Thoughts on the Haunted Asylum Misadventure – What’d You Think?


Well, there we go…the last chapter of Lila’s Haunted Asylum Misadventure is up, and the story has come to a close.  It’s been an experience to be sure, clocking in at a whopping 66k words!  I wrote the majority of those words since August when I restarted the story from where it had stalled out as a CYOA prompt-style work with a fellow creator on DeviantArt.

I’d originally started the revision and completion of this story in order to test myself, and see if I could actually stick to writing regularly again after being out of action for such a long time.  Aside from game notes and a very occasional short story, I’ve barely written anything in years.  I hadn’t expected the story to go on quite this long, but I’m glad I could see it through to the end, and I’m glad so many of you have taken an interest and joined up here to read the story.  That tells me there’s definitely an audience for this kind of thing, and that’s reassuring.

I’m pleased to say that this experiment was a success, though with plenty of challenges keeping myself on track and finding time and energy with a full-time job and my other hobbies (model building and photography).  If nothing else, this experience has created what I’m hoping will be a fairly stable foundation to build up a lot more.  I’d love to be able to keep regular stories coming, and perhaps even move to publishing some of my writing down the road once I’ve gotten a bit more practice in the processes.  I’ve got plenty of ideas bouncing around in my head, some of them years old, that need to come out, and it seems like the right time to do so.  If 2020 has taught me anything, it’s to stop hesitating on what I want to do and start creating what makes me happy, whether it’s in words or through the lens of a camera.  (I’ve never had a furlough from work during this whole year, by the way, just the two weeks of vacation I normally have.  Someone has to keep the internet chugging along, eh?)

I’d like to thank everyone who has subscribed to my site; we’re nearly at 160 people right now, and that’s far more than I could have hoped for starting out.  I certainly hope that you’ve enjoyed my writing so far, and will continue to do so as I explore new stories, settings, and characters. I’ve got plans for stories in a superhero setting, a more fantasy-like Old West setting, and a (maybe not kinky) horror setting set around my local stomping grounds, plus I’m still working on developing my fantasy RPG setting (just haven’t been able to devote as much to that as I would like yet).

Now, dear readers, I’d like to ask a small favor from everyone who has been sticking around for the Asylum story.  All I would ask is for some feedback.  I’ve gotten precious few comments (all of which I’ve greatly enjoyed), but I’d love it if you could take a few minutes of your time and let me know what you thought about the story as a whole.  Hit me up on here, at my DeviantArt page, or join my newly opened Discord channel and tell me what your honest opinion is of the story or any of my other works you have read.

Positive or negative, I’d love to hear from you!  Let me have it if you want!

Suggestions for what kind of feedback I’m looking for:

  1. What did you think of the story overall?  What parts did you like, what didn’t you like?
  2. What did you think of the characters?  Were there some you liked, others you didn’t?  Did you think they were inconsistent or didn’t seem quite like they should at certain times?
  3. Do you have any questions that you feel should have been answered in the course of the story?  Do you have any suggestions on what could make the story better?

Well, I’m gonna slip out now and see if I can get some writing done before I head out to my weekly tabletop RPG.  I hope to hear from you, and again, thank you to everyone who has stopped by and read my work!  All feedback and comments are greatly appreciated!

Y’all have a good one; till next time!

About the author

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Urban Sniper


  • Already kinda said this earlier, but you asked for more feedback, heh.

    Overall I thought the story was very good. Good characters, reasonable plot for something lewd, and excellent writing. I disliked the more extreme and violent scenes and basically everything that wasn’t my kink, but that’s hardly your fault. Lila sneaking around near the middle was easily my favorite part.

    Favorite character is easy: Sella. Snarky bondage ghost nun, and the raiment was a wonderful excuse to go adventuring in bondage gear. Her banter with Lila was part of what made the sneaking so good. I didn’t pay a lot of attention to the doctor, because the scenes he was in tended to be ones I skimmed through. Same for Kori. Everyone else was fine. I didn’t notice any real inconsistency in them

    I have suggestions that would make it better for me personally, but that’s not what you want XD. I don’t really have questions that could be answered by edits; mostly I just want this crew to go on more fun adventures and see those stories! 66k words is a lot to write this fast, and overall you did an incredible job. I really looked forward to seeing notifications for this in my inbox each week. Keep up the good work!

    • Thank you for the detailed comment! Loved reading about what parts you liked the most in particular. Will definitely be seeing the crew again!

  • Excellent, I missed seeing new stories from you, as your older ones are some of my favorites on DA. The Asylum was a great read (although admittedly I skipped over Kori’s scenes), but what makes it feel different from your previous stories is that it comes to an actual conclusion, rather than left hanging with no actual ending. (Of course, with how Lila ends up, the story could still go on for quite some time… but that’s besides the point.) I like reading about the torments these ladies are put through, but just as much, I like seeing how they manage to escape – and, perhaps, get changed a little from the experience, as we see especially with Releana.

    • Thank you for taking the time to comment! It’s reassuring to hear that you’ve stuck around for this long from my heyday on DA.

      An actual ending is something that I was very keen on getting done for this one; I’m well aware of how many of my old stories just stopped; usually, it was due to me losing interest or just getting so taken with another idea. I’ve been trying to crack down on my process to make sure I’m getting these stories finished. And yes, there is definitely an opening to fill with how this one ended, and there may be a little extra in the works 😉

      I very much appreciate your thoughts on the story and characters. I can understand that Kori’s definitely not for everyone, but I’m glad you found some investment in the girls and their situation. They’ll definitely be back down the road!

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Urban Sniper