The Honey Trap – Part 3


Chapter One of the Misha Kyle Trilogy

The Honey Trap – Part 3

A few days had passed, the police had returned her car and the prototype, and Misha’s anger had subsided somewhat, though she had come up with a few more extreme designs for her outfits during her darker moments, thinking of how she could use them on a certain slutty schoolgirl.  She’d never been particularly vengeful before, but the world had changed a lot in the last few months; perhaps she had changed with it, thanks to Honey.  If nothing else, she could repurpose the designs into some more hardcore offerings for her business; there would certainly be a market for them.

Her phone rang one afternoon as she reviewed some art pieces she had commissioned, of a new mascot for the business.  Aside from the extreme restraint gear designs, another positive had come from the experience with Honey, namely that Misha now had a name she liked that would hopefully draw in more customers.  ‘Latex Leopard, LLC’ had a nice ring to it, and cats were always good for marketing, especially these days when sexy catgirls were all over the place, and one clad in hot pink leopard print latex would hit a lot of buttons. Glancing at the screen, Misha grinned, picking it up and swiping to answer.  “Hey, Kyou!”

“Hey there, Misha,” Kyou replied cheerfully.  “Did all the pictures meet your approval?”

“Of course they did,” Misha said.  Kyou had sent her the link with all of the photos from the last shoot earlier in the morning, and despite her worries at the time, as promised, all of the possible problems she had pointed out had been wiped away by the magic of his photo-editing software.  “I had wanted to call you about them later, but you know how busy I get.”

“Are you sure you’re okay to keep at it so hard?  I mean, after everything that happened and what the police did…”

Misha grimaced.  She had been angry, sure, and her faith in the law had wavered somewhat, to say the least, but her best coping mechanism had always been her work, and so that’s what she had thrown herself into.  It hadn’t failed her yet. “What’s done is done,” she said, at last, shrugging.  “I’ve got a lot more important matters to worry about; can’t keep dwelling on things I can’t change, can I?”

Her eyes glanced to her design table, at the drawings that she had completed earlier that  morning for the new, more extreme designs for restraints and latex clothing.  Only hardcore masochists, or perhaps their doms, would ever consider purchasing such intense designs, but there was definitely a market out there.  But…Misha had someone specific in mind when she’d come up with the designs.  She’d never been one for revenge fantasies before, certainly, but if she ever managed to get her hands on Honey, the slutty schoolgirl would make a wonderful test subject.  Once fully locked into the multi-layered latex and heavy-duty restraints, Honey wouldn’t be getting out easily, and absolutely not without help.  Misha felt a grin forming on her lips as she had a vision of Honey begging her for release, but quickly shook her head.  No, it wasn’t the time for something like that…not yet…

“Yeah, that’s true I guess.  You know you can talk to me anytime you need to though, right?”

“I really appreciate it, Kyou.  You’re awesome,” she said, her smile returning.  She could sense his smile when he spoke again.

“So, did you have any plans for this evening?  Gloria had been asking how you were doing and we kinda had some ideas for a little dinner get-together this evening if you’d like to join us.”

“I wouldn’t want to intrude on your private time like that…”

“Oh, no, that’s not it,” Kyou said, chuckling.  “We’d planned it for all three of us from the start.  A little dinner, music…kinky latex hijinks, that kind of thing.”

Misha’s eyebrows rose.  “Kinky latex hijinks?”

“Mmhmm,” Kyou replied in a throaty purr.  “Gloria had the idea, and we really started getting excited by it…maybe a little more than we should have.” He laughed, obviously excited.  “You’ve heard of those room escape challenges, right?  Well… the same kind of thing but with bondage gear.  Just the three of us, a lot of latex, leather, and metal, maybe some fun little things that vibrate.  What do you think?”

“I…well it sounds really fun!  But I-”

“Come on, don’t hide behind your work now,” Kyou said.  “Gloria’s already said that she won’t accept ‘no’ for an answer, and it’s my butt on the line if you don’t come.  You might not see me for a few days if Gloria has her way.”  Kyou laughed, having said the last part in jest.

Grinning, Misha squirmed in her seat.  “I really don’t want to intrude…”

“You wouldn’t be, I promise!  Totally up to you, but we’d really like to have you over tonight, Misha.  I think you’d enjoy it.”

“Well…” Misha’s lips had already been curled into a smile, but there were already thoughts of the three of them in latex dancing through her head.  “Okay, what the heck?  I’ll be there.  What time?”

“Great!” Kyou said, his voice almost a girlish squeal.  “Be here at six tonight, and wear something in latex; think fancy party like.  I know you’ve got plenty of dresses that fit the bill.”  Kyou paused for a moment.  “And bring any playthings you might want to try out tonight; Gloria can be a little insatiable sometimes,” he added in a quick whisper.

Misha’s eyebrows rose, but she found herself giggling.  “Okay then!  I’ll be there!”

“See you about six then!  I’ll start getting this place cleaned up!  Bye-bye!”

“Bye!” Misha said, waiting till the phone clicked, making sure the phone had ended the call before she laid the phone on the desk.  The idea of having a play-filled night with Kyou and Gloria was certainly exciting, especially given how supportive they’d been the last few days.  She continued grinning, leaning over and resting her chin in one hand, her thoughts already going to what she was going to wear, and more importantly, what kind of entertainment she could bring along, reigning in her imagination as it threatened to run wild with half the shop’s inventory going into her trunk.  Now that it was cleaned up and with a few improvements in place, the prototype catsuit was definitely going, though.

Misha actually forced herself to finish up early for once, giving herself an hour to drive back to her apartment and get ready for the special dinner.  In addition to the prototype, she had grabbed a few items from the office, carrying them in a small gym bag.  Once back home, she had taken a quick shower to freshen up, then got dressed.  Though she wasn’t entirely sure what Kyou and Gloria had in mind for the night, the concept had held her attention since the phone call, and she had decided to go with something simpler, but still elegant.  The dress she picked was black and sleeveless, but covered everything else from her neck down to her hips, hugging her curves perfectly.  She rolled a pair of opera-style gloves up her arms, leaving only her shoulders and part of her biceps exposed.  The tightness of the dress left no room for a bra, only a garter belt with matching latex stockings and a skimpy thong, though the hem around her hips wasn’t quite in hobble skirt territory.  A pair of moderate, four-inch open-toed heels finished up her attire, and Misha hurried to touch up her makeup and hair before heading out.

Arriving at Kyou’s place soon after, Misha glanced at the clock on her car’s dashboard, seeing that it was just a couple of minutes before six.  With the evening sun already hiding behind some of the tall skyscrapers, casting shadows over the street, Misha parked at the curb and glanced back at the gym bag and the suitcase that contained the prototype, and another pair of matching cases, wondering if she should bring them with her.  Holding off for the moment, she wiggled up out of the car seat, snatching her purse, and then locked up before walking toward Kyou’s door.  She saw a few people on the street further down, one older man taking her in with a lingering gaze.  She grinned cheerfully toward him, giving a little wave that had him shaking his head and hurrying away.

Misha pressed the button by the door, hearing the buzz of the doorbell.  She held her hands clasped together in front of her with her small purse, waiting.  After about a minute with no answer, she wondered if Kyou might not have heard, and pressed the button again.  Misha started as she heard the sound of a gasp and a moan beyond the door, faint, but definitely there.  Just as her imagination had started to try to fill in the details, the door unlocked and swung open.  Misha gasped in surprise, cheeks heating as she took in the sight before her.

Gloria stood meekly by the door, wearing a revealing, curve-hugging latex maid’s uniform in black and white, complete with frills at the ends of the sleeves and hem of the knee-length skirt and matching headband.  Not an inch of her below her jawline was visible, though it appeared that her impressive breasts may pop the latex top of the uniform at any moment, especially if her fully erect nipples managed to poke through.  Given the way Gloria held herself and judging from the outline below the uniform, she wore a corset beneath the latex outerwear.  Misha couldn’t see much of Gloria’s face either, one of her eyes hidden behind her hair as usual, and much of the rest of her face covered by the harness gag and the wide, thick panel that covered the lower half of her face.  Her visible eye twinkled playfully at Misha as she held up her gloved hands, a stout pair of leather cuffs circling her wrists, held together by a single lock, motioning Misha inside with a sweep and a bow.  Matching cuffs encircled her latex-covered ankles but were connected via a short chain, a much steeper pair of heels on her feet than what Misha wore, stilettos that were just shy of hitting ballet heel territory.

As Misha came out of her stunned state, she nodded to Gloria and stepped inside, hearing a very faint buzzing sound coming from the blonde woman.  Misha watched as Gloria closed the door, noting the way her ass likewise seemed to threaten to rip through the tight latex.  As the door shut, it chimed, and Gloria shuddered, moaning into her gag as the buzzing intensified for a brief moment, then went back to its slower speed.  “Um…hello, Gloria!  You seem to be enjoying yourself!”

The taller woman nodded at Misha, obviously grinning behind the gag before wiggling her hips as she bowed again, gesturing for Misha to follow along as she started toward the elevator, her uniform squeaking.  Misha followed, noting that Gloria seemed to handle her restraints well, walking without issue despite her shorter steps and extreme heels.  As they reached the elevator, the buzzing that could only have been coming from one place intensified again, sounding almost angry as it flared up three times.  Gloria moaned softly, her hands going between her legs as she halted and squeezed her thighs together, her eye looking upward toward the apartment above.  “Crmnng, Mrhhmr CHmrr!“ (Coming, Master Kyou!) she panted around the gag, finally recovering enough to step into the elevator, motioning for Misha to follow.

As the elevator started upward, another trio of insistent buzzes came from between Gloria’s legs, and she moaned, her visible eye rolling.  She looked to Misha, what was visible of her cheeks blushing.  “Mrhhmr Chmrr crn hm hr nmhrhnmnh hrmmhnmmh!“ (Master Kyou can be so impatient sometimes!) she said, her gagged voice breathy, heated with her arousal. Misha could hear soft music coming into range as they rose, sounding like something from a high-class Italian restaurant.

Misha giggled, smiling at Gloria.  “Certainly seems that way,” she said at last.  Kyou must have had the vibrator tied to a remote, and to the doorbell and chime.  If that was what he had in mind for the pre-dinner antics, Misha could only wonder what was in store for later.

As the elevator came to a stop on the upper floor, another chime sounded.  Misha didn’t remember that one being there before, though it seemed to have the same effect on Gloria, the buzzing intensifying again for several seconds as she opened the elevator gate and motioned for Misha to follow.  Wondering how many more chimes Kyou had set up since she was last in his apartment, Misha caught the wonderful smells coming from the kitchen.  “Oh my, that smells wonderful!” she said, breathing deeply of the scent of fresh bread, hints of garlic and pasta, with a distinct scent of seared chicken.

Gloria led Misha to the studio area, and the area Kyou used as a living room and lounge.  Kyou stood beside the entertainment system, adjusting the volume knob as they entered.  He turned and smiled pleasantly at Misha, holding his arms wide as his eyes took her in.  “Misha, so glad you made it!  You look stunning!”

“Oh, and you as well, Kyou!  That’s such a fancy kimono you’re wearing!”  Misha said, stepping to Kyou, who took her hand and kissed it, then pulled her into a friendly hug and kissed her cheeks, their outfits squeaking as they rubbed against each other.  His kimono was a deep blue, not quite as dark as his hair, which he had up in a bun, held in place with a quartet of long hairpins, each dangling with different colored beads.  The kimono was made entirely of latex, glistening in the evening light filtering through the windows of his studio, with a broad red latex obi about his midsection, tied into a wide bow at his back.  The front of the kimono was closed around his chest, but loose about his legs, which appeared to be clad in thigh-length white latex stockings, the feet of which were tabi-style, and nestled into a pair of high-heeled sandals, about the same height of Misha’s own heels.  “I swear, that is absolutely gorgeous!  Who made it, if you don’t mind my asking?”

Kyou continued to beam, and looked toward Gloria, who stood silently to the side, squirming as the buzzing between her legs continued unabated.  “It was a gift from Gloria; I don’t think I can pronounce the name of the designer with any kind of accuracy, but they’re out of Italy.”

Misha nodded, a small list of names going through her head; there weren’t that many who could design something like that and make it look so good.  “It really does look good on you.  Gloria has excellent taste,” she added, looking at Gloria with a grin.  “As does whoever chose her uniform.”

Grinning, Kyou reached into one of his wide sleeves, took out a small remote control, and tapped a button; Gloria immediately started squirming more noticeably, the buzzing having intensified again.  “Thank you.  It suits her well, doesn’t it?  Better get started setting the table, Gloria; we’ll be along in a moment.”

Gloria bowed to Kyou, turning easily in her heels and sauntered toward the kitchen, heels clicking as the chain between her ankles jingled.  Misha noticed how Kyou stared after her, and she couldn’t help but stare for a few moments herself, watching Gloria’s amazing backside in that tight latex.  “Is she going to model for some of your shoots sometime?  She’s so gorgeous!”

“Probably not, unless it’s a private shoot,” Kyou replied as Gloria disappeared into the doorway to the kitchen.  “She’s got a high stress kind of job where she has to deal with a lot of people, so it’s kind of an escape for her to come here and spend time with me.  Not that I mind at all, of course.  It gets lonely here sometimes.”

Misha nodded, looking back to Kyou with a playful smirk on her face.  He really did adore her; it was obvious by the look on his face.  “So, any more hints at what the after-dinner entertainment is going to be?  I brought quite a few things with me, even the prototype suit.”

“Oh, great, Gloria was curious to see that one!  We’ve got some amusing games planned, I think,” Kyou replied, laughing as he turned back to Misha, his brown eyes sparkling, his tail raised excitedly behind him.  “There’s a bit of randomness involved, and a whole lot of squirming and struggling.  No penalties for the number of orgasms, either.”

“Oh my,” Misha replied, blushing.  “That sounds rather intense!”

“Yeah, but it sounds like a lot of fun, too, right?”  He put his arm around Misha’s shoulders.  “Come on, let’s start dinner.  It’s a recipe from Gloria’s family, and I’m dying to try it!”

As they started toward the kitchen, Misha looked to Kyou.  “So, does Gloria work as your maid often?  She seems to handle the uniform really well, even with those little extras you’re controlling there.”

“We…might’ve played around a few times,” Kyou said, smiling at Misha as they walked, heels clicking on the flooring.  “We switch around, though; sometimes I’m her maid.”

Misha’s eyebrows raised.  “Oh, so you have a uniform too?”

“Yep,” Kyou replied, winking at her.  “A few different ones, in fact, and not all of them in latex, and not all of them styled like the classic maid.  If you ask really nicely, I might consider showing you sometime.  Sounds like something Gloria might enjoy, a little date for just you girls, and your loyal kitty boy to serve your every whim and desire.”

Misha felt her cheeks warm even more.  “Oh, wow, that does sound intriguing,” she said at last, though she couldn’t quite shake the thoughts of Kyou in a maid’s uniform from her mind as they came into the kitchen, where the delicious aroma of the prepared dinner threatened to make her stomach growl.

Gloria had just finished setting the three places at the table as Misha and Kyou came into the kitchen, rising and giving a deep curtsey to them, making it look elegant even with the cuffs and chains upon her wrists and ankles.  She pulled one of the chairs from the table, looking at Misha and motioning with one hand.  Once Misha had been seated, Gloria did the same for Kyou, getting a kiss upon her cheek before she turned her attention back to the stove.

In short order, Gloria had salads and drinks served, and soon had the main courses as well, along with fresh garlic bread out of the oven.  Kyou undid the ballgag that filled her mouth and finally assisted her in seating herself, giving her a break as he poured the wine for them.

“This smells amazing, Gloria,” Misha said, looking over the feast.  “You did all of this yourself?”

Gloria grinned, looking at Kyou with her visible eye as he returned to his seat.  “I had some help,” she said, leaning in to kiss his cheek.

“I’m not the greatest cook by any stretch of the imagination,” Kyou said, laughing.  “Too much single living, I guess.”

“I can sympathize with that,” Misha said, joining in his laughter.  She looked back at Gloria.  “Did you take classes?”

Gloria shook her head, squirming in the seat as she sipped her wine.  Her hands were still cuffed, and the vibrator hadn’t stopped.  “I learned most of this on my own back in Italy when I was younger.  See, I raised my little sister Amelia pretty much all on my own for quite a few years, until gran-gran Claire took us in.  Amelia could be a picky eater when she was a kid.”

“Oh, that’s really sweet!  Is she in Sentinel City too?”

Gloria nodded.  “She’s here.  The whole family is here, in fact.  It’s been quite a while since we’ve called Italy our home.  We had so many more opportunities in the States, and we’ve absolutely flourished here.  Amelia’s the head of a big corporation, in fact, though she’s still a bit of a brat.”  Gloria smiled fondly for a few moments, putting her wine glass down before picking up her fork and knife, cutting into the chicken breast .  “But enough about me.  Tell me a little about yourself, sweetheart.”

Misha took a bit of the chicken, moaning involuntarily at the delicious flavor.  It took her a few moments to recover before she finally replied.  Conversation continued between the three of them, going from one topic to another.  Though Misha wanted to keep her drinking to a minimum, she found she couldn’t help but follow suit with Kyou and Gloria, the wonderful food easing the way.  By the time they had cleaned their plates, Misha felt quite full, and more than a little relaxed, but not quite tipsy.

Sometime later, with dinner finished, the trio found themselves within Kyou’s spacious living room, still giggling over one of Kyou’s jokes.  Kyou and Gloria sat to either side of Misha on the sofa, leaning against her, their latex outfits creaking as they rubbed together.  “Is it time we started the after-dinner entertainment, Master Kyou?” Gloria asked in a sultry pur, her fingers sliding over Misha’s thigh as her large breasts pressed against Misha’s arm.

“If our guest is ready, of course,” Kyou said, patting Misha’s knee on his side as he purred softly, leaning in closer to whisper in her ear.  “How about it, Misha?  Shall we get started?”

“Did um, you have anything in particular in mind, Kyou?  Gloria?” Misha asked, feeling suddenly very warm inside her latex dress.

“Oh, we certainly do, sweetheart,” Gloria said, her breath warm on Misha’s ear, her lips finding Misha’s cheek a moment later.

Kyou grinned, kissing Misha’s other cheek.  “I was thinking, Misha, that I have a very naughty maid who could use some very strict discipline; she’s been keeping me rock hard all evening and has done nothing at all to ease her master’s needs.  And there were all those looks she kept shooting at you across the table, hinting at so very much but delivering on nothing.  Don’t you think she could stand to be punished?”

Misha licked her lips, glancing at Gloria, the blonde’s visible eye glittering with an eager energy. She had been sending some very steamy looks toward Misha throughout dinner, had even brushed a foot against Misha’s leg a few times.  Turning back to Kyou, feeling her cheeks warming further, her eyes dipping, noticing the bulge beneath his kimono, Misha nodded slowly as she brought her gaze back to him.  “Well, maybe she does…”

“Would you care to do the honors, Misha?” Kyou’s grin widened.  “I think it’s only fair that our special guest takes the lead tonight.  You brought your new suit with you, right?  As I recall, that was a very impressive outfit, certainly befitting one in charge of punishing a naughty maid like Gloria here.  I could take some pictures while you work, give you an idea of what it looks like in action.”

She hadn’t exactly expected that Kyou would offer Misha a chance to dominate Gloria tonight.  She’d expected some kind of kinky games, but nothing like that.  “I did bring the suit, but…” Misha took a breath, feeling her nipples aching beneath her dress as she smiled at each of them.  Time to spring a surprise of her own.  “…I didn’t bring just one.  I’ve actually had time to cook up a little surprise for both of you.  I bet you didn’t know that each of you had asked me to make a suit for the other, did you?”

Kyou and Gloria both gasped, their cheeks reddening as they looked from Misha to each other, then back.  “Y-you actually have it done already?” Gloria asked, blinking.

“Two suits?  In just a few days?” Kyou said, blinking.  “That’s really fast.”

Misha’s grin widened, and her hands patted Kyou and Gloria’s thighs.  “When I set my mind to something, I get results.  It was kind of funny, though, both of you asking for the same thing within a couple hours of one another, and with each others’ measurements on hand.  Really cute, actually.  And I’ve even made some improvements to the design since you last saw it, and a few extra surprises.”  Taking a moment to let them start getting some ideas, sharing another look at one another before they returned their attention to Misha, Misha patted their legs.  “How about this, then?  We’ll get the suits out of my car, and all of us will get suited up, and I can show you both exactly how they work.  And maybe after we can see about who gets a punishment then?  See who makes the best impression on me, perhaps?”

Gloria licked her red lips, letting out an excited moan.  “Oh, Kyou, sweetheart, I’m really starting to like this girl.  I think our little bondage game for later just got a lot more fun!”

“Bondage game?” Misha asked, eyebrows raising.

Gloria grinned playfully, raising a finger and waving it in front of Misha’s face.  “Ah ah, I still have to keep some things to myself.  Can’t go spoiling all the surprises now, can I?”

“Yeah, I guess not!” Misha said, laughing.

“Well don’t keep us waiting, Gloria,” Kyou said after a moment, rising from the couch, patting Misha’s shoulder, his voice taking on a more commanding tone, though still retaining a playful nature to it.  “Go get Misha’s things from her car so that we can see what she’s cooked up for us.”

“He can be so demanding sometimes,” Gloria whispered to Misha, kissing her cheek again before she rose, standing easily despite the severe nature of her heels.  She grabbed the skirt of her uniform, spreading it as she dipped into a curtsy.  “As you wish, Master Kyou.  I’ll be back in a minute.”

Kyou’s grin turned sly, and he reached into his kimono sleeve again.  The buzzing between Gloria’s legs intensified, and she shuddered, gasping.  “Better hurry, and you’d better not come before I give you permission!  Should I secure your cuffs before you go?”

“N-no, Master Kyou!  That’s not needed!” Gloria said, a bit breathlessly, as she hurried toward the elevator, pausing only long enough to snatch Misha’s car keys from where she had laid her purse on one of the tables at the edge of Kyou’s photo studio.

Once the blonde had disappeared from sight and Kyou no longer stared at her shapely rear as she scurried away, he offered a hand to Misha, helping her stand.  “So what kind of surprises did you put into Gloria’s suit?”  The chimes sounded as the elevator descended.

Misha waved a finger, shaking her head.  “Ah-ah, I’m not telling, not yet.  It’s going to be a lot more fun for you two to find out together.”

“No hints or anything?” Kyou’s tail wavered behind him, his ears raised.  “Please?”

“Well…” Misha considered him for a moment, opened her mouth to respond, then closed it with a playful grin.  “Nope, sorry, you’re not getting anything just yet.  It wouldn’t be fair to Gloria.”

Kyou put his fists on his hips, frowning at Misha, though it was obviously forced, and looked more like he was suppressing a grin.  “So you two have hardly spent any time alone together and you’re already thick as thieves, huh?  What chance do I even have?”

“No chance at all really,” Misha said, shrugging.  “You know how it is; us girls have to stick together.”  She met Kyou’s stare for a moment and then started laughing with him.  “I should probably go help her with those cases; they’re a bit on the bulky side.”

“Oh, she’ll be fine;  Gloria’s not as delicate as she looks,” Kyou said.  The next chime sounded, signaling that she had reached the front door.  His grin turned sly.  “Though she might be a little weak in the knees right now.”

“Isn’t that a little mean?”

“She’ll get me back sooner or later, don’t you worry about that,” Kyou said, chuckling.  “I suspect the next date night is going to be really interesting, especially if we’ve got those new suits to play with.  How did you manage to get them done so quickly?  Haven’t started developing super-speed, have you?”

“Well…,” Misha said, pausing as she considered the question.  She wasn’t entirely sure where the time had gone when she had started revising her own suit and had gotten the orders from Kyou and Gloria.  Once she had set her mind to what she was doing, the hours just vanished; she’d remembered working through the night at least a couple of times since she had started the work, but as long as she had been focused on creating the suits and modifying the electronics in them, she hadn’t felt fatigued in the slightest.  It was only when she finally decided to take a break that the exhaustion had hit, forcing her to nap on the couch in her office for a while.  But then, once she had woken up, had some coffee, and got another idea for the suits, she had gone right back to work, almost as if she were possessed by a greater power of some kind.  She had known exactly what needed to be done, and did it with speed and confidence, never once second-guessing herself.  Maybe she was just getting to the point where she had mastered her craft?  “I guess I just got lost in my work.  Maybe I’m just starting to become a workaholic.”

Kyou patted her shoulder.  “Well, however you did it, be careful about overdoing things, okay?  You’re always welcome to come and crash here for a few hours if you need a break from the shop.”

“Thanks, Kyou,” Misha said, patting his hand.  The door chimes sounded again, and a few moments later, so too did the one in the elevator.  Misha hurried over to meet Gloria, but once the lift had come to a stop, she saw that Gloria had a determined look in her eye, though sweat now beaded on her forehead.  She held one case and the gym bag of toys in one hand, and had hold of both of the other cases in the other, handles clutched firmly together.

Before Misha could raise the gate, Gloria hooked the toe of her shoe under the wooden lip, and with a surprising mix of grace and power, brought it fully open with but an upward tug, the gate actually crashing against the top of its track and bouncing back down a bit.  She smiled at Misha as she stepped delicately out, the buzzing still as loud as ever.  “Thanks, sweetheart, but I’ve got these.  Master, where should I put them?”

Misha blinked, stepping aside as Kyou directed Gloria to another table.  She had to make two trips for those cases; it wasn’t so much the weight as the size of them, but still, that Gloria could manage all that wearing the maid’s uniform was impressive.

With the cases resting on the table, Misha joined the pair as Kyou finally turned Gloria’s vibrator down to the faint hum it had been on most of the night.  “Well…I guess we shouldn’t waste any more time then, right?”

Kyou nodded.  “Right.  We can each take a room and get dressed, then meet back out here.  I’ll even allow my naughty maid to undress herself, just this once.”

“We can just get dressed here, together,” Misha said quickly.  Kyou and Gloria looked at one another, then at Misha, surprised looks on their faces.  Misha felt her cheeks heat a bit, but she continued.  “I’ve already worn mine in front of both of you anyway, and there are aspects of getting the suits properly settled that you might need my help with.”

“Sure,” Gloria said, at last, her lips curling into a hungry grin as she finally looked from Kyou to Misha.  “That’s a wonderful idea, sweetheart.  Does Master Kyou approve?” she asked, a much-too-sweet tone to her voice.

Looking a little flustered, his tail swishing, cheeks reddened, Kyou nodded quickly.  “Sure, yeah, as long as Misha’s comfortable with that, then I don’t have a problem with it.”

“Good!  Now, here’s yours, Kyou, and here’s yours, Gloria,” Misha said, sliding the cases toward their respective owners.  She wasn’t exactly sure where the idea to dress together had come from, but she wasn’t nearly as nervous at making the suggestion as she would have been a few days ago.  She felt safe with the two of them, that she could trust them, so getting naked only to be fully suited once again was hardly a huge hurdle.  Not really.  “For the initial fitting, I’ll keep the controllers, just to make sure everything is working as intended, and to demonstrate how they work.”

“Oooh, yes, ma’am,” Gloria said in a heated tone, already untying her apron.  Kyou raised an eyebrow at Gloria but began untying his obi a moment later.  With practiced ease, all three of them had their tight-fitting latex clothes peeled off and piled to the side, though Gloria insisted that Kyou be the one to remove the vibrator she had…suffered?…with the whole evening thus far, her thighs quite moist.  “It’s only fair; you put it there, sweetheart, so you’re going to take it back out,” she said in a honeyed tone.

Misha felt herself warm as her eyes darted between Kyou and Gloria, both of them quite beautiful, and not the least bit shy about being naked in front of her.  There was something about Gloria’s voluptuous body that sent a shiver through Misha, though, something she couldn’t quite explain as her eyes traced Gloria’s amazing curves with her eyes.  She could look at Gloria forever…

Blowing out her breath, Misha gave a quick shake of her head, the need to keep staring at Gloria passing just as quickly as it had come upon her.  It wasn’t so odd, was it?  Gloria could have easily been a supermodel if she wanted to, with a perfect body like that.   Taking her newly revamped suit in her hands, feeling the fresh, cool latex in her fingers, Misha undid the zippers and began sliding her feet into the lubricated legs.  The suit glistened, coal black but for the red highlights of the seams of the zippers.  Misha looked over to Kyou and Gloria, each having opened their cases, and were slowly taking out their own suits, looking over them with big grins on their faces.  Gloria’s suit was a deep crimson shade, with black highlights, and Kyou’s was in a midnight blue shade, not unlike his hair, with crimson highlights. At least for the moment, anyway.  That could, and likely would, change soon enough, another feature Misha had managed to get working since she’d had her recent bursts of inspiration, and one she was quite proud of.  That ability alone would place her leagues ahead of the nearest competition once she launched the product line.

“Okay, so, when you get to the midsection, you need to be a little careful; that’s where the inserts you’ve requested are, and a special pouch in Kyou’s case,” Misha said, wiggling her suit up over her hips, feeling her own insertables sliding easily into place.  “Go slow there, make sure everything settles properly.  Kyou may have to have a hand getting his tail into the sheath, but once you’re past that section, it should be pretty easy going all the way to the neck.  Things get a lot more interesting once we turn them on.”

Misha finished suiting up first, finishing by sealing the zippers beneath flaps that stuck in place with a simple pressing of her fingers along their lengths, making the suit look more seamless. The hood she would save for later.  Kyou still worked at wiggling his into place around his hips, Gloria taking a few moments to help him with his tail, but otherwise they had little trouble getting themselves zipped up and covered from the neck down.  “Everything feel okay?”

Careful to keep her expression neutral, a bit of understandable nervousness creeping in, Misha watched as the pair’s hands explored their suits.  Kyou’s tail snaked back and forth as he swayed his hips, feeling at the bulge between his legs, and Gloria had busied herself with feeling up her sizable breasts after some stretches of her own.  As the seconds ticked by, Misha was feeling anxious that they might have detected some kind of flaws she had missed, or that she’d messed up on the measurements and the suits weren’t fitting right, or-

“Oh my god, Misha, this is the most comfortable catsuit I’ve ever worn!” Kyou said suddenly, spinning about, stopping with his shapely rear angled toward Gloria, tail raised excitedly.  “Ever since I got my tail, I’ve never found one that not only fit, but allowed me to move it like I’m not even wearing it!  And there’s pretty much no discomfort around my crotch!”

“I’d have to agree with Kyou’s assessment, sweetheart,” Gloria said, her eyes lingering on Kyou’s backside for a few seconds more before she too gave a graceful twirl, rising onto her toes as graceful as any ballerina, stretching her arms above her head to show off how well the suit hugged her curves.  “It really is like a second skin, Misha; the tightness in the chest is exactly what I wanted, no sense of being too snug at all.”

Having finished her twirl, Goria and Kyou shared long, approving looks over one another before they turned appreciative smiles to Misha.  “These are amazing, Misha; I don’t know how you managed to get them so perfectly fit in such a short amount of time,” Kyou said.

Beaming, Misha bowed her head, clasping her hands together in front of her, she shrugged.  “I uh, guess I was just really inspired.”

“It’s more than that, sweetheart,” Gloria said, taking a couple steps closer to grasp Misha’s shoulder.  “You’ve got a talent for this kind of work, I’m sure of it. You’re going to be very busy once word of these gets out, I can guarantee it.  The entire family will want one, I’m sure; in fact, if you’re interested in more…unique applications, I’d almost guarantee you that Jennifer would be willing to consider your talents for a project she’s working on.”

Misha looked up, eyes wide, her head already spinning at the thought of making suits for the rest of the Tempests.  “A…project?  What kind of project?”

Gloria gave a small shake of her head.  “I’d rather Jennifer discuss that with you later; I’d hate to get the details wrong.  But I will certainly be letting her know about you.  Let’s come down out of the clouds for a minute,” she said, giggling as she patted Misha’s cheek.  “I believe you hinted at some additional features…and I know we both had some very naughty ideas in mind.”  Gloria turned her head and smiled at Kyou with a knowing look.  He shot a playful, tooth-filled grin back at her.

“Oh, oh yes, of course!” Misha said, shaking her head to get her mind back on track.  “You’ll find your hoods in the cases as well; go ahead and do up your hair and get those on, and I’ll unlock the controllers and start the demonstration proper.  I think you’re going to enjoy this…”  Watching the pair return to their cases to fish out the hoods, Misha turned to her own, taking up two of the three controllers on the inside.  She had gone with the more secure design of having dedicated control devices tied to each suit instead of a cell phone app, though that was still certainly an option should someone wish to go with the cheaper route.  She booted up the mini tablets, having built her system on them in lieu of cell-phone sized controllers until she could finalize the design, but they were fully functional.

Glancing at Kyou and Gloria, Misha saw that they were assisting each other with the hoods, having tied their hair back into buns.  Each deftly worked the hoods into place on their faces and guided the zippers downward, obviously having practiced this sort of thing before, finishing by pressing the latex flap over the zippers, rubbing it so that it was completely smooth and mostly hiding the zipper channel.  The design of the hoods meant that the masks extended all the way down to their collarbones, and did a decent job of hiding their hair in the back.  Misha took note of how their lips were highlighted by the zippered openings, and how the latex rimmed their eyes.  That was certainly one of the design challenges she still faced, of course, how to maintain the skin-tight appearance even with hair as long as Kyou’s and Gloria’s, especially for long periods of time, while maintaining comfort to the wearer.  She thought the current design would work, but without proper longer-term testing than a few hours of wearing her own mask while she worked on their suits, it was not yet a certainty.  But perhaps with a some more data, she could-

Gloria turned toward Misha, smiling in a sweet, yet hungry way, both eyes visible now, and Misha blinked, realizing that she had been going off on a work-related tangent in her head.  With a quick shake of her head, feeling her cheeks warming, she tapped at the screens of the controllers.  “So, nice and cozy there now, right?  Not too tight or noticing any odd feelings?”

“No, I don’t think so,” Kyou said, turning his head back and forth, his ears twitching in the custom-made pockets atop his head.  “I don’t think I’ve actually had a hood that fits quite so well, actually.  You got the ear slots just perfect.”

“And they look so cute,” Gloria added, leaning in to kiss Kyou’s cheek.  “I’m very satisfied with what you’ve done, sweetheart.”

“Well, let’s see what you think about this…I’m going to activate the suits now, okay?  This might be a little…different.  I have a default set right now for each of you, so just let me know if this is too much.”

“I trust you, Misha,” Kyou said confidently, taking Gloria’s hand in his.

“Mmmm, if Kyou does, then so do I,” Gloria said a moment later.

Smiling, and with growing heat on her cheeks, Misha tapped the startup buttons on the screens, watching the status indicators begin to light up and progress bars start to fill.  Kyou and Gloria gasped at the same time as the hoods sealed to the suits, growing a bit more snug as the collars of the suits and hoods essentially merged with one another through what was basically vacuum-sealing; this would also be taking place on the flaps over the zippers on both the hoods and the catsuits themselves, ensuring they wouldn’t be easily removed.  Each of their suits shifted around their midsections, growing more rigid and narrowing slightly as the integral corsets formed and took shape, not too restrictive for the moment.  After this, the suits grew a bit more snug overall as any remaining looseness was smoothed out, the suit systems adjusting so that every curve was an even more perfect fit.  Finally, the suits shifted around their feet, forming a solid base, then shifting upward at the heel, growing into an integrated four-inch high-heel.  Misha was particularly proud of that feature, having just finalized it the day before; though the heels were made of the same latex compounds that composed the suit, she had found a way to change the way it behaved given a proper electrical stimulus, turning it rigid, not unlike how certain shape-shifting metals worked.

“So…how does that feel now?” Misha asked as the status indicators showed all green on the displays for the default mode.  Power readings for the suits’ new integrated batteries were still showing ninety-nine percent.

“Uh, that was a little intense,” Kyou said after a moment, stepping from foot to foot, feeling around his midsection with his free hand.

“Mmmm, but in a delightful way,” Gloria said, taking a few steps back and forth, her heels making a slightly deeper, more muffled click on the wood flooring than her regular heels had.  “How did you manage a trick like that?  I’ve never heard of shape-shifting heels.  Well, not outside of magical footwear…in some stories I’ve read.”

Though Misha noticed the hesitant addition from Gloria, and the quick look she shot at Kyou, she didn’t think anything more about it; maybe it was something to bring up again later?  “I…well, it’s really technical and boring,” Misha replied after thinking about it for a few seconds.  The truth was, she still wasn’t entirely sure herself.  She did know exactly how the mechanism was built and how she had designed it, but she didn’t exactly know where the idea had come from, or why it necessarily worked as well as it did; the whole concept had been a sudden flash of inspiration she couldn’t explain, but had just gone with.  “But you feel okay to continue now?”

Kyou had taken a few steps himself, Gloria hanging back to watch as he glided along the floor, as if he were showing off on a fashion show’s runway.  “Yeah, I’m ready; these new shoes fit perfectly,” he said, chuckling.  “This is exciting!”

Gloria peeled her eyes off of Kyou long enough to nod Misha’s way.

Misha licked her lips and tapped at the controllers, starting an on screen countdown.  “Alright, this is going to apply the custom settings each of you requested for one another…minus a couple more restrictive options we’ll save for later.  This might be a little more intense than the last set, so be ready.  Three…two…now!”

The controllers beeped, and Misha turned to watch her work in action.  Gloria and Kyou gasped as their suits shifted shape again.

In Gloria’s case, a pair of cat-like ears grew from her hood, as did a tail-like extension from the base of her spine, while the corset grew tighter around her midsection, extending itself to just below her breasts and down to follow her hips, narrowing her waist by a few inches while pressing her large breasts upward as the under-bust padded ridges formed.  Faint buzzing began between her legs and over her nipples, her nipples quickly hardening and poking through the latex material, the latex seemingly growing tighter between her legs to highlight her lower lips, but then the latex shifted again, growing and seemingly inflating between Gloria’s legs.  Her lower lips were soon completely hidden by a bulge that looked very much like Kyou’s.

For Kyou, the changes were a bit more drastic.  His corset grew and tightened similarly to Gloria’s, though not quite as tightly, as Gloria had said he was still getting used to wearing them when she had spoken to Misha about the features she wanted.  However, its shape mirrored Gloria’s, and in the same moment, Kyou’s chest grew, ballooning into a pair of breasts very similar in size and consistency to Gloria’s, complete with hardened nipples and buzzing of their own.  At the base of the corset, Kyou’s hips grew as well, expanding so that he had a quite distinct hourglass figure, his bulge twitching as the vibrators started their teasing.

For both of them, their heels grew more extreme, the heel rising and narrowing, stopping just short of becoming what Misha would consider full ballet heels, remaining just barely in stiletto territory.  Teetering on their new footwear and getting used to the new shape of their suits, Kyou and Gloria looked eagerly over one another, but then gaped as the suits began to change color.  That was another feature that Misha was quite proud of, though she had to admit she hadn’t exactly understood how she had managed to modify the latex’s composition to make such a change.  For the moment anyway, both of their ears and tails shifted to match their natural hair color, while the majority of their suits became entirely skin tone, actually matching that of their wearers almost perfectly.

“Holy crap!” Kyou exclaimed, sounding a little winded as he felt up his new body, eyes wide.  His hands brushed his enlarged breasts, squeezed at them, rubbed over his nipples, and he gasped again.  “I- I can feel these!  I mean, it’s like I have real tits!”

Gloria likewise explored herself, hands feeling along the corset and moving downward.  She stopped short of feeling her bulge, though, her attention drawn to Kyou.  Her shocked look was quickly replaced with a hungry grin as she stepped forward on her extreme heels with no apparent trouble and reached out for Kyou’s breasts, pressing them together as her thumbs rubbed lightly over Kyou’s nipples, latex squeaking softly.

Gasping, Kyou’s tail thrashed, and a pleasure-filled look washed over him as he struggled to remain upright.

“Ohhh, I think I’m going to enjoy playing with these,” Gloria said in a throaty purr.  “Mmm, with tits like these, you’re-  AH!”  Gloria gasped, suddenly standing almost rigidly straight, her new ears twitching, tail thrashing about in surprise.  Kyou’s hand had found her new bulge, and was giving it a few experimental squeezes, his thumb rubbing over the general area where the penis shaft would have been.  Gloria groaned softly, eyes rolling back.

“And I think I’m going to have a ball playing with this,” Kyou managed, grinning as he panted for air.  “I never imagined something like this was even possible!”

Misha kept an amused smile on her face, watching as the two giggled and groped at one another, before they pressed themselves together, latex squeaking amidst their increasingly heated moans.  She felt herself getting warmer, especially her face, but not just because of the amorous play going on in front of her.  As much fun as the two were having, Misha just couldn’t manage to bring herself to tell them that she had not intended that particular effect for the suits.  In fact, she had no idea how the prototypes could even begin to simulate the sensations of actual breasts or male parts.  She ran through her design concepts, tried to recall those long, early morning hours when she had worked on the latex compositions and internal suit mechanics and electronics…but nowhere could she recall having something that even vaguely resembled such a feature.

But…could she reproduce such a feature reliably?  If so, she would be lightyears beyond her nearest competitors in the adult latex clothing market.  What other sensations could she simulate, then?  The suits already had full body stimulation via vibration and even mild to moderate electrical shocks, but if they could simulate additional body parts, where was the actual limit?  There was so much uncharted territory suddenly laid out in front of her!

A suddenly loud, passionate cry from Gloria brought Misha back to the present, however, and as she blinked, she saw that Kyou and Gloria were pressed firmly against one another, grinding excitedly, breasts and bulges squeaking and rubbing together.  Kyou’s eyes rolled back as he let out a heated groan, and she could tell that both of them were getting very close to a climax.  Misha felt her lips twitch, then a smirk formed upon them.  This was her demonstration, and it was far too early for anyone to be getting off just yet!  If anyone should be brought to an intense orgasm, it should be her!  It was her hard work responsible for all the pleasure, after all, and she did have the controls for those suits!

Feeling a little surprised at herself, Misha turned to the controllers, squirming in her own suit as she reached out for the screens.  She wasn’t usually that dominant, but now, she found the position rather appealing.  To be in absolute control…of not one, but two willing, horny beauties who were eager to explore all the features of her prototypes, who were so close to a climax.  What would they do if those pleasurable sensations suddenly stopped?  If they found themselves on the edge, and just couldn’t make themselves take that next step no matter what?  Not without begging for it, not without pleasing Misha first, anyway.  Misha’s mind suddenly saw an image of Honey, trapped inside her own suit, squirming and pleading to Misha, Mistress Misha, or maybe Mistress Leopard, the personification of the company mascot?  Honey, on her knees, trapped not only within a suit, but with the most heavy-duty chastity gear possible, begging for forgiveness, feeling so many new sensations thanks to the sensory emulation features of the suit-

Misha sucked in her breath, squeezing her legs together, realizing that the hand that hadn’t been going for the controllers was now upon her breast, massaging one of her erect nipples.  “No, not her, not now!  She’ll get her comeuppance eventually, but for now, she’s not allowed in my headspace, not tonight!”  Another heated cry from Gloria returned Misha fully to the present, and her naughty, latex-encased playthings.

She quickly tapped a couple sliders on the controllers, toggling the settings on.  “Okay you two, that’s enough of that!  I don’t recall you asking me for permission for any orgasms!”  Only slightly surprised at the commanding tone in her voice, Misha turned to the pair, hands on her hips as she eagerly watched their reactions with growing amusement.

They didn’t notice at first, as they were so enthralled in their pleasures, their desires driving them to continue their vigorous grinding, but after a few seconds, their passionate sounds faded and they looked from each other to Misha, then back again.  Gloria pulled herself away from Kyou and reached for her tits, which were now completely smooth, her hands feeling them up as if searching their shiny surfaces for something more than just her own nipples that had seemingly vanished.

Kyou’s hands instead went between his legs, probing at his crotch and the now somewhat enlarged bulge, eyes growing wider above his reddened cheeks.  One hand reached for Gloria, feeling her enlarged bulge.  “D-do you feel anything now?”

“No, not a thing…it’s like…oh, it’s so strange!” Gloria replied after a moment, reaching out to pinch Kyou’s smooth breasts.  “Anything, sweetheart?”

Kyou shook his head.  “Just a very faint pressure, but I’m still so horny.  I mean, I can feel that I’m as hard as ever, but…”

They turned to Misha together, eyes wide, mouths agape.  She smiled back at them, raising her chin.  “That, my lovely playthings, is chastity mode!  I felt that things were getting a little too hot and heavy quite a bit too fast, and that I wasn’t getting enough attention!”  Misha strode forward, keeping her pace measured as the two began to grasp their situation.  “If you’ll recall, I’m the one holding your leashes for now, so that means I am the one who determines exactly who gets to come and who doesn’t.”  To emphasize the point, once Misha was close enough, she reached out to each of their necks, making a circular motion with one finger against their throats.  Each of their suits shifted and changed its form again, the mutable latex forming a wide, stiff collar around each of their necks, complete with dangling leashes, which she took in one hand.

“M-Misha, I don’t-” Gloria started, her mouth closing quickly as Misha raised a finger.

“Ah ah, no speaking without permission!” Misha said.  She reached out to Gloria’s mouth with her free hand, grasping the tiny zipper that rested there.  With a gentle but firm tug, she sealed it across Gloria’s lovely, full lips.  Gloria’s eyes widened at this, but Misha wasn’t done.  Tapping her finger against the now zipped mouth of Gloria’s hood, Misha watched Gloria’s eyes grow wider as her cheeks momentarily bulged behind the mask, a surprised groan escaping her.  The hood had formed a mouth-filling ball gag within, the latex sliding past Gloria’s lips in an instant.  Then, as an added measure of security, the mouth zipper vanished in a ripple of latex, first forming a smooth, featureless surface, then rippling again, forming into a pair of exaggerated, red lips.

“Oh, wow!  That’s incredible!” Kyou said, having watched everything that had just happened with Gloria with wide eyes.  “Misha, that-”

“What did I say?” Misha said quickly, cutting off Kyou with a raised finger in front of his face.  Before he could say anything else, she likewise sealed the zipper over his mouth and tapped his lips, watching his own cheeks bulge as a gag was formed, and then as his own pair of exaggerated lips were created.

Kyou moaned softly, reaching up to feel his face, glancing at Gloria with an amused glint in his eyes.  Gloria seemed amused as well, a muffled chuckle coming from her as she took in Kyou’s new lips.

“There, now we can start the testing properly!” Misha said, her voice still holding onto that commanding tone she was quickly discovering that she enjoyed.  Misha raised the hand that wasn’t holding their leashes, forming a fist as she did a quick pawing motion.  “Paws up!”

Uncertain looks turned to fresh surprise in Kyou’s and Gloria’s eyes as they mimicked the motion with their hands, the latex instantly reforming itself into smooth, rounded mittens over their hands.  That only lasted a moment, however, as the latex around their wrists bulged outward and flowed over their already useless hands, ballooning and growing until they had formed a pair of oversized paw mitts, matching the coloration of their ears and tails, but with pink paw pads mimicking those of cats.

“Now you’re looking more like proper kitties!” Misha said, giggling with her own amusement as the two pawed at her, then each other.  After a few moments, she gave a downward tug on the leashes, pointing at the floor.  “Kneel; your mistress has something she must attend to.”

Kyou mewed eagerly, lowering himself to his knees, Gloria following suit a moment later, making her own mewling sound, very nearly as natural as Kyou’s had sounded.

Though it likely wasn’t needed, Misha nonetheless made use of a particular feature of Kyou’s studio which happened to be right in front of the kneeling pair, a flattened ring that normally sat flush into the floor, normally used for some of Kyou’s rigging, either for lights and sets, or for actual ropework, depending on the particular photoshoot.  Misha quickly looped the leashes through the ring and tied them off; the pair could struggle out of them if they tried, and Misha wondered just how playful her kitties were going to be.  Deciding that she should probably be extra cautious, she returned to their controllers and tapped the screens. Surprised gasps came from the pair as their high heels morphed, turning into paws that matched those on their hands.  That would make sure neither of them managed to get to their feet to try to run away!

That done, Misha hurried to the case that had contained her own suit, plucking the hood out of it and quickly donning it, letting it seal in place.  Taking a few seconds to grin over at Gloria and Kyou as they playfully pawed at one another, apparently still trying to produce some kind of stimulus to get them over that edge that the suits were holding them at, she brought out her own suit’s controller and tapped at the screen.  She had a sudden idea for an even smaller control system, or maybe some kind of system built specifically in the suit, but had to file that one away for later.  Now was certainly not the time!

Selecting several different customization options, Misha hit the button to activate the changes, and sucked in her breath as her own suit began to shift and change shape over her body, starting with a ripple at the top of her hooded head that spread all the way down to her feet.  It really was a strange experience, feeling the latex flowing and reforming, squeezing and lightly pinching as it morphed.  Strange, but arousing in its own way.  She suppressed a moan as her mind focused on the sensations, feeling her nipples harden, her pussy clench as her arousal grew.  Was this what shapeshifting felt like?

When Misha finally turned back to face the two kitties on the floor, she noted the surprised looks in their eyes, feeling a surge of satisfaction shoot through her.  That was exactly the effect she had wanted.

Her suit had changed itself quite drastically from the catsuit it had started off as.  The hood no longer covered her head completely, letting her hair fall naturally around a latex domino mask.  From her neck, black latex spread downward, forming into what at first glance was a leotard over her torso, with a pair of opera-length gloves upon her arms, her latex-covered fingernails now in green, resembling blunted claws.  However, at a second glance, the skin upon her shoulders and exposed thighs wasn’t actually skin, rather flesh-colored latex.  A red corset had formed about her midsection, not quite as tight as those of her pets, but still enough to slim her shape a bit and not nearly as tall, as it didn’t quite reach her breasts, and didn’t extend all the way to her hips.  A trio of belts formed of latex ran down the front of the corset, the rubber buckles in green as an additional bit of accent color.  Below her flesh-colored thighs were a pair of tightly fitting black thigh boots, a series of smaller red straps and green buckles traversing their length from near the top all the way to her ankles, the four-inch heels themselves in red, like the soles of the pointed-toe boots.

“There,” Misha said, sauntering to the table and the bag of toys she had brought along with her that evening.  She unzipped the bag and reached inside, pulling out a riding crop, which she tapped against her left palm as she turned to face the two latex kitties, licking her lips.  “Now that I’m properly dressed, we can finally start exploring absolutely everything these suits can do!  I have a feeling it’s going to be a long night!”

Kyou and Gloria meowed excitedly, turning their full attention to Misha as they rested on their knees, each raising a paw to her, their ears and tails raised attentively, eyes looking upon her with growing excitement.  Inwardly, Misha beamed.  She had a nagging nervousness that she had been suppressing as she had taken control of the two, wondering if perhaps she had gone too far, or whether they were really into what she had done.  Seeing their positive responses as they were now both meowing for attention and pawing at the floor, she let the rest of her lingering uncertainty fade away.  Tonight she was in charge, and she was going to enjoy herself!  She chuckled, walking to her kitties, riding crop tapping against her hand.

The fun was only just starting.

The End of the Honey Trap, Misha Kyle Trilogy Part 1

Misha Kyle Will Return…

Well, that certainly was a much better time for Misha, wasn’t it?  Though I think Kyou and Gloria may have wound up getting in over their heads once Misha got going with her special latex outfits.  She’s something of a mad scientist in that regard.

Hope you’ve all enjoyed this adventure!  Misha will be returning as stated above; I’ve already got the second part of the trilogy planned out for the most part, and may have even started writing it by the time this posts.  Her encounters with the Tempest family aren’t done yet, and there’s still that dangling, Honey-colored thread that will have to be dealt with.

What’s in store for Misha next?

Stay tuned, and find out!  But for next week, something a little different…

Until next time, Urban out!

Hit me over on DeviantArt, or on my Discord server!  I’m usually always around, and would love to hear what you have to say!

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Urban Sniper

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Urban Sniper