Moving Forward / What Story Ideas do YOU Want to See?


Now that the Haunted Asylum Misadventure has come to a close, I’m going to be shifting focus to another story, though I’m probably going to wait until after New Years to post the first chapter of it.  In the meantime I’m going to finally get up the next worldbuilding article on the City of a Thousand Delights.  I haven’t decided just yet what will posted after that, but I’m hoping I can complete a special story for Christmas weekend.  I’ll admit, the last couple weeks have been a bit hit or miss due to longer hours and a more chaotic schedule being that it’s December, but I’ve been trickling some words onto the page almost daily.  Definitely need to get back to what I was managing before.

With that in mind, I’m going to give you a bit of a preview of what’s coming down the pipeline, and then go over some ideas that I’m still working on, both for my stories and how I’ll be posting them going forward, and touch on some other ideas I’ve had knocking around.  Hoping you’ll offer your thoughts on what you think about my plans so that I can better focus my limited time on stuff that you’ll enjoy more!

The Next Big Story

The Peculiar Predicament of the Pilfering Pink Pussy

Do you like superheroines?  Do you like superheroines in bondage and kinky situations?  Do you like alitteration?

Well, if so, then you should enjoy the next story coming up after the start of the new year!

Synopsis:  Six months ago, an unexplained wave of energy swept over the planet.  At first nothing seemed amiss, but then people started changing and developing super powers.  It didn’t take long for powerful criminals to show up and start abusing their newfound abilities, so it was inevitable that the heroes were hot on their heels.  In Sentinel City, the heroine known as Pink Pussy, one of the earliest heroines to appear in town, has fallen from grace, taking up a life of crime in a series of heists that the police just can’t get a handle on.  Detective Laura Conway has been assigned to the case, but she has other reasons for wanting Pink Pussy caught:  namely, she knows who Pink Pussy really is, and is desperate to figure out what has befallen the friend she’s not seen in weeks.  The case gets even more complicated when a new pair of heroines appears to stop a gang of heavily armed maids from robbing a jewelry store, calling themselves Cyber Seer and Mecha Musume, and it seems that Pink Pussy’s long-time rival for the affection of the fanbase, Shadow Lynx, knows more than she should about the case.  And who is the mysterious young woman who showed up out of nowhere at the crime scene flinging magical bondage spells?  Can Laura possibly sort through the mess and find her missing friend before she’s locked up for life?

My hope here is to have a weekly release as I did with the Asylum story, with previews going up on DeviantArt and the full chapters released here.  As I’ve been writing this one, the chapters are looking to be on the shorter, quicker to read side, but I think it fits with the overall quicker pace of the story I’m going for.  Going to be trying a few new things with my writing on this one, so hopefully it’ll turn out to be successful experiment!

Chains and Chastity RPG Campaign Setting

I’m hoping to make development of my fantasy RPG setting a bigger priority going forward as well.  It’s been slow going with that big 40+ hour gap in my week at the office, plus all the stuff I have to deal with at home, but now that my Call of Cthulhu game is winding down and I’m moving to a 5th Edition D&D campaign, this should be easier to manage.  This is the setting in which the in-progress “City of a Thousand Delights” series of articles is set.

Several years back, I had started developing some amount of content for a kinky RPG setting, and that was about the time that I stopped writing heavily and went mostly silent on Deviant Art.  That was originally for Pathfinder, but now that I’ve had a change of heart on D&D 5E, I’ll be developing the setting for it instead.  With the limited amount of time I have to play with these days, it’s a lot simpler working within the 5E rules than Pathfinder (v1; I’ve not delved into the newest version of it yet).

Hopefully I can keep things moving at a steady pace, ideally once a week, or bi-weekly at most, with updates to the setting, monster entries, NPCs, magic items, short stories, that kind of thing.  I’ve got a World Anvil account that I’ll be updating and trying to roll into the development as well, and eventually, if everything goes as intended, I’ll be able to start publishing some of the work I do for the setting. I may even try to DM a few online games if there is enough interest in doing so.

Future Ideas

Here are a few rough ideas I’ve got baking; not all of these have been developed to the same degree, but I’m hoping you’ll find them interesting nonetheless.

The Adventures of Red and Sassy (Western Fantasy) (Title Pending)

This is another planned series of books, set on a planet within the same galaxy as Lila’s misadventures, and was once a dark-elf prison/laboratory, which was abandoned when the environmental/terraforming systems went wildly out of control.  The surviving prisoner population eventually reformed various societies across the world, though technology remains mysteriously unable to progress beyond that of the late 1800s.  Magic is still around, though, as are various monsters roaming the wilderness.

Red and Sassy are the planned main characters for these stories, Red being an idealistic young “sword sage” (temporary name, cause I suck at naming things, wielding both a katana and a revolver) looking for adventure, and Sassy a gunslinger of no meager talent looking to get rich.  As this is a fantasy setting, expect a mix of fantasy races and magical monsters, as well as some ancient technology from before the “Great Uproar” that can dramatically change the course of events when it’s utilized.

This will be another kinky series as well, so you can expect the same kind of erotic fun as you’re used to. 😉

Post-Apocalyptic (Science Fiction)

This is probably the least well-developed idea at the moment, as it would be based mostly on some Fallout games I’ve played/ran in the past, along with some fiction I’ve written years ago.  Though inspired by the Fallout setting, I’m wanting to develop my own take on the post-apocalyptic future, though I’m not entirely sure exactly where that’s going to lead just yet. It may or may not be set on Earth, and is very possible that this is another planet within the same galaxy I’ve already used with Lila and friends.

Basically, I’m wanting to do something like a take on the Fallout formula, but in an apocalyptic future of the 80s instead of the 50s (exploring that whole retro-futurism / hauntology thing).  I’ve got some ideas I can pull out of some of the old Fallout RPGs that I could easily turn into some stories, and yes, they do involve bondage and other fetishes.

I’ve got a basic idea for a starter story at the moment, basically involving a wastelander woman getting sent to a kinky prison that trains pleasure slaves, and her only way out being to help the warden expand her business (adapting this from some unreleased Fallout fiction I started but never finished years back).  More to come on this idea later.

Appalachian Horrors (Horror, Modern)

This is another planned series of tales involving a group of people in rural Appalachia who get involved in various supernatural happenings and must investigate what’s causing it while surviving various horrible monsters.  May involve some Lovecraftian elements, but is set in a modern (or fairly modern) setting.  As with most of my works, this is based on some previous tabletop games I’ve run, specifically a D20 Modern game, as well as my own experiences while ghost hunting a decade or so ago.  This series will probably will be more straight horror and not kinky, so it will likely be a side project, at least for the foreseeable future.

This could very well be a series of short stories involving various characters and events based on some of the things I’ve heard about over the years, and based off Appalachian folklore.  I could also turn it into at least one series of larger stories, based on the D20 Modern game I ran, which, while it never finished, I had a framework for and could extend out to full length.

Ghost Girls Bound for Trouble

Now, that being said, I do have a bondage filled story about ghost hunting in mind, which could likewise become a series all its own.  Inspired by multiple personalities on Youtube who go to these supposedly haunted places and somehow always find creepy stuff or just seem to go there to get freaked out, this story idea involves a group of women who combine that with sex appeal, because who doesn’t like watching busty babes running in fright and buying their merch, eh?  In fact, I’m pretty sure that their group name is T.I.T.S., but I’m not sure if that actually means something or if that’s just the first letters of their names.

The opening story idea is actually more like if you mixed the click-baity kind of ghost hunting schtick with the ‘Flower & Snake’ (Hana to Hebi) series of films and even an anime.  If you’re not familiar with the idea, Google is just a click away ;). Basically, the girls are well established online already, and are filming their next episode at an old abandoned place when they hear some strange noises from the basement, and come upon some S&M play that is apparently being watched by a bunch of masked people.  They would book it out of there, but would be curious and aroused by what they witnessed, and eventually find their way into the show themselves.  Future stories would basically be them going into places and getting into various spooky/kinky situations thanks to the mysterious group.

Making Money

So, for now, the primary distribution method for all of this stuff is through the Urban Verse website, though I’m hoping to monetize my work in some way; hosting ain’t free, and I’d love to get some alternate income sources going.  Patreon and SubscribeStar are probably the most likely options for starters, with perks including early viewing of stories and exclusive content only available there.  I’d love to get some of my stories on the Amazon Kindle library, but they’ve got some issues with the kind of content I produce, so I may have to do a webstore of some kind here, or find other distributors that are more inclined to erotic content.

The RPG content could most likely be handled through DriveThru RPG for most of it, as they do allow some amount of ‘adult’ content, though again, a webstore through my site would probably be the best option for the really kinky stuff. It could also be distributed through the monthly subscriber model.  Maybe a tier for stories, a tier for RPG content, and the highest tier for both.  I dunno; I’m pretty new at the whole thing, and I’ve not managed to work up a proper plan yet.

I’d like to try my hand at some commission work as well, but given my limited time as is, that doesn’t seem feasible at the moment. However, should I eventually get to this point, commissioned works would ideally involve a mix of my characters with other OCs; I tend not to like writing for characters in other established properties.  I had a payment scheme for these years ago when I first entertained the idea, based on a per-word rate, but only managed a single commission due to things generally becoming too hectic at the time. I may go for something like this again, or just have a special tier should I go with the monthly subscriber idea.  We’ll see as things develop.

The Social Media Thing

Another thing I need to figure out is the whole social media thing.  I have accounts setup on a few different places, but I’ve not really used them for the intended purpose of getting my stuff out there.  It’s not something I’m particularly well versed at (I mean, I literally use my original Twitter account strictly for browsing porn, lol) but is something I’ll have to learn if I want to maximize my audience.  I’ll delve more into that as I have time, but if you’ve got any tips or suggestions, I’d love to hear them!

Also, if you want to check out what accounts I do have for the Urban Verse, you can check them out here:

Twitter – @TheUrbanverse
Gab – @UrbanVerseWrites
MInds – @urbanversewrites

I do also have a live Discord server; you can hit me up there as I’ve pretty much always got discord turned on.  Check it out here:

And there’s always my Deviant Art page –

That’s it for me today.  Hope you’ll stick around for the upcoming stories, and will let me know your thoughts on what I’ve proposed for the coming days.  Have a good one!

See y’all next time!

About the author

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Urban Sniper


  • I like much of what you’re planning. Since you asked for opinions on your ideas and things I would want to see, I’ll make a list.

    Generic across the board girls in tight, inescapable (at least, on their own) bondage, erotic punishments (clamps, plugs, edging, etc). Girls in chastity and/or receiving end of some anal are also right in my kink house. I usually prefer that the girls enjoy their predicaments, at least to some degree, though that does not mean they have to always consent. It would also be good to see at least one series that focuses on non-con and especially intense stuff, which your asylum story did very well, and another series that is much more consensual.

    Superheroines in bondage sounds great. An acronym I had come up with for another bondage writer, but never really got any use, is CLEAVAGE: Central Law Enforcement Agency for the Valorous, Augmented and Genetically Enhanced. Feel free to use it for your setting!

    Western setting: lots to explore there. First name that came to mind for a gun-and-sword character was Bladeslinger.

    Post-Apocalyptic: That’s a setting absolutely RIFE with potential for slavery and bondage! I hope by “expand the business”, you mean she would have to capture and bind pretty young girls for the slavers.

    Horror: Could be interesting. Lovecraftian stuff, when done right, can be amazing.

    Ghost Hunters: Girls that constantly run into bondage-loving ghosts and poltergeists is a hilarious and perfect setting. Can’t think of a good acronym for TITS (names could work), but I did come up with NIPPLE: Newark (or other location that starts with an N) Investigative Party of Paranormal Lingering Entities. Maybe the girls are even ripping the name off of another group (British?) from a place that starts with a T, and the girls don’t even realize the acronym.

  • Hey.

    New to all this myself.

    Re Story Ideas.

    Some that have always interested me and that I put forward for your consideration are:
    (all are F-F & would feature heavy latex etc)

    1) Mirror Image Possession.
    Old mirror reflects different image that slowly posses original person.
    Latex & Rubber + Gasmasks etc.

    2) Ponygirl (Latex) Possession like:

    3) SCUBA Based possession story involving loss of control & acts of revenge for murder years before after old seahunt era (1960s) gear located from varied sources (dark) takes over and possess a female diver.
    (Former Commercial Diver & Dive Master so happy to assist with technical advice etc)

    4) Latex Catsuit posses wearer (such as in excellent three part story ‘The Haunted Catsuit’ or Ghosts of the hotel all by Amy Amy on Grommets Story Site)

    5) Full on Underwater Sensory Deprevation Story, Involving SCUBA, Latex Etc
    similar to Amy Amy’s work in the Dollhouse (same source as haunted catsuit series).

    Hope its all of use,
    Bah Humbug to You,

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Urban Sniper