So What’s Up With Me?


Where have I been?  Why have I stopped writing?

Well, I haven’t stopped writing, I’ve just made a fraction of the progress I’ve hoped for the last couple months.  Work has been picking up more than ever, and I’ve struggled to keep a balance between that and my life outside of work. I have made some progress, in that I’ve actually started on writing the first of my (kinky) sci-fi novel series. Hoping I can keep steady progress on this and actually get to the point where I can show it off.

Over the last couple of months, I’ve also started getting into a new hobby, and I wasn’t exactly expecting to get so deeply involved in it.  Photography!  Mostly nature and landscape photography, anyway, while I’m out enjoying my hikes.  I’ve wanted a new camera for a while now (had been using a 10+ year old digital), and finally dropped the bucks and got a Nikon D3500 DSLR.  I’ve been getting outside more and exploring around places in my state that I’ve wanted to go to forever but never have, or have been going to places I’ve been before and seeing them in new ways.  It’s felt good to get out there and actually see new things and get creative with my picture taking, and I’ve already learned so much about how to use the camera, compose shots, etc.

And I’ve been trying to increase the amount of time I spend out walking and hiking, mostly for health purposes since I’m cooped up in an office most of the time, sitting on my ass. I need to lose weight, and try to keep my blood sugar in check (diabetes sucks, by the way). It’s a struggle, it always has been, and I don’t see that changing, but slow progress is better than no progress.

Hoping to get more active here again as I am getting adjusted to how my schedule has been changing outside of work.

For now, Urban out!

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper