Updates and Future Plans


Well, now that my birthday has passed (took last week off for a reason!) and the world’s done gone crazy, I suppose I should get another update on what’s been going on and what I’m planning going forward.

As far as my life, there’s been little in the way of change at work; I work for a local ISP, and we’re classified as a utility, so basically an essential service.  Great job security, but a bit worrying that I’m in the only office still admitting people for equipment exchange.  Given my position, it’s not feasible I join the work from home staff either, so it’s going to be very interesting to see how things develop in the next couple of weeks.

On to better things, though.

As it stands right now, I’m continuing slow progress on writing, managed some decent progress on the long weekend I took last week but didn’t get anything done due to the crazy situation at work and pretty regularly getting home late. I took out today for the woods, hiking most of the day and avoiding most people; I’ve been anxiously awaiting spring weather and despite the cooler temps today, I had to get out and enjoy nature and take some pictures.

As to future plans, I hope to continue my weekly updates here and hope that I’ll be able to move to a twice a week update schedule once I get a plan on exactly what it is I’m going to be doing.  Right now I’m considering starting a series of short horror stories based on some of the photography I’ve done, specifically various abandoned places located around my hometown.  Don’t know why, but had the name “Humpday Horror” come to mind a few weeks back and thought it was a good idea.  Might be, I dunno, guess we’ll see.  And it’d give me a chance to show some of the pictures I’ve taken and never shared with anyone outside the Facebook crowd. What do you think, dear reader?

And yes, I realize I could probably do sexy short stories instead for much higher view counts, but that’s not necessarily what I would prefer to do right now.  I’m finally getting over my indecision on the science fantasy story I’m working on and actually including the sex and kinky stuff I wanted to, potential future censorship (looking at you, Amazon) be damned. There are certainly other paths to publishing these days, and I’m looking into them, but honestly, that’s still a lot further on down the road.

I know I do want to make this place a lot more active regardless, so whether it’s the horror shorts or weekly RPG game reports or whatever, I do intend to get something else going besides the once a week posts. Any thoughts about what you’d want to see here?  Certainly open to any and all suggestions!

Just a quickie today since it’s late and I’m sure I’m going to start feeling that hike sooner rather than later.

Until next time, dear readers!

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper