; supposedly she even created the jinn according to some accounts. She could tell a story and it would come true.”

“Okay…so is there anything in there that we can use?”

“I’m gettin’ to it, just give me a minute,” Becky said, her voice taking a sharp edge. Emi noticed, and gave her nipple clamps a tug, sending another painful jolt through her nipples, and making her gasp. “So, where this is goin’ to, and I’m skippin’ a lot, is that there might have been either an apprentice or maybe it was an alias, I dunno for sure, but it’s that other name, the Shazia Rassi name, that’s tied to several other supposed relics that have filtered down through the ages, and I even got a list of them.”

As Becky pulled up the saved web pages, Emi leaned in beside her again, flipping the vibrator up yet again, this setting making Becky squirm and pant with excitement, her toes curling and uncurling as her juices started flowing more intently. “Mmmm…that’s so good mistress!” she panted.

“You’re doing good work, my lovely slave,” Emi replied in a husky tone. “But do try to stay focused on the task at hand a bit longer? So let’s see…other jewelry with other types of gems in them, a very gaudy staff, a dagger, a ritual dagger, a sword, another, more fancy dagger…what’s with all the cutlery? Several texts on dark magics, a magic cloak, a pair of boots…Are you sure this wasn’t from a D&D story? This sounds like stuff you’d find there.”

“I swear, this is legit!” Becky said quickly. “Even our modern culture is based on the classical stuff to this day, so it makes sense there’d be some similarities.”

“Hmmm…alright, so what good does this do us?”

“Well…” Becky started, letting out another moan as the vibrations hit just right, and Emi tugged at the chain on the nipple clamps again, momentarily scattering her thoughts. She recovered after a few moments and continued. “…I think there are several more of these items around, like in the city.”

“Really?” Emi’s tone of voice seemed to indicate she didn’t entirely buy it. “What are the chances of that?”

“Pretty piss-poor, but look at all that’s happened in the last few months, even with us. What were the chances of that happenin’?”

“Point taken…so do you know where these things are, and which ones they are?”

Becky clicked another window open. “This ain’t my work mind ya, but someone’s out there keepin’ a very close watch on where these things are a goin’. So, based on that, and no evidence to the contrary, I’ve got that set of silver bracelets with the rubies in the hands of some rich guy uptown, probably in a private display or somethin’, that staff is in town on loan to the history museum for their Ancient Middle East exhibit, the sword is in the hands of another collector over in Chinatown, and that ritual dagger is supposed ta be comin’ here to be added to the museum’s exhibit; guess they just uncovered that one not long back or somethin’.”

Emi paused, looking over the data, and the additional maps Becky had compiled of where the items were located. A series of camera feeds came up as Becky typed and clicked around the screens, showing several different buildings and areas of town, even the inside of the museum with the staff at the center of the image, a pair of security guards patrolling around in the background. “Well well, you’ve certainly done quite a bit of work while I’ve been down in the hangar, haven’t you?” Emi gave an affectionate stroke of Becky’s hooded chin and turned up the vibrator. “Now can you tell me exactly what theory we’re going with on this one? Magic rituals? Demon summoning? Calling out jinn?”

Panting for a few moments, her body tensing against the intensity of the vibrations as an orgasm neared, Becky finally managed a reply after Emi gave one of the nipple clamps a twist, and she yelped from the sudden, intense flare of pain. “Nothin’ so elaborate as that, I’d hope, but there was this report I saw from some patrolmen tonight about some kinda wizard in a park summonin’ up bondage gear earlier tonight. I swear, it’s true, I can pull the report!” Becky said quickly, seeing the quizzical raise of Emi’s eyebrow out of the corner of her eye. “Now, it was from a couple a druggies, so take it with a grain of salt. But I was thinkin’ more simple like, just stealin’ this stuff for a really rich collector, ya know? Nothin’ too out there.”

“And the electronics components? An elaborate security system? And how rich is this collector if they’re having to steal stuff to build up their security?”

Becky shrugged, tugging at the handcuffs as she raised and spread her hands. “Okay, so it’s got some holes, but it’s better than summonin’ up demons and stuff, right?”

“A little, anyway,” Emi said, giggling. “Okay, miss cyber sleuth, I’ll run with what you’ve got so far. Seems as reasonable as anything else right now. Good girl.” Emi rubbed the head of the vibrator a little more forcefully against Becky’s pussy and over her swollen clit, making her squirm and moan.

“Thank you, mistress…” Becky breathed, looking up to Emi with a hunger in her eyes.

“Ah yes, that reward I promised…” Emi said, a sly grin on her lips. She turned the vibrator down to its lowest setting, but wedged it beneath Becky’s crotch. Stepping away from Becky, she returned a few moments later, leather and steel jingling. Without saying a word, Emi lifted the gag to Becky’s lips.

Glancing at the gag, Becky obediently opened wide a second later. Emi quickly stuffed the large rubber bulb between her teeth and pushed the gag home, the leather panel pressing down against Becky’s lips. Emi deftly secured the straps around the back of Becky’s head, beneath her chin, and over her head, the gag plenty tight and filling already. Then she took the bulb dangling from the front of the gag panel and started squeezing, the gag inflating inside Becky’s mouth. Cheeks soon bulging, Becky let out a low groan as her jaw extended and her mouth was filled to the brim by the rubber gag inside. She grunted as the gag seemed to reach its limit, Emi pausing, giving Becky an appraising stare. Then Emi gave the bulb a couple more quick squeezes, finally letting it drop when Becky let out a pained groan.

Becky could have complained, but instead she rolled her eyes, squirming excitedly. The pain in her jaw fueled that masochistic streak within her, and the coming attention Emi was going to be giving her ensured that she would endure it.

Wordlessly, Emi undid the straps holding Becky’s legs to the chair. Rather than freeing her, Emi instead raised her legs so that Becky’s knees were raised to the sides of her torso, and fed the straps through between her thighs and calves and behind the chair, giving them a couple of firm tugs to ensure that Becky’s legs remained spread. She then unlocked the handcuffs from the bar beneath the desk and brought Becky’s hands behind the chair back, locking both sets of handcuffs together to keep her hands out of play.

Emi pushed the chair away from the desk and stood in front of Becky, looking down on her hungrily. She took her own t-shirt off, tossing it aside, and revealed that her own nipples were rock hard. Emi turned, wiggling her hips and slowly worked her shorts down her legs, revealing the black thong panties she wore beneath. She turned to face Becky again once her shorts were below her knees, stepping out of one side, raising them on her other foot, and kicked them aside. Emi touched her breasts, giving them a few squeezes, rubbing her erect nipples between her fingers before she brought one finger to the little triangular patch of material at her crotch, the finger rubbing vigorously for several seconds, coming back glistening.

Becky let out a heated moan, wiggling herself atop the vibrator, her eyes glued to Emi. Emi continued playing with herself a bit longer before her hands finally went to the thin straps of the panties that rested over her hips. Again with a little teasing dance, Emi slipped the panties down her legs, stepping out of them and lifting them between the toes of her right foot. Taking the moistened panties in hand, Emi approached Becky, and brought them down over Becky’s hooded head, placing the triangular patch that had been at her crotch right over Becky’s nose. Becky’s body shivered with anticipation as Emi’s aroused scent filled her nose.

Wasting no more time, Emi picked up the vibrator and straddled the edge of the chair, tugging at the chain that secured Becky’s nipples together, almost as if she were pulling herself closer with it. Becky squealed at the particular sharp jerk, but it only added more heat to the fire that Emi had started within her.

Emi breathed heatedly, one arm going to the chair back as she brought the head of the vibrator between them and pressed herself against it, turning it up to a higher setting. Emi gasped, and Becky moaned, eyes rolling as the powerful vibrations nearly made her come right there. Being this close to Emi, with her panties filling her nose, the massive gag, constant biting pain on Becky’s nipples, the vibrator was almost too much.

The thought shot through Becky’s mind that maybe she was getting a little too kinky for her own good, but then it was gone just as soon as it happened, because Emi started working her hips up and down, almost as if she were riding Becky like a bull. Another image went through her mind then, that of Emi pounding her with one of the strap-ons, dressed like a cowgirl and slapping Becky’s ass. Becky squealed in delight, and made a mental note to lay some not-so-subtle hints at Emi that a strap on was required next time.

With the vibrator firmly held in place between the two of them, Emi lifted her hand from the controls and snatched the nipple clamp chain, her eyes meeting Becky’s. “You want this, don’t you? Tell me how much you want it!”

Becky nodded quickly, and wiggled beneath Emi, making pleading noises around the gag, begging with her eyes. She even jerked at the handcuffs behind the chair.

Getting the feeling that Emi needed this as much as she did, Becky squealed with delight as Emi pulled at the chain, jerking Becky’s nipples upward, stretching them with the unrelenting, painful bite of the teeth that held them firmly to her sensitive nipples. Becky’s eyes rolled backward as the orgasm hit her, crying out around the gag. Emi pressed against her, and she too let out a cry of pleasure as she came, writhing against Becky’s body, their pussies gushing around the vibrating head between them.

Emi continued riding Becky, using the nipple chain as an anchor, the two of them quivering as they continued to come, one pleasurable explosion after another. Through the haze of pleasure, Becky noticed a change on one of the security feeds. There was a shimmer, some kind of distortion in the air. It was on the roof of an adjoining building outside the uptown apartment where the bracers were supposedly kept, the feed from a traffic-light security camera that had been misaligned so that it shot upward instead of toward the street. The shimmer remained, but then she saw the catgirl appear, crouching on the edge of the building. Even though the camera was a decade or more out of date, and the image was nowhere near 4K, Becky could tell it was the Pink Pussy.

Becky squealed, bucking and nodding quickly toward the screen. Emi, in the throes of her own impassioned moment, mistook her intention, and pulled and twisted at the nipple clamps, squeezing her legs around Becky and the chair. Becky’s eyes crossed at the sudden, intense and knife-like pain that assailed her nipples, and then she screamed as another powerful orgasm exploded within her.

Even if she could think clearly, there was little she could do given the reduced efficacy of her powers thanks to the hood. Even Emi’s armor wasn’t usable at the moment, as she had partially disassembled it earlier to work on the cooling system. Through her haze of orgasmic delight, Becky did the only thing she could think of, and attached a brief video of the security feed to an email, and shot it off to the police with a description of where it was, using an anonymous email address and a custom VPN that would put her IP somewhere below the southern border.

In the midst of her orgasmic ecstasy, the thought shot through Becky’s mind that they really needed to work on their timing if they were going to pull off the super-heroine gig on a regular basis. Then it was gone as another wave of pleasure carried her off into subspace…

Back again, with lucky chapter 13!  Becky and Emi are at it again, but now with added backstory in the midst of their play time.  How do budding super-heroines manage to balance their kinky playtime with their heroic actions?  In this case, not so well.

The story is heating up, and building toward a climax, in more ways than one!  Hope you’ll stick around for the next chapter!

Thanks everyone for reading and giving me a bit of feedback on the post from last week.

Until next time!


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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper